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Everything posted by magicdog

  1. Yes, it was the height of movie rudeness! Confronting them directly wouldn't have gotten you anywhere, they likely would have ignored you (worst case scenario, perhaps physically attacked you). You could have gone to get an usher or report it to the management. An usher could have either given a warning to the two twerps or ejected them from the theater. You could have even tried asking for your money back since your experience was ruined. When money is involved, management may take more care.
  2. Nothing to be ashamed of! My Dad and I used to watch the whole NBC Tuesday night block together with a big bowl of popcorn! Riptide was a likeable show with a likeable cast. Sounds like they weren't paying attention to the balance of storylines. I remember this and it was a bit of a gimmick to have Magnum, PI, Murder She Wrote and Simon & Simon all participating in an overall mystery. It' s also possible that for syndication reasons, an alternate ending was filmed. This happened with the Happy Days and Laverne & Shirley crossover when they all meet up at the lake and Fonzi and Richie were being forced to marry a Swedish farmer's daughters. In the original presentation, L&S followed HD and when Richie runs to get help, he ends up meeting the girls and they have a raucous square dance with other girls (who play rough) and ultimately get Fonzi and Richie off the hook. In syndication, Richie is running like a maniac, then passes his dad who was fishing. Then Fonzi shows up claiming everything is OK and that he convinced the farmer that Ralph and Potsie would marry his daughters. The end.
  3. Did you know or recognize the host? Also, in your dream, was your dream self married or single? I've had dreams in which I was supposed to "be" something, like an actress in a play. Did you feel guilt kissing the host? Sounds like you felt betrayed and wanted to get even by destroying something he valued over you. Being chased often means trying to avoid something. Perhaps there's some stress in your life you're trying to deal with (and wish you could avoid it). Was the outdoor area you ran through nice and lush, or the opposite? The landscape could also be a clue. Sounds like you were willing to confront what you wanted to avoid (it's now or never!) but waking up prevented you from seeing how it was supposed to end.
  4. Before she left, HR used to put all this construction paper decor around the office and bulletin boards with positive messages and wanting us to participate by signing our names to stuff like hand print cut outs. I felt like I was in grade school again! Is this what they teach them in HR training academy? I can think of two ways: 1) Blackmail 2) An affair with someone up the chain
  5. This happened. Trouble is, all I hear lately is how businesses can't find people to work for them, so they're forced to work shorter hours/work weeks. Some blame could go to those who chose to drop out of the work force in favor of welfare, but this HR nonsense is worse.
  6. Been listening to Jazz oddly enough. I'd accidentally found a YT channel that plays Gerry Mulligan's Night Lights album (1963). It's so tranquil and perfect for a rainy day too! The only drawback is the entire album is over in 31 minutes!!
  7. Sorry for the late reply. The clogged toilet could represent being blocked or frustrated in your waking life. Or something in your life disgusts you (because you saw filth in the bowl). Funny to have her in the closet considering. I've had various celebrities and even cartoon characters in my dreams from time to time. Celebrities in dreams often represent qualities or lifestyles that we aspire toward and look up to — so it makes sense that dreaming about a famous person would be a metaphor for the things we idolize about them. Of course it depends on how you feel about her, or something you admire about her. If you are neutral about her, it could mean you're just indifferent about her and what she does/has done. If you dislike her, then it could represent something about her you don't like to see in yourself.
  8. Well, big news broke this morning (I'm sure you know what that is), and just as I was leaving, the order came down to put together some broll for an interview segment with the governor (and throughout the day I'm sure we'll have everyone else in the political sphere chatting with their opinions). My edit partner said he'd take care of it - then he showed me the instructions in the script as to what to cut: That sounds a tad subjective and we couldn't help but laugh at it! In this biz, you have to be specific. Normally brolls are about 1 minute in length - sometimes longer when needed. I advised him to cut about 3 minutes worth and vary it up with whatever new stuff would be coming down the FOX or CNN pike.
  9. Just keep trying and take that first step. You can always get a mentor too! Try a life coach or check with a local business association for advice. Being a woman I got some great beginning advice from a local women's business owner group. Then try SMART Goals (just google it) and see how you can make something out of your ideas. Then look up templates for a business plan and take it a step further. I finally decided to take the plunge (though I'm still working my day job until this avenue starts to produce fruit) because it wasn't going to get any better. My jerkoff bosses were never going to promote me, lots of other businesses would likely ignore me due to my age (got to prove it was age discrimination) despite my wealth of experience. Still others are in COVID mode and are making demands of potential employees they have never made before nor should they. Locally, a lot of people have given it a go depending on their skill set. When the Covid curtain fell, and restaurants shut down, plenty of chefs and cooks decided to go the food truck route. Other people realized they might be able to work from home and decided to skip the office entirely. To borrow from Confucious, that journey to independence begins with a single step.
