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Everything posted by Willowsmom

  1. If your child wailed in pain the way Monroe did could you sit in another room crunching numbers? I couldn't. Why didn't Jeff rent an office for the duration? Or stay in a house that was finished for her first year? Because it would make Jeff unhappy? Because Jeff screwed up the Living Spaces and paint deals and lost that income?
  2. I know tons of people with advanced degrees. Not one of them would do that on a wedding invitation.
  3. I did. I started out red , went to black and faded to blond.
  4. I was glad Tommy called MJ out about her hooker clothes
  5. Auj touts essential oils and has said she pre-made menstrual pads with oils and froze them.
  6. It's time for MJ to deck Asa and move on. Unfortunately it's also time for Tommy to move on.
  7. I'm sure Audrey thinks her labor will be like Morticia in Addams Family Values. One furrowed brow and a minor sound of discomfort and Daisy will shoot out clean and camera ready.
  8. She's a poseur. Thinks she has talent when she doesn't.
  9. If the burden is so great on Jeff why does he spend so much time working to screw it up? He's deliberately horrid to people and shocked when they leave? If Monroe is so much of a distraction why not move Gage and the baby into a small apartment until they can solve her medical issues? Why try to force Gage to ignore their child? It's obvious it never occurred to Jeff that Monroe would be the center of Gage's universe (as she should be the center of his). He's too selfish, too petty and too sick to understand.
  10. In L.A. low level reality stars are barely noticeable. Jeff is also an executive producer. Since this is supposed to be "normal" life there really isn't anything that would be deductible. Clothes would have to be purchased specifically for and worn only when filming. Travel is paid by production.
  11. Audreys looked fake. Kinda fuzzy. Should she be getting ink while pregnant?
  12. I totally believe that Jeff et. al. would sit around a hotel for a week. Alex was a rent-a-womb and spending time with her family would be beneath them.
  13. Their concerns were understandable. But after having the doctor tell them everything was fine and it was better to wait that should have been the end of coercing Alex.
  14. A normal pregnancy goes between 38 and 42 weeks. The doctors won't let it go beyond that. So if she gets past 42 weeks with no c section or induction we know she lied.
  15. I get Jeff and Gage needing to be at the birth. And why Jeff's dad and stepmom went to wait it out. But why on earth was Jenni, with a small child at home and pregnant (something she's had trouble sustaining) there? she needs to be near her doctors just in case and why leave your own child to go sit for days waiting?
  16. But we'll never hear about the infection the pads cause.
  17. So's Jenni and Gage. That's why Jeff likes them.
  18. As much as I'd love to see this BandT would have to go underground to be safe from the rabid fans.
  19. I always thought the egg freezing discussion was producer driven.
  20. We don't know Shervin's agreement is with Annelise. And given how fast MJ spilled her guts to Reza I see why Asa doesn't want to tell her anything.
  21. BandT will prepare Carly so she's immune to C&T. I would either become unreachable or start showing Carly TM when she hits her teen years. Without comment so she comes to her own conclusions, she'll know bad parents when she sees them.
  22. No idea why Gage stays (Jeff doesn't have enough money for the amount of abuse Gage takes). But I think Jeff keeps him because he can abuse Gage so blatantly. As far as Jeff paying for everything. He can do that because Gage has made several very lucrative deals that basically saved Jeff's business. And what kind of crappy parent does not want to be there for their child's feedings? We're talking 7am not 3am. Selfish jerk.
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