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Everything posted by magicdog

  1. F**k Corona Part the Third: I find out this morning that the co-worker I did OT for 2 weeks ago will be out for the duration - claiming he's too scared of Corona. One would think this would mean more OT for me or another editor. Nope. Same set up as before, my edit partner works weekends while taking off Thursdays and Fridays, leaving me with a sub who could be called out to the field at anytime. Then the final insult: I was given a prescription for pilates sessions at a rehab facility to help me with balance issues (long story). I went through the first session last week to see if it would agree with me. It did, and we set up an official appointment for tomorrow at 10. Then I get a call from them telling me they're "not essential" and decided it was better to shut down until the shutdown ends (tentatively scheduled for April 16) . So even PT is considered non essential these days. Times have changed.
  2. I guess it depends. People who are older in some cases SHOULD be paid more, because the often have the experience that comes with a higher price tag. Corporations are just too stingy to pay people who earned the money. My bosses are getting stingy with overtime! They arrange for a person to be off a day or two so they can work the same number of hours on the day they want you!
  3. F**k Corona part Deux: tioday is pay day and I went to HR to pick up my check only to find it closed. Apparently they’re part of the crew that get to work from home. I email her and she says [so and so] sent you an email. I check and sure she sent one- in the middle of the afternoon when I’m asleep! Turns out my checks will be mailed to me for the duration! Why they didn’t just bring it to the news desk or leave it in my office mailbox or tell me via phone or in person when I’m in the office (8-9am)??? Not bad enough I can’t even cash them at the casino (I get great stuff- more than any bank would offer!) but now I have to depend on USPS!!!
  4. Can I just say, "F**K Corona!" ? After having done authentic OT last weekend, my supervisor asked if I'd do it again this weekend. I said sure. Then he says maybe I or my edit partner will have to take off Thursday and Friday to work Sat and Sun! (inauthentic OT ) . My partner then agreed to take the days off and work the weekend as she is positively frazzled by the Corona mess. Everyday there's a new rule related to it and being a bit high strung it has her worn down emotionally. First she had to call off her planned vacation (she planned to go to San Jose for a hockey game only for NHL to put the kibosh on the season) and she is scared to death of putting older loved ones at risk (in-laws, grandmother) and of course, the closure of everything in town (day spa, clubs, shopping malls, etc.). I feel badly though for workers not getting paid during this time - I hope the governor will be generous and offer HIS pay to those who won't get anything between now and April 16. I can't get a facial, mani-pedi, massage or my hair done until something gives.
  5. A new clue about who will be appearing in the upcoming season! This YT video host noticed a credit on IMDB for an actor (Christopher Cocke) who will be playing the role of a wrestling coach. Whom do we know who has been on a wrestling team in this series? Kyler and his buddy Brucks (the pudgy kid who bullied Miguel and the other nerds in Season 1). It seems we could be seeing them again - although I'm curious in what capacity. I'd like to think they'd be doing more than just being on the team. Perhaps Kyler WILL be learning martial arts or perhaps the theory of him looking to reestablish his BMOC status with Miguel in the hospital is coming to pass.
  6. Quoting myself because we just reported this morning that several Strip properties will close their buffets for the duration! I'm hoping there won't be issues today. Because of copyright legalities, we're forbidden to use music of any kind (without permission or using copyright free music from our own library) in our videos. This puts a big crimp into our entertainment stories (every Friday we do reports on who's in town for a performance and until a few months ago, we used to introduce the story with the song the singer/band was famous for) but rules are rules. Sometimes the reporters forget and ask us to edit something and we have to decline. Even if it's a score from a film scene. Today I was asked to edit a video of a car chase and it had funny sound effects and music in it (don't know if the music was written by the person who created the vid or not). Naturally, I said we couldn't use it based on my understanding of the music situation. Reporter had a list of FAQs from our legal eagle about using background music from a clip - and was told via email that it was ok if the clip is 5 sec long or less. I looked at it, discussed it with the producers and got approval to do it. We ran it. I told reporter to send the email to relevant parties (my supervisor, myself, my edit partner and the producers) My supervisor came in this morning wanting to talk about it. I got scared. He said he was gong to follow up on it with the legal eagle and promised to back me up should anything go south as I took the correct steps. Corporate owners don't want to risk having to pay 100s of thousands of dollars for violations. To be continued.... Did you know Springsteen charges over 100K to use his songs??? Yikes!
