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Everything posted by magicdog

  1. Well, my supervisor did it again. He strolls by and demands my partner's and my attention - it seems we're shorthanded and because the news desk personnel are just so busy, he wants us to "share the load" and have us upload video clips for the website. Essentially, we would prep them while someone else does the actual web uploads. He said it would concern the nightside videos (stories from the 10and 11pm shows). I asked him why nightside editors couldn't do it. He said they leave at 11:30pm and since I come in at 12:30am, the timing is perfect! He said it wouldn't take long and it's something we can do when we first get in while waiting for the show to be written. Plus, my edit partner could help me! Except, I come in at 12:30, while my partner comes in at 3am. He dives immediately into the 4am show (light editing since half of that hour is a retread of the 11pm broadcast) while I'm editing the 5 and 6 am hours (when Producer M is in, that show is already prepped and ready to go, so I'm not "waiting around"). Guess who will be doing all that work alone? To top it all off he gave us instructions on how to do this, but the application isn't where he said it would be! My attitude after this:
  2. ITA with all of this! Sadly, people die and there wouldn't have been a fuss had TPTB been willing to acknowledge Kate's passing before her grandchild was born but the rest of the cast celebrate the life that came into it shortly after. The baby was named "Kathy Jo" so I guess she was named after her grandmother (since Kathy and Kate are a diminutive form of Katherine). The joke about Kate being a "dead ringer" for Cousin Pearl was in bad taste and should have been used while she was alive.
  3. She wasn't bad on Mike & Molly though. Although I credit a good supporting cast in that show.
  4. This commercial featuring Melissa McCarthy and the Property Brothers (Drew & Jonathan) annoys me to no end: https://www.ispot.tv/ad/bqDe/chase-myhome-breaking-stuff-featuring-melissa-mccarthy-jonathan-scott-drew-scott Probably because McCarthy is being obnoxious by breaking stuff while the brothers are trying to talk to her and then it's revealed she's breaking their stuff the whole time!!
  5. I agree but it could be a case of some just liking what he likes. He only seemed to spend time in those places because his mom and stepdad were members and taking him there, but actually preferred to be where his friends were. ITA. KK3 is a bald rewrite of the first film and Silver's character is the main villain and mastermind in it. For better perspective, see it and it will give you an idea of what was referenced in the CK series. It could lead to who may show up next season.
  6. Here's a golden oldie from the 70s: Emergency. It's the day of a major college football game between USC and some other team I can't remember (the show used file footage of an actual game). Roy Desoto and Johnny Gage are selected to be two paramedics to monitor the game in case there are any emergencies. Before the game, everyone is talking how badly they want to go to the game (but is sold out) and how lucky Roy and Johnny are to be able to go even though they'll technically be on duty the entire time. The guys are in their seats (there's supposed to be a total of 10 paramedics at the game) and it doesn't take long before they're called to an incident (an attendee choking on some food). This continues throughout the game with minor stuff like that until one of the game commentators in the booth has a heart attack during the broadcast. They are able to use an ambulance the coliseum provides to get him to the hospital. They travel back to the game (still having not watched much of anything) and get pulled out of their seats to handle more small incidents. The game ends, everyone is gone and even the ambulance isn't there to take them back to Station 51! Roy seriously tells Johnny they may have to thumb it back to the station. They eventually make it back and the rest of the crew is none the wiser. Everyone else BUT Roy and Johnny saw more of the game than they did on TV. What? Are you trying to tell me never once did Roy or Johnny ever think that with a game crowd of that size that absolutely nothing would occur during the game or they could just comfortably sit while the other 8 paramedics did the work? Are you trying to tell me that never once did someone from the LA Coliseum staff tell them they would have to make their own arrangements to get back from the game? Ridiculous and slightly anger inducing!
  7. Whoa! I could give this person the benefit of the doubt by thinking she was cheated on once and wants to insure it won't happen again, but this one seems a tad controlling. Yeesh!
  8. Agreed. It's against regulation to not have a viable [rear] exit of a building. There must always be an emergency exit. ITA! I wished the guy had succeeded in his suicide by cop moment! I think he mentioned it would be ready in 5 hours. If he began cooking early in the morning, it's possible (of course I make my briskets in the crock pot and that takes 8 hours on low). Agreed on both counts! It's not Boden's job to gauge whose bullet killed the man, that's ballistics' job. IRL, the cops would have avoided firing into the store like that. They would be more likely to have a hostage negotiator to hopefully have a peaceful ending to the confrontation. Failing that, a sharpshooter carefully trained on the perp.