  10. I look at it this way: I use those same descriptions when looking for work! Makes me seem bigger in skills!
  11. Emergency episode, "Women!" (1972): Christy, a cub reporter for the local paper is hanging out with the boys at Station 51 to do a story on what they do. She is antagonistic towards them in every way! She is hung up on the battle of the sexes - specifically, how women could do everything a man could do - and better! Not a single man goes unscathed here: she tells Chet she could have fought a fire better than he did all by herself! She tells Dr. Brackett (after seeing him chew out a nurse for screwing up) that he doesn't know what he's doing. She tells Johnny and Roy that they're afraid of women and secretly are misogynists. I wish the guys had put her feminist views to the test by having her dress up in their gear (which must have weighed 50+lbs easily) and try handling a fire hose and carry a dummy over her shoulder to prove just how Little Miss Libertine could do it all by herself so easily!! Unfortunately, we get an ending in which Johnny figures out she gets off on vitriolic confrontations and manages to get a date with her as long as he engages her in an argument! Another subplot was a girl who suffered an episode in which she came down off of "reds" too quickly. At first no one, including her father have no idea what caused the episode. Eventually we see her brother, "Artie" slither in and we learn from their conversations that he was the one who obtained the pills for her (apparently living with her strict father has made her desire for tranquilizers necessary) and when she asks him for help, he tells her it's her problem because he only got the pills for her and didn't turn her on to them! What a guy!
  12. @BlackberryJam: Just keep a tally on who gave you grief over this and save it for later when they ask for something. Bad behavior brings consequences. I find it obnoxious to think they have the day off, and IMO I don't think it has anything to do with thinking POC are unimportant. Of course I work in TV news so there are no holidays off per se, just people who put in for certain holidays first. I thank heaven though that my business is a one person operation so I won't have to deal with crap like that!
  13. Wound up doing some OT today! Yeah I was shocked too! My edit partner had the day off and I was paired with a photog who usually helps out in such situations. Unfortunately, due to breaking news, they needed to send him out to the field around 8am and they thought they might need me for video feeds. It was only an hour, but that's a bit more in my paycheck!
  14. I hadn't known about this "war" until now, but Kheel has a point. The show's title and premise were all from the original show. They did copy many of the storylines (witch falls in love with a 1/2 demon, missing half sister makes the trio complete, dead mother with witchy legacy, whitelighters, etc. ). In fact, I felt like I saw about 5 seasons worth of storylines in 1 season!! Seeing The Manor at the end looks like almost an insult to original fans because they just had to go there. Perhaps if the show had continued, maybe we could have had a scene in which there are different universes with Charmed sisters, but I doubt they would have done it. When this reboot was announced I wasn't crazy about the show being named after the original show and not taking place in the same universe. If they wanted a witchy show, they could have given it it's own branding not piggyback off of the original. Obviously, they did not have the confidence in this show to do what the original did, so they just called it Charmed.
  15. Trust me I feel it too! It's just as frustrating when you see incompetence (hello, Bitcheroo!!) constantly rewarded and they get away with the crap they do. I keep hoping they get caught and punished somehow. The only other thing I can do, is focus on my own business (I'm a great boss!) and make it the success it should be! I only wish I took steps to do it sooner.
  16. Sounds to me they're desperate. They shat the bed with the final season of GOT and even if someone might have been interested in checking it out, they're discouraged by the negative publicity it received. Now they want to erase all that and start with a prequel or a sequel of some kind to bring in the audience they lost.
  17. Another sad moment from Emergency! : In, "Messin' Around" (1974) Johnny and Roy get a call about a child having taken ant poison. When they arrive his mother stops them and tells them her 7 year old son had a habit of wanting attention and made phony calls to the police before. They try to convince her to let them at least examine the boy, she refuses until a police office standing with them convince her to stand aside. The boy has been doubled over in pain the entire time but mother insists the boy is pretending. Eventually, Johnny and Roy get him to Rampart, but unfortunately he dies. His mother feels guilty since she thought all he was doing was looking for attention. Naturally, Roy and Johnny are upset the kid died and Johnny in particular is out of sorts over it. When they get to the station, Chet had set up another prank (he and Johnny are in the middle of a prank war) when Roy tells him and the others that the boy didn't make it. Chet in a rare non jerk moment, warns Johnny of the prank and says they can have a temporary truce as Johnny is not in a mood to deal right now.
