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Everything posted by HalcyonDays

  1. It's a reference to the original Star Trek TV series from the 60's. Whenever a crew member would be killed off (never the main characters), the uniform colour they sported was always a red shirt. Synonymous with: unimportant character not of the main/supporting cast that no one remembers, becoming the sacrificial lamb.
  2. LOL! I laughed at this! Oh my god. And you are right, the interwebs are saying the same things. Sexual Metaphor much? And I agree completely with what you are saying. If this is setting up an eventual acknowledgement on the show that yes, those two are attracted to each other, blah, blah, then fine. But it they truly think "we're just see what they want to see" and claiming platonic only, then it's disingenious, a slap to the fandom and clearly only stringing along viewers and that is insulting to those of us who love the show and love the relationship. I ranted about this last season - why are you directing scenes in this particular way, or acting scenes a particular way or including certain bits of dialogue. Because there are other lines that can be spoken and scenes that can be removed and looks that can be suppressed. I just don't want to be led on, I guess. They didn't have to have Abbie wiping foam off of Crane, but they did. The exact same scene would have unfolded without that particular part. I'm not a fan of Goffman at all - I see him as being very Chris Carter like with Katia Winter/Katrina. The worst is when the rest of the show writers, directors, etc also tweet sexually suggestive stuff to the masses. The hell? Ah well - I still love their scenes together - always the highlight of the show.
  3. No you're not. I think it's all deliberate. On top of that, you have the smoking amazing chemistry between the two leads, so it's not very difficult to think this way or see this play out on screen. Look at it one way - Ichabod secretly asked Jenny to teach him to drive, so that when he was in the car with Abbie, she would be impressed by his *ahem* skills. Then takes her on a little thrill ride while he's clearly enjoying how much he's managing to freaking her out/yet make her laugh. This is supposed to be an individual who is a considerably reserved 18th century married gentleman who rants about everything and anything. Look at it another way - when was the last time you wiped latte foam off of a co-workers mouth yourself? Wouldn't you simply say "Hey, you've got foam on your lip," and hand them a napkin? I know I would, unless maybe there was an underlying crush/attraction/etc. What I do love is that Ichabod's got this devious streak, a thrill-ride loving personality that truly comes out whenever he's in Abbie's presence. He has fun with her. He may bitch and whine and complain about stuff that he's not used to, but he's open to trying new things, does it, and then assesses the aftermath. The skinny jeans is another example. He tries things for Abbie, however repellent it may be to him, then decides whether its a good thing or not. Abbie truly brings out the better in him. Abbie called him Ricky Bobby - from the movie The Ballad of Ricky Bobby (with Will Ferrell playing a crazy-driving racecar driver). Sarah's name was Sarah Lancaster-Weiss. Mother was the Lancaster, Father's the Weiss. I had the same problem last season. The whole "my kid, my kid" drama were the parts that I was bored at. Everything else was fabulous, and then they gave us the ending twist that blew my mind. So they are settings things up. I agree about John Nobel. Fantastic actor but too much scenery chewing. It's a bit cartoonish and false at times. A more effective villian in my mind, is one whose quiet sinister demeanour makes you wonder what they are truly capable of. Perfect example is the little conversation/standoff that Ichabod and Henry had in the hallways. It was nice and understated, yet you knew Henry is an evil person. But the show is moving their chess pieces into place, setting up the little bits and pieces of information and character relationships and boom, when the time is right, will strike and cause everyone's mouth's to gape in shock and amazement.
  4. So has Ichabod at times. Happens when one is running around mucky forests or dank underground tunnels. It's okay though - she can throw both of them in the shower to clean them up...assist in cleaning them up...just saying.. I think he will be a temporary love interest. It takes time to develop and get that connection between Abbie and Hawley. Abbie is guarded with almost everyone around her, as is Hawley, since his goal is profit. But the next episode and more, they'll get to know each other a bit more and connect. It's all part of the theme for this season. When Katrina returns, it will put a wedge between Crane and Abbie, and thus most likely push Abbie to Nick. Same thing vise versa, Abbie getting closer to Nick is going to bother Crane a lot - more tension. I actually really like Nick and the interactions, especially as I see him as a modern day copy of Crane, yet still the complete opposite to Crane, both in physical appearance and demeanour. Both are highly intelligent, though.
  5. Thanks for reporting back zoey1996! Stills sounds like fun to see and I'm sure they will be back another time filming and you can crash the set!