  7. What did the ad that brought you to them say? They never said what you'd be doing? sounds strange. Did they hint you'd be doing something else? If you're working for who I think you're working for, I've heard many nightmare stories about working for them. Speaking of, Bitcheroo has been keeping her distance which is fine by me. However, I still keep an eye out just in case. My edit partner leaves 2-3 minutes early (shows finished, everything is edited and it's down to the final moments when the anchors sign off) but I don't take the risk - lest I give her reason to cite me for something. Meanwhile, I came into work to find signs posted everywhere about the coronavirus! I enter the building to find a sign about a new policy when bringing in guests who may have been exposed; in the bathroom I find notes on how to wash my hands (how long, use soap and hot water, because Mom never taught me these things!) and to make sure I have washed them long enough to kill the virus, I can recite the lyrics posted nearby. I can sing Eminem or Lady Gaga while I make bubbles in the sink! Then I go to my edit bay to find signs taped to the tabletop urging me to wipe the desk down and keep them clean (fortunately my supervisor said that was more for the edit bays that are in constant use, whereas my bay is typically only use by myself and the nightside editor). Then I found a giant dispenser of hand sanitizer in the newsroom to use when I can't sing Lady Gaga in the bathroom. Then we got to edit all sorts of corona related stories because it's not discussed enough as it is. My fave was how kids seem to have a natural resistance to it - while the elderly are dead meat. That's not including the Strip hotels which are having staffers do what they SHOULD have been doing long before this thing got started: cleaning escalator handles, door handles, and other frequently touched surfaces. Personally, I'm still put off by buffet utensils unless I'm the first one to fill the plate.
  8. So who is Dip sleeping with? I can't imagine how else she gets away with all the things you have previously described and not have a "office sponsor" who protects her. Or is she related to a big shot?
  9. Ditto! I LOVE Barney Miller in particular - my dad was in NYC LEO at the time and in many ways was a real life "Barney" (and a Captain to boot!) and verified that BM was very accurate about police work (all that paperwork!), names and terms (The Tombs, Manhattan South), and other details that even today's police dramas tend to overlook. L&O (especially the early seasons) was the next closest. Still a very affecting series which is saying something about a show that ended nearly 40 years ago!! In the earliest episodes, the intent was to show Barney in both his home and workplace (the original title and pilot were called, "The Life & Times of Barney Miller") and how he operated in each environment. Eventually, the majority of the show was limited to the squadroom (like a stage play) but when the writers were thinking of potential spinoffs, they would try to mine for material in the characters' home lives (hence, seeing Fish's apartment, and later Wojo's place with his ex hooker girlfriend, etc.). Fish was the only one to get a spinoff and it didn't even last more than a season. I really liked Barney and Liz as a couple and hated that she got trimmed out as the show went on.
  10. Careful with that one! He could be trying to ingratiate himself into management and act as a tattletale for the office. Although, you could always mess with him - give ridiculous answers like: "I was in a meeting with the President." "I was busy fermenting a rebellion between the cattlemen and the sheepherders." "I was busy saving the world from UFOs!" "I went for an audition for the Rockettes! NYC traffic was hectic!" "The Pony Express is reopening for business and I figured I'd apply as one of the riders!" Hopefully, he'll stop asking when he realizes you won't be intimidated by him and will not treat him with the respect he thinks he deserves.
  11. I'll always remember her from Night Court, as one of the rotating public defenders, Liz Williams before Markie Post became a permanent fixture on the show.
  12. I think it depends on circumstances. Perhaps if Paige (not knowing the events of MB) met Greene and decided to meet up with him, and he slips her a roofie it could happen. Paige wakes up naked and confused, realized what happened and Phoebe is pissed (or Paige is the one who wants revenge and Phoebe has to do all she can to keep her from doing it). Of course it would help if other elements of MB were in place like Pratt being the new DA (afer Cole's disappearance) and the sisters being mindful of covering their tracks while he becomes suspicious of their involvement in various cases.
  13. Shannen Doherty's cancer has returned. I don't mind that she had two sons (and her youngest being little Melinda) since one could fanwank that the Charmed prophecy came to pass, so sons could be born. I personally would have preferred that sons had been born into the Warrens (but lacking Charmed powers) but be able to father daughters who could have powers. Initially Leo was NOT supposed to be back after Season 1, but apparently both viewers and TPTB liked him enough to stay. I didn't mind him, but I think the character and his relationship with Piper could have been handled better. Andy died when he did because the actor wanted out (my guess is he was aware of the toxic set and wanted to slip out gracefully). I did miss him though; Prue likely wouldn't have "died" if he were still around (since he'd be a pointless character without her). Actually, considering her character's history (and that of her husband) Paige having a family makes sense. Paige lost her adoptive parents as a teen and she craved family. She got that to a degree with her half sisters, but I can see her wanting to have kids down the road. Her husband was a foster kid and didn't have a great childhood either, so I can also see him wanting a stable home and family. If anyone would likely have ended up childless (had she lived) it would have been Prue. However, as we saw in Reckless Abandoned, she and her sisters did grow to like having a baby around and were willing to concede maybe it might be nice to be a mom when ready. We sorta got that when Chris and Wyatt stopped by - even though Chris was originally meant to be something else entirely (that was so sloppy!) ad as mentioned, we saw the witchy little ones at the very end of the series. ITA! Does anyone remember the thread in which we posed what powers the sisters would (or should) have had? The sisters were supposed to have three powers each: one offensive power, one defensive power and one passive power. Not to mention all the little extensions of each power (like Prue's 2nd self being independent, Piper briefly rewinding time a few seconds, Phoebe using her empathy in her visions, etc.). The characters really were cheated. I had posed that we should have had a return to the Cal Green storyline with the sisters' powers having grown to the point we saw in MB, and Phoebe having to deal with her inner desire to avoid using her powers to kill Green (who in the altered future, perhaps tries to rape Paige).
