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Everything posted by Willowsmom

  1. You have to remember that Rock n Roll people didn't make tons of money until the mid sixties , long after Chuck Berry's heyday.
  2. I would have loved for them to have Richard go home and send for Camille .
  3. Second the cameras are gone so is Tawdry.
  4. The shaker was part of a pair. Cam kept one and Michelle has the other. TThis was just so what for me. Nothing is changing really . Cam will be back, Bones will be fine, Aubrey is staying. Same old same old. It looks like an attempt to move to a new network. At least they killed Buffy.
  5. Sorry, Matt's no catch. Remember back to when the show started. Amy worked three part time jobs to make sure her kids were fed because Matt wasn't providing? Remember him going behind her back and totally disregarding her concerns because his little project was more important than anything the family needed? Remember Matt walking out on vacations with his kids because he was bored? Remember him telling Amy he was going to Hawaii and to call him when the grandkids came even though all the kids were still home at the time? Matt is a nasty narcissist who doesn't give a hoot about anybody but himself.
  6. I want to know what Caryn is thinking. She's seen Matt treat Amy like poop for years, he won't treat her any better in the end.
  7. if Caryn has a personal relationship with Matt she needs to be replaced. Given the divorce the farm manager needs to be neutral.
  8. TMZ is saying Abby has quit the show. Could this be a harbinger of sentencing?
  9. Don't be surprised if s miscarriage happens a few days after Tori Zach is born.
  10. I agree. I want the original director back. Or Dr. Edison.
  11. I thought Brennan. But that idea really sucks. Did anyone see Angela in the previews?
  12. Ther has been much talk of moving the show to another platform like Netflix. Elsewhere David has been saying he's ready for the show to be over so I kind of doubt it will continue.
  13. The wedding happens one day and everything else happens the next day. The hearing was at the same time the body was found.
  14. When filming stops Zach and Tori will soon tire of Matt playing favorites (and we know he will) . Hopefully Zach won't run the next time Matt plays the "I'm dying/in terrible danger of being paralyzed card". Amy already seems disgusted with Jer and Tawdry.
  15. You forget Little Richard. More original than Elvis.
  16. Season 6 just started in L.A. Boy is the commissioner skinny!
  17. The new episode never mentioned Zach. I suspect that will be the finale.
  18. Could do without Betty White. Hate what they did to Wendell.
  19. And that was dragon fruit, available at many markets in California.
  20. I hope she gets the time she needs to mourn. After all, Tori just lost her first child.
  21. The differences were the whole point. The show spent years telling us Matt was impulsive, especially when it came to women . And basically this marriage was a way to show Matt out from under his rather domineering parents thumbs. And I disagree that a rabbi wouldn't allow such a marriage. Remember Matt converted.
  22. Only in his own tiny mind could he be considered any of those qualities.
  23. If they took money they'll have to ship.You can bet Jer and Tawdry don't have any pre order monies left.
  24. Sorry to hear he's leaving but Dr. Who is a much bigger deal. New to us episodes are starting here in Los Angeles March 16.
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