  6. I like this one actually. Because one can read it straight, or very tongue in cheek....
  7. I've had this thought very early on in last season. I have a feeling that Katrina - upon figuring out that Ichabod had "the power to Witness", she had to make sure he would end up Witnessing. For some reason I even have this thought that it was supposed to be Abraham + Ichabod originally, but then maybe Ichabod was more approprite or something, and the whole dumping, Headless resulted and therefore, Ichabod had to witness with a new partner - Abbie. What I don't get is the show claiming platonic friends but then giving us this episode with all of the Ichabbie feels. I mean, there is obvious flirting, hugs, eye sex, teasing and for god's sake - giving us Abbie screaming his name while he gives her a joyride in the car (and she's enjoying it), AND orgasmic coffee savouring resulting in whipped cream on mustaches being wiped off by one's partner, complete with shy downward smiles. This show is even trying to be subtle anymore. I just hope this isn't a cheap way to drag along, or retain viewers. I wish we had seen Jenny teaching Ichabod to drive. I really like their dynamic also - they play off each other so well and like Abbie, Jenny can handle Crane being Crane. They have a nice camraderie and seem to respect each other.
  8. Think we can come up with a better title for Beth? (cause she's really not that bad...). Just you know, sometimes unsuited for zombie-world. How about Beth: Sweet voice, sweet sister. I'm open to your suggestions!
  9. Man, this episode. Right in the beginning when Gladwell is "showing" his invention to the idiot politican and he's like "hold it up to you eye.." you know no good could come from that (stupid person). I yelled out loud, even though I knew what was coming. I find Barbara annoying, for demanding that Jim tell her everything. I get you want trust, but I guarentee you FBI agents and Secret Service agents are not telling their spouses everything about their jobs. It's called Classified Information and is a job requirement. Learn that some jobs require sacrifice. I will say that Jim should have said that he was protecting her, but whatever. She was being stupidly whiny. Oswald is evil, calculating and just having a ball playing the city. Well done. He's a good villian. However, just like in the pilot, at one point he's not going to be able to get out of his situation. Someone is going to pop a cap in his ass and his sniveling and conniving is not going to save him. I knew when he popped out of the freezer claiming he was only able to save one bag of cash, that he had it all. Poison cannoli's though? Sheesh. I get what Fish was doing, but really writers - two young girls in tight clothes and trashy fishnet stockings, tumbling over on sky high heels, hair pulling and having a "girl" fight. Trying a sad attempt to raise ratings? I would have preferred one of the girls to just roll her eyes, say screw it and walk away. Cheesy common trope and disappointing. I missed Selena Kyle in this episode. At least she is written decently.
  10. Another good episode - I enjoyed it. I thought the actress who played the mother did really well. Totally moving. Didn't the little girl look absolutely thrilled to be carried around by Tom Mison? I swear, she looked like she was in heaven, especially when they came up to the house. And he was carrying her around like she weighed one pound. So adorable. Nicknames for Crane this episode: Pride and Predujice, Ricky Bobby, Shakespeare and what he called himself for being so tall (Gilly Gwapings??) I actually really like Hawley. He plays off of Crane really well and is a nice foil. Him being all about the money - not surprised at all and it's a good contrast to Crane. But he's eventually going to find out about the evil in SH and will change. He and Crane bounce off each other really well and I like that Hawley challenges Crane. Good addition. Henry was tasting the bone because he's doing his sin eating thing. Crane, Hawley and Abbie touched it. I think he's determining how he can manipulate Hawley, but his target is Abbie. Henry knows how close Abbie and Crane are - he's going to find a way to hurt Abbie, to hurt Crane. My theory. So is the show giving us tons of Ichabbie now, because when Katrina returns, we will get none?? Could you toss us any more shipper bones, show? I love Ichabbie to death, love their interactions but will not be pleased if this is just to appease us Ichabbie shippers. I mean, come on. The flirty looks in the car and out, the fact that he learned to drive to impress Abbie, the wiping off of the whipped cream (!!), him pushing her almost again a tree, calling him cute, looking shyly at him in the cafe, etc. This show... Two things of note for me: Point one: I find it interesting that the show has never shown Crane to have seriously harmed or killed everyone. Crane has never been shown to have stabbed or shot anyone to death at this point. Jenny has done it (Hessians multiple times) and Abbie has shot and killed people (Hessians and demons) and took out the Pied Piper. Yet the show has not shown the male lead to have done any of this. I find it interesting that they've made Crane a not very effectual fighter also. He's good, but not perfect. Yet in all of Crane's fighting encounters, he has never taken a shot or shot anyone. I wonder if they are going to save him doing that for something down the road.I think it is an interesting decision by the show. Actually, I have to slightly revise. He DID kills Hessians with two swords in the Sin-Eater. But that is it. In every flashback, he's held the gun but never shot it. Hmm... Second, I thought it interesting that someone like Crane is obviously worried that Abbie is "going to leave him." This, from a person who in his own time was perfectly self-sufficient. Here in the 21st century, he is completely dependent on Abbie, and we've seen this bothers him, yet his comment to Abbie made it seem like he was a bit upset that she wanted him to be independent - because that would mean that she wouldn't be around as much. Strange yet telling this for the show to add.
