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Everything posted by ezzy4

  1. There is absolutely nothing wrong with Nicole...at least nothing wrong IF SHE WAS A TWO YEAR OLD!! Seriously her actions are normal for a toddler; she pouts or turns red with anger if she doesn't immediately get her wants met, she puts immediate gratification before long term goals, she can't connect actions to consequences. She doesn't pick up on social cues. She seems to be barely self sufficient. When her step fatber said "she's a smart girl" all i could think is...well.. naw, that's not true at all. But she's functioning at least. She does not seem mentally challenged to the point of being legally disabled anyway. But emotionally? Yeah, she's got some serious deficients. And they seem serious enough to put her in danger. She doesn't have the emotional skills of an adult. I cannot see her upbringing (no matter how lenient) explaining this level of immaturity (anymore than i can see parenting being the root of a mental deficit). She's a rude and difficult person, but i worry about her and her daughter. And i have a lot of sympathy for her mother.
  2. That Chantel family is truly dysfunctional. They clearly demostrate "groupspeak" which is common in dysfunctional closed family systems (and cults, etc). It involves "black and white" thinking and a common sense of moral superiority. There is no individual thought. You can see each family member glancing nervously to the others making sure they are "on family script"...there is an arrogance, but a nervousness too. And a classic sign of "groupspeak" in families is the lack of appropriate boundaries. Chantel family has ZERO boundaries. Chantel has asked her little brother to butt out of her martial issues many times. It's bizarre that he doesn't and even more bizarre that Chantel doesn't make him (by NOT attending family vacations where that strange lack of boundary behavior goes unchecked). That "family vacation" was strange. It was just a group pile on. It was meant to be an intervention to close ranks in the family and expell the intruding party. I now better understand Chantel and her impulsiveness and her lying. She trying to be an individual but is ill equipped given her background and her trying to break from the Chantel family cult. Her attempt to escape will likely fail and she will be reeled back in. Is Pedro innocent? Who knows? It's hard to see anything through the Chantel family mess...but it wouldn't surprise me. There are red flags. But Chantel's family has taught her well to ignore red flags. They have basically trained her to be scammed. Ug...they are just the WORST!
  3. You make SUCH a good point about the t.v. income necessitates holding onto that farm as long as possible. Having a good plan to transition the farm to the twins would provide for a long t.v. future though. So they really should stop dinking around with these incredibly boring discussions (that aren't really discussions) before they fully lose their viewer base. Ensuring future t.v. incone is another good reason for these twins to MAN up and come up with a viable plan. So are they just just too immature to understand that...or are they really not intetested in the farm at all and just sort of pretend to be for the show (just playing it out for as long as they can keep the show going)??
  4. I hear what you're saying...but...i just can't... Jer & Auj truly seem truly entitled...it's in their expressions, their actions, their words, their silences, their blogs, their photos....it can't all be editing. They are so frustratingly self-important. They cannot be good parents given their complete lack of maturity. If Amy truly cared for her granddaughter you would think she'd confront some of that misplaced arrogance. When it's directed at her, it's kind of her job, kwim? At the very least, you don't enable it. It just drives me crazy that we all complain about entitled grown children...and then defend the parenting that created these behaviors in our grown children. (Hey, i've made parenting mistakes...I'm not without blame myself...but geezzee...I want to shake Amy sometimes!I )
  5. Yeah...there was something odd that happened. I read it differently though. Clearly only the twins were invited to the table to discuss. When Tori said, "see ya there", Auj whipped around like lightning...maybe she though Tori was being included while she alone was excluded from the discussions? Maybe it's it's just a very sensitive topic for her? Maybe she's super offensive or defensive about it? Idk. There was something weird though.
  6. I wonder why there isn't more blame being put on Amy and Matt for how aweful Jerkemy is behaving? I would be appalled if my grown child acted like that on t.v. for the world to see. Why aren't they saying "You seem to have an interest in eventually owning this farm. We'd like to help you achieve that goal if we can. Please tell us your plans?" Why aren't aren't they having grown up conversations? Why aren't they holding their children to appropriate expectations/standards? Argh! It drives me crazy!
