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Everything posted by Willowsmom

  1. Jer will never willingly do actual work. And what he learned from Matt wouldn't pass inspection.
  2. So Abby ' s spending her first night in the big house.
  3. The only way Maci can really be dammed is if she doesn't do what's best for Bentley . If that means no overnights with Jen (he's way to old to sleep with her) or Supervised visits for Jen and Larry too, so be it. As someone who was cut off from an abusive, enabling grandmother believe me he will survive. And in time be happier.
  4. How do we know Maci never expressed concern to Jenn or Larry? It's quite possible she did and was blown off.
  5. Maci needs supervised visitation with court appointed monitors not Jen, Larry or Mac. Just cutting Ryan off would be harmful and hurtful to Bentley. This way as long as Ryan shows up sober he gets time with his son.
  6. We saw this today. Watched three episodes in a row. Hated the way they trashed a beautiful fireplace and replaced it with modern reproductions. I don't really see the point of a show if they are not showing the work. This might as well be Flip or Flop.
  7. I don't know where they were (but found a place in N. Carolina) that lists the following:Poplar, black walnut, persimmon, cherry, white pine and yellow pine. So little Daisy Walnut . Or Daisy Persimmon.
  8. She thinks her's is annoying HER. How dare it!
  9. Notice when Amy talks about the baby, it's about Jackson. When Matt talks about the baby it's about Matt? Wonder how Jer feels about Matt giving his old nick name to Jackson?
  10. He looked ready to chew off his wedding ring finger and make a break for freedom.
  11. Could Jer have looked more miserable during the bonfire . He really isn't into this pregnancy .
  12. My mom had migraines when I was a kid. It was from a stressful situation. When the situation ended the headaches lessened and and stopped a year or so later. Zach is under more stress than ever before and hopefully as he adjusts to actually being a grownup and gains confidence in his ability to do so his headaches will lessen and disappear.
  13. who's the little boy that was at the egg hunt?
  14. Zach asked Amy to bring something she thought would be okay to eat. Who better than his mom to know what he can manage when he's sick? I don't know about any one else but there are still foods I need from my childhood to make me feel better.
  15. So if Jessica Fletcher was the serial killer in Cabot Cove who would it be on Ste Marie? I think it has to be either Dwayne, the commissioner or Catherine. What do you all think?
  16. Why does Matt still insist on emphasizing Zach and Jer's twin-ness? They are adults with totally separate and different lives. Is Tawdrey capable of any real sympathy? Her concern is that it will really suck if Tori has to take care of Zach and Jackson? Really.
  17. It's Los Angeles . It's a spot with a bat design added with gaffers tape
  18. Amy had three jobs when the show started. Shewas secretary for LPA, secretary for the kids soccer league and she taught pre-school.
  19. Try it with a poor at best fourth grade education, a few months study and an ineffectual tutor and see how hard it is.
  20. More and more Nova looks like Tyler to me. And it's not a good look on a girl.
  21. Amy talked about carrying her kids and that she had to have c-section because her pelvis is too narrow. She also commented that she wanted 6 kids but the doctor told her to stop after Jacob. One of them did say on camera that they had Jacob hoping for a LP sibling for Zach. These happened in the first couple of seasons.
  22. Sabrina had a responsibility to understand. She hears and does what she wants. She also was most likely high. Not all panic attacks are the same. I can and do cry. And Rebecca did fail whether she didn't pass or she failed to finish. She wasn't anywhere near ready for that test. Mary is no more Amish than my dog. How many times now has she been shunned? This is at least the second. She's a fame whore plain and simple. IIn the same vein, if you don't like the snark here why read it? Sabrina is not now nor has she ever been Amish. She is Mennonite. They are pacifists. I sincerely doubt she was raised with family violence .
  23. Tawdry ' s face is more angular and harder looking. As if she's been worried. And her eyebrows aren't doing her any favors.
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