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Everything posted by magicdog

  1. The Monkees' pilot is also different from the series proper. Kind of a long story, but the initial pilot to get NBC to greenlight the show received very low scores with test audiences, so the creators went back to the drawing board and made a few edits. The show finally got greenlit, but rather than air as the first episode, it aired as the tenth episode of Season 1. A different episode was filmed and used as the first episode ("The Royal Flush"). In this original pilot, the guys' pad is very different than the set they'd use for the rest of the series. In fact, it was shot at an actual beach house in Malibu (back when Malibu wasn't quite as exclusive). They also were supposed to have a manager named Rudy, who also owned a record store. At the time, teen characters on TV were supposed to have at least one responsible adult around; Rudy (played by Kurt Russell's dad, Bing Russell) vanished (along with his daughter Jill who was friends with Vanessa, who was Davy's love interest) once the show went to series. From some scenes used during the audition phase of the show/band, the guys were supposed to have worked at the record store as well in between gigs. That concept also vanished. It's also interesting to note that according to DVD commentary, the guys said the pilot was shot on a shoestring and the guys wore their own clothes and bathing suits rather than from wardrobe. The exception being their initial performance clothing, which was later replaced with the familiar red (or blue) button shirts. Even their guitar logo hadn't been developed yet and you'll notice it doesn't appear on the drum kit yet either. The Monkeemobile hadn't been designed yet, so in some early episodes, the guys drove either a Woody, or a jeep.
  2. Seriously - who asked for this? I read "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest", saw the movie, and was fine with that. Why should we need to see how or why Nurse Ratched got to be Nurse Ratched??
  3. My mom had shingles (she was diabetic so her immune system was weakened) and no doubt, it sucks. The best thing I can recommend is using either hydrogen peroxide (the increased oxygen level kills viruses) or a silver infused gel. Neither require prescriptions and do the job well. If you go the peroxide route, use a 3% solution that does NOT have stabilizers. Check the label and see if, "stabilized" is on it. If yes, put it back. True hydrogen peroxide should only be purified water and an extra atom of oxygen. I use this brand, but there are others. You can dab the peroxide on the affected area with a swab or cotton ball. If you use silver gel, just gently smear it on the affected area and if possible, cover with a bandage; if you can't cover it, you can leave it open as long as it's not likely to get wiped or washed off during the day's activities. You can buy them at a medical supply store but a doctor recommended this brand.
  4. Only 3 times? I have a guy come monthly! Same result - no creepy crawlies though.
  5. They're not. Even my primary physician admitted that he only had about 4 lectures total in all of med school! He was in med school in the 80s. Unless the vet is an holistic one, they may not recommend raw meat diets (like the prey diet or BARF diet) for pets either. This surprises me since dogs were wolves once upon a time and cats are obligate carnivores. I know that when I fed my dog a raw diet, her health improved immensely and I'm certain it helped extend her life (she made it to 15). Before that she still ate meat but it was cooked. Still healthy, but less so in my research. My independent amateur research was preceded decades before by Dr. Pottenger.
  6. May I recommend this. I've had plenty of people tell me they had much better experiences with holistic dentists. I recommend this. It helps one to sleep and it can safely calm nerves. I've used it and it really does take the edge off without having to resort to prescription meds and it won't interfere with any you currently take. ITA. I have heard stories from people who saw "dietitians" who were fat and out of shape but telling them how to eat! Unfortunately I've seen many doctors of various disciplines (even veterinarians!) who recommend foods and supplements because they're little more than sponsors of said product; not necessarily because it is beneficial.
  7. I know what you mean! I began my new world of eating in June, 2019 and food is so different now! Cravings did change and foods I used to enjoy eating now don't taste the same - in anything they taste terrible! Weird isn't it? I can't eat fast food anymore anyway - makes me feel sick which is very telling! Right!!
  8. That's a pet peeve in itself: Bridezillas who always say, "It's MY day!". No sweetie - it's his day too, and that of your loved ones who hope to spend this special moment with you because they hope it will be the beginning of happy times. Miss Tacky sounds like a real piece of work! Glad you dodged that bullet! Wedding stories like these remind me of a saying I've heard: "Some [women] want a wedding, but not a marriage."
