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Everything posted by connieinnc

  1. I didn't mention, but have been using ice as part of Drs orders. Maybe I'll try the alternate heat also. Thank you
  2. I need some advice: I recently fell, which resulted in a fractured rib (which I know only time will help) and a severely bruised tendon in my elbow; of course on my dominant side. I am in an immobilizer sling for two weeks. I have been occasionally removing the sling and moving the arm, as instructed by the doctor. I do not want to take the 'controlled substance' pain meds, so have been using ibruprofen. Does anyone have suggestions for what else I can be doing? It really sucks to be one handed :(
  3. It looked like the gate at the end of the alley outside Camille's apartment to me. Or they are weirdos like me who still had 4 baby teeth up until I was 50, when they started chipping. ( I have no permanent teeth to push them out and they were actually harder for the dentist to pull, because of the way the roots grow). I still have 2 baby teeth left at 57. :)
  4. Also: 19. Pore = to examine closely 20. Pour = to cause a substance to flow from a container
  5. If they do like was done with my family members, more than one embryo was implanted, to increase the chance of one 'taking'. It is common for a partial miscarriage to occur.
  6. Did anyone else notice Kameron (several times) doing the 'high finger point' that was totally unacceptable when Cary did it to her? How exactly did Jimmy find out about the kcup incident that was done in a private setting, unless Kam made sure to gossip about it? (but of course, LeAnne's grinding on the floor during the same trip is perfectly acceptable?)
  7. I haven't finished t he thread, so apologize if this has already been answered ... Bobby and Buck are not paramedics; Chimney and Hen are (and Eddie was a medic).
  8. I believe Dr K said the parrot couldn't get a prosthetic beak because there was no place to attach it to
  9. I completely agree that Nick being alive is completely ridiculous, and there was a now retconned as fake Archangel blade, but those weren't what I was questioning. Thank you all for taking the time to reply though, I very much appreciate it.
  10. Let me try again, since I obviously was unclear in my original question: how is canon for how an Archangel blade works being broken when the only use of a real one was shown at the end of last season? We don't know if Gabriel's meatsuit is alive in the AU. We DO see that Nick is recovering from the sound inflicted on Lucifer, but don't know that a side effect of the blade is to do *some* restoration of the host. Yes, this series uses a lot of handwavian in regards to angels in particular and is inconsistent at best for many issues.
  11. I am confused as to why some here (too lazy to go back and quote) are complaining about canon being ruined by the Nick meatsuit being alive after Lucifer being killed with the Archangel blade. The concept of the Archangel blade is new from last season, versus the Angel blade that has been previously used. Therefore, there is no canon yet for the Archangel blade, or am I missing something?
  12. My comment was in reaction to one that said her being Latina made it worse, but am not going to comment further when I haven't seen the portrayal in question.
  13. A person can be Latinx with African descent, not sure if that is Ms Saldana's ethnicity, but it is hasty to jump to the conclusion that she was doing blackface.
  14. I apologize, haven't read all comments yet, but apparently Mormons are now allowed to drink cold caffeinated beverages ... so hot tea is still a no-no, but iced tea is ok.
  15. I believe it is much more likely that the 'Sansa statue' fan posted that for attention than every single other source did not report it, but that is simply my opinion.
  16. So my brother can't be my brother because of the same age difference between us? Or my daughter's sisters aren't her sisters for the same reason? wow
  17. There is also a magnet HS in Greensboro for Performing Arts - Weaver Academy (which is different from what Tal was accepted to, bit *could* be what Whitney was enrolled in). I am too lazy to look it up. :D
  18. It is part of the UNC system, and is highly respected. It is ~20 miles form Greensboro, in Winston-Salem NC. I took a quick look at the site and listed as notable alums are: Jada Pinkett Smith, Judge Reinhold, Mary Louise Parker, and Missi Pyle - just a few of the names I recognized right away. I won't speak to Tal's talent, but it is reputable. Remember there is a lot of filming done in NC (or at least there used to be a few years back).
  19. We have gotten very light rain and minimal winds (like 10-20 mph) in the Triad (Greensboro area). There is no need here to stay home, thank goodness.
  20. I use closed captioning because I cannot otherwise follow the dialog. I was struck by the repeated mentions of the squawking, so made the assumption that the walkers also heard and reacted to it, couldn't think of any other reason for it to be important.
  21. i assume the walkers refocused on the sound of the bird squawking after the car horn stopped. IIRC, John Dorie mentioned the bird several times and I couldn't figure out why until that moment.
  22. Is it just me, or did anyone else get the impression that Marin may have been molested by her mother's boyfriend? The comment she made when she got into the truck with Heather, something about her mom accusing her of flirting with the boyfriend, definitely rang an alarm for me. This raised speculation that he could possibly have impregnated Marin.
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