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Everything posted by Willowsmom

  1. But Tawdry wants to have marriage retreats (whine). Amy's really only dated Matt and he rushed her to the alter. To her 6 months must seem an eternity. The reason to run from Chris is that they're in different places and he's really transition man, not forever man.
  2. I don't buy the modesty act. Leggings are not that level of modesty. Her tops are frequently low. I call BS
  3. I so hope Amy says "I raised my kids, YOU raise yours".
  4. Carmen ' s young teen is a dad now. She's indicated she was a mid teen (14 15, 16 when she had him. So she's early 30's. She had her tubes tied and I.V.F. is easier than reversal surgery. Sabrina had Oakley in a car with a friend and Oakley's father. The father is only allowed supervised visits. The friend wound up overdosing, being rushed to the hospital and dying. They took the baby for Sabrina ' s poor judgement. Rebecca is tired of the continuing drama and drugs. Hope this helps.
  5. Sully's breed is prone to sudden, fast moving cancers at any age. That's what happened to him.
  6. Doesn't apply to them, they're God's Chosen.
  7. Sabrina is afraid Children and Family services will snatch the new baby at birth. She thinks a home birth will slow that down or as she says " They'll see my with the baby and know I can take care of her."
  8. I don't blame Amy for any outbursts the last several years. She's at the age when hormones go crazy. She's been going through a nasty divorce she didn't want. At least one of her kids has openly turned on her and is trying to take her house. And her nasty, passive aggressive ex that needles and goads her every chance he gets. I'd be looking for a place to hide the body. If Chris doesn't understand this he's just a taller Matt and needs to go.
  9. Chris' comment last night show why he's never married more than anything about Amy. I hope she's the one to break it off, she doesn't need another controlling man.
  10. Many ex-Amish work in construction which pays far better than minimum wage. I think Abe doesn't want Rebecca to be better educated than he is. It may scare him that she will become dissatisfied and leave, she's left a husband
  11. Maci is right. Ryan's parents will never allow him to parent Bently when they're around. II wouldn't convict Deborah if she hit Farrah in the mouth with a car.
  12. That's what she said alright. I also loved the "my medication is from a doctor, it can't hurt the baby" . of course methadone is bad for a foetus, and of course the baby will go through withdrawals . I do not believe for one second that she wasn't warned before she ever got pregnant.
  13. Sabrina is, and always will be, a victim . Nothing is or ever will be her fault. Her girls would be better off elsewhere.
  14. From what Amy said Caren has been "in Matt's world" a long time. Makes me wonder when they started dating. I hate to say it but there is a difference between having Caren and having Chris at a family event. The kids don't know Chris. Caren's been there for a long time. But if Matt or Caren had any class she wouldn't have attended. As far as the house goes. It's Amy's. Matt has no business making plans for it. If she decides to leave I hope she charges full market value plus.
  15. One of my great aunts wore a size 2 shoe. She was 4'10". Feet do continue to spread. I always wore an 8.5 but now wear a 10.
  16. Remember she had a very serious drug problem for a long time. It ages a person.
  17. According to TMZ Erin Moran of Happy Days has died at 56.
  18. Actually they were talking about Crawford getting younger with each take at the beach. She was going to her trailer and having Mamacita tighten her frownies (tap used to give a temporary facelift).
  19. Ah, Harvey! Not a fan of James Stewart but love Cecil Kellaway and Josephine Hull!
  20. Let's have Ben come back as Richards brother. As smart a crook as Richard was a cop.?
  21. A place to discuss things like cast changes since we don't all see episodes at the same time.
  22. Which had better be diamonds set in platinum.
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