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Everything posted by ezzy4

  1. I rewatched the show tonight. Kody is very straightforward about where his anger is coming from; he's bent out of shape 'cause he feels CONTROLLED by Christine. He clearly says the difference between his and Meri's relationship failure and his and Christine's, is he called quits on Meri but he was "blindsided" by Christine calling quits on him. And he clearly says Christine relished in her sense of "control" over him. (This, of course, is pure projection 'cause it's Kody who relishes CONTROL.) It's all such classic narcissism. Narcs truly iy understand relationships soley as manipulations of who is in CONTROL. He's been saying it over and over since Christine broached the topic of divorce...how he is going to take back CONTROL of the family. And this explains every relationship he has with his children...once they are old enough to escape his CONTROL, he has no use for them.
  2. ^^^ this ^^^^ Robyn is just so so bizarre. Can you imagine have someone (anyone) come to YOUR house to loudly declare they know more about YOUR marriage than YOU do? I don't blame Christine for staying quiet. What is there to say to that level of craziness?
  3. So this is what i think... Meri is mad, not because Christine had the guts to do what she couldn't, but rather because Christine leaving is a obvious sign that this "happy poly family" facade is over. Meri tried to leave, got spooked and now is clinging to a life that she knows is a lie. Christine is pulling the cutain back on this lie and Meri is exposed. The Coyote Pass is another remnant of the "happy poly family" facade. Kody at one time actually thought he could build a home in which he'd live with his wife Robyn, and he'd let his former "wives" live there too (cause he's a good guy...a happy polygamist...not at all just a typical jerk of a husband/father who moves on from woman to woman). Jenelle is calling out this facade. She' literally parking herself at the pass and saying "put up or shut up". Well...looks like no one is really interested in "putting up". No one really intends to develop this property. It's all been a lie. Also, Robyn just seems so much less intelligent than the other women (even Meri). She just doesn't seem in the realm of average intelligence. She apparently can't parent her children either. I really have a hard time blaming her or holding her to account when she seems like she dealing with a real deficit.
  4. I wonder the same thing. Drives me nuts!
  5. Dear Lord...Robyn is dumb... That's all.
  6. Like everyone else is saying, Nutalie has GOT be faking things for entertainment value, right? But I'm slowly coming to fear this isn't just acting...she really is NUTS. Like absolutely Borderline PD. Just exhausting. Just awful. There seems to be nothing redeeming about her.
  7. I think it was just Christine and Mykelti saying "heads up, we're filming for the show. You've got time to get yourself camera ready"
  8. Hospital visits were difficult in covid times. As much as i don't like Meri, I'm gonna assume she didn't go right away 'cause it would have been difficult with hospital covid rules
  9. Bonnie did seem really sweet. How did she end up with such a pill of a daughter?
  10. Here's my take: I bet Kathy did rant about her family and Bravo. I suspect she did say homophobic and racist comments (as her family has a history of this). Lisa is a savy, calculating business woman (or at least she thinks she is) and she is trying to position herself as standing up for her employer (Bravo) and LGBT rights. She is making a point at being over the top offended. She is positioning herself to be the savior of her employer being so wronged and disrespected. At the same time, she hedging her bets. She's claiming great offence yet walking away and not escalating at the bday party, which is not her usual tactic. Maybe she's waiting to see how BRAVO reacts. Maybe she's worried about fan/media blow back. Maybe Kathy did bring out the big guns with a legal threat. All indication is BRAVO is going to sweep whatever happened under the rug. They seem to be sending a message that Rinna is over reacting (at least that's the impression I get) This makes sense to me. I mean it fits with Kyle's actions too. Just leave Kathy and walk away like there's nothing much to see here. No tears. No drama. Not like Kyle at all. But if Kathy was hugely offensive to their employer and said racist horrible things...it would be best to just ignore and let the episode fade away. Just talk to Kathy like all is normal next time you see her (when she's actually thinking "gall dammit bi@ch don't mess up my reality gig!")
  11. Yes! I could not hear anything she said...THOSE eyebrows...dear LORD.
  12. I kinda understand Christine 'cause it's all very reminiscent of my first marriage ending. She's dealing with a narcissist and a whole system of gaslighting. It's hard to keep your bearings. It seemed she was resolved but still felt an obligation to sit through all the abuse in the endless (and filmed) conversation. It's so weird but when you are so use to it you don't know how or when it's reasonable to disengage. Honestly the legal protection of divorce laws helped me tremendously...just in understanding where appropriate boundaries should be (for example: an expectation that both parents are financially responsible fir the children). Poor Christine doesn't have this help. It can't help her to have examples like Meri around her. What a mess. Kody is the WORST.
  13. This Patricia person isn't for real, right? I mean this seems like the MOST scripted "reality" show there is, but this Patricia person has to be completely made up...the grating voice...the obsessive talking about money...while she insists it's uncouth to talk about money...the old lady decor... Ug.
  14. I blame Sumit 100%. This is not a Jenny problem. This is not a Sumit mama problem. This is a Sumit problem. He wanted a Western relationship and went trolling to find one. He made commitments to Jenny to be in a Western style marriage. He set this whole thing up. Then he acts like victim when his mother objects and acts like Jenny is the one to blame. There is something really wrong with Sumit and his history of deceit and broken promises. Sumit if you make the choices then you gotta own the consequences. Boy you need to grow the hell up.
  15. Dear LORD...people sell properties all.the.time. Why is this such a huge deal?? I have fond memories of the farm where i grew up that my parents sold a few years back. I'm thankful for the memories. Never occurred to me that it should have been given to me. These people (all of them) need to move the F on. Geezzee.
  16. How...how...how...is this all right?? "Our daughter is a moron...so you (who knows zero about our country/culture) need to do EVERYTHING immediately". Ug. These people are the WORST!!
  18. Or a passive aggressive personality. Classic withholding, constant lying and gas lighting, and reaching out to other women. CREEPY!
  19. Gino is a loser. A covert narcissist. Creepy, creepy, creepy
  20. Right?! I mean what the actual HELL...shutter...
  21. It's hard for me to be too tough on Sobin' Robin 'cause that girl is just so damn stupid..like seriously mentally impaired. 😞
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