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Everything posted by magicdog

  1. This and this and this and this and this and this and this
  2. Imagine if the workplace bully with a gun tried to bully someone who also carried a gun - they cancel each other out. Sort of like MAD. I know Bitcheroo would stop her bullying if she thought anyone of her victims were trained in sidearms. Not that I advocate shooting the boss mind you. Seriously, people get hurt when places are advertised as "gun free zones". People with concealed gun permits are well trained and generally quite responsible. The worse stereotype is thinking they have itchy trigger fingers. They do not.
  3. Well, I got an hour's worth of OT attending a pointless meeting about security. We're a gun free zone (even security is unarmed and is cannon fodder should an emergency occur), and those who might want the option to conceal carry (or open carry) can't. All we did was learn how to run and hide in a building that really has no safe place to go, if heaven forbid, someone decided to shoot up the place. Funny how the trainer mentioned that the motive for some workplace shooters is bullying; he asked if any of that occurred there or if we knew what it was. Everyone NOT management looked at one another. We know who the bullies are in that office and it isn't us!
  4. As far as I'm concerned, same difference. It gives a person permission to drive a vehicle and has their personal info on it. Semantics.
  5. More like, "Clown World" IMO. That's the excuse they gave us. I was present when the head of the NV DMV announced they were giving driver's licenses to illegals because "it would make them drive better". So, yeah, it's BS.
  6. In my state, they changed it because there was a sting operation and the cops found actual license and ID equipment in the house - to make authentic fake IDs for criminals. How the equipment got there was never explained (likely an inside job from an employee), so now when we have to renew our licenses, we have to wait for it to be sent in the mail.
  7. You're a good person GHScorpiosRule. More importantly, you're a human being. No one can feel comfortable hearing such things done to someone else. You need to remain strong. One of my co-workers came to me with an interesting story and I think laws may have been broken: He had a complaint and took it to HR. He felt like he couldn't take it to management directly (and after some of my previous postings, you know why) so he went to her office. While he's talking to her, she's still typing on her computer. It turns out she was instant messaging his boss the entire time!! Boss leaves his office to confront him in HR's office across the building!!! Co-worker gets yelled at and is seriously deflated and naturally distrustful!! I was shocked as this was a new low for management and even HR. I gave him the number of my lawyer and even offered to pay for half the consultation fee because this can't be legal, certainly not ethical.
  8. Which is better: Cobra Kai or Miyagi Do? An interesting comparison video. Ultimately, I'm certain we'll see a fusion of the two - it's inevitable.
  9. Looks like more original series elements ripped off for the Season 2 premiere: Rat demons, acid spitting demons, dead whitelighters, dead Elders, an assassin, even the title of an old episode ("Witchness Protection"), and what may be a darklighter/evil twin of their whitelighter. About the only thing they really did that was original (and took a big chance with) was having the BOS destroyed and the girls without their powers. Not to mention a witchy fortress of solitude to monitor other witches and potentially save them.
  10. The latest from the CK speculation front: This YT poster has been trying to be cast as an extra on the show and pays to get a casting sheet. He says the latest has the show looking for extras who pass for teens with military style haircuts and no visible tattoos. It would seem they're looking to cast inmates for juvie (or maybe a boot camp for first time offenders). The big speculation of course is who will end up in juvie next season. I suspect Tory would be a definite inmate since she instigated the fight and her grabbing the mike can be seen as a terrorist threat. If Robby gets arrested he could likely go as well since he sent Miguel over the rail when he wasn't in any danger. I also think Hawk could be another potential contender as he is a bit of a loose cannon.
  11. If I work more than 7 hours, yes. But they will have me leaving an hour earlier than usual. If I had known they were going to pull this, I wouldn't have volunteered.
  12. Here's the latest insult: I was asked to work the next weekend; not a big deal and I don't mind getting overtime. I even offered to work both days. I figure, I could get a bit of change putting in 14 hours worth of OT. Then, I get the news: They're cutting back on OT since they want to save it for days when there are. "big news days" (like One October or 9/11 level news). So, I'll still work those days, but I'll be given an hour shorter during the week and it will even out to 40 hours. So, I'll work 7 hours, no lunch break, leave an hour early, come in to work two days I normally wouldn't and NOT get paid extra for it as long as it works out to 40 hours??? WTF?? Years ago, there was an Assistant News Director who pulled that stunt - except people worked OT without getting paid. Someone made a phone call (not me I assure you!) to the Labor Relations Board and she lost her job and that crap stopped. Now they're doing it again - only legally since it's not technically OT!
  13. I don't doubt that. That bitch is still in my position, but she has backed off. I suspect it's because her boss (the GM of the station) transferred to another job, and I noticed she seemed to have eased up on me. I have suspected they were having an affair since he was always flopping around her like a trained seal while he was here. This only confirms my suspicions why she was so bold. Of course, I'm stubborn and not easily intimidated. At this point, I have tried to find work elsewhere but nothing as panned out. I've worked here long enough to be eligible to retire in 3-4 years, so at this point I might as well hold on. In the meantime, I'm thinking about what else to do.
  14. Something new for the fall courtesy of Entertainment Lawyer:
  15. First page of the CK comic which retells "The Karate Kid" from Johnny's POV is seen here! The video includes some comments from the IDK writer and the video host's thoughts.
  16. In the spirit of Daniel being the real bully in, "The Karate Kid", I give you, this: "Sam LaRusso is the real villain in Cobra Kai"
  17. Climate change? Really?? That's not climate change, it's called, cleaning up a mess. At least they're working on that. Kern couldn't be bothered with that after Season 4 of the original. Maybe they'll actually have earned the title of most powerful witches of all time. Oh ****! I really don't look forward to that! Those are rarely written well and wear their welcome out quickly. Uggh! Just what we all needed - more "darker, edgier" cliches!
  18. I agree. The original actresses had chemistry and were believable. I can barely tell two of the sisters from one another - they see too similar in appearance to me. There is also too much going on - by the end of season one, I felt like 3 seasons had passed with all the sturm und drang going on! I just don't care about these characters like I did about the originals.
  19. My cousin told me about how the Feds were staking out a house in her neighborhood (this was back in the 80s) and they were in a fake panel truck! Everybody was laughing and waving as they walked by it! Actually, I do remember a story told by Sonny Grosso (who was part of the team who helped catch the heroin smugglers from the real life French Connection case) who made a drug bust in Harlem in the early 60s. He said that NYPD at that time didn't allow for surveillance except if the cops did it on their own time and didn't offer disguises or undercover cars. He and a couple of other cops rented a Santa Claus costume and one of them sat outside a barber shop where the drug deals were going down. They eventually got their man, but in the time leading up to the arrest, they had a long line of kids who lined up daily to tell Santa what they wanted for Christmas - long before the holiday season began!
  20. Considering there will be fallout from the big school brawl, there could be a mention that Aisha's parents chose to take her out of CK and/or have her transfer to a different school.
  21. So sorry to hear. I posited in the Cobra Kai forum if TPTB had an inkling that Garrison wasn't in the best of health and wanted to get the old CK gang back together before it was too late. Even so, I hadn't heard that Garrison had health issues so I was taken aback when I heard the news.
  22. Damn. I'm sorry to hear about his passing. I thought it was risky to have killed off Tommy (and wondered if he'd return in flashbacks or dream sequences) but I wonder if they didn't have an inkling his health wasn't good and that they should get him on the show before it would be too late.
  23. That is awesome! I would have killed to have met Glenn or any of the early astronauts!!
  24. Just wait until it's time for people in their 70s to wistfully reminisce to rap and hip hop!!
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