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Everything posted by HalcyonDays

  1. I can't think of any show either, honestly. I really can't, but then I don't watch a huge mess of shows either. The problem (well, not really, just happenstance) with this whole thing is that the show commited to the marriage, but didn't anticipate two things. The smoking fucking chemistry between Mison and Beharie, and the complete LACK of chemistry between Winter and Mison. I mean, it's like night and day. It really is. If Mison and Beharie didn't have this level of connection, we wouldn't be commenting on the wife as much as we are (however, the storylines still suck), and there would be no Ichabbie mentions at all (there probably wouldn't be much of a show either, but I digress). If there was a bit of something between Ichabod and Katrina, then we could accept the grande romance, but there is nothing. When I get more of a sexual vibe when Abbie wipes foam off of Ichabod's mouth, as opposed to the man himself being naked in bed with the wife, what does that tell you? Again, that's just me.
  2. Papa Midnite (can I say how much I love his name!) is awesome, but dammit, Constantine/Matt Ryan is a hottie to me too. I don't know, there is something about him. Maybe it's the accent/voice. But liked seeing that the show didn't shy away from the cigarette smoking. Yeah, it's bad for you but people do it. I mean, here is a show with demons and guts and gory deaths, and yet the smoke is problematic? Please. Remind me - from the comics -->
  3. Okay, it's now official. You guys voted and "Lef-tenant Fist-bump" is the winner, edging out two other options by 2 votes. I like it, it's cute. So title has been changed and we can go on discussing the lovely Lef-tenant!
  4. Really liked this one, and as you said, I love the banter and bickering between Constantine and Papa Midnite. Really like Midnite's character too - I mean he seems shady and evil at times, then switches into this little lost boy "what did I do?" attitude. Like him a lot. Same with Zed - she's not a damsel in distress, gets things done and is very capable. Like Manny too! Creepy stuff man - like we'll just dig up three bodies and burn them, no one will notice! The three woman - the grandman, the girlfriend and friend - man, that's a lot of guilt to have to raise the dead, but it was a good episode. Look forward to the four of them working cases together. I don't read the comics so thank you for explaining who Jim Corrigan was? Damn, that final vision for Zed was freaky!
  5. Dammit - Good bloody tournament. The final Jeopardy's were HARD. It is all strategy with betting, but the reality is that Ben ended Day 1 with a massive amount of cash. But I'm glad he won, actually. I liked him. Was rooting for Julia but whatever - they all ended up with a nice payday of cash. And all three of the contestants, I actually remembered from regular play and liked then all, so its all good!
  6. I understand what you are saying, ChelseaNH, and I agree - the character was not fleshed out by the writers at all. The first season, she was literally an exposition vehicle. The writers only used her to move the plot along and explain things. However, as they were doing this, they totally cast a shadiness over her character. The withholding of information, the fact that she popped up at convenient times, her crying as opposed to - I don't know - actually explaining something. I originally thought for the longest time --> shady. But I think the writers just made a mistake for her character. I was hoping for evil, because it would be fun, but alas no. Now season 2 is another matter. The writers didn't bother to explain WHY she was so shady. Ichabod just dismissed it as "well, you had to because of the war." No, no, NO! There is so much he needs to be asking, and I hate the writers for not going there. I don't care if she really did it for the greater good - she needs to explain herself and Ichabod just letting it slide bothers me. I mean, when Ichabod shows up in Purgatory, just spout it out already. Don't weep and stall. With the second season, we have her spouting things like "My opinion matter and no one elses does." How would THAT endear her to the fans. Not me. Just lousy lousy writing. Then add in her lack of magical ability (which was never explained - apparently it's due to those many years in Purgatory) and the fact that she always needs rescuing AND she is delusional about her son, it's hard to give her any sympathy. I wanted to see kick-ass Katrina. I really did. Instead, we get a damsel without any powers who needs to be rescued every second episode, and does not provide any use to Team Witness. The writers are at fault for this, just like they are at fault for totally decimating Ichabod himself.
  7. Team Julia for sure, but Ben is a close second. Even Arthur doesn't bother me this time around. The board jumping though - god I hate it. Because I can't keep track of what category it is, hence it being a good strategy. I thought everyone bet a bit too much for final Jeopardy wagers. I mean, Arthur has 25K, Julia 18K and Ben 12K. Ben ends up with 25K, the others half their totals. It's only day one - don't bet so big! You want to be able to add that money on to day 2! I actually thought Julia would struggle a bit, because Arthur and Ben board jump so much and she doesn't, but it wasn't an issue at all - until Final. Looking forward to today's conclusion!
