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Everything posted by HalcyonDays

  1. I am thoroughly weak...Drops DEAD on floor after witnessing flashbacks scenes with Tom Mison apparelled in gaping shirt. Goddammit, Kristin Burke (Head costumer for SH) - are you trying to kill me? And let it be noted that if following proper historical costuming protocol, a male figure from that era would never ever wear such revealing gaping necked outfits as such displayed on Mr. Mison. But Ms. Burke, my utmost regards and kudos...let it continue, let it continue...my god that man was smoking fucking hot. Even the colonial gear he was wearing whilst with Mary. Bloody amazing. Keep doing what you are doing. /deadonfloor/ Anyhoo...Thoughts. This episode was amazing, Loved it. Just fantastic. Loved the opening with Miss Caroline and hated that she was killed. Such a waste. Loved her character, though we saw so briefly of her. She was brilliant in her brief interaction with Crane. Something else that no one will most likely mention - I love that Ichabod went personally to apologize to Caroline. We were even treated with a funny scene where she comes on to him/mistakes Abbie for the wife. But what broke my heart is when he said "I have precious few friends in Sleepy Hollow." Because Ichabod really doesn't have anyone, save for Abbie. I mean, we laugh at his discomfort over the new world and his fumbles over modern experiences, but I've always been drawn to how mentally messed up he should possibly be, considering the circumstances. His comment basically states that he has not much companionship in his life, save Abbie, maybe Jenny and that's it, yet he seems like someone who needs a lot. He's alone, and I don't think Ichabod can handle being alone. Ichabod finally questioning and calling out Katrina on her shadiness. About fucking time. Thank you. Because it is there in plain sight, and it kills me that Ichabod dismisses it. I like Hawley. Apparently I am in the minority. He brings a casual yet intense vibe to the Witnesses and I'm all over that. I really do like his character. If he hooks up with Abbie, all the better. As long as Ichabbie is the endgame or better yet, SOONgame. Again, Ichabod saves Abbie, but he doesn't know to give her CPR broke my heart. And he called her by her first name twice (well technically second name). Big, BIG deal. And for those of us crazy Ichabbie shippers - he did not hug Katrina no where near as intensely as he hugged Abbie multiple times. I don't know show, what the fuck you are doing, but you are not helping reinforce the power of the marriage. Heather Lind did a brilliant job as Mary Wells. Love her on TURN (as Anna Strong), and thought she was great here. And why is it that I see a true connection and affection and great chemistry between her and Ichabod (whom Crane has declared Mary as his "sister" in terms of feelings) yet I get nothing in terms of connection/affection/feelings with his own wife....
  2. Hee. topanga, I drive standard too, so when I first saw the clip of him driving like a maniac, I was like what? That's not right. Abbie's car is an automatic. He doesn't need to shift anything. Upon review, I realized what Crane was doing. Those very sharp 180 degree turns? He was pulling up the parking break to achieve them.The sound guys even dubbed in the right sound of the parking break being pulled up hard (it sounds exactly like that in my car). Loved this scene to death, even though I have a feeling Abbie's car might need a new transmission AND a new parking break.
  3. Ack! I think you might be right. I found it weird the way Gareth was talking to Bob - it just seemed too familiar and strange, considering that Gareth shouldn't have even known much about Rick's group of people. It seemed too...intimate...knowing...On top of that, they didn't slit his throat, like they did the others who were considered dispensible. So when you wrote this, I was like, YES! Somehow Bob had been in that church before, or knew what happened, etc (Terminus, etc). That's why he was so messed up and all weepy, etc. This show...this show.....
  4. I forgot to mention, so do I. I mean, yeah, I get that she sees it as a connection to her past inhumane behaviour, but really - it was the most efficient and effective weapon in the Apocalypse. Guns run out of bullets. Katana's do not. AND they put the sword-wielder far away from their aggressive target. From Michonne's little speech to Rick though - the katana isn't coming back. *sad*
