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Everything posted by magicdog

  1. I saw this film when it was in theaters when first released and thought it was great! I too am surprised it's rarely on cable. Don't know why. It got plenty of attention back in the day and IIRC it was well received. Plus, I had Carly Simon's song, "Let The River Run" in my head for weeks! Just got finished re-watching "Julie & Julia". Still one of my favorite latter day films, and one of the few made in the last 20 years that I still enjoy. The only thing that taints it is the real life Julie (who based on her follow up book) seems like an unpleasant shrew, not the likeable charming person in the form of Amy Adams. Naturally, Meryl Streep is perfect as Julia Child and if Julia had lived to see the film, I'd like to think she would have loved her performance.
  2. I totally commiserate! I can understand doing a remake or reboot of a TV show if you want to extend the boundaries not available when the original show aired, but I'm sick of it! If I want to see the reruns, I'll check out the DVDs or watch on channels like ME-TV, Decades, Antenna TV, et al. Most of the reboots don't even have the charm of the originals IMO and even though many of them have been running for 7 seasons or longer, I seriously doubt they'll be as beloved as their predecessors. I swear the Hollywood honchos are hoping we'll all forget the originals existed.
  3. Another "Hell No" moment courtesy of The Millionaire: In, The Tom Bryan Story (1955), The titular millionaire spent the last five years in prison for a robbery he didn't commit. He was convicted on circumstantial evidence as his car was at the robbery scene and only his fingerprints were found in it. His wife lied to their young son, Tommy telling him his dad was doing engineering work overseas during that time. Finally daddy comes home. A police detective still thinks Bryan hid the money (25K) he stole and is pursuing him to get him to confess what he did with it. While Bryan was away, a neighbor lady Myrtle, acts like a grandmother figure to Tommy and friend to his mom. She herself suffered a devastating loss 3 years earlier when her son died. Shortly after Tom's arrival he gets the million and can't wait to make up for the lost time with his family. He comes back with a brand new convertible and travel trailer and tells the family they'll be taking a long vacation across the country. Detective shows up and thinks he spent the stolen loot on the stuff and tells Tom he can't leave town. Tom then buys a nice house (actually, the same house used as the exteriors of the Barkley Mansion in The Big Valley) for 75K and he and the Mrs. and his son settle into their new lifestyle. While playing with friends, one of them blabs to Tommy that daddy was really in prison all that time, not work. Devastated, he asks his parents if it's true. They admit it but explain why. Myrtle confirms his dad was innocent and tells him she was a witness to HER SON stealing his father's car while wearing gloves (apparently he got involved with some older boys who were up to no good) and brought the car back after the robbery. Then she acts like Nora Desmond at the end of Sunset Boulevard looking out into space talking about what a good boy her son was (turned a new leaf after the incident and died in the war) and walks out of the house. The End. Let me get this straight: you let an innocent man go to jail for 5 years KNOWING you son was responsible for the robbery, all the while bragging about what a good boy he was, then when the man is behind bars, be a grandmother hen to his son and mom while his family suffered hardships and humiliation because you couldn't bear to stand up and be a witness at the trial???? Then you just go dotty at episode's end, while Tom and his family get no apology, no closure, and the cops still threatening him and demanding to know where the money was. Bull!!
  4. Ours raised 12K! At least she got one last good deed out for her beloved animal friends!
  5. In my native NYC there is an unwritten rule between NYPD and FDNY - whomever get to the scene first controls the scene. Makes it easier to avoid confusion about how to go about things in an emergency. Both have always had a (usually) friendly rivalry, but there's always been a thing about "turf". I would think Chicago and other major cities have a similar agreement.
  6. On Meatloaf: Loved his music and I hate it when people call his music "a guilty pleasure"! He did it well and was a great performer. He played Vegas many times and came into our studios more than once - I think the last time was 2015. On Louie: Thought he was hilarious ever since I first saw him on Carson in the 80s! He was a local and a sweetheart! He came to our "More" studios anytime we asked (last time was just 7 months ago). He would always ask how everyone was doing and was a nice guy all around. We had announced he was being treated for non Hodgkin's Lymphoma earlier this week and I had a hunch it was not going to end well. He still has the hat from his appearance in Coming To America and wore it proudly! He was also doing comedy sets remotely to entertain fans. He will be very much missed.
  7. My dad worked in LEO in NY and if their hierarchy is full of assholes and villains, I'm sure the real life CFD is full of them too. Politics and egos.
  8. It's been a while but didn't Hermann have 5 or 6 kids? We only had reference to two boys.
  9. Called it that Rocker Joe was given a "drinking problem" out of the blue. Also called it that Nurse Joe just might end up having an affair with Chris' nurse. I'm still annoyed that we have yet to see any follow up with Diaz's goings on! He is paralyzed in the Nurse timeline, and in jail in the Cop timeline but nothing about the investigations! Who killed the girl who used to work for him?? (I have my suspicions but I would like closure on this). Did the writers forget that storyline?
