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Everything posted by Willowsmom

  1. No it was about Tori having the nerve to complain when she was due that her pregnancy was not all fun and blessedness. Auj was all but it's GODS Beautiful Will.....
  2. What Tori did for her child, having surgery when she was absolutely terrified to do so, makes her an amazing mom. Sorry Tawdry but Tori will always put her kids first. You will always put yourself first. She will always be the better mom.
  3. Sorry but they jumped the shark last night. I'm gone.......
  4. I was talking about a scene between the two where Tori is just so done with being pregnant and willing to say it wasn't all butterflies and chocolates. Audrey went on and on about it being a gift from GOD and SHE was grateful for every moment. And here we are, both babies are here. Tori just enjoying her son and Auj is loudly complaining about everything.....
  5. Given how horrid Auj was to Tori when Tori complained that pregnancy was not all sunshine and roses I think she deserves some snotty snark.
  6. Cupcake, M.J.'s drinking problem far pre dates her father's illness.
  7. I have cousins with RA and when they are in a bad cycle they do get chemo just like cancer patients. It seems to break the cycle and lets them go on normally. She has said she's off her meds so she can get pregnant and I would expect she may need more chemo as a result.
  8. Simple. Tori wanted a baby, Tawdry wants attention. And since she had a girl it's not even as if the kid can secure the farm for them. If she cannot deal with breastfeeding then don't. The baby will be just fine on formula .
  9. Run Tommy . You don't need a baby mama that is just using you as a sperm donor .
  10. I kind of get it. The boys are adults in their 50's and 60's. They are well into their careers and lives. Leaving them money may not be necessary but you would think there would be things he would want them to have.
  11. He's claiming they separated Sept 13, not in March.
  12. Shalom wants spousal support. Poor GG
  13. He coaches/teaches at an indoor soccer place. So during the school year he would be working evenings/weekends. Summers would be busier .
  14. Took them longer than I thought tocomplain. Wonder if they're looking for their first romantic weekend yet? Anything to escape parenthood.
  15. I think iT ' s The Pleasure Chest .
  16. Did anyone see the name of the store GG ' S class was at?
  17. If Asa dies the embryos would belong to the father (I'm beginnig to think Jermaine is Asa's imaginary friend). And yes he could use them with another woman.
  18. ff is one of those " my life won't change, the baby will have to adapt" Yeah, right.
  19. Jeff wants the life they had. that's gone
  20. Gage is gong through the same adjustment all new parents do. Problem is he's doing it alone. Jeff is determined to have life as usual.
  21. We know Auj is going to brag for years that SHE had her baby naturally where Tori had a c section (even tho Tori did it for Jackson's health and safety).
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