  9. I think it's about eating the type of diet similar to what one's ethnic heritage is. That can work for some, but many people are of mixed heritage so they may tolerate some foods but not others. Don't even get me started on GMOs and other edible poisons! That's a big problem (pun not intended!). I do believe in height weight proportion which is linked to one's frame (larger frames can carry more weight and weight gain may be hidden better compared to a smaller frame), but these body positive types have no clue what they're encouraging. Most women's dress sizes are not accurate anyway. Manufacturers have been aiming at women's vanity for decades! A woman who wears a size 2 now probably wore a size 10 fifty years ago! Formal wear is closer to the old sizing standards, which is why when the bride and her bridesmaids order a size 6 gown and wonder why it doesn't fit, they go berserk thinking they gained weight! If you look at old sewing patters for women, it's more about bust and hip measurements.
  10. Not that outlandish as IRL, I've heard of many bullied kids who were still forced to attend school with the same bully despite threats and imminent danger. School officials tend to shrug their shoulders and say they can't do anything. At best, they may put them in different classrooms but the bullying continues until someone leaves school - or gets killed.
  11. That leads to my pet peeve of people not being taught about nutrition. I blame the media and "experts" who were bought and paid for by vested interests. There would be different "diets" and outdated information that even now is still being taught! It took me a lifetime to finally learn it's not just "calories in - calories out", "the 4 food groups" or "avoid fast food". Many of us might think we're eating right and we're still eating nutrient devoid food! Personally, @PRgal there is nothing wrong with losing weight or getting toned. I risk pissing off body positives like the woman you described, but average human beings are not meant to weigh 300-400+ pounds! It's one thing to be comfortable in your own skin, but there are limits. If anything building muscle tone and core strength is the best thing you could do for your body - I took up pilates to build muscle and improve core strength and flexibility. That's something we all need no matter your body type or weight.
  12. Here I thought that had been shot down due to the negative feedback! They are just determined to go through with this! Considering the strict laws Hawaii has in place for people visiting in the time of corona, I wonder how they plan to shoot it. Just use vintage Hawaii video in the vault?
  13. Not only that but Dan's character was VERY subdued (he inquired if the new judge, Harry knew how to play chess) and it was even hinted at that he was a virgin! Even during the first season, Dan's sexual proclivities were never really brought up. In the aired Charmed pilot, the actual house was used for some interior shots as well as exteriors. The proper interior set used later on was based on it.
  14. Re: Diana Rigg's passing: I was looking at the wires last night when I saw her name listed - but the word, "obit" was not there so I hoped against hope she wasn't dead. Unfortunately, the worst was confirmed and we added it last minute (many of the kids I work with never saw the Avengers TV series but knew her only from GOT). My father had a lifelong crush on her!! He loved the Avengers when it first came on US TV and made me a fan of it too! He always preferred the Emma Peel years, so for a birthday present some years ago, I bought him a DVD collection containing only those Avengers episodes. He loved it and we often watched together! I asked him what would he do if he ever had the opportunity to meet her in person; he said he'd probably faint!! My Dad was definitely NOT the fainting sort! He used to tell me how the character of Mrs. Peel was the yardstick which many women were compared to - smart, beautiful and sophisticated. Not to mention she didn't have to be rescued every 5 minutes either! When Rigg left the show, my Dad was bummed but continued to watch the show and the sequel series, but it was never the same. Whenever he reminisced about her departure, he always seemed like he was in mourning! I had seen her from time to time in other roles, and she shined in all of them, but Mrs. Peel will forever linger in our hearts and minds! RIP Ms. Rigg.
  15. There's also a personal real life reason - Zabka's father co-directed the film. I do hope it gets resolved by Season 3. They may not have to be best buddies, but by now, Daniel and Johnny should be pushing their past issues aside. We've seen that they can be civil to one another when circumstances allow. The show is definitely stretching this a bit thin.
  16. Not the first to make that comparison! Some have also compared him physically to the late Jonathan Brandis. Don't worry, he gets better in Season 2!
  17. Don't know if a reunion with Doherty will ever happen as she revealed back in February she was dying of stage 4 breast cancer. I hope she finds a way to recover, but it doesn't look good. That said, I'd love a TV movie or mini series to perhaps play catch up and maybe correct some of the mistakes made with the characters and other issues. I agree but at the time I was rooting for Cole to change and for things to workout somehow. If they had given the character a better arc (not to mention get back to the plot point of his father's soul and his family background) things could have been different. I'm not surprised. When the show was still in production, there were plenty of clues this show had a toxic set, though Milano wasn't the source of all of it. Brad Kern was also blamed for his influence especially after forcing Connie Burge off her own show! Damn! I feel old!! Hard to believe so much time has passed!
