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Everything posted by HalcyonDays

  1. Yeah, I think they are filming around episode 13 now? Last year they literally were maybe about a week ahead of filming. Like, episode 10 would air, but they had only finished principle filming 7-8 days before. That's why they aired the last two episodes together - they ran out of time to finish Bad Blood and had to delay it a week. Sad that this week - and year - they had lots of planning time to figure out the story arc and breakdowns for a lot of the episodes, and they ended up being worse off. I used to be excited about the show - had to watch live. It was a must. But last week was the first time I wanted to DVR it. Monday night is a heavy TV night for me. NFL Football, Sleepy Hollow and Forever are all on the same TIME for me. SH was the priority. Now Forever will be. I'll DVR SH. Unless tonight is better.
  2. I hope not, re: the retaliatory writing. That would be a very childish and petty thing to do. If they miswrite Abbie, then ratings go down, sponsors leave, the show is cancelled and they are out of a job. They lose income, reputation and resume material. But that would make actual logical sense, and these guys...I don't know. It's not shippers. I am a shipper, and I have little use for Katrina, but I did NOT like the fact that she is once again reduced to being a evil spawning womb, that she exists only in the context of a man and that her witch powers are non-existant. I did not like that Abbie is being used by the Cranes, seems to have no say in their craziness, is not thanked at all, and risks her life over and over again, and no backstory. It has nothing to do with shipping.
  3. Don't get me all excited, RiddleyWalker. That kind of hopeful positive crazy talk is giving me hope....*grin* ^^ This. Which makes the marriage so much harder to accept and understand.
  4. OH. MY. GAWD. Wow....just...wow. FOX needs to send their PR department to this guy and get him to shut the hell up. Just stop tweeting, dude. Stop. And his response about not commenting on some threads/discussion - guess that AbbieMills hashtag didn't go down really well...What a difference one year makes, in the writers room. Last year, they were toasting their own brilliance. Now?? After a long conversation with a couple of others - tweets that he made public - he tweeted this in response to being criticized: Again, dude. Just stop. You supported the writing of something that was not well received by a large part of the fandom. Learn and move on. Is it wrong that I am getting such a kick out of this writing/episode trainwreck this week? It is utterly amusing. Too much schadenfreude, I think... Ann Mack - that promo you added: If that isn't telling of the Crane marriage and the lack of chemistry, I don't know what is. What IS it with those two - is this deliberate? I mean, is this a Mison acting choice? Is this a directorial choice? I mean, here is Ichabod sitting next to his wife, stiff as a board, she delicately holding his arm - no passion, no affection, nothing there. You would think he would have his arm around her, or something. But his body language is so cold and removed and reserved and stiff. I mean, yeah, they are an 18th century couple, but really.... On top of that, what a reflection of their marriage. Crane/Katrina: idly sitting on a bed just watching reality TV. Dull and boring. Abbie/Crane = crazy Nascar driving, breaking into cabins, drinking beer in bars, yoga, drinking coffee on dockside patios, etc....what a contrast. I want to be married to Abbie! So much more fun!
  5. I completely agree! Opportunities like this come once in a life time and only some humans are that lucky. Instead, you get characters that sacrifice so much and get so little in return. I guess that is supposed to make them honourable, strong people. On top of that, those great opportunities always seem to pop up time and time again for those TV characters. The reverse is that no matter what certain characters do, they never get a lucky break, which is just as bad. It seems to be all or nothing.
  6. I am really growing to like this show. Made a point to watch it live, and quite enjoy it. Matt Ryan is awesome as Constantine, and I really like the introduction of Zed. She seems like she can perfectly hold her own, isn't a damsel in distress and puts John in his place and isn't fazed by what's going on around her. I'm all over it. The episode was good too. Love seeing Harold Perrineau popping up as Angel Manny and like this new character Papa Midnite. Very interesting. I'm in. The hand of glory "raising" those corpses was creepy though. Nice and creepy.
  7. Yeah, my apologies to Katia Winter. I shouldn't have excluded her. Because I think she herself is probably rolling her eyes going "Really, damselled again? Crying again. Babies again." The five of them could do a better job writing episodes than these jokers. These are professional actors, so they have to work with what they are given, however offensive it may be. The fact is, it's a paycheck for them, it's a living, it's their careers. I mean, Orlando has joked about "the black man being in prison trope", as Irving is now, but don't think that it didn't bother him when he read the script. Same with Winter. These are intelligent, well read, consciencious people. But like I said, it's a job so.... That's the worst part - that the complaints are being ignored because we (most) of the viewers don't understand them. It's quite insulting. Remaining quietly was an option that wasn't necessarily good, but then they should have remained completely silent. Selective tweeting that strokes their egos just made it so much worse.
  8. I completely understand what you are saying, however I am going to reply to this was a logical and historical view. Grace (she was house matron at Fredericks Manor) tended to Katrina as she gave birth. Not to get into the "mammie" right now (we will NOT go there), but I could see that woman in general (regardless of race) would tend to help out other woman in the households giving birth at the time. Midwives were most common. Doctor's didn't make "house calls" in the 18th century - unless you were rich, most likely. I don't remember seeing Fredericks wife or daughters or another woman in that episode (Sanctuary), Grace is the only woman around, so I guess it would be natural that Grace would end up midwifing - especially since Kat is supposed to be a witch, so they have to hide things anyway. Historically, this was not unusual at all. But I get the complaint against it. Because Abbie is holding Katrina's hand and supporting her, it could be seen that way - the parallel. I know the comment is that why wasn't Ichabod beside her instead. I can only defend that in this way - it had to do with height. Crane jumps up on the ledge, pulls down the wooden slats covering the window, then holds up that prism thing to a specific part of the glass. If you look, he's stretching his arm up high to reach that spot on the window. Since he's at least a foot taller than Abbie, plus his long arm reach, I can only logically say that Ichabod had to do it because of his reach/height. That's about as much as I can defend in this episode...