  7. I don't think Amy is being spiteful about staying. She straight out asked Matt, "Why, do you want to buy me out?". If Matt had the means to, none of these issues would be a problem. I suspect the farm asset is simply too big for either Amy or Matt to afford solo. And the house is worth more with the land and visa versa. So subdividing would devalue the total worth. This is how they got stuck cohabitating on the property. (Neither want to devalue the investment they worked their marriage to build, and neither has the means to buy the other out.) Now added to this is the next generation who think this asset is somehow free for the taking. Jerk seems confused about why the whole place isn't just handed over to him no questions asked; he even suggested his father has a few good years left to make money. (I guess to fund his retirement since the farm investment will soon be Jerk's outright...don't even get me started on how he treats his mother...oye) So when Matt suggests Amy should just move (without a payout), when Jerk suggest Amy should just move (without any sort of payoff)...Amy is only being pragmatic (not spiteful) when she "I just rather see the place sold outright" then continue to dink around with this investment none of them can afford solo. The only real solutions to this mess are 1) sell the farm, divide the money and go their separate ways or 2) come up with a clear, fair, precise plan for the twins (and other children) to buy into the asset. A plan that legally spells out acceptable terms. So this is on the twins. Matt has a history of manipulative intentions and rash actions. Amy has a history of simply closing down and not dealing with things straightforwardly (likely from years of Matt fallout). If the twins want the farm they need to SERIOUSLY man up and come up with a plan.
  8. These two are simply delusional. That's all.
  9. Yeah...but.... Were they actually having any real discussion about the future? I didn't think so. Matt sort of hemmed and hawed about possibly becoming a snowbird. Jeremy, per usual, hemmed and hawed about someday maybe having an interest in the farm sometime in the future. No one said anything of any substance. Then they turned to Amy and asked for her plans. I thought she gave the only answer that made sense given the details that were provided. She essentially said, "my future plan remains as it always has been, but i understand future circumstances may change those plans." It's kind of hard to say anything more.
  10. It's just weird to me. Of course Amy is of the mindset that she will remain in the big house til she is too old to live independently. I mean that was the decision made at the time of the divorce. Matt was on board with that agreement. And nothing has changed to suggest anything should be different. None of their four children have shown any real interest in actually working at the farm. The twins were only marginally involved in pumpkin season (no more involved than when they were as middle schoolers). So i kinda agree with Amy... i would wonder if there was some hidden agenda too. There just isn't any reason to have the discussion at all. There was nothing to discuss.
  11. Omg...Jermery actually just said he would like to see his parents value "legacy over retirement". He clearly meant he thinks his parents should give their children the farm at the expense of their (Matt & Amy's) personal futures. Dear LORD is that one an entitled manchild! Ug!
  12. So I don't get it. . . It ISN'T her job to police her, but it IS her job to prevent her from doing something?? Pick a lane. Beth had two choices really. Invite Dorinda or don't invite Dorinda. Once she issued the invitation, all she could do was hope Dorinda would behave appropriately. She can't control or police another grown up.
