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Everything posted by magicdog

  1. Offspring. I'm sorry, the blind did not identify if the kid was a son or daughter. I suspect it is a boy however.
  2. A cute story from someone who met Siegfried at the Mirage and performed a trick for his young son. Am I wrong for having a slight giggle when someone tweeted that we should check on Wayne Newton?
  3. Here's a few more - courtesy of Entertainment Lawyer: This one is sad - not just because of the death but because if the baby daddy had taken more of an interest in his life, maybe the OD wouldn't have happened. I'm tempted to say Corey Feldman but there are so many victims in Hollywood, it just too easily be someone else. From the, "They never learn" department: Bad Band Behavior: YIKES!
  4. Boy it's been some news week! Our replacement field reporter this week was supposed to report on CES (which is being held virtually this year but typically is the biggest convention in Las Vegas) but she barely has been able to report it once during an hour without a famous local dying or the impeachment updates breaking during the newscast! Meanwhile, the producers decided to switch hours which has caused some discord for the editors. While the usual producers had their hours lined up and perfectly prepared, the switch has caused confusion and a bit of havoc. It's taking longer for stuff in the early hours of the show to be completed and not all messages are getting through. I'm not saying it isn't a good idea to do these switches since it's good for producers to get used to doing different hours since the tone is a bit different, but I wish it could have been done when viewership was especially low and easier to load (like Christmas or New Years' week). I'm also going crazy because we seem to be (IMO) over reporting certain stories in which we risk using the same video over and over again! Management has been giving us flak for looping (repeating) video but I tried to explain that sometimes we only have so much video from our normal sources (and on my own I'd look for additional video from the archives). If the story is local, we're limited by what the photog shot. Sometimes it's a safety issue (sketchy neighborhood to shoot video of a murder), or the cops tell them to get out of the way, other times the photog is the only one on duty and has to run to another potential scene. It's getting to the point that everything is getting to me.
  5. Self made billionaire and casino mogul Sheldon Adelson died of complications from battling cancer.
  6. First week back and it's been ok, although we are now using new graphics (every few years somebody bamboozles management into getting the latest ones) and... they aren't going over well. Both anchors and even viewers have complained how the new graphics are harder to read and they can't even see the clock in the bottom right corner of the TV screen (even editors couldn't see it, but it doesn't matter much to us!). I asked since I have new background graphics to use for the AM show, would our entertainment show (aka "The More Show") have new ones as well and where I could find them should I need to use them. I was told the More staff HATED them and refused to use them! They're sticking with the old ones!
  7. New year, a few new blinds courtesy of Entertainment Lawyer: Sounds like someone should dial it back a little! May I just say, "Ick!"
  8. Ditto! Hooks was at once meek and mild but could get tough when called to do so. Plus, how can you not like someone who sings "Santa Claus is Comin' To Town" when taking their road test???
  9. I saw those episodes recently. Julie had some nerve to make those demands!! She wanted to be treated like an adult but she never acted like one! Her mother was the one feeding and clothing her! It's not like she or her boyfriend could do it on their own! I loved it when Ann refused to take the bait!! I don't recall the boyfriend ever being seen again on the show either. I guess it wasn't "twu-wuv" after all!
  10. Agreed, but I remember seeing her in "From A View To A Kill" when it was in theaters and my cousin (who was watching with me) and I couldn't help but laugh at her performance. All she seemed to do was yell, "James!" every few minutes! When she was in "Sheena", I remember she was teased mercilessly by critics. However, I really liked her as Midge on "That 70s Show" and she seemed a perfect fit for the role. RIP Ms. Roberts.