  5. Goddamit this show! What a fantastic episode. To those who dubbed Gabriel --> Faux-ther Gabriel /Saint Suspicious - you are brilliant. Good point. I thought for sure that when Bob was pulled under the water, he was somehow nicked/bit. This comment - you are correct, it might just save his life!! Always doubletap. These idiots need to watch Zombieland and write down the rules. Even a geeky nerd like Columbus knows better than half of the WD crew. Yes, YES. I think so too, now that you mention it. Which is why he appears so weak with Walkers. One cannot survive two+ years (I don't know the timeline) without encountering chomping walkers and evil humans. I thought that too - but apparently nerve /phantom limb could have "convinced" Bob all was good, along with shock. But truly, it seems not quite right. Poor Bob. I freaked when I saw that. Oh, and Tyresse?? YOU sir are a bloody idiot. Never trust the weak. *grumble* I think that Carol thinks that "you've already kicked me out once - I don't trust you to do it again." Even though she accepted the forgiveness of the others, she KNOWS that they cannot fully understand her decisions. Alternately, maybe she is worried that she will have to resort to doing the same things that she did to Karen and co, and is disturbed by it. I stand by point 1.
  6. The Cowboys finally fixed what I had been yelling at my TV for years. The front line and the play calling . The front line sucked so bad, that Romo never had time to move in the pocket and find a receiver (or whoever) to pass to. He never had the time to complete a play, and was frequently sacked, hence the back injury. On top of that, the play caller - who was Jason Garrett last year, would call these idiot short throws to the side that gained them 4 yards if lucky. I hated those plays. So now Romo has time to throw, the running backs are protected, new guy Scott Linehan is making good calls offensively, and new guy Rod Marinelli is making good defensive calls, and looks as intense as The Chin (Bill Cowher).
  7. Quick Reminder Guys - No posting anything that could hint too much about spoilers for the series, whether it be comic or otherwise. Be good!
  8. That Rams punt. That punt. Just awesome. And great tthrow by the punter. And fumble recovery and the Rams get it back. So is Seattle already regretting the Percy Harvin trade?
  9. NurseGigi, The bolded - This is a very interesting thing that you mentioned actually and just made me think of another way of defense. Raid a fabric store, take several bolts of strong thick fabric (like corduroy or denim or whatever) then hang the fabric all along the fence (like a banner), then smear zombie guts and parts on it. If this was done all along the entire fence perimeter at the prison, the bolts of fabric could potentially act like another barrier, blocking the walker's from smelling the living inhabitants. And it doesn't matter that the guts on the fabric dry and rot alittle - that's what the zombies are doing already. Once a week or as needed, smear some more guts on it to be sure. It's like a fabric shield against the walkers. Those same bolts of fabric can be used to wrap around one's self and smear the guys on - ala Glenn and Carol - and go on supply runs.
  10. I remember them just opening a small (like 3 x 3 feet wide) hatch in the middle of the roof and throwing the cannister in. Not the whole roof opening. Then the main door to the railcar opened and the Termites rushed in. It's probably just a small oversight by the show, but I thought of the smoke not venting out properly upon the first viewing. Probably because the walker blood would clot in a few hours in the spray bottle container and therefore become unsprayable. Blood not circulating or out of the body would clot within a few hours, so I guess technically whenever we see a walker killed and there is red fresh liquid blood spattering everywhere - this would technically be wrong. There wouldn't be any blood, only brown/black thick sludge. But where's the gory fun in that? I do think that one of the reasons that the gang doesn't wear zombie guts more is the ick factor (they have enough in their life), and also the lack of a change of clothes. You goo up your clothes and without a change and nearby water to wash them in, that's what you are wearing. But then Carol did it right by wearing a poncho overtop of her clothes!.
  11. HalcyonDays