  13. Dorinda WAS drunk, and she IS a drunk. There is just no way around that. For those who think Beth some how set her up or contributed to her drunken scene, I say you are being naïve (perhaps well intentioned, but naïve). You can't stop a drunk from drinking. Beth did say they had a few drinks before the dinner. Clearly Beth had a FEW drinks. Clearly Dorinda had MANY, MANY drinks. How is that on Beth?? I wonder whose idea it was to stop for a drink? I wonder if Dorinda helped herself to a few in the privacy of a hotel room or something? That's the thing about being around drunks, they are so darn good at manipulating situations and they are sneaky. Before you know it there you are at some important dinner meeting with a drunk friend/co-worker who you try your best to contain/explain. You will be judged by the company you keep. You may even find yourself criticized for somehow "allowing" your grown @ss friend/co-worker to become that sloppy. Hanging out with a drunk is a "no win" situation. Beth has the weary look of someone well acquainted with drunks. She just glazes over. She didn't bother trying to deflect. It is what it is. Dorinda was drunk and made a fool of herself and made everyone else uncomfortable. Beth only offended the slightest of explanation. I think her downplaying Richard was just part of her attempting to downplay the whole scene. Dorinda caused the scene. She sure the heck can't complain about how Beth attempted to set things right after she stumbled out. That is ALL on Dorinda. But as I said, Beth seems to understand how drunks operate. She knew Dorinda would be on the plane the next day. Beth said "you're drunk" or "you're a drunk". What does it matter. They are both true. I've thought from the very first time Dorinda was introduced to the RHONY franchise, that girl's got a drinking problem. Her relationship with John is more about her relationship with booze. Drunks keep strange company (any company who can normalize their drinking). BTW, I like sober Dorinda. I really do.
  14. I know what you mean . . . but I don't get Teddi's delivery sounding "judgy" . . . it sounds more self-conscious to me. Like she's trying to put out the message, "It's not that I'm a slob. It's just that I don't value fancy clothes. So I'm not trying really hard and failing at something. I just don't care about that something" Almost a proactive defense (which I fully realize it really just an offense in real life, even if it feels like defensive in Teddi's head).
  15. see I don't believe anything about Horrid Dorit is real . . . not her current bathing suit line, not her accent not her boobs. But she is still determined to sell herself as authentic. Last night when Andy quizzed the cast at WWHL about what plastic surgeries the women had, had. Horrid Dorit didn't admit to anything. Yeah . . . right . . . here's her h.s. picture.
  16. I hate to break the 4th wall . . . but some much of what I see makes me naturally do so. Like does anyone really believe that swimsuit line is actually designed by Horrid Dorit? I mean it isn't, right? Right from the start she was meeting with "designers" about looks that were already prototyped. It seems much more likely that she is selling her name for branding purposes to a group who is in the business of designing collections. The fact that so much of "Dorit's company" was altered (including the actual name) in her absence really speaks to her lack of control of the business. I don't believe PK stepped in and made these changes. I believe the company took advantage of the absence of her drama and cameras to make the changes they had in mind for the collection. To play this situation off as Dorit designing a new collection is just so fake. And now the stupid fashion show. Clearly Horrid Dorit's input wasn't required. She wasn't even in the country. When they met and she did all her dramatics on camera (in her mind, that stuff makes for good t.v. . . . I think most of American - certainly me - just rolls their eyes.), it was clear the "staff" was just walking her through what THEY already planned. When she wailed about the necessity of palm tress, the "staff" dude just gave her the brush off, "we're still looking into that". It was clear to me the palm trees were a suggestion by Dorit (certainly not a directive) and he was giving her the "yay that's not gonna happen" response as nicely as possible. When she wailed about the length of the runway and how she hadn't been told it was shortened (if it actually was shortened . . . that just may be Horrid Dorit assuming the runway was going to b standard length). The "staff" dude just said, "I'm telling you now". It was so obvious this whole meeting was just a walk through on camera to inform Dorit about what decisions were made by the company who designed the collection and paid Dorit to have her loosely associated with it. And . . . .. As far as spending time at a spa while in Germany. This was a work trip. There is no way around that. And what these women do for a living (dramatic fighting and drinking on camera) honestly looks exhausting to me. I don't begrudge the ladies who decided to go to the spa. I mean it was on Bravo's dime. That's good work if you can get it. I imagine a lot of these women when they are these Bravo travel trips take a look around and think, "This place seems nice. I could see taking a vacation here someday. It looks like there are a lot of interesting things that would be fun to see."