  11. Funny that I came across a version of "A Christmas Carol" I'd never seen before. This one released as a miniseries in 2019. I caught the last episode or two and.... I despised it!! It seemed like it was trying to be "artsy" with the special effects and odd atmosphere. So many elements of the story were reworked in non sensical ways! Tiny Tim is shown as dying by skating on thin ice (!), he also looked like a dwarf, rather than a sickly child. When Scrooge comes to his senses, he says the counting house would close it's doors and never reopen. What? The point was that he kept working but he did ease up on the purse strings by giving Cratchit a raise and using some of the money for charity. Prior to that, Cratchit has put in his resignation (!) because he couldn't stand Scrooge anymore. Excuse me, but considering the hard times for people of that level in 1840s England, Cratchit ate Scrooge's crap because he needed to support his family - it's not like you could just walk into another job! Scrooge never reconciles with his nephew Fred and Fezziwig is left out entirely! Did I mention a rat was beheaded? Cratchit's wife was sorely miscast! Plus her bare butt apparently needed to be seen in this version. Just a mess all the way around. I never thought I'd ever see a variation of A Christmas Carol that I couldn't find something to like. I finally found it.
  12. Had a decent week at the office. Best thing about Christmas/New Years is the light work load and the presumption hardly anyone is watching and those who are don't really care! I automatically had Christmas off (they run a yule log on our shift, so no AM show!). I managed to get the whole week off to relax. Came back for New Year's week while my edit partner took off this week. Her usual replacement, a photog who only edits when needed for these situations came in and we had a ball! The producers pack on the packages and the "Year In Review" features interspersed with local fireworks. We were over an hour ahead and no issues! Plus we brought all kinds of snacks to share (today he splurged and got us some quesadillas!) and didn't have to worry about the outside world! Most relaxing day at work I had all year! Monday, it's back to the grind, but I'm cool with it.
  13. Dawn Wells was considered the pride and joy of Nevada, as she was born in Reno (her great grandparents first traveled here via covered wagon!), and was a former Miss Nevada (1959) in the Miss America Pageant of 1960.
  14. My sister wants to make travel plans for next Christmas in Europe. She seems interested in going to one of those Christmas markets. I don't know if there will be any due to lockdowns for 2021, and I wouldn't know which one to go to anyway. Does anyone have any advice? She got the idea from this site. I'm not sure if I want to go due to current mask restrictions (I do not see myself wearing a mask for 8+ hours on a plane).
  15. A couple of new ones courtesy of Enty: If they say "OG", do they mean the British version? I hadn't seen that. And finally:
  16. Heads up for an epic KK Zoom reunion! Youtuber Cobra Kai Kid announced that many members of CK and alumni from the first 2 films will be reuniting online December 21st 9am PST/Noon EST. In addition to Ralph Macchio, and Billy Zabka, the chat will include the producers/writers from the show, Ron Thomas (Bobby), Tony O'Dell (Jimmy), Darryl Vidal (Pat Morita's stunt double and inventor of the crane kick), Tamlyn Tomita (Komiko), and Yuji Okomoto (Chozin) . Best of all: Elizabeth Shue (Ali) and Thomas Ian Griffiths (Silver) will be there too!!
  17. I think that's great! But keep in mind, if the cat is male, it will likely spray inside to mark their territory. When I was growing up, our next door neighbors were friendly with an outdoor cat and decided to let him in the house. Unfortunately he marked his territory and they had to put him back outside. Maybe if he's neutered, it will be less likely?
  18. We screened this film in class when I was in HS. We were all shocked seeing the body of one of the greatest composers in history to have been casually dumped like an unwanted sandwich.
  19. My Magic used to do that whenever she spotted something we couldn't see or hear. She caught a vinegaroon underneath the couch. Of course she was an AHT so they track and pounce on little things that move. You should check the area for some sort of infestation. It could be rodents.
  20. I'm surprised they're trying to reboot this! NC was very much a product of its time and while I still find most of the show enjoyable upon rewatch (I hated the last 2-3 seasons) it should remain as it was. Besides, didn't Dan go off into politics or something? I barely remember the finale, but just about everyone in the court had moved on to other things (except Bull who was kidnapped by aliens). Why would Dan ever return anyway? The character of Abby sounds more like Christine than Harry anyway (relentlessly optimistic).
  21. Swiss Colony has that. Vermont Country Store has the dreaded ribbon candy, but they also have lots of goodies - especially Christmas related stuff like classic toys and liquor filled chocolates!
  22. For the most part, Stargirl was pretty well done (although with the low bar of recent TV productions it may not be saying much) and I found it fairly likeable. I hope they keep the wokeness out of it for future seasons.
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