  9. I do remember this, although I had begun to tune out by then. I don't know why they did it, but at least they undid it. I thought perhaps they wanted to recast the role and this seemed to be the way to do it. Charmed (original version) did something similar during its final season when the main actresses wanted to spend less time on set and cast a spell to change their outward appearance to others. That got old quick and things were changed midseason.
  10. I was very shocked to hear of his passing! I will always remember him from his early days on MTV. He was in a commercial for the channel describing how the channel came to be - in his comedic style of course. I remember thinking this guy is freaking annoying! It took a while but I came to appreciate his humor. RIP Sir.
  11. Was driving home from work this morning when i heard a song on the local oldies station (60s-70s). I heard this really cool song but never heard it before! I did a lyric search and found out it was a song by Tommy James & The Shondells called, "Sugar On Sunday". I'm so glad to hear this tune because so many other songs he sang like Crimson & Clover and Mony, Mony seem to get the most airtime around here! Another group called, The Clique recorded the song and managed to take it to 22 on the charts back in 1969. Makes one wonder what the hell happened to good music!
  12. Well, I have my business cards!! I went to Vistaprint and got a nice stack of cards I was able to design myself. I found the perfect one which works for the business I'm in! People seem to take me more seriously when I whip a card out! Now I'm still working on advertising. I am having my SEO done monthly (and that's not cheap!) and they tell me it will take 5-9 months to get my site at the top of the page in the search engine. I want to be able to advertise with a national radio host (he lives here but broadcasts nationally) but I'm struggling to raise the cash. To air my ad locally (where I live and to begin to build a customer base) it will cost me $2500/mo with a three month commitment! I applied for a grant geared towards women owned businesses so I hope to get it. If so then I can take the radio spot and hopefully grow from there. Nationally, the same talker charged $7500 per month (with three month commitment)! My business could go national someday but that much money will be tough to get right now!
  13. This time, it's not an episode of The Millionaire! It's Sliders! In, "California Reich" (1998), the gang land on a world where anyone non white is forcibly removed from society and supposedly deported. Many of the menial jobs these people used to do are now done by robots (or so it seems), who require no pay and just do what they are programmed to do like drones. Later, we learn they were once human beings who were captured and had their personalities removed and their faces sewn with some sort of face plate over their real faces (looking rather Frankenstein - ish). Our heroes go to one of the deportation camps and find the mother of one of the people they met at the hotel who was being turned into one of these drones. She had one part of her face converted and she could not speak or walk on her own (it never was made clear how or what they actually do to create these drones). They drag her and her son out and slide to the next world (where they are slated to remain only 2 minutes before the next slide). They arrive in a hospital where a black doctor greets them. The gang isn't sure if this world can undo the damage done in the previous one, but take a risk. They ask if the doctor can fix the victim and he says he's not sure, although the best plastic surgeons in the country are at that hospital. Then the gang, minus the woman and her son slide out and we're left to wonder what the hell happened to them. The End. Are you kidding me? For all you know, the technology may not be up to snuff in this particular world and the woman may remain in a vegetative state for the rest of her life! It's not clear if the mental damage could be undone even if the physical damage is reversed. Then there's the fact that for all we know, this world could have some of the same problems as the past world (whites trying to get rid of non whites) when it's possible the reverse could happen on that world (non whites trying to get rid of whites). They should have allowed more time on that world (maybe a few days) to find out rather than just dumping them on the first world they slide into!!! Let's also go with the writers' assumption that all non whites are unskilled low wage earners! That's not necessarily the case in reality, so I found that a tad insulting.
  14. Just caught a rerun of Chicago Fire I always liked: Purgatory (2017). In one of the carry over plots, Chief Boden overrides another chief's decision at a scene (Chief Anderson). Anderson takes offense and since he outranks Boden, decides to make things difficult for the men and women at 51. He demands the group be broken up and reassigned to other houses (which have their own messes to deal with), and essentially acts like a hurt bitch. Towards the end of the episode, several of the firefighters reunite at a fire at a hotel. They manage to save a bunch of people from a ballroom which was burning. Later, Boden gets a visit from one of the attendees he rescued, the Chicago Deputy Mayor. Apparently, there was a conference at the hotel ballroom and the people rescued were a bunch of local political bigwigs. When the Deputy Mayor stops by he offers a commendation, to Boden, who suggests something else he'd prefer much more. Cut to Chief Anderson fuming at how Bodin was able to have his orders overruled and have 51 back as it should be and swearing this wasn't over between them and he'd see him again. Boden replied, "...and I'll be ready!" . Loved seeing that bitch Anderson get his comeuppance!
