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Everything posted by HalcyonDays

  1. *floats in....* Lights flicker and pop.... *floats out....* a cold breeze follows...
  2. Since we have our "bitch and whine" thread about what went wrong with Sleepy Hollow, we thought that a contrasting thread should be created - one that revels in the awesomeness that is the world of Sleepy Hollow. Why are Abbie Mills, Ichabod Crane, and the Sleepy Hollow-verse itself so awesome. What is it that makes us so addicted to this bloody show and want to see it be awesome for seasons to come....
  3. Here is your speculation and live chat thread during the airing of Episode 8 - Coda. After that, please head on over to the actual episode thread here.
  4. If you've read the comics, be very careful to avoid spoiling those who don't, and keep in mind that some people may have much stricter notions of what a spoiler is. Any substantial comic talk should go in the comics thread; minor discussion is okay here, but be very liberal with the spoiler tags, and don't give away too much outside the tags either.
  5. Now that I know that Goffman wrote Monday's episode...when the spoilers stated that Ichabod will finally decide whether to take out Henry or not, I think he will decide NOT too. Because of course he has to side with the wife. In doing so, someone dies and this is what causes the HUGE rift between him and Abbie.
  6. You know, I have this weird feeling about Monday... Last season I used to always come up with crackpot theories on what would happen, and I would post them, just in case I was right (I was maybe 20% of the time! hee). For some reason I keep thinking that everything that has gone on this season is because they are still in Purgatory. Ichabod, Abbie, Katrina never left in the first place. It's all an elaborate ruse for some end game that Moloch and his minions need. Like we saw in the opening scene where they thought they lived an entire year. It's why we haven't had any backstory for Jenny and Irving. The only one in there is Jenny, who entered to try and rescue her sister, etc. It's why Katrina's powers are weak, it's why we've barely seen the town, why Ichabod is acting strange and why Abbie hasn't shot him yet for him acting strange and why demon after demon keeps showing up - because they are already in Purgatory. I know it's not right, since we've seen scenes of other townspeople alone. And yes it's a crackpot theory. I know in my head that its the writers screwing up and damaging the show to boost up a character, but hey, I'll throw it in here for fun!
  7. Hey Deadheads - Just a reminder about Comic Spoilers,. If you are not sure about it, or mention something comics based, Spoiler Tag it Please. You guys have been really good the last few weeks, but just in case you forgot, here is your reminder. If it Refers to the Comics ---> Spoiler Tag Spoiler Tag Spoiler Tag Spoiler Tag Spoiler Tag Spoiler Tag Spoiler Tag
  8. DearEvette, I love this to death. Love this idea. Again, how is it that we viewers can easily some up with compelling, creative and interesting stories, yet well paid TV writers cannot. My only hope is this. Kill off Katrina at the end of season 2. Then all of the CFD is over. Get a season 3 and now other areas can be expanded.
  9. Or maybe security gates around the perimeter of the property, like you see most mansions have. Or an alarm system. Or grounds workers who are a bit more wary? But that's okay - I kinda like Cat sneaking in and out of Wayne Manor. And I agree with how Alfred is more of a badass here, and is obviously going to influence Bruce in his path to Batman. I really like this twist, that he's a 'Butler" technically, but so much more, AND can deal with the corrupt people in the city.
  10. It's from the previous page, savinggrace's post. It's a writer from SpoilerTV detailing his "Advance preview" for The Akeda. Her post here.
  11. That "reporter" loved Katrina to death and thinks CFD is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Read his reply to the comments. He also sees Abbie and Ichabod as brother/sister. He's biased (but then so am I). And honestly, I really like Hawley but I think Hawley probably just gets a kick out of the corset. Hee.
  12. I really like this episode. Interesting that this was supposed to be episode two? I was wondering about the Halloween. They could have still aired in the right order, but who knows if there was a issue with showing demon kids that eventually was resolved. This world and it's PCism, you know. However, the kid/killer whose parents chopping his fingers off...dear god that is horrific. Those parents should rot in hell... Okay, I want myself a Chaz. Love this guy and his interactions with John. Same with Manny popping up and 'guiding' John. You get a hint of how messed up John is and the personal demons he is fighting. Did like that the mother wasn't reduced to being a hysterical crying mommy (phew) - instead the father was. She was calm headed, logical and took action quickly. Nice to see. Also, the kid playing Henry did the creepy possessed really well. And that three-legged dear...why did you show that, show? I didn't need to become a bundle of tears...poor baby...
  13. I was/am the same was, but was still excited about the show last year. The timing I get is the episode Sanctuary and on. More Katrina, Ichabod's son and the the whole back season devolved into the Crane family drama. The Midnight Ride I think it my most favourite episode, because of the humours, interactions with Irving and Jenny, the fun, action balance. Then they introduced the kid and it started to decline. Partial blame has to do with long breaks, but CFD really hurt the show... And lookie at season 2.... But if they had bothered to read even one of the professional media reviews on the show, two things were repeated. We love Abbie and Ichabod together and Katrina is shady/boring. Kill her. So their response is...to add MORE CFD and Katrina? The hell? You know one of the things I really miss in season 2 that they haven't done, is Abbie and Ichabod just sitting for a few minutes and having a heart to heart conversation. The ending of Sanctuary is what I mean, where Abbie has the rum and they talk. This season, with the marriage and the killing of Henry needed it the most, and there was so many episodes to do it. Have Abbie and Ich sitting in front of the fireplace on the couch and talk. Have them sitting in front of the lake and TALK! I want a long monologue by Abbie on Purgatory, or how she feels about her current situation. I want a long monologue by Ichabod on doubting his wife and all of the behaviours, why he is so adamant to save his son. Saying "he's my son" isn't enough. I really miss that. The show had the time to do it, but instead they have squandered these bonding moments completely, to insert a couple of muses into the mix.
