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Everything posted by magicdog

  1. Well, a lot happened over the weekend! My station was just sold!! Meredith Corp. sold us to Gray Broadcasting - so what will happen is up in the air. I don't know if my job will be in jeopardy but since I'm just 2 years away from retiring and recently earned a scheduled merit raise, I am considering my options. I have a ton of vacation and sick days which I have saved up but they haven't told us what if anything will change regarding that or our 401Ks, etc. Anyone have any experience in this matter?
  2. Found this on TMZ - I didn't know Tom Brady had been an item with Bridget Moynahan. The boy's name? Jack of course!
  3. I don't have to necessarily know the person's name - just a description will do. My life is potentially in danger and I should at least have an idea who to protect myself from and if I spotted them on the premises, I can report what I saw.
  4. I receive an email from HR mentioning there was a "credible threat" and that a report was made to local police and [unarmed] security will be patrolling the property during all shifts and will be available for escort in and out of the building. When I asked who made the threat or what the person looked like (imagine being on the lookout for a specific person!!) She refuses to answer and says she wasn't at liberty to say. I have no idea of it's a homeless person, a former co-worker (or vengeful ex), or your garden variety malcontent who has a beef (real or imagined) with the station. Even security said they didn't know any more than I did!! HR is a big mouth but apparently she won't answer any questions regarding this. WHY??
  5. I take that show with a grain of salt. There were two versions that I remember from the original show of how Fred & Wilma got together. In an early episode, Fred & Wilma met and dated in HS (Wilma goes through some old things and finds some love poems he wrote to her), the other was a flashback in which all four met at a Stone Age version of a Catskills resort in which they had summer jobs and had never met previously. Makes one yearn for Seth MacFarland's version doesn't it??!! Never thought I'd say that! Since he did so well with The Orville, maybe he would have done well with The Flintstones.
  6. It just aired this week on TCM! I hadn't seen it, heard about it tough. Sounds like it was a vanity project for Liz & Dick since they were an item by then. Actually, I'm not sure what one would have looked like by 1965! They were Hippies by then weren't they? Or perhaps that was the generic term used for, "artiste"? In other summaries for the film, Liz's character was described as a "free spirit". I seem to remember seeing a hilarious review of this somewhere...... [searches fave YT channels] Found it!! I think the story had potential, it was all about the execution.
  7. Apparently we are watching two different shows! Not that BB is up to the standards of previous seasons, but I really don't see it as that horrible. ITA! She didn't have to marry Joe if she had revealed she was pregnant, but keeping him and the other Reagans out of his life was plain wrong. I don't think so. If The Reagans had known about Joe, Jr. at the time of the pregnancy, I can still see them embracing him and even being open to his (prissy) mother. I can see Frank being disappointed that it happened outside of marriage, but not to the point of cringe. After all, Frank wasn't cringing about Erin getting divorced from Jack.
  8. You're not the only was incensed by this show - and not just because of what happened to Sharon!! They also got called out by my fave reviewers: This guy This guy and this guy. Every single one nailed what was wrong and what could have been.
  9. One of our anchors was feted on air for her fifth anniversary at the station yesterday. Last week, another anchor was feted on air for his 15th anniversary. I celebrated my 20th anniversary at the station - in January - on the inside. Bitter? Me? Nah! Meanwhile, it seems they're slowing bringing people back into the building. I found out by chance that HR (aka, "Big Mouth") has been working in the building for a couple of weeks now! Never said a word about it to me, yet my checks are still mailed to me when I used to be able to pick them up from the office at my convenience every other Friday. I'm going to send her a nice little email tomorrow to welcome her back. >:o)
  10. ITA! I always had the image that their marriage dissolution was for the best and they had a legit reason to stay divorced. The fact that her family admitted they never really liked him seemed to cement that fact. Now they're making him out to be misunderstood and that they do belong together. At least the rest of the adults are still allowed to openly dislike him instead of claiming they were wrong or jumped to irrational conclusions. Not to mention her son - who must be at least 5 or 6 by now?