  10. How sad! I grew up in NY and the legendary oldies station, 101.1FM used to play vintage top 40 lists (from various years, from the mid 50s to the early 70s) and this song used to turn up as number one many times! New Yorkers voted it their favorite do-wop song of the 50s.
  11. Ronnie Spector was Rock n' Roll royalty! Even as a teen when "Take Me Home Tonight" came out, we all knew about her legacy even then! RIP - may you enjoy singing in Heaven's Rock n' Roll Band!!
  12. Just as with Zeke (Rocker timeline), Lucas has a father, and while Joe is his bio dad, he didn't raise him and knowing the truth at this point would only shatter him. Not all truths need to be laid bare.
  13. I grew up with people who weren't changing the decor that often. I can understand leaving furniture alone until it breaks. However I think it may be more of a set thing, since the show has three timelines and it's easier to leave things the same in all three than having to redress the set. I noticed this too and I think it's because Rocker Joe has the money to make it possible. Even his sister Celeste had a business thanks to Joe's largesse so I can see his mom getting frequent spa days and professional stylists giving her makeovers.
  14. A twofer brought to you by The Millionaire: These are from the first season which I had missed. In The Ken Fowler Story (1955), Fowler and his wife adopted a little girl, now age 6. It's hinted that the adoption was not formal or legal (sounds like the baby was brought to them by another party). They love her and do their best raising her but look over their shoulders afraid someone might take her back. They are awarded the million and are thrilled to be able to take things to the next level. They get a nicer house, a maid and private school for their little girl. Enter her biological father, who somehow found out where she was and demands to take her back. He says he didn't know she existed until recently (he'd been in prison for forgery) and he spent the last several years wondering about her. He claims kids are resilient and would adjust to her new life with him. The Fowlers offer to pay him off, and explain they raised her and they can't let her go off with a virtual stranger. Bio Dad asks how much would they be willing to pay. They give him a blank check and let him pick a figure. He apparently must have asked for 500K or more because it would have nearly emptied their savings. The child comes down the stairs to say goodnight to her parents. Bio dad sees her and how she turned out. When she goes to bed, the parents turn around and find Bio Dad slipped out the door without the check. Family saved. I was mad more at the Bio Dad claiming he had a right to the child! He was in prison (had no job, no money, and an ex-con with no prospects) and while he didn't intentionally abandon the kid, she had parents and to take her away would only have traumatized her IMO. Yes, kids are resilient, but by age 6, she knows who Mommy and Daddy are. The second one is The Quentin Harwood Story (1955). Quentin works as a fundraiser for a local hospital. He's also an awful tightwad. His wife tries to be understanding, but he doesn't want her to spend a dime on things they truly need - or even to tune the piano! She announces she's leaving him because she can't stand it anymore. He receives the million, and his wife decides to stay. She hopes to spend a bit of it on things like new bras, lingerie, a new piano and maybe a vacation. Nope! Ole Quentin sends the items back!!! She then announces she's divorcing him unless he spends HALF of the million on things (but not stocks/investments). She gives him a deadline to do it or she will be out! He reluctantly is seen spending obscene amounts of money on jewelry, fur coats, paintings, etc. . He has 85K left to spend and is running out of time. Eventually, he resigns that he lost his wife for good. Then it's revealed he donated 100K to the hospital as an anonymous donor. Wifey says she's satisfied and also says she has all the receipts for the other stuff they bought and can return them for cash. Supposedly her point has been made. They reconcile. OK, it was wrong for Quentin to be so tight even before the windfall, but was it right to make him spend so much money on useless stuff to get him to loosen up? She would have been better off taking half the money and head for Reno!!
  15. While editing this morning, my partner and I noticed things suddenly slowed down. We get a reply from on of the producers that they were in the middle of a lesson (presumably to learn about a new computer thing). As if they couldn't have had this lesson on the weekend or after the show? We have deadlines! Meanwhile, since our buyout, the new overlords have a new system for clocking in and out. We used to use a system in which we filled in the times we were expected to work and the times we are expected to go out to break. Now we literally have to clock in and out EVERY SINGLE TIME. Plus, we get logged out after a while so we have to log back in to record our attendance. I hate it. Sorry. The Assistant News Director has an annoying cackle (not laugh, not giggle, cackle)! You always know when she's in the building when you hear it. At least I can block out most noise in my edit bay.
