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Everything posted by connieinnc

  1. But I believe Ramsey originally held Winterfell, while Roose remained Lord of the Dreadfort (?). Would Roose care to have the 'Lord's' suite when he moved to Winterfell? I can't remember if Fat Walda's death happened before or after Sansa's escape.
  2. Could the sun refer to the Martells (rising in Westeros, going to Essos), the seas to the Ironborn/Greyjoys (giving up reaving as Tara promised Dany), mountains to the Cleganes?
  3. I keep thinking, during the discussion where Jon offered Sansa the 'master' suite; wouldn't that be the same rooms in which she was raped and tortured by Ramsey? I completely understand that COULD be a reason that she prefer to let Jon have those rooms. Thoughts?
  4. I have to laugh, because Whit posted that we didn't see that the dance started facing the back wall, so it was a good thing for Caitie to be in the back, since the class would be watching her. She also posted that she doesn't care if anyone hate watches, since it pushes her ratings up.
  5. Middleton. But I assume you mean Katherine's last name, which I believe is now Windsor?
  6. Yes, Whitney was working as a producer on a local radio station (on Heather 's ex husband's show) when her videos started getting 'recognized'. She was given time off to explore her new opportunities. Her behavior was very consistent with what is being displayed on TLC.
  7. No, I just happen to live in the area and have some exposure to Whitney and Heather pre-show.
  8. My theory as to why Buddy seems to have stopped his attempt to get healthy: Heather seems to go for the 'fluffy bearded guy' type. Buddy strongly reminds me of her ex-husband. The ex went on a 'get healthy' quest and it was right about the time he started showing results that their marriage broke up.
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