  18. I think it was mentioned his wife (the character was engaged to his HS sweetheart) in the future filed for divorce under mental cruelty. Seeing him get a beatdown by Sam was satisfying though. I never considered she could have been killed by her rapist in the original timeline (accidentally or otherwise) but it is something to think about. However, her shame could still have been strong enough to make her withdraw completely even from her loved ones.
  19. It will get addressed a bit in Season 2 when Johnny and Miguel have a heart to heart at a burger joint. There are people who peak in HS - but it's in part due to the culture created by [the public school system]. People are put into categories (nerd, jock, etc.) and some need to either live up to them or reject and be something THEY want to be not how their peers label them. Johnny came from a wealthy background (after his mother married stepdad Sid) so expectations were laid down. Then that world came crashing down after losing the tournament in KK1 and he had no real guidance or direction since. It's true you have to grow up, but I've run into plenty of adults who still behave like they're teens or 20 somethings and don't mature emotionally. I've posted in the work forum about one of my bosses who is an 8th grade mean girl in a 45 year old body!
  20. Benadryl isn't good to use as a sleep aid. I use valerian root. This brand works well - although I hate the smell. But, you wake up refreshed and no chemical side effects! I had a very interesting dream last night - oddly enough President Trump was in it - we were friends and he needed some help with a few things. The dream was rather protracted and seemed to go on like a long movie!
  21. I've had success with two mattress brands. In the past I've bought Aireloom which is definitely a high quality mattress but a bit pricey. Currently I sleep on a Saatva mattress. It's as comfortable and much cheaper. Plus the cotton is organic and no pesticides are used on it. Better still, if you choose to return the mattress, it won't go out for resale to the public - it's made available to employees of the company to purchase. Most don't get returned, maybe swapped out for a different level of firmness. I highly recommend it! As for pillows, One of mine is made of bamboo and resembles this one. This webpage has more info on bamboo pillows in general and a top 15 list of the best so far. It's great being a firm-ish pillow but soft enough to cradle the head. It's worth a try.
  22. Not always. In the years I've worked at the station, exit interviews are only for people who leave on good terms and it's only to turn in their card keys and work issues phones, etc. There have been instances in which there was an e-mail which went like: "So-and so was no longer working at the station and if is seen on the property, they are trespassing and are not allowed inside the building." With TV reporters, MMJs and anchors, they typically sign contracts; some are annual, some longer. Some people can be blackballed, although it would be a violation of federal law. Some get so burned out, they leave the biz entirely for completely different fields. Sometimes it's better to be honest by leaving comments on glassdoor.com or similar sites. Other places get reputations and word travels fast. It's not unusual for people to cross paths more than once in this biz.
  23. It depends. I'm close in age to the main protagonists and there's someone I loved dearly and thought I'd end up marrying. It didn't work out and I've missed him ever since - even though I've dated other guys since. I wasn't a teenager like Johnny was, but the love and loss was real enough to my heart. Yes, Daniel's father died when he was about age 8.
  24. I find this intriguing! I usually don't have recurring dreams either, but I have had times when I was dreaming about something, woke up, went back to sleep, and the dream continued somehow! Interesting you're predominantly having nightmares. Why not pleasant dreams from time to time? Trauma? Depressed by the news? Sounds like you feel like you need to keep yourself under wraps by wanting to hide the information. Or maybe it's deep seated anger at those you killed. Were your "victims" people you know/knew in reality? One thing I have found that my dreams have become more memorable and more vivid when I have sulfur supplements! I don't consider that a bad thing, it means that my body is being deprived of an element that is an important part of the brain.
  25. Funny thing living in the desert.... The producers found a box labeled, "Do NOT remove box! Tarantula inside!" At first they thought it was a prank, but [and you know where this is going!] it was real and had the girls freaked out! It seems it's mating season right now so they're out and about. Don't worry, it's not "Kingdom of the Spiders" or "Arachnophobia", but it was unsettling. One of the engineers carefully removed it and set it free in the desert area behind the studio. He's done this before - God bless him for that! Meanwhile, Bitcheroo and her accomplice, the News Director drove off another decent reporter! I found out from a friend that the reporter was so desperate to get away from them, he bought out his contract and doesn't have another job lined up! He's getting support from his parents temporarily. People are so freaking toxic, I don't know why they are getting away with this!! Where I come from, the higher ups would get suspicious at all the people jumping ship and take a look inward. NOPE!
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