  16. Ditto! I checked before I went to work last night and nothing!! I guess I'm not the only one losing interest. Seems like they're giving him one with the alcohol. As if dealing with Frank's drinking issues wasn't enough. I don't blame him for being pissed at Amy and the revelation she's pregnant with Diaz' baby. I was surprised his mom was willing to embrace her, because if that happened to my son, I'd be choking her! Amy made a VERY bad choice and she needs to live with the consequences. You can't expect your husband to be thrilled about you not only having cheated on him, but got knocked up by said guy! I agree. It's one thing to bring him onstage once or twice like they have while in NY, but tours are stressful and and lot of work. I've heard many people say they're often like a blur. He had no right to ask because reality of daily life of the poor and unknown takes precedence. Not practical. In reality he should take a step back and let the kid live his life. THIS! Why is he like the once and future disabled savior of the world? At least one incarnation of him should be a little bratty. No one makes fun of him and girls have crushes on him - really? Not that he should be spat upon or not have friends but it's getting silly.
  17. I definitely did not see the death of Bob Saget coming! We watched Full House back in the day and AFHV. Many years later, when I started to work in TV and met with some comics who were touring with Saget. They told me that [at the time] he HATED being associated with goody too shoes role of Danny Tanner and FH. He said that it made it harder for him to do his stand up routines because he was rather risque. Perhaps he reconciled it otherwise he wouldn't have appeared in Fuller House, but it's interesting how he felt about the character he's best known for. 65 is indeed too young and I'm curious as to what lead to his death; perhaps his heart just gave out.
  18. We had them too! Both of them were dressed in lavender and purple outfits!
  19. I felt underwhelmed considering the month long hiatus. We got cheated out of seeing Cop Joe save a life but get to see him after the fact with a bandaged arm? I thought the same but there could be issues considering the kid's condition in which blood from a biological parent would be safer and best match. I also wondered why is it this condition was only brought up in Cop Joe timeline when theoretically it would be an issue in all three? I was bored by the Gwen romance subplots - wasn't buying it either. I kind of felt bad for Darren (Jenny's husband in Rocker timeline). Yes, it sucks she didn't tell you but it was before she met you and some people prefer to literally lock unpleasant parts of their pasts in a box rather than discuss them. Since "Zeke" wasn't your son and he was conceived before meeting you, Jenny had a right to keep his existence/adoption in the past. Of course with so many adoptees seeking out their biological parents these days, situations like this come out more and more. The episode only cements how unlikeable Jenny really is and that Joe should have kept his pants zipped in all three timelines. Ditto to all this! The nurse Joe hired for Chris is extremely likeable and a much better match (unless they're planning to make her too good to be true!), and Jenny is definitely getting too close to her co-worker in Atlanta. It's interesting that the nurse suggested making custom zippered pants for the disabled. Could end up being a money maker for Nurse Joe by creating a line of clothing. Amy, did you really expect the podcast host to go easy on you? You were outed as having been involved with a married politician currently in a scandal. You shouldn't expect softballs. Also, as someone who works in media, it was a mistake having the podcaster say definitively that Bobby had stolen the money. Unless we know (via trial conviction) if he did, officially we have to say, "accused". Strange that we don't have anything further on that front - the mystery of the dead girl and if Bobby's case is going to trail or not. We haven't seen anything on that front one way or the other since his arrest in Cop Joe timeline. My money's still on the wife behind it all (the power behind the throne decides to take the throne for herself).
  20. When I was a kid we used to be taught about his dad's work in the field. Weird hearing of his son's passing now. RIP.
  21. My TV station has an entertainment show called, "More". Typically when celebs come to town we ask them to do promos for us (I'm Celebrity X and I always love to get more!). One day we got to interview Betty White a few years back. She agreed to do the promo and said this: "I'm Betty White and I love to get more...[confused Rose face] or even some!" She had everyone in stitches! Yes the promo ran as is! My coworkers who were there tell me she was a class act and a true delight! Nice to hear!
  22. This sort of happened when Phoebe was recounting how she borrowed Prue's jacket and her then boyfriend's cat peed on it. It looked like AM was really trying hard to be sad over it, but considering she and SD weren't getting along offscreen, it was hard to believe. I think it was in "A Knight To Remember", because the sisters were deciding if Paige should move into Prue's old room. ITA! Cole and Phoebe's relationship was far from healthy and Cole kept going back and forth about "being good" and "once a demon always a demon" nonsense. I really think Cole deserved a destiny of his own. There was a reason why his mother targeted his father and trapped his soul, but we never got to know more or have a resolution to the story once Cole got his dad's soul back. Had Prue lived and Phoebe died, I can see Paige's character fitting in easier as the youngest sister and Prue's mother instincts kicking in again - not to mention feeling guilt ridden over losing Phoebe.
  23. Would Facts of Life count when it was between seasons 1 and 2? I remember when there were several more girls (including a young Molly RIngwald) but for some reason, TPTB chose to reduce the character load and set up the probation storyline and added streetwise Jo to the cast. To their credit several of those actresses came to visit the current cast (minus Ringwald who had become a big movie star by then) some seasons later.
  24. First commercial I've enjoyed in a looong while! Plus it celebrates family and vintage Chevy cars! https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/094/126/306/original/8831165211c96f25.mp4
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