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Everything posted by Willowsmom

  1. I worked for a woman who, like Asa, was a little chubby before her second baby. She gained 15 pounds but lost nearly 40. The doctor said her body used her existing fat for the baby. Also Asa looks like she has a waist cincher in the second picture.
  2. BTW that wasn't an outfit it was a costume. Amy sometimes wears costumes to the pumpkin patch.
  3. I believe every word Gema said about Zoila. I don't think that was the only problem, but Zoila is Jeff in drag.
  4. Reid needs to grow up. He needs to get that hair under control and stop the vulnerable intern BS. His image reflects badly on the BAU and FBI as a whole.
  5. MJ really didn't need to dress in her B and D clothes for her talking head.
  6. And he has a great singing voice. He was Sweeney Todd on Broadway.
  7. a lot of heart deaths leave little or no evidence. It could be that the coroner is waiting on toxicology to come back to be sure it's not something else, being cautious in a high profile case.
  8. In California if someone dies suddenly and is not under doctors care an autopsy is required.
  9. Matt has posted a photo with Ember on Facebook.
  10. Leslie Jordan (Beverly Leslie) has posted pictures from the new set. He's also the one that spilled the beans about W&G returning.
  11. Given that Megan have basically the same hair I'd guess it's what her husband wants her to have
  12. Tawdry saying she's in pain doesn't bother me. Mastitis has gotta hurt. But this constant whining about suffering (and everything else) is way beyond normal.
  13. There is always newly rich people with no taste or sense. She'll be able to sell.
  14. Neighbors complained about the arc being unsafe (and un-permitted). A building inspector came out, didn't check in at the house and went to inspect the arc. Amy saw him, came unglued and basically attacked the guy. He tried to explain but she refused to hear. He tried to leave and she stopped him by entering the truck. The Roloffs sued.
  15. If Amy wanted to leave I have no problem with killing Linda. But couldn't they have thrown enough money at her to do one last explanatory episode?
  16. I know women who were Bunnies and that wasn't true throughout the country. Bad managers in SF.
  17. Skewer for hot dog sticks. Duraflame for logs or maybe kindling.
  18. This is season 4. along the line something should have changed, evolved. It hasn't.
  19. Remington's not bad. It could be Selectric or Royal. Or if mommy was honest, Loreal.
  20. Bull cookies. there's no age that requires someone to cut their hair. Her hair was no different than Megan's. you want to go after hair go after Lea she looked line it hadn't been combed in weeks.
  21. Yup, Tawdry may have actually gone too far with the sheets.
  22. I loved Anne Jeffreys and Robert Stirling in Topper. Of course Neil the drunk St Bernard helped?
  23. Scratch grabbed Prentiss because he thought from her texts that she knew where Hotch is.
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