  9. Or writing the episodes! I guarentee you the core four (Beharie/Jones/Greenwood/Mison) could probably do a better job than these jokers...
  10. Ketchup Chips - I love most potato chips in general, but Ketchup is my weakness. Mexican Food - especially tacos. Love me some taco!! European Deli foods - Basically some nice salami or some good quality european cold cut, some nice pickled veggie, some fresh bread, cheese, etc..Mmmmm..Sometimes I'll make a "snack tray" for dinner - I guess you'd call it a charcuterie plate. When kids were making sandwichs for lunch in elementary school, I was making myself snack plates for lunch!
  11. I'm not a fan of that guy and his reviews at all. They are terrible, IMO. First, they are very pro-Katrina reviews (which is one reason I hate them - I may be biased *grin*). He gushes over her like crazy, and in doing so, is not very objective in his reviews. He absolutely drooled over last weeks episode and thought is was great, along with talking about how Katrina looked, of course! He makes major mistakes that are kind of inexcusable for a "reviewer". Spelling mistakes are one. Until this week, in every review before, he referred to Katrina as Katerina (??), and in this review, he says that: Awesome - Abbie is a witch! Where did that come from (BTW - I think at some point she and Jenny will display some powers, so this is actually good, but here in this review, it is a mistake.) I could be wrong... When has she proven useful before? Never. However, this I am totally on board for: Please, Abbie, DO NOT BACK DOWN. God I hope she stands her ground and does NOT let herself be walked all over. I am so here for this. *gets pompoms and flags ready* Two Four Six Eight, Who do We Appreci-ate. ABBIE!
  12. There has been little response to the whole thing, but some of the show runners are retweeting pro-Deliverance tweets, so that tells you they learned nothing and most likely nothing will change. ETA: reading some of the tweets from the writers and damn, writers, you should be ashamed of yourself. Truly. I get that you need to support each other and do not want to post anything negative, but one of the female writers tweeted about Katrina being "barefoot and pregnant." Damn. Another one retweeted this: Wow - nice way to dismiss a LARGE portion of your fandom. The vast majority of reviews for Deliverance have been scathing. Wow. And the same one tweeted this: If that's your best pitch of the season, I don't hold any hope for Sleepy Hollow at all.
  13. You could also cook up a larger batch, then freeze the cooked meat, and thaw it out over a week. I mean, to boil up some chicken breast, shred and/or chop it up, and mix it with kibble is really easy to do. And it's not that substandard store bought canned food, where you are basically paying for water and fillers!
  14. I have a German Shepherd, btw, so dog size comes into play here. The dry food is a high quality kibble. The "wet" is basically just boiled or pan fried chicken or steak that I cut up into small pieces and mix with the wet food. When I cook up the meat, I'll throw in a little bit of water and make "gravy" for the meal. The can of dog food cost almost $5.00 (the type she'll eat) and I get 2.5 meals out of it (she gets two meals a day), and I can buy much more "human" meat (on sale) for close to the same price, it was a no-brainer. So I am not making dog food really. The canned food I used to buy was basically pure meat - no veggies in it, because my dog hates veggies. I sometimes cook up minute rice and mix that in also for my doggie.
  15. I'm telling you, I am finding all of this fascinating. Truly. This week has been so interesting. Beharie of course has to walk a fine line - I mean, she doesn't want to piss off her bosses, etc. The retweeting is killing me - I love it! I don't see Orlando being particularily reserved about his opinion, to be honest. Not in public but in the writers rooms. Of course, she and the rest of the cast know what's to come, so SHE herself knows what's going to happen to her character in the next few episodes. It's nice to see her acknowledge the fandom's most valid and dead on tweets. She is in a bit of a rock and hard place, to be honest. She must have been blown away seeing that hashtag....But yeah, she and Orlando are being very classy about this.
  16. Dougal posted a nice little reminder higher up on this page about respecting people's opinions about Beth, that apparently everyone didn't bother to read. SO READ THIS: Do not insult other posters, call them names or dismiss their opinion simply because it is NOT your own. Respect other's opinions, however different they may be to yours. Agree to disagree and move on.
  17. Not liking "The Littlest Leftenant", only because I immediately think "The Littlest Hobo." Fascinating article/analysis on Abbie Mills and how her character is in a unique position on TV with regards to race, damselling and basically everything people have been arguing about for the past year or so... Abbie Mills: Dodging the Double Binds of Race and Gender.
  18. Read the above very very carefully...cause I'll be pulling Michonne_with_Katana levels of whoopass on anyone who does... Now get back to talking about walkers!!
  19. backformore, why don't you buy yourself an electric kettle? They boil water really fast, and it automatically shut offs about 10 seconds after the water comes to a boil, so that you can't overboil or boil away the water, or burn the kettle at all. I have one, and if you just boil say one cup or so of water, it gets it boiling in like 30 seconds. Really fast.
  20. FINE!....*sigh* You guys are killing me... Alright - spoiler tag will be removed. I will also be removing some of your posts (and mine) talking about the spoiler tag in a bit, to clean up the thread so that it's all about the walkers. And no one is allowed to complain about spoilers in this thread for the next six months....
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