  14. IRL there are cases that cops/detectives never forget because they leave an impression on them. It may not be an "arch nemesis" exactly, but a desire to bring justice to the victim(s) of that criminal. It's not uncommon for even retired PD to use their spare time to continue going over unsolved cases for that reason.
  15. I don't remember if Sam was present when Robby's mom came to the house asking the LaRussos to take care of Robby while she went to rehab (though she could have been clued in later). It also wasn't Sam's intention to get drunk that night since she wasn't planning on having a challenge with Tory. In fact, she seemed to be a girl who normally eschews alcohol. I hadn't seen those episodes but she did do well in The Boys (and got quite a few positive reviews - whatever that's worth) so she might be OK here. We'll find out soon enough. Speaking of which, according to John Hurwitz's page, there's an unofficial confirmation of a Season 4 (he mentions the finale of Season three to be a heart stopper) so we might get 5 seasons as they initially said when the series was gearing up. This is the tweet in question: His twitter media page says: Make of that what you will! They wrapped filming the first week of December so new episodes should be coming up by April or May. I thought a trailer would have come down by now though.
  16. Well, Rose McGowan has something to say about recent political events: https://www.weaselzippers.us/441149-actress-rose-mcgowan-has-possibly-the-worst-soleimani-tweet-she-apologizes-to-iran/
  17. Irony, table for one. As someone who works in TV news, it's not just a trope unfortunately. I also blame the 24 hour news cycle and the need to be "first" even if they don't have all the facts. Then they plant the idea in the viewers' heads and there goes someone's reputation, even if they're innocent of wrongdoing.
  18. Dallas did something similar with JR. I thought it was nice change of pace!
  19. For the last nuggets of gossip before the end of the year, courtesy of Entertainment Lawyer: Eeek! Sounds like Tuesday in the world of Rock n Roll! Yikes! Must be nice to demand cash so flagrantly!
  20. I'll always remember him from Madonna's video, "Papa Don't Preach". He seemed to be everywhere after that.
  21. I've heard about this and I'm seriously annoyed that the current VAs who've been voicing the gang for the better part of 15 years (even though Mindy Cohen hasn't voiced Velma since SDMI ) haven't been brought in to voice the characters (though Frank Welker was brought in to voice Scooby). WHY?? Otherwise, WB could have a potential hit on its hands (or series of hits if it's not too late to introduce a new cinematic universe to theaters), but why skimp on well established VAs for characters who have been money makers for their DTVs for the past 20 years?? This reminds me when The Jetsons came to the big screen back in the 80s . It was the last hurrah for the majority of the voice cast (Mel Blanc and George O'Hanlon died before the film was released) but they replaced Janet Waldo with Tiffany of all people for Judy Jetson! OTOH, I caught a couple of Easter eggs (which early spoilers confirm) that we'll see at some point. This means we might get to see other HB heroes in new adventures (something I had hoped to see on the small screen for years) like Space Ghost, Birdman, The Herculoids, Jonny Quest, and The Impossibles. The scene at the beach where Shaggy meets Scooby seems to indicate Shaggy is alone for some reason (there are two figures in the sand that resemble a male and female), which would suggest either his parents are dead or they're rich globe trotters who don't spend much time with him. Scooby obviously in this universe, helped fill the friendship void - and as we all know, a boy and his dog is a timeless trope. The giant ship and the little robots look like something invented, plus, Shaggy mentions recognizing the Falcon Flyer (which used to fly in the old TV version). Seems like they get rescued by him during a desperate moment. I'm OK with most of the character designs so far, but I am not crazy about Fred's overall look. Being voiced by Zac Efron doesn't help with accepting it either.
  22. ITA! A 20 something neck beard who works full time should not be partying with teens (definite maturity issues there) but I'll give him points for bringing a date who was closer to his age. My guess is he was reliving his lost teen years (he wasn't invited to such parties when he was younger). Personally I won't miss the character if he's not going to appear next season. Ditto! It's time for them to bury the hatchet and start realizing they're not angsty teens anymore and that they need to start getting along. We know they can since they never want to admit they're more alike than they know. There's a great 3 part analysis of Samantha here, here and here. I don't think she's a bad person either, but she does have to start re-examining herself and her actions. I let some of it slide since teens often don't make the best decisions. Her character could be a lot worse. At least she's not like Yasmine. True - and based on what I've heard so far, there will be scenes shot at a juvenile detention facility, so someone will be going there - but who and for how long is the question. Robby was no longer in a defense posture legally since Miguel let up on him and was willing to end the fight peacefully, so if arrested, he's going to be in a lot of trouble. Speaking of Season 3, I have heard that shooting has just wrapped and we should get a trailer by Christmas.
  23. As if all the stories of the attacks at known gun free zones wasn't enough. None of these shootings occurred at places where armed employees are normalized.
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