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Everything posted by Willowsmom

  1. I agree about Reza. He may not be a great parent but it won't be for lack of trying. Adam will get bored and move on. MJ MJ your party girl years ended a long time ago. Wanting to hand your dad a grandchild is not a reason to have a kid. You're far too selfish to care for anyone else.
  2. Aw, have some pity. She had to go let Molly be the center of attention for HOURS.
  3. by far the most beautiful Roloff bride so far. Beautiful dress.
  4. Actually Matt's busy making Molly's wedding about anybody surprised?
  5. Who sits around in their underwear and a baseball cap? These two are getting
  6. Nope, she really thinks she looks good. And the "will her boobs fall out" outfits get her the attention she wants.
  7. So the horse can go too?
  8. I was at the beach off season with a friend. We were sitting on the sand talking when I looked up and we were completely surrounded by seagulls. Needless to say, having see the movie we got up and just about ran away from those evil creatures.
  9. You said the stories were false, made up. All I said was that it was true. I think this whole group would sell each other by the pound for attention. It's sad.
  10. MJ has admitted to the bank fraud.
  11. It might be better if they started fresh with all new people. The old designers have too much baggage .
  12. Tveyeonyou, so sorry for your loss. MJ has one parent and he's ill. Vida will be no help if/when he dies. The question is will Tommy? And MJ's already was a heavy drinker in a social setting and she seems to be ramping it up now. she looked like she'd had a few when she was fixing a drink for Reza. And leave it to Reza to make MJ's dad all about himself.
  13. Hildi also did a wall of chicken feathers.
  14. I see it more as Auj is so special she deserved to be chased for years on end.
  15. The show went on without her for some time. Any host would do,
  16. The Shahs do not in any way behave like any Persian person I've ever known. This group are a bunch of drunken, spoiled children
  17. Asa ' s nearly 50 if she wants a baby she cannot wait and maybe she doesn't want to live with Jermaine. And these jackass especially would go to the waystation. The decent animal sanctuaries wouldn't have them . .
  18. As long as Frank's back and Ty's not we'll watch.
  19. I was thinking Matt and Amy would want their spouse to be able to keep family assets instead of giving to a peter pan son and grasping daughter-in-law.
  20. Unless Matt and Amy remarry others and the money goes to the new spouse.
  21. Nope. Matt wants that room for his new farmer, Jackson.
  22. Does anyone think for one nanosecond that if Asa had gone through fertility treatments with her that MJ wouldn't have been just as upset and jealous if Asa was successful and MJ wasn't? Or if Asa got the boy/girl MJ wanted? Any thing good for any of the other women on this show upsets MJ and causes a drunken scene (Reza headed this one off ). Asa will be a much better parent.
  23. Yeah and Jermaine Sr as Grandpa and Joseph Jackson as great grandpa. Not so sure the pedigree is that great.
  24. According to Matt Molly's being married on the farm. He and Caryn are flying back from Maui to plan.....
  25. If Jer is so interested in the farm why didn't he go to an agricultural college to learn how to make it profitable? Because he doesn't want the farm. He wants the life his dad has. Much fun, little real responsibility.
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