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Everything posted by HalcyonDays

  1. 12 Midnight .....suddenly, the heavy old door to the bar swung open and smashed against the back wall. The bartender's head snapped up, expecting to see some rowdy fools stumbling in and disrupting the other patrons, but there was nothing. He waited a moment, drying another beer mug as he did, but no body entered. Shaking his head in annoyance, he headed over to the entrance. Maybe it's a windy night, he thought. He peered outside into the darkness, expecting a whirl of wind, but there was nothing. It was calm, serene and surprisingly warm. Shrugging his shoulders, he pulled the door shut, ensured it was secure and made his way back to his station. As he rounded right, towards the back of the bar, the hair on his arms suddenly stood on end. It was as though someone had doused him with ice cold water. He rubbed his arms, trying to quell the chill when his eyes darted to the opposite end of the bar. What looked like a lone square piece of wood lay abandoned on the bar, and a teardrop shaped piece of wood rested on top. A board game, he guessed. The bartender glanced around, looking for the owner, but there was no one. No one was near by. Taking a step forward, he realized what the toy was. A Ouija board? Who the hell left this here? The far end of the bar had been unoccupied all night. No one had come around, instead staying clustered around the pool tables and dart boards. His patrons weren't the mystical witchcraft loving type, that was for sure. Whatever, I'll just put it in the lost and found. As he moved to pick up the toy, the tear drop suddenly moved and he felt another cold chill wash over him. The bartender jerked his hands back in shock. What the hell? The teardrop was shifting, making quick deliberate movements. Despite his better judgement, he peered closer. He could see it selecting certain letters with the utmost precision. His eyes widened when he realized what was being spelled out..... A....V.....E....N....G....E.................M.....E....... A....V.....E....N....G....E.................M.....E..........
  2. Oh Phil Iscove...I luv ya but... He retweeted an article from Nerdist.com, breaking down the mid season finale, that we should be patient, and that he doesn't see the criticisms that other media and fans have been levelling at the show. Sure dude. ETA: What to expect the back half of the season, courtesy of Mark Goffman. Can anyone find the results of #AbbieMillsDeservesBetter hashtag fallout and subsequent scrambling to appease the fans? I can. Read: episode 17 and 18 contain an "really big Abbie story." Nice of you to slot her in now...
  3. Before the Deliverance episode, she tweeted a comment that Ichabbie shippers would be "happy", because the promos made it seem like her life was in serious danger (which is was) and there was a chance she would be killed off. Special snow flake indeed. Fantastic post, RiddleyWalker and spot on. There is something strange going on behind the scenes of this show. Orci and Kurtzman are gone off on other projects. Most of the writers from last year are gone and Goffman is now running the show. Why would so many writers leave after one year? Even the head Costume Designer bailed before this season was over. That change in dynamic in the writers room changed the dynamic of the show. I have heard rumours that some of the new writers weren't even sure about the characters - i.e. didn't do their research and really understand the characters as already presented on screen.
  4. Damn, it is true. Except he's following two people now. But the 666 number was funny...now, not so much. He knows he/his character was treated poorly by the writers (not the cast). It's why he's been tearing a strip off of the show re: #AbbieMillsDeservesBetter and making fun of everything. Again, what a waste.
  5. I hope so regarding Irving. As for the Cranes, what separation? They both said they would be "comrades in arms" until Moloch is defeated. Well, he was defeated, so that's it. The breakup is over, the lies and deceit will never be addressed because Katrina can do no wrong and Ichabod never asks. They can go back to watching reality TV and having no chemistry and making me roll my eyes. Good point. Irving could kill War's avatar easily, so you are right, what is the point of them. I can fanwank that since Henry is one of the Horseman, with the sword he can kill Moloch. Like with everything else in the show - a lack of mythology was hammered out, so they don't think things through when writing the episode.