  11. Where I come from, inquiring on someone's divorce specifics (even if they're family) is considered rude, unless the person chooses to bring up the subject on their own.
  12. Come to think of it, I don't think it was! I'll have to do a rewatch. It must have had to have been a stepdad situation.
  13. This! Ever since the character was introduced, I despised her! Unless the family was dangerous or destructive, there was no reason to keep Joe, Sr or the other Reagans from knowing about the baby. Sure, she didn't have to marry Joe (which would have been the thing to do in decades past), but he deserved to know he had a son and be a part of his life. She seemed so blase about telling Frank that she had an affair with Joe and didn't see him as the love of her life. It was as if she's casual about it all! She really did her son a disservice. I wish we could see more of Joe, Jr. and his interactions with the rest of the family. ETA: If Joe Reagan's name were not on the birth certificate, I'd chalk it up to either loose lips or someone overhearing the information.
  14. Like we really needed another NCIS!
  15. To be fair, Asner isn't in every episode of CK, while Selleck is in every episode of Bluebloods. I'd be fine with that. The show is still entertaining on some level but even good shows should end much sooner than 12 seasons. I just hope it goes out on a good note.
  16. I've been missing a few episodes this season so forgive me if something had been introduced prior to this episode as I didn't see it: Since when did the writers decide to bring back Jack Boyle and a possible reunion with Erin? It had been established since Season one that he was kind of a jerk and that their marriage dissolving was for the best. I know IRL some divorced couples do get back together but it didn't seem like Jack and Erin were one of them. His in-laws certainly weren't afraid of expressing their dislike of him from the get go. I did laugh at the "Irish Alzheimer's" joke - although, being of Sicilian descent, I always thought it was Italian Alzheimer's! The feelings around One PP wee understandable concerning Baker's attack, but I got annoyed when Baker acted as if this wouldn't have happened if she were still on the street. In case anyone forgot the events of the previous episode, Eddie (in uniform, on the street and probably about 10 years younger than Baker) was attacked twice by the same perp with just one punch! In the first (or second?) season, Henry was attacked by a perp at an ATM. He was an old school cop and former Commish and a tough ol' bird, but even he got overpowered. I don't know why Baker would think being on the street would have made any difference. I also was annoyed that she refused to take a step back after the attack. There's no weakness in taking a little time to settle down after a horrific attack (at least she wasn't raped like the other victims). BTW - didn't the character have a child? I seem to remember the character mentioning she was having a boy a few seasons ago. No mention of wanting to be with her family (other than the grandmother Baker was bringing groceries to). Eddie was rather personal when she questioned Erin about her divorce as it's none of her business (and occurred long before she became part of the family). Her parents were divorced so it's not like she couldn't have asked her own mother about it. I do think it was nice for her to take to heart Erin's advice about not taking one's partner for granted. All couples should keep that in mind.
  17. I agree. The only other option would have been having Linda and Danny separate or divorce and that goes against the relationship they've displayed from the beginning. If Amy Carlson wanted to leave, killing the character was the only option.
  18. Caught a rerun of Bluebloods that annoyed me: In the episode, there's a guy who goes to Frank because he thinks someone tampered with his parents' will. The guy and his sisters were children of extremely wealthy parents who made lots of charitable contributions, were part of NYC's elite, etc. and of course, knew Frank fairly well. He learns that he was cut out of the will and his sisters inherited the lion's share of the estate. He himself actually has a real job (a Special Ed teacher), but he had hoped he could have used his share to help make more improvements for his students. He then learns he wasn't cut out of the will - he was never in it! Apparently, his parents (his father in particular) noticed he was the only one of the three children to desire a career and pursue it. They decided to not leave him anything because he could always survive while his spoiled sisters (Paris Hilton/Kim Kardashian types) couldn't. At the end he makes a public speech of how special his late mom was to the community, blah blah good sport cakes. OK, this was ridiculous. If anything, he was more deserving of his share of the money, since he could have used it to better fund his class' needs. Sure, you could argue that he was motivated to work and be independent but I think that makes him more deserving. Besides, IRL, I've heard of wealthy people putting clauses in will that their child[ren] not receive their inheritance unless they've held jobs (or owned and worked a business) for a minimum of X years and sometimes having to wait until a specific age. The message here is, you won't get anything because you already have a job, so you don't really need it, while spoiled useless relatives get it all.