  8. Interesting about those quotes - yes, they do mean something for sure - very deliberate. Lori knew that anyone and everyone had the potential to be a demon, hence the trust no one (channeling X-Files, I see writers!). And you are right, her trust for Ichabod is going to cause some issues. But there is no way Ichabod will try to kill Abbie. He's the lead of the show? Why would he do this? It's so uncharacteristic and makes no sense. This is a guy who went into the Sandman world to protect Abbie. How could the show go on if this is the case - the only way it could happen is if Ichabod was under an enchantment and was forced to do it. Other than that, no. However, what I DO see is that Abbie's trust in his useless wife will somehow lead to Abbie almost being killed. She still has a bit of trust for Ichabod's opinion on his wife - just a little - which is why she hasn't taken her machine gun and blasted Henry et all to bits. But his stupid wife is going to do something that causes harm to Abbie and other people - because that's what she does - and that is where the serious divide will come.
  9. Yeah, I really like that picture but I'm bitter now. It's just shipper bait, designed to pull suckers like me in. I'm sure the moment will be ruined when Crane mentions Katrina for the millionth time. "Katrina and I used to ride small horses that resembled this machine... blah blah boring blah." On that note, how on earth are Mison's feet NOT touching the ground. Also, he's going to hold onto Abbie for support? As awesome as that is, he's huge compared to her - one sharp turn and he'll pull tiny Abbie OFF the bike! And if the positions were to be reversed, you wouldn't be able to SEE her behind him!! Ha! Apparently this pops up in episode 11. And for those looking forward to karaoke - episode 14.
  10. Ouch. Oh man, I feel so bad for CuriousParker and caprice. I offer you a Cuba Libre with a twist - we shall avenge you!
  11. Another good episode. Thought it was cute that Henry didn't like Jazz. Our parents never seem to like what we like, right? Of course Henry would be more into classical. Man, do I ever now want to see a flashback of Henry in the 60's - or the 70's!! Ha!! Abe and Henry's relationship is wonderful. Abe seems so laid back and just goes with the flow, which I guess one would have to do, considering his son. But it must be so weird for them, but obviously necessary. And I do really love quirky Lucas - even is no one else (on the show) does. He's adorable.
  12. Alright Abbie lovers - There is only one more day left to vote for a new title for the lovely Lieutenant. As you can see, Leftenant Fist-bump is leading by two votes, so if you haven't voted yet - make yours count!
  13. Popeye's Chicken. It's been here in the Greater Toronto area for a while, but never really did well. Sometime last yearish, they seemed to have retooled their recipes, because now it's AMAZING! So much better than KFC. There is one a few blocks from where I live and there are lineups at lunch for it. And biscuits...mmm....So bad for you....but sooooo goood.... McDonalds coffee I really like now. Used to love Tim Horton's coffee (a Canadian staple) but the McDonalds is much richer tasting I think. Starbucks I find way too bitter. I don't know if Timmie's is watering down their coffee now, or McDonalds is simply better. Even their iced coffees are to die for. Who'd have thought? There is a Timmie's again a few blocks from where I live. The drive through lineups are always long in the mornings - about ten-twentycars waiting. They sell coffee, doughnuts, and sandwiches and rumour is, is that particular single store has over a million dollars in sales a year. We so like our coffee and doughnuts.
  14. heebiejeebie - you win all of the awards for sheer awesomeness. ALL the awards! This could be part of a hilarious comedy routine!
  15. The judging I sideeye in this show - I mean I know we are not tasting the food, but some of the dishes that Flay wins, he should not have won. The first time I've seen him lose in a LONG time was last weeks Falafel one, and that one I thought he should have won. I don't know, the judging seems sketchy. I also don't understand how these competitors always try to do too much. The falafel one for example, the woman is making the pita, she's making the falafel, the sauces, etc. Why is she making the pita? For me, a falafel is made by the sauces. You need a good tzatziki, good pickled veggies, a nice falafal ball and as long as the pita is warm and soft, it's all good. They always take on too much, and if this is their "signature dish", then they should know better, and know what to cut out to save time. Sometime else that bugs? When the two judges go bother the two chefs cooking, by asking them questions, taste their food, get in their way while they are doing their thing. I would hate that. Is it wrong that I thought "Good" when one competitor spilled pea puree all over Guarnaschelli? Get out of the way! Man I'm complaining too much about this show... The Food Network seems to do that to me these days. *grin*
  16. If this is the same comic book I've seen other people mention elsewhere, then want some more irony? The story is littered with tons of Ichabbie shipper moments. Tons apparently. Like Crane offers to make Abbie dinner. He asks her to dance. He sings some semi-romantic song to her, apparently one of them gets injured somehow and the other one cradles the first in their lap? What the fuck? Why can't this be in the REAL show. *sigh* I don't read comics, so those in the know can educate me -- are the storylines in comics that are based on a TV show completely independent on what's going on in the actual show? Like, does the story itself have to be approved by SH showrunners, or by FOX themselves, etc, or can they just do their own thing. Because there is a massive disconnect between the stories in the comic (and intimacy between the mains), and the TV show itself. It's jarring. And disappointing (and depressing).