  6. I've moved some of your posts to the Therapy Thread, since they did not discuss Media articles or news about the show, but instead about what is wrong with the show. We are finding that certain thread topics are spilling over to others threads, thereby losing their purpose overall. Sooooo... I've put together a handy-dandy INDEX of the various threads we have, to make it easier for people to find what topic you wish to post in. There is a short sentence on what should be posted for each thread. It is under the Notes from the Mods section and is linked here. Please try to stay on topic for each thread. You can also link to a post from another thread. How to do it? Simply Right Click on the timestamp under the posts avatar, click Copy Link Location, and paste that into your post in the other thread. Much appreciated.
  7. Definately. I think it's like with any coworkers - some you get along with and work with really well, are in sync with and make a good team. Then there are other coworkers that you just don't mesh well with at all. It seems like the case to me here. One of them - Mison I think, not sure, could've been Beharie - was interviewed earlier this year and the questioned asked was "How does Katrina change the dynamic of the Witnesses?" And the response was basically "Yes, Katrina changes the dynamic. It's different." and that was it. Flat response. Not how it is different, no glowing words, or even trying to twist it into something positive. At the time the answer really struck me because a) there is absolutely no chemistry between Mison/Winter and I think he at least knows that and b) because at the time people were really concerned with how Katrina would impact the Ichabbie dynamic. And now it is so clear how she cannot be inserted into the dynamic at all, because she really does ruin it. Jenny can, Hawley can, Frank can, hell, even Reyes can. They are not a problem. But Katrina - kills it on entrance. But like with those coworkers who are slackers at their work, or are completely useless or hurt the team or whatever, as long as that coworker has the ear and admiration of the Boss - however unwarranted it is - the others will never get ahead, no matter what they do. Because the Boss is convinced they are the greatest thing since sliced bread, and no manner of proof can change their mind, even though that coworker is hurting the overall productivity and work dynamic of the department.
  8. Hahaha! and duh...They still had FOUR more years left on the agreement... Buffalo Bills pull the Plug on Toronto series. This is exactly why I don't want an NFL team in Toronto. As much as I would love to actually have team close by, it would do a major disservice to the team itself. And it has nothing to do with the team itself - the Raider suck this year but the stadiums are still filled and the fans are still cheering (or trying to).
  9. Promo for episode 2.11 - Skinny Dipper. This looks really good actually - looking forward to it!
  10. What do you think should happen? Katrina and Henry killed off in the season 2 finale. What do you think will happen? More focus on Katrina.
  11. The Daily Dot has another good one, talking about the second season overall... How Sleepy Hollow is failing its fans.
  12. Apparently she does. From a podcast two weeks ago - Neil Jackson was quoted as saying that Katia was "bored" last year and is thrilled this year with have to do more, and she loves the storylines she's been given. Because I am mean, first - boohoo at being bored - now *I* am bored with the show as a result and second, biggest eyeroll. I get you want to work, but the storylines?? I hope - for her sake - she is simply toeing the company line, because otherwise I need to *side-eye* this response majorily. I know - poor guy. He deserved so much better AND was a great part of the show. I guess he telegraphed is pretty well - he's been extra snarky on his twitter in the last two week, because he didn't care anymore. Good for him. I hope he comes back as some capacity, but these writers have no vision, so I doubt it. Remember the line "A dead cop, a mental patient and a Revolutionary War soldier? - "That's our team." This show isn't even close to that world anymore. Simply because the showrunner is thrilled about Katrina and is shoe-horning into everything, thus Frank is expendable. I mean, they couldn't even devote one of two previous episodes to setting up Frank and his family, before he was offed. I think that is the worst - sidelining him for Katrina drama, then offing him in such a pointless manner. Mison always seem to bring it, to be honest, but I know he adores working with Nicole Beharie and I wouldn't be surprised that he's irritated that now he has less time with her and more with Katia. Helps the angry performances, if you know what I mean.