  17. I respectfully disagree . . . I completely see what you are saying though. Kyle has been really pushing this "BFF" thing with Dorit. But I see that as a calculated move (at least at first. It may have morphed into something else later . . . something meant to poke at LVP armor). I suspect Kyle was willing to help LVP bring Dorit into the fold and secure her the housewives gig for the longterm (so she didn't just become a "one and done" girl). But it was Dorit who worked at undermining Kyle's and LVP connection. Dorit is just too hungry and couldn't leave well enough alone. When LVP stormed out of the luncheon, Dorit was quick let Kyle know how many ways Dorit was closer to LVP than Kyle was. "Oh youuuuuuu didn't knowwwwww about LVP's jewelry lineeeeeeee and I diddddddddd???" with undertones of how humiliating it would be to be in the dark. Then Dorit twists the LVP backstory of her typically British unemotional upbringing (a backstory LVP alludes to often - without giving any real personal information) as LVP opening up with her deep emotions to Dorit and once again leaving Kyle in the dark. Kyle looked stunned, hurt, confused during this conversation. I read that as her thinking "wait, I thought LVP and I were on the same page. WTF?" So I think it was Dorit pushing the Dorit/LVP BFF storyline. And Kyle looked to take back some power from Dorit by pushing LVP to take a stand against Dorit. When LVP didn't, Kyle really felt hurt. Dorit is such an idiot. I mean, she really SHOULD be closer to LVP than the rest of the castmates. Her husband has been friends with LVP forever apparently. Again, she's just so thirsty. She sees something and tries to bulldoze her way to it. She sees her husband's relationship with LVP as a stepping stone to fame (and money). She's just so clueless. She has no finesse. She has no tact.
  18. Doesn't it just feel like "walking the runway" is today's prom? These girls dress up all pretty, and their mother's fall all over themselves taking pictures and sharing them with their friends. It's all the same teenage pressures of 1980s prom night. It's all suppose to be so important. But it's just prom. Good for them. I thought Camilla's daughter looked lovely. She did, however, look like a teenage dressed up. And she walked like one too. Nothing wrong with that.
  19. I keep coming back to the idea that "work friendships" are different than normal, everyday friendships. Sure you can legitimately like your co-workers and even consider them "friends", but there is always an overlay of competition and positioning for recognition to these relationships that isn't a part of normal, everyday friendships. And the business of reality t.v. is more competitive than most work places. LVP seems very, very savvy with this arrangement. She seems to have a clear idea where the boundaries are. There is no doubt she can legitimately be hurt at times (we've all been hurt by something a co-worker has said or done, I'm sure), but in general she understands that work is work, and "work friends" are "WORK" friends. Honestly, I think she's frustrated that some of the others over the years don't understand these sorts of distinctions. I think this is somewhat Kyles position too; she thinks she's EARNED her spot as LVP "friend" and she's aggravated that LVP is letting a new co-worker, who hasn't put in the hard work and time that Kyle has, is getting the same level of achievement as she is - which is bonding time on camera with Lisa. All the buddy, happy back and forth stuff is easy good exposure. There are really only two ways to get the exposure on these shows; by negative interactions or positive ones. Obviously the positive clips are more fun, less stressful and secure your contract for the next season. It's a good way to make a living. And Kyle thinks it's unfair that Dorit is being handed that role, when Kyle has worked hard over many years to get it. That's why she keeps saying she is being held to a different standard. I may be stretching here, but I suspect Kyle isn't anywhere near as savvy as Lisa is about these boundaries because she grew up in the business, and her family relationships have all be so blurred by the business. She thinks "working friendships" are real friendships. And she is legitimately constantly hurt by things her other castmates do and say. She doesn't seem to distinguish between real, sincere actions and tatics used to get more camera time, or to form a storyline. I think this frustrates the business woman LVP, who seems to actually personally like Kyle. Anyone whose ever worked in an office has seen the dynamic where a new employee will breeze in, sure they know everything and everyone who is important, and rattle the productivity of the system for awhile. They come in too hot, too all knowing, too ready to correct everyone and everything. They don't take the time to figure out the systems, nuances, particulars. And usually they either burn out fast, or eventual settle in (after causing a lot of unnecessary chaos). This is Dorit to a T. LVP bridged the gap between a real friendship and "work friendship" when she brought Dorit into the show. I fully believe LVP knew it was a bit of a gamble, but clearly she thought she could make it work. I don't think she really knew Dorit but was willing to try to help her longtime friend PEEEEKAYYY. But I think she gave Dorit too much of the benefit of the doubt. Dorit seems to be the most clueless of all the castmates. I don't have a lot of hope that Dorit will survive. She seems too damn dumb to settle into a reasonable role. She's just too hungry. She's so damn fake too. There is NOTHING about her that suggests she even slightly understands what she got herself into. There is no hope for her.