  19. AWWW! I remember watching reruns of this show when I was a kid (it turned up on early Saturday mornings back in the 70s). I wanted a German Shepherd ever since! Never happened, though I did have great dogs in my life. I remember Micky Dolenz of The Monkees knew Aaker when they were kids (Dolenz was a child actor too on Circus Boy and IIRC it was filmed on the same lot as The Adventures of Rin Tin Tin). He said he was a pretty nice kid, but was told that he should be mindful of his reputation because Aaker had one as a brat. Turns out it wasn't quite true, it was something the adults said to keep him in line. Dolenz joked in his autobiography that people were probably saying the same things about him to Aaker! RIP Little Soldier.
  20. Danny is more tolerant than people think. In the past there was also the gay actor he was guarding who still in the closet publicly. Danny questions why he's in the closet since he could get married [to a man] if he wanted. IRL cops may not necessarily agree with the lifestyles of the people they protect, but they literally have seen it all. They ultimately see a person in trouble or a crime that needs to be solved. I personally would hate this. Not all LEO partners get romantic with each other. Eddie and Jamie have already done this and that's enough (even their relationship I found to be pushing the envelope story wise). Stuff like that IRL is generally discouraged in the workplace, but TV drama. If anything, if Danny's character decides to date again, I wouldn't mind seeing him navigate internet dating sites and adjusting to modern dating (I liked the idea of him dating a nurse, just like Linda because men do tend to fall into patterns with the women in their lives). The writers. They're trying too hard to be L&O I think. Established characterization be damned. I had a problem with it. Gormley would have been thoroughly vetted before starting at One PP. The incident would have been a non starter, especially since he'd been cleared. It's tough to have a career in the NYPD and not have a beef pop up on one's file - even if the officer was not guilty of any wrongdoing. I did like Garrett coming to his defense though. You can tell they do respect each other. Same. If anything, it was far more fitting. Unfortunately, it's closer to reality than you might think. Sandbagging is all too common at all levels - although usually it's to get ahead, not stop an overzealous crusader. Agreed. She really seems to be more annoying these last few seasons. I agree with the belief there are too many storylines in an episode. It's OK if there's an A plot and a B plot. They can save the C,D, and F plots for once a month episodes.
  21. None of this made sense story wise. Sam and the other Avengers are essentially celebrities in this universe. They saved the world, they brought back the people Thanos made disappear. Everyone on Earth (and maybe a few other planets) should know who they are. They would never be treated that way. I also have issues with the fact that Sam would need money anyway. He was ex military (he had benefits, etc.), he was an Avenger (being one of Stark's crew would carry advantages like a generous stipend and other needs). According to one of my favorite Youtubers, it also helped signal a big loss of viewers. This show is making me spit acid it's so ridiculous.
  22. I think it's time to send some poop!!! It's not like they'd link it to you anyway!
  23. I hope they are more focused! Season 3 overall was scattershot IMO. I also hope they tone down the wokeness that seemed to have been turned up to 11 in Season 3. @Lantern7: The YT video you posted is set to private. What was it?
  24. IRL therapy is mandatory following certain situations. When there's been a shooting (cop kills a suspect even in self defense), if the officer in question has been the victim of a crime himself, etc. Usually there's a legitimate reason for it (to determine of the person is dealing with the trauma in a healthy manner) and is fit for duty. It would be nice to see it offered and taken. IRL, they do have to take it, but there was a time when it was optional. Many cops back in the day used to be war vets (WW2/Korea/Vietnam era) and probably dealt with it on their own because that was the way. Some used drugs or alcohol to deal with it. Fortunately, there are other options now.
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