  11. Wow, those are amazing numbers. Truly. The majority of TV shows on the big networks like ABC, NBC and CBS don't even pull numbers like that anymore. No wonder AMC decided to focus only on scripted shows. Smart move.
  12. I think Benjamin Sisko is the best Star Trek captain (closely followed by Picard), and Deep Space Nine the best Trek, hands down.
  13. Absolutely you have to get over there! Hell yes! Maybe you'll even get to finagle a way to somehow be an extra!! Do it, do it and report back here!
  14. The work that these guys do is really amazing, but I swear the piece that I think is the creepiest/scariest is never the one that wins the challenge. That huge pumpkin with the teeth was well done, but was not scary or terrifying. It was the eyes. They were not evil eyes, just wide open bland eyes with no hint of evil in them. Didn't think they should have won, but that's me. I did like all of the pieces, even the little red riding hood one. It looked creepy but I think the monotone comment was correct. However, the other one with the Knights was pretty monochrome too. I thought the one with the sugar gates was done better, even though the "kid" trick 'o treater looked like he was an 80 year old man! Overall, better than last week.
  15. FOX orders a full season of Gotham. We will get 22 episodes in total for season 1.
  16. That big burst of gun fire was Carol blowing up the propane tank. That's what you mean, right? The explosion shook the building and ignited some zombies. Oh man, don't even speculate on that. That would be the worst message ever. You finally make peace with things and become a badass, and get killed. No! I think Eugene is lying about the cure. He has no idea at all how to cure the populace. The smart thing would be to tell another, in case you somehow bite it, but if he does, he knows he is now expendable. Gareth is still alive. He was only shot in the shoulder. He will appear and I bet will be carrying Michonne's katana. Good - she needs it back!
  17. Well, the legalities of that marriage are not really the issue. In Ichabod's head (and I assume Katrina), he is married. To him, he feels that he is connected, bound or whatever to Katrina. Paperwork is irrelevant. He believes he is so that's enough.
  18. Hey everyone - just a quick reminder. You do not need to use spoilers tags in this particular thread. It's already tagged as containing spoilers galore, so no need to place any text in spoiler tags. I've edited a bunch of posts to remove those tags. If you don't want to be spoiled, this thread is definitely not for you. Think of it like you've arrived at Terminus - enter at your own risk. Thanks.
  19. I had no problem with Rick or Carol allowing those Termites to turn. I guess in my view, their actions were deliberate and evil. Killing someone in self-defense - which is what Rick and the others mostly do - is one thing. Deliberately leading people to a human slaughter house and killing them for their own selfish gain is another thing. Let them turn, I say. But then, I wouldn't be the moral compass on that show. Good point about the waste of meat. Maybe they learned how to cure the meat - you know, make salami or cured cold cuts out of the excess??
  20. Almost 3000, read the Carol thread. It's short but contains the reason right on the first page (two separate posts). For that stated reason, Rick decided to banish her from the group, because he perceived her as being a threat to the group as a whole.
  21. That's what got to me. Yes, I understand that the abuse and torture and rape that you suffered from was horrific. Anyone would be thoroughly messed up. Very understandable. But then that should make one NOT want to lower themselves to that level of evil. Why do you want to be as much of a bastard as those people were to you? Get revenge against those who did you harm, not to those who are innocent (in my view, at least). And I didn't even THINK of the fact that by eating the infected humans, they were unknowingly infecting themselves. But then we already know that the entire globe is infected because the virus is airborne. But interesting, nonetheless. I think Rick definately had the right idea. Those people needed to be disposed of. They could be of no use or good to humanity. It's interesting though how our heros have become the deciding moral compass of the show. They (rightfully) decide who should live or die, based on their own moral code. I love this analysis of the human condition. WD does it beautifully.
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