  20. These girls are coworkers, not friends. Clearly Lisa brought Dorit on (through her connection with PK) and, I suspect, there was some sort of understanding of what Dorit's role was to be with regard to Lisa; promote Lisa's businesses and be her ally. This is why Dorit knew about Lisa's jewelry line (and Kyle didn't - cause Lisa doesn't discuss her side businesses with her coworkers). This is why Dorit was at the photo shoot for the jewelry line. But I think Lisa misjudged how THIRSTY Dorit (and PK) are. They are broke@ss and will use EVERY opportunity to get some dollars. That's why Dorit is pushing her bathing suit line ahead of normal limits; push, push, push while there is a camera aimed at you. Get on the cover of ANY magazine you possible can (wonder how much that cost?). Push, push, push. Don't stop talking. The more you talk, the more likely you will get t.v. time when the episode airs. Push, push, push. And, although Dorit and PK should be appreciative of Lisa's efforts to get them a platform, these two are just too thirsty to hold back. If attacking Lisa gets Dorit more camera facetime, she just can't seem to help herself. Lisa looked more confused than hurt to me. She was taken aback. It was like she was thinking, "This isn't what we discussed AT ALL, Dorit. WTF?". Dorit tried to address it in the park, but without addressing the underlying agreements they had (which aren't supposed to be shown to the audience). It was like she was hinting, winking, hinting. And Lisa was just confused. When Dorit was going to take a separate car, Lisa was jumping at the chance to get her alone. You could just tell she wanted to be alone with Dorit to straighten things out. Dorit is OFF SCRIPT. Lisa is going to bury her. I'm going to enjoy watching that happen.
  21. I know this is been discussed a lot, but I just need to add my .02. Dorit and PK are NOT the type of people who should host any guests in their home. They are simply awful. I'm a good hostess. I don't mean to brag. It's not a difficult skill set. I don't have any social anxieties. A lot of people do. I think that why I'm good at being a hostess. Plus I know a few basic guidelines that make hosting an easy thing to do. The most important thing is that it's your job to put your guests' comfort and desires above your own. You need to be clear to them about what to expect when they come to your house. For example, you don't tell someone you are hosting a "casual" meal, and then run out and purchase $1000.00 place settings. That can cause your guests discomfort leaving them wondering, "did I misunderstand what the invite meant?", "am I dressed appropriately?" Also when a guest shows up with a hostess gift you accept with gratitude and appreciation. It is not necessary for you to serve a wine someone brings, but it's certainly appropriate to do so if you choose. You do NOT, however, moan about not having the "right" glasses available, because clearly that would make your guest uncomfortable too. Casually grab more appropriate glasses . . . or . . . Dear Lord just use what glasses you have out. Don't make some weird production about it. (Didn't Dorit end up serving something she already had afterall, and STILL complain about the glasses - wth) Hosting a meal is NOT a stage for you to seek applause for your cooking skills. A good hostess could serve frozen pizzas and have a successful party because it's not about the cooking, it's about breaking bread together and enjoying others company. That being said, a good hostess likely wouldn't be inclined to serve frozen pizza, because people who host dinners usually love to cook (I do). But no matter how complicated your menu and how much effort you put in or skills you have, it's the hostess' job to make it look effortless. Of course, polite people will compliment your cooking no matter how good or bad the food actually is. A hostess should be gracious but deferring. And they do not need their spouse expounding on their talent. That's tacky. Obviously you should make every attempt to make whatever you are serving look appetizing and easily served. I just for the LIFE of me cannot understand Dorit choice of menu or plating. How in the world is someone suppose to chase that soupy mixture around a dinner plate? It was