  14. You know that Screen Spy spoiler about the Crane's marriage falling apart. I'm extremely happy with it, because I am sick and tired of Ichabod being a complete moron over his useless wife, and the fact that she's never had to answer for all of the lies, shady, behaviour... But you know what's really going to happen, right? Just like Crane got angry about Mary Wells, then the next episode seems to have completely forgiven her, the next episodes after the break will be Crane going back to Katrina, then breaking up again, then back to her, ad nauseum. And at the very end, they will be together because "Love Conquers All", as a trail of bodies and blood line the path of their love. I feel it in my Goffman-hating bones.
  15. In season 1, it was glaring how just a few minutes of screen time with her seemed to bring the show to it's needs, in terms of pacing and interest. This season is obviously more time, and it's more glaring (and irritating). I mean, they could have had some fun with the shady thing, and kept us guessing over certain behaviours, but she doesn't even hint at stuff like that. And as everyone suspected, when she is the third wheel with Ichabbie, she's completely disruptive. Jenny never was at all - she slotted in nicely with Ichabod and Abbie, but Katrina? I mean, if it's obvious one's WIFE is getting in the way and out of place, I don't know man. The actress isn't the strongest, but the storylines have been terrible for the character. Just downright insulting, unimaginative and dull. I mean complex characters such as Ichabod and Abraham turn into idiotic jealous morons with no sense and because of her actions, many, many people have died. That alone is telling to me But hey, she gets to wear skinny jeans and a corset top and look all pretty, so everyone's happy *thehell* Not a joke. She posted a picture of her on her twitter with the caption of "Helena van Tassel" and in a blonde wig.
  16. You know damn well that with Goffman at the helm, Katrina will be there for a long time. In fact, she'll be the one to bury Ichabod and Abbie once they've completed their Witness duties and inevitably die., all the while Abraham is drooling at her heels, repeating "yes dear" over and over again....God, I'm bitter.
  17. That's interesting and lends even more credence to my belief that Katrina is being boosted up because Goffman likes the character or the actress. I never watched White Collar, but it sounds like he screwed up that show too. You'd think people would learn. So Goffman will destroy Sleepy Hollow, all for his personal agenda, beliefs, fantasies, whatever this is...God I really dislike him. Can Phil Iscove somehow take over?
  18. Can the "fatal blow" be to the Crane's marriage? I was good this year, Santa, really, so please can I have this for Christmas!!
  19. If only this was the twist. Pretty please show? That Henry is really Katrina and Abe's son, since like you said, both are whining whiners who are blaming everyone around them for their own issues?? Then they (and their mother) can go galloping off into the Purgatory sunset (and off my screen). I do like Abraham though - especially in the flashbacks.
  20. But, but...it's sexy!! Right? Actually, the outfit doesn't even bother me that much, TBH. I mean, she is used to wearing corsets and restricting dresses, etc. The corset top is the same, and some people maybe feel better in it. Like those who have to wear pantyhose under their pants, or granny panties that are like waist high or even those woman who wear bras to bed. I personally want to feel "free", but some people like it. At least we were not subjected to a scene where Abbie takes her shopping. BTW, love your username, Canada. I just happened to be from that amazing country!
  21. Personally, I am putting my money on Irving right now. Watching that Movie Trailer, if you watch the scene right after Tom Mison's name is shown, you'll see Crane standing there, saying something. If you look at his left hand and to the left of his hand, you can make out the leg, boot and hand of someone lying on the broken church pew. I believe it's Irving. If I am correct...what a waste.
  22. Because most of us watching the show are DYING for this to happen /sarcasm/ Because I haven't had my fill of her yet.... *shakesfistatGoffman*
  23. *floats in...* Motherfuckers.....*shakes fist at Heroes* Did you see how much paragraph is afforded me!!!! *CURSE you all to Hell!!* This ain't no 8mm BS... I WILL get my revenge.....and I will not be so calm in doing so... *floats out.....*
  24. Hee. I couldn't live without the 407, only because it bypassses our main highways which are constantly congested. Unfortunately, it's a toll highway. The 407 is really wide pen and exposed too, so lots of drifting snow. And because it's not too crowded, people speed all of the time, because why not? Glad your friend and hubby were okay driving in the mess!!
  25. Yeah, I feel sorry for him too, to be honest. The injuries did him in, and then the drama in the locker room. But the NY Jets, Raiders and Jaguars all may want a new quarterback next year. Maybe the Redskins can deal him cheap. Because he will NOT be a Redskin next year. He may just need the right coach and environment around him.
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