    NHL Thread

    selkie - your post totally reminded me of a few years ago when Jim Balsillie wanted to bring the Phoenix Coyotes to Hamilton. Any teams that are within a specified distance from the proposed expansion team location have veto rights, and of course Toronto and Buffalo being the closest would have the option to say no. I don't think it ever got to them vetoing, but everyone knew that they would. Gary Bettman also was completely against it - but only because apparently he personally hated Balsillie.
  12. Looks like for Monday's episode, we're going to get a small part character return! The redheaded lady at the reenactment that Ichabod stumbled upon (and got new clothes from) returns! The character's name is Caroline, played by Laura Spencer. And I did not realize until right now that it's the same actress that now plays Raj's girlfriend Emily on The Big Bang Theory. Holy cow!! I love her on TBBT, and really liked her in the short scene with Crane. Awesome.
  13. HalcyonDays

    NHL Thread

    Too close to the corporate slobs that focus on profit at the expense of the fandom masses (not saying profit isn't a huge consideration for the team - duh). I would rather have a team that is located somewhere where the awesome fans can wholly enjoy it. Same with proposed NFL team here in the GTA (Greater Toronto Area). I live smack dab between Toronto and Hamilton and I don't want any expansion team here at all. Ever see who populates the home stands at certain games. Like the Vikings games, or the Raiders? The Habs or the Penguins? The Bruins or the Red Wings?. The Cheeseheads in Green Bay or the New Orleans Saints? (yes, I'm mixing sports). THOSE are true fans. You will never see that here in the GTA. People here in Toronto can't do that, because the corporate bastards will - just like with the Leafs - buy up all of the tickets and sell it to bored suits who will marginally populate the games because they want to finalize some trivial business transaction. When we Ontarians can go to an awesome tailgate party in the parking lot of a stadium (yeah, yeah, LCBO rules), and see fans dressed up in crazy costumes and cheering and celebrating THEN the GTA deserves a NHL (or NFL) team. Otherwise, forget it. Apparently I feel quite strongly about this. *shrug* My apologies to those GTA-ans who want another team.
  14. I first thought the term was pronounced Jai-Roe - the J pronounced like a hard G, like the word Giant. Then learned that apparently it's supposed to be pronounced Yeer-Ros. Roll the tongue on the second R and the G is supposed to be silent. But that's what I I learned growing up in my little white trash town. *shrug*
  15. Has anyone mentioned this? - I don't remember reading it. The ventilation in that railcar where Rick and Sasha and the others were held must be pretty good. We saw the Termites throw that gas canister into the rail car, knocking out everyone. Then we see Rick and the others being dragged out. A few minutes later, the scene goes back to whoever was left in the railcar and the air is perfectly clear? I doubt they were moved to another railcar. Maybe they were. If not, those guys have strong lungs. My immediate thought was that those left behind would badly choke from the air - possible to death. But they were fine.
  16. That Jets field goal. I was SURE they would get it...then blocked! Wow. Good game.
  17. Hey Everyone. Just a reminder to everyone on sufficient spoiler tagging of plot points from the comics. From the Comic Talk thread, "Any major plot points from the comics that haven't been on the show should absolutely be spoiler-tagged". First, please be mindful of your wording when posting spoiler-tagged information relating to the comics. Sometimes the wording before and after the spoiler tags is enough to give away spoilers to others. Even tongue-in-cheek hints at things that happened in the comics is still a spoiler and unfortunately ends up giving away stuff to those who desire to remain unspoiled. If in doubt - spoiler tag anything that relates to the comics. Thanks. Now get back to your awesome and insightful conversations!
  18. I sometimes think its something in his head, to be honest. He already blew out his knee in college, and had to rehab a lot to recover from what could have been a career ending injury. Then that same knee - which is now weakened - gets injured again. Its in his head he has to move differently to protect his knee. THEN that knee gets blown out again, and he has to go through surgeries and almost a year of rehab. It's in his mind now. He's terrified of a career ending injury and it's affecting his play subconsciously, I think. His actions are no longer second nature, like receivers who'll catch a ball and have the presence of mind to drag toes on the ground, even though they are about to pancake themselves onto said ground. He's overcompensating without even maybe realizing it, and his play is then affected overall.
  19. GreyBunny, you're the greatest. I love that your post is a perfectly logical, well written analysis of the scientific realities of maximizing nutritional value through cannibalism in an end of the world zombie survival scenario. They did waste the blood though - could've been used to make a nice blood sausage. Waste no, want not. *shoves over to make room* ..........This is what happens when one watches too much Walking Dead.
  20. Well, technically the men would have a higher percentage of muscle mass than the woman. You'd get a better yield of steaks and such...(god, I belong in Terminus) That, and like you said, keeps the potential threat of retaliating men at bay. And I still think Gareth will turn up with Michonne's katana. It's a character unto itself (like Carl's hat).
  21. My list is a complete reflection of the show's I'm watching now, but there is a logical method to my madness.... 1) Abbie and Jenny Mills (Sleepy Hollow): Brave, strong, heroic, trustworthy, and will kick your ass. Would have no qualms about taking out zombies or misbehaving humans. Skilled with all manner of weaponry and can defend themselves and rescue themselves if need be. Also have great senses of humours, are fun to be around and also compassionate people. 2) Ichabod Crane (Sleepy Hollow): Also brave, strong, heroic, trusthyworthy and will kick ass. However, he has the added skill of being able to live off of the land. Is used to living without technology, running water, and all manner of modern conveniences that we never learned to live without. Would know which wild foods to gather are safe. Would know how to hunt and prepare whatever is caught properly, as he would have had to as a soldier living off of the land. Would have no problem with adapting to the loss of everything today (as the others in WD did) because that was just...the way life was. Bonus: There is always room for tall, dark, funny and handsome Brits in the Apocalypse. 3) Jamie Fraser (Outlander): Same reasons as Crane. Brave honourable man who can live off of the land, will defend his people with his dying breath. Another big tough guy most people wouldn't want to mess with. 4) Dr. Henry Morgan (Forever): Similar reasons to above. Being someone who has been around for 200+ years, means he can live without the modern trappings of our privilaged life. Two added bonuses: As a doctor with over 200 years of experience, he will be able to treat any medical issues, and will also know how to treat illnesses, etc without the modern medicines we rely on today. Bonus 2: Cannot die, so even if he does get felled by a zombie, he'll simply come back in a day to rejoin the group, so you never have to worry about losing him. These are the five I want around me. Oh, and permanent birth control....
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