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Everything posted by Willowsmom

  1. What on Earth makes you think the kid will be on vacation with them? I'd bet they'll saddle a grandparent with it so they can rest from parenthood. Starting when they get home from the hospital.
  2. I don't think she's ugly on the outside. She is just not the classic beauty she and the Roloffs present her as. She is (like most of us) plain.
  3. Both are from the wrong part of the world . This was the best episode in a long time.
  4. I'm surprised Tawdry didn't have a camera installed in her uterus so we could see the golden sperm join the blessed egg.
  5. I can see it now...CARHARTT ROLOFF ! And Jer and Tawdry think they're bigger than the Kardashians .
  6. Oh please. We know Amy or Tori will actually raise this kid while Jer and Auj continue the "Play for Jesus" lifestyle.
  7. Shall we start an escape fund for the baby now?
  8. Because if they hadn't Booth wouldn't have found out his buddy was her delivery guy and Max couldn't have a heroic death. This show should have ended with the wedding.
  9. According to E online GG is married. That pop you heard was M.J.'s head.
  10. I don't think so, Episcopalians have priests not ministers. It was just generic Christian.
  11. I'm so done here. Jeff really believes he's God. He shouldn't believe his own press.
  12. I doubt Jer and Tawdry would bring a less than perfect baby to term.
  13. He's put up several photos with two couples. But I wonder if his date is taking the pictures.
  14. Not too long after the Manson murders my mom got a Toyota Corolla, which was a teeny car then. We used to whizz around the Hollywood Hills Friday nights. One night we spotted Mike Conners and mom followed him up into the hills. He finally pulled into a driveway, turned off his lights and waited for us to pass and then took off the other way. A few weeks later he was on a talk show and told all about how he was chased through the hills by the Mansons.
  15. Does ED look pregnant to anyone else?
  16. Then we'd all be proper Christian ( by Tawdry ' s definition) women blindly doing what the men folk told us to do. Of course she is very much " Do as I say, not as I do".
  17. I don't think Jer would appreciate it if Tawdry paid attention to a kid instead of him. I'm surprised he lets her have a cat.
  18. Bummer, I love Miguel Ferrer. One of the sexiest voices in Hollywood.
  19. Jer and Tawdry will be like Meri on Sister Wives. Constantly whining that they're being cheated because they don't have kids.
  20. That's the point. Now days these animals are not wild caught the are bred by the zoos and circuses that have them. They have no hope of surviving without human help. And although the elephants belong to Ringling Bros some of the other animals belong to the trainers. Were will they go? Possibily to less reputable shows.
  21. Most large cats are affection trained, not whipped. Elephants have also been given kinder training the last 30 years or so. Elephants and large cats do become attached to their humans, partly because many are handraised. I'm so tired of these blanket statements.
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