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Everything posted by ezzy4

  1. Aurora: i'm good at flirting Nope. That's not possible. Learning to fake cry does not equal "flirting" even if it did land that HUNK of a step man father.
  2. That poor unfortunate woman child
  3. Did a tender ask if Meri has a dog? Is that what she said?
  4. Kody is completely disconnected from reality
  5. Could it just be cause having Meri hanging on means they are still succeeding at the "plural life" they hung their entire world on? It's their religion..their identity...their livelihood?
  6. Lololololololololol...giggle...giggle...they are platonic.... giggle...lololololol...teehee. wink. Wink. Haha
  7. Wha? What is Meri talking about? Sobyn has ASSURED us there is no talk about other people's relationships...etc...
  8. Oh dear LORD Kody. You are such an @ss
  9. Ya know I don't think Kody is antisocial (a psychopath). I don't think he really takes his pleasure from others' pain. Rather I think he takes SOLACE in feeling angry and victimized. So it's not that the older boys can't be hurt by him. I think it's that they don't expect anything from him. Gabe and Garrison still expect him to be their father. And that feels HUGELY unfair to Kody. He's washed his hands of them...and still they come at him with expectations. Kody is angry and frustrated by that. Of course, no matter the motivation...Kody is still causing his boys real pain. These poor kids have to get to the place of understanding none of this has ANYTHING to do with THEM. This is alllll about Kody (and Sobyn) and everyone else is just collateral damage. But that's the hardest part when dealing with a narc; not taking things personally.
  10. Ok...i'm gonna venture into uncharted territory...it feels so so weird for me to be saying this 'cause i fully dislike Kim (I mean, what's there to like other than her beautiful hair?)...but...but... I think she could do much better that that new bf. There i said it! She's too good for him. And i agree with everyone who says this relationship started long before she left her marriage. Which it makes it even weirder. Why would anyone leave any marriage for that guy? Am i missing something?
  11. 1) True narcs are not really treatable because their dysfunctional beliefs are such an ingrained part if their personalities that they just can't ever objectively see them. They are incapable of true insight. Without insight there is no moviation to change anything. Sobyn BELIEVES she is a victim. It is her truth (despite ALL evidence to the contrary). If anyone tries to call her out on her behavior (or encourages her to see things differently), she regards those attempts as PROOF she is being victimized. Trying to hold her accountable is victimizing her. This is her whole personalty and has been since before she joined this family. It is a self fulfilling role: if you truly believe you're a victim then every interaction will feel like an attack. The older kids seem to really understand Sobyn. 2) Kody is a weak personality. I mean he blusters a lot. He's mad. He's always mad. But "mad" isn't a personality. It's the lowest form of emotion. It's what you are if you can't access or express more complex emotions. Toddlers get cranky when tired or frustrated. Kody has the emotional maturity of a toddler. And toddlers are narcissist. They don't have the maturity to think outside themselves and their needs/wants. Since Kody's met Sobyn, he's a victim too. He's mad that Sobyn is being victimized. He's mad that now he is being victimized. Kody is just a cranky toddler who absorbs the personality of the person he's standing next to rather than developing his own). 3) That weird victim speak, learned helplessness (learned perpetual "confusion") can be generational. When Sobyn's little sobyns were talking there was a strange disconnect about them. Their words seemed rehersed and like it was someone else's voice. It reminded me sooooo much of those weird "keep sweet" voices you hear from Michelle Duggar, etc... So creepy. So not believable. Makes me think Sobyn came to her personality from her childhood role models. Sobyn is working hard to raise some victims of her own. 4) I see Mekalty (sp?) weirdness as a maturity issue too. That girl has always been strangely immature and the family has struggled with that about her. Her courtship with Tony was just cringe. And now she finds herself feeling like she has a bit of power in the family as the "go between". Clearly she is being manipulated. It's all so obvious, but she doesn't yet have the maturity to see that. Hopefully she will grow up. 5) While I'm at it...Wth is with Meri and her "friend"? It's just another clear case of arrested development. Has Meri ever had a friend before? She's behaving like this is her first BEST FRIEND in middle school. So embarrassing. ___ I think it's safe to say polygamy isn't a breeding ground for emotional growth...at least not in this family.
  12. Omg. Kody and Sobyn are the WORST! Nite all!!
  13. Yep...it's just a set up to talk in front of the cameras
  14. Kody learned he wanted to be the patriarch when Sobyn told him about it
  15. Kody: i've reached out to the boys Also Kody: Christine has RUINED my relationship with all my children Also Kody: I refuse to reach out to my boys (cause I'm so mad at Christine)
  16. Yeah. And "solace" is such a strange word choice. Solace? It can mean peace, but so often it's used to convey emotions of loss and mouring. It just sounds like victim talk (yet again). Like he's saying "Sobyn and I aren't given enough time to cling to each other in greif while we deal with the fallout of the chaos we created. Poor us. Woe is me"
  17. ^^^^ this^^^^ (Plus the "tried to black it out" made me spit my coffee out ;) )
  18. Welp...dippin out. I don't have the patience for Angela or Big Ed. Both are a bridge too far for me.
  19. Poor Mary...she has the WORLD on her shoulders (or so she thinks).
  20. I hafta admit I kinda think Danielle is a itty bit interesting. The girl as absolutely nothing. No money. No future. No common sense. Just nothing...but CONFIDENCE! Sooo so much confidence! It makes no sense. And it humors me
  21. I don't get it. Kimberly has zero personality. She's got a terrible attitude. And i don't mean to pick on someone's physical characteristicss...but she's not a good looking person. She doesn't seem to have money. She doesn't come across as well educated or even interesting. They don't share a similar background or religion. Their parnership makes ZERO sense to me. There is just nothing about her that i can see would make someone (anyone) say "now there's the woman for me!"
  22. Worse couple in 90 day fiance history. Darn LARD!
  23. And the ring thing is sooooo weird. Can you imagine being married as long as Kody and Meri have been and your husband being COMPLETELY confused about why you'd be asking him about a new wedding ring on his finger?! Kody acted like it was the weirdest thing ever. And Sobyn seems just pissed!! Sobyn seemed hugely offended Meri notice /asked about it. Just another example of the Sobyn/Kody abuse and gaslighting. It was just so disrespectful. (I bet his old ring will be stuffed into a box in the barn he wants to build along with everything else he's throwing away - ie: Meri)
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