  17. Cuba Libre please. With an extra twist!
  18. Alright everyone - let's all move on from the nitpicking about who is paying Ichabod's bills and the intrepretion of language. Not everyone will agree 100% with what is being said in this thread (hey - looking at you SH writers). Let's appreciate the good discussion and move back to discussing the episode Mama. Thank you.
  19. It's like a long thin cigarette shape of chocolate. In the ice cream, it's about 1.5 inches long and when you bite into it, it almost makes a 'crackle' sound. It has a good texture. I'm eating some of that ice cream right now!
  20. I'm the same way for season 1 - loved Ichabod to death (still want to drag him to bed but anyhoo *grin*) but even around the end of season 1, he started acting a bit like a jerk with regards to Katrina. But I did defend it, because it is his wife and he loves her. But that was where common sense was starting to leave him. Hmm..connection. Katrina = dwindling common sense. This year though, his behaviour has been severely modified, where he is much more of a jerk. Mison is quoted as stating its a fine line with Ichabod - that he can be a jerk, and that line has been crossed, but it's ONLY crossed with regards to Henry and moreso Katrina. That where he gets stupid and irritating, etc. And I agree - I think the writers don't realize it. To me, it's a combination of things. I get he wants his wife back. I get that he is really hurt about the kid, and wants his child/family back. The disconnect happens because we see him spouting vows to Abbie about how it's only the two of them, how they must only trust each other, etc. whenever they are alone, then does a complete 180 on it the moment Katrina enters the picture. For me, it's Ichabod dishonouring Abbie and breaking his vows - and this is coming from a man whom honour and duty is everything. Like I said before- character assassination. I'm no where near as tall/big as Crane/Mison, and a dose of sleeping pills barely works on me. Don't know about roofies though (thank god). I get why everyone is upset about the financial aspect of it, but it's a TV Show. What does one expect? It's the same as in Friends, where they could afford expensive clothes and apartments when one worked as a waitress, or the other was unemployed for weeks/ months. Except for one off line, they aren't going to bother with explaining it. No one ever questions where Abbie gets the time to do what she does. She is like every other cop on TV. "Has" a job, but you rarely see her doing it, in the office doing paperwork, etc. She (like the others) are out in the field, with some other person who is NOT a cop, investigating things. How on earth is she working her day job on cases and standard day to day stuff, and ALSO have time to pop into the cabin during daytime to work on supernatural cases. Does she sleep? Same with Ichabod - he's a consultant that the SHPD took on, without much info on him. Frank fakes some info for him, but Reyes didn't bother to look up paperwork for his background. She just takes him back, no questions asked. Oh, and the theory is that Ichabod is paid to be a consultant, so he DOES have some money. The time Reyes kicked him out were the times he has no money ( I think that's what the show was saying). And I notice that people talk about Crane staying in the cabin for free, but no one mentions how strange it is for that cabin to be available?? Joe Corbin - the SON of August Corbin - who was tasked with taking over his father's investigations into the demon stuff, was NOT left the cabin in August's will? Abbie I think even mentions that all of the papers and research that August gathered is in the cabin, which is why they hang out there. But the son, who was to take over, doesn't inherit the cabin. His "inheritance" is a box with some red liquid called jinjin? WTH? So who owns the cabin? No one has ever asked that, I've never seen anyone comment on it. It's just accepted as is. My point in all of this is this: Suspension of Disbelief. The financial support doesn't matter, becaase like with it, there are strange things that in the real world, would never happen, but it suits the show. Like with Mahattanites affording million dollar places on minimum wage. It just is and it not important in the grand scheme of things. Hope that makes sense.
  21. HalcyonDays

    NHL Thread

    Hahahahaha...*dead on floor* Ron Wilson calls Leafs fan "despicable" and the ACC a "morgue".
  22. Well, how bored do you think she will be when the show gets cancelled due to low ratings, all due to the excessive focus on Katrina and the CFD? Apparently in that same podcast, Jackson said that Winter was happy with her storyline?? Dafuq? That makes me seriously side-eye her, though maybe its more about actually doing something, not the storyline herself. This is why I didn't listen to the podcast - I would get too depressed and angry. Well, we know two things for sure - Katrina and Henry survive the mid-season finale (too bad). There are behind the scenes pics of both of them, filming episodes after 2.11. Dammit.
  23. I completely agree, especially with the dismissive attitude the writers have shown. Today was the first day of filming episode 15. They can't really make major changes now, only minor. They are too far into it. Irony, considering last year they were way behind. Maybe the two episode mid-season finale will give us a bit of a spark, just like it only took two episodes to really disappoint/hurt the fandom.
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