  15. This doesn't surprise me. Some of my co-workers wanted to continue working from home but were denied (save one who apparently must be a favorite). They got the work done (if not being more productive) but now TPTB insist they must be in person. It's a control issue IMO.
  16. Considering I have to drive 25 miles to and from my job (I can never seem to find a job close to home!), I'd have taken it! 2 miles isn't that bad a commute.
  17. I happened to catch this episode by accident. I was appalled at the whining and the arrogance on the parts of Bow & Dre! The youngest child is in a nice private school, is apparently falling behind for unspecified reasons (learning disability? Lack of focus?) and they have the nerve to feel like they have to get on the defensive and blame the white teacher! I'm sorry but where I come from that's what we call "an attitude" and a "deep state of denial" and "blame shifting". Then Dre decides his kid's portrait of the family isn't good enough and redraws it, then gets an attitude when the principal calls him out for it! They both get on their high horse and decide they'll take their son out of this school (never once getting to the bottom of WHY the kid is having issues) only to decide to continue sending him after things cool off!! I really wanted these people to get their comeuppance!! At the very least they could have had them going to the local public school (LAUSD) and see what a nightmare it is and realize they have better options at the current school.
  18. Our computers went through a "blowout" back in January to purge them of old stuff from Meredith (old owners) and to install whatever Gray (new owners) want to use. They haven't run right since. Just this morning, the archive system went down AGAIN! This morning, my supervisor (aka "Toolbox") told us we were likely going to switch out AVID (current editing system) for one called, Eddis. He thinks it's still in the discussion stage and TPTB might decide to keep the AVID license so we'll have to wait and see. Like I really wanted to start yet another training session for a system that takes twice as long as the old one! FTR AVID is widely used in both editing for news video and for movies and TV. We have a less high tech version compared to a movie studio, but same bones.
  19. Technically that won't work since the bay doors are clear sliding glass doors. But I love the suggestion! Have you considered this? I hear a a great alternative to insurance. Some retirees use it as backup as do many self employed individuals. Trouble is, if you have reasonable management they might let Lazy Ass go quietly - or perhaps put her someplace where she can't cause much damage. If you have idiots like mine, then they'll blame you for everything and promote her.
  20. Having just re-watched the episode tonight (and watching earlier syndicated episodes recently) I must say a big yes to this! I don't know the rules for CFD in reality but I should think that such relationships would be discouraged. It would be seen as unprofessional to get involved with co-workers in this way. It's not like the firemen are the only guys out there.
  21. I know. Threats are the hallmark of poor bosses, not good ones. I've been trying to find employment elsewhere for years but nothing panned out. There are other stations but I'm eligible to retire in less than 2 years and I'm planning to start my own business by then. I'm hanging on to pay the light bill and keep my 401K padded. Personally, I think they're pushing me to quit, but they're not going to get the satisfaction.
  22. My supervisor and the news director are under the belief that my edit partner and I need to be able to hear breaking news being shouted from across the news room. This started when they asked us how can we do our jobs better. We told them all we needed was for the producers to put relevant information in scripts and when necessary, just instant message us or call us (all the bays have phones) if there's something that's breaking. They insisted keeping our edit bay door open was what we needed. It isn't. I received an email from the news director threatening to remove the edit bay doors if we didn't comply.
  23. I know. But considering how the show was devolving and a second season unlikely, no one would have been upset if they ended it that way. We needed to see different women in Joe's [romantic] life rather than the same two. We should have seen different kids or Christopher and his alternates not existing. If they wanted to push the envelope in the Rocker timeline, Christopher's alternate could have died for lack of a loving home/care.
  24. Well, the nitpicking continues. Remember my previous post about forcing us to keep our edit bay doors open? Now they're pushing it further. I and my partner received an email (strangely, no other editors on other shifts were included in it) stating that our doors weren't open wide enough (they never stated how wide the door had to be open, I left it open about 6 inches). Now they want us to have it opened halfway. I'm seriously tempted to send a polite email about this including the following: 1) You never stated how much the door had to be open. It was open. 2) Whether it's 6 inches or 6 feet, the result is the same (see #3) 3) The open door has done nothing but serve as a distraction in my editing. Producers are microwaving food all night long (it's directly behind the bays) and it's pretty much all I can hear. I still have yet to hear anything useful from the producers or the news desk. 4) The least you could have done was allow us a trial period to see if this would work and allow us to give you our opinion on what works and what doesn't. It clearly does not. I'm starting to burn just a little more. I know it's probably what they want but I'm really getting tired of the pettiness. I'm worried if I say anything they'll pull something else out of their posteriors.
  25. If only they had done that it would have been a fitting series finale!
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