weird. And the only other really important thing that a hostess needs to do is to set a light and lively tone for the party. But you ONLY set the tone, you do your best to allow your guests to determine the topics. Otherwise you run the risk of doing exactly what Dorit and PK did; airing your own concerns and thoughts to a captive audience who is awkwardly stuck listening to you lecture them. Also, snarky comments happen all the time. They are usually fun and add spice to conversations. The hostess should, however, be pretty vigilant in curtailing her snark . . . and in stopping others (by redirection) before things go too far. A good hostess would never let a situation escalate to mean spirit gossip. Frankly no one wants to be invited to a home where the hostess is known to badmouth others. It's just uncomfortable. You'll always have to weigh an invitation to their home, wondering what she has said about you to others. All the best snarky stuff really should stay as a naughty aside between the guests themselves. It's more fun that way. Of course, everyday normal table manners should apply. That shouldn't have to be said. PK is a pig. Shoveling slop into his face from a $1,000 plate before his wife is even seating . . . just ug. Nothing uncomfortable or awkward about that - lol. Again, Dorit and PK are just the WORST. All this dinner should have been was a casual affair with a simple setting (as Dorit had originally indicated), with more appetizing food, served by someone who wasn't seeking all kinds of applause. Dorit could have raised her RED wine glass (gasp) with Rose Champagne in it and toasted "to breaking bread with new friends". And once all were served and seated, she could have directed the dinner conversation by saying, "Now that you've had the time to get to know Lisa a little bit better, I'm interested in hearing your thoughts" or some such thing.
  22. Dear.LORD.these.women.are.INSANE!! Just a group of middle aged women sitting around talking about popping illegal drugs like its just soooooo funny?!?! Its so weird. And Peggy needs to go NOW! She's just the worst. So damn dumb. Lydia isn't a keeper either. The game just moves too fast for her to keep up.
  23. I agree with these assessments. I don't have the hate for Evelyn and David that many do. Sure Evelyn is immature for her age. She's appears to be pretty sheltered. When she makes strange comments to David that make it sound like he should be grateful for having the opportunity to live the "American Dream", she just sounds like someone who was educated (Christian school? Christian homeschooled?) with text books from the 1950's. So she's chronologically young, emotionally immature and educationally sheltered - there's no crime or shame in that. (She could be chronologically young, sexually mature, and lacking an education all together.) She'll eventually grow up. We all did. Her parents married young and it appears to have worked well for them. It's also part of their culture. I see nothing wrong with Evelyn making similar choices and her parents supporting her choices. Mikayla is just a less sheltered, more mature friend trying to help Evelyn see other options. That's what good friends do. I do think the conversation between Mikayla and David was ramped up by production. I wonder about the risk of putting an entire family's dream (and livelihood? Do they have other income? They must, right?) on the shoulders of an immature 18 year old girl. Her parents don't seem over controlling, however. They seem like they are able to roll with the flow. I think they will support their daughter whatever she decides to do. They strike me as being on the show in order to gain some exposure for their daughter's career. They don't seem like typical reality show fame whores. I just can't get over how absolutely squeaky clean and new Evelyn is! My gawd . . . the dewy skin, the blinding white teeth, the belief that you know EVERYTHING there is to know . . . I know I was once that young and shiney . . . it's actually impressive!
  24. I think this is exactly true! This is her "creating drama" to secure her spot. She's just ssosososososo bad at it. As I said before, I think she practices that scowl in the mirror.
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