  18. Just caught an episode of Emergency in which Bobby Sherman ("Here Come The Brides") plays a medical resident fresh out of medical school and not thinking much about the paramedic program. He was quite a bit antagonistic to the point that Dr. Brackett send him to work a shift with Johnny and Roy to better understand what they do. I wouldn't have minded seeing his character more often as someone who is occasionally answering calls from other paramedics in the field. Of course, not long after doing this episode, Sherman left acting to actually become a paramedic!
  19. For some reason the episode summaries on my DISH Network have been reading "Part 1 of 2" or "Part 2 of 2" on virtually every episode - even if the episode being shown was not a multi parter! Have no clue why this is going on.
  20. Just happened to catch an episode of Quantum Leap in which Sam leaps into a blind pianist who is playing a concert in NYC. The episode states it takes place on February 6, 1964 (the Beatles were in town for Ed Sullivan). However, when we get a shot of the NY skyline, we see the late lamented Twin Towers! They hadn't been built yet (although it was in the planning stages in '64) and wouldn't open until 9 years later! Big boo boo on the editor's part.
  21. At least they had the decency to leave. I don't understand why people don't get babysitters anymore if they want an adult night out. It used to be a thing with parents who wanted a few hours away from the kids.
  22. Another thing that Sondra did that annoyed me was not appreciating getting a break after the twins came along. Remember the episode when Sondra was sick with a virus and Claire and Elvin's mother offered to take the twins off her hands. There may have been some selfish reasons for that on the part of the grandmothers (wanting to play with them, etc.) but considering one parent is down with an illness and needs rest first and foremost, you'd think Sondra would be happy about it. Instead somehow she gets it in her head that her mom and mother in law are undermining her parenting and she goes in to reclaim the babies - while still horribly ill!!! As for another classic, "Hell No!" moment from an ungrateful child, I give you the Quincy episode, "Last Day, First Day" (1980). When an attorney dies in what is originally thought to be a car accident, some drug dealing thugs decide to rig his autopsy and decide to use one of their addicted clients (the son of a forensic pathologist and co-worker of Quincy's) to falsify the autopsy report. The dead man was a small time dealer and the thugs wanted to get rid of him by injecting him with enough cocaine to kill and elephant and have his car go off the road. Unfortunately for them the passenger is ejected and an autopsy is certain. If the son named Tony refuses they'll expose his forging his father's signatures on his prescription pad to get drugs. Tony, agrees. He goes to his dad who reluctantly does what his son asks by getting a blood sample from a different body so they won't notice the amount of cocaine in it (which is too high in concentration for someone to have injected themselves with it without passing out mid injection). Father is pissed that his son's drug abuse lead to this, but Tony assures him he won't do this again. After a series of investigations, Quincy, et al figure out what the doctor did. His reputation in tatters and jail a certainty, Before the discovery, father sees Tony's drug stash in his room. He asks why he's doing this when he promised he wouldn't do it again. Tony snidely says, "I told you I wouldn't get CAUGHT again." Father appeals to Tony's humanity and morality. Tony doesn't care and thinks he's just fine. I was so pissed that Tony was so vile for such a young man. His father literally sacrificed everything thinking he'd changed and maybe they'd be able to move forward. I hope that little brat OD'd somewhere!
  23. Totally agree!! I would have loved it if Pratt came back. It would have solidified him as another mortal antagonist for the sisters. Also agreed. Each sister was supposed to have three powers each: an offensive power, a defensive one, and a passive/neutral one. In "The Eyes Have It", Phoebe finally showed some growth with her premonitions by being able to feel them like one would feel things in the real world (yes she was wearing a Gypsy necklace, but it could have eventually happened as a natural progression). That would tie into her empathy as well. Seeing her also communicate with herself in a vision was also a good idea of seeing her progress (not to mention being able to get premonitions on demand regularly). We never got to see the sisters live up to the potential the "Morality Bites" future showed us.
  24. If the people behind the last SW trilogy were stupid enough to not have Luke, Leia and Han Solo together in one scene in the film, then I am not putting past the current crew behind QL to not include Scott Bakula. Bakula himself had tried with Donald Belasario to revive the property years ago before Dean Stockwell's passing. As they say, one picture is worth a thousand words. That photo told me all I needed to know.
  25. I'd always thought they missed a golden opportunity to bring back MB's event full circle. When Phoebe gets a job at The Bay Mirror, one of the sportswriters is doing an interview with Cal Green (the man who according to the vision and Leo's exposition in that episode brutalizes Phoebe's friend and Phoebe uses her magic to punish him). Then we learn Cal Green (who is unknown to Paige or his relationship to the events in MB) asks Paige out on a date. Perhaps he drugs her drink or does something equally horrible and this sets off Phoebe and she is doing everything she can to avoid using her powers on him. Then the sisters find an alternate way to set things right.
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