  13. The same person who makes sure to insert the name Katrina whenever he is asked a question about the show? Q: "So what led you to decide to kill off Frank Irving?" A: "Well, we decided that since Katrina lost so much, then we should show the impact of the war...on Katrina... Q: "So how do the modern day citizens of Sleey Hollow react?" a: "Well, we always think it's interesting the various reactions. Katrina's, for example, are varied and....blah blah Katrina blah...." The bold is exactly what myself and others have been saying. There was the potential to develop such a rich mythology with the show, whether concerning the old witch covens, what magic Witnesses have and or may develop, the rules to killing Moloch and others, Purgatory and it's rules and residents, how the books provide clues, why did Washington know about all of this, etc...so much to write. I think the writers are just plain lazy and completely uninspired, hence the typical tropes we got this year. So much lost opportunity. It's like seeing someone win $10 million dollars in the lottery, and by years' end they are broke, because they spent it on cars and woman and partying. You could have been set for life, and have so many opportunites, but instead, you did the typical boring bland expected thing, blew through your chances and now are dead broke (and cancelled off of TV).
  14. Strange, isn't it. I mean, that Huffington Post interview by Maureen Ryan - she was asking tough questions. He deflected in his answers, but then a question about Katrina pops up, and his response is LONG. He just rambles on. Rereading that interview, this question is made of win (its not the long rambling one either): What do you notice about the response? It starts with the typical praising of Tom and Nicole, or course, then rambles on ALL about Katrina. The question was about Abbie and Ichabod, and it's all Katrina and her character and how amazing she is.... Goffman is totally enamoured with either the actress or the character, but he is destroying the show simply because he wants to fulfill his fantasies....
  15. There was an article from earlier this yeah (I forget where) that basically has Goffman saying they dumbed things down a little to appeal to a wider audience. I am completely serious. Sad, isn't it?
  16. Oh, I didn't mean it like that. I meant it like the gang (including) Hawley will be in the bar, and Abbie goes up to sing a song, and we will have Hawley beaming at her as she does. I know they bailed on the romantic connection. And of course then Crane will sing to Katrina, but she will mostly likely be around. Because even though he "questions" the marriage, he will go running back.
  17. I don't think the writers were in a tight spot at all. I think the writers were just not creative at all on what they could have done with her. She could have been actually evil or shady, and deviously playing both sides. This would then perfectly explain her behaviour in season one. She could have her own purposes for wanting Ichabod to resurrect in the 21st century, or why she's adamant to keep Henry alive (something more sinister). Instead, the writers did uncreative and boring storytelling and utilized typical TV tropes. Like, we saw Headless riding off with her at the end of season 1. The first season 2 episode could have had her now wake up on the horse, give a little smile and say something that tells us she is evil and was in on the whole thing. Then you could expand out what her real motivations are, and have her playing both sides. They had an amazing opportunity and squandered it. As for StruggleWitch, I always thought it as "She Struggles to Witch" - i.e. struggles to actually be able to do any actual magic.
  18. Well, I see what you are saying but I didn't see it like that. When trees burn, they turn black. It's just what they do. Also, putting Katrina against the lone unburned tree was just an echo to burning witches at the stake, and for Henry to look like he was going to kill his mother. I didn't see any racial tone deafness here. It's like saying well, Irving was killed at night - how appropriate cause he's black. No, the sun went down, therefore the sky becomes black. It's just the way it is. I will question why Moloch in season 1 in Purgatory is white, yet in season 2, is a dark skinned demon. That is strange and tone deaf.
  19. You know how we are supposed to be getting a Karaoke scene in episode 14? My money is on Abbie singing to Hawley and Crane singing some mopey love song to the wife...
  20. Ha! This made me laugh. Someone introduced this: #KatrinaRuinedSleepyHollow And #AbbieMillsDeservesBetter still going strong.
  21. How about Katrina Crane: She's a Useless "Witch".
  22. Huffington Post Review This is what to expect...actually it's a good article but this: Goffman: And I think what’s exciting to me is that I think we’re gonna see new shades of Katrina and Crane and their relationship in January. Of course...could those shades please be from the trees casting shadows on her grave?? No? *lesigh*
  23. I need Abbie to be REALLY PO'ed at Ichabod. But she won't be. I hate that Ichabod tried to spare his son. He's just like his useless wife - lies to Abbie over and over again. No honour in this person anymore. Again, Goffman ruined my beloved character, sacrified him completely on the Altar of Katrina. Honestly, Abbie should run him through with the sword. The only good thing (besides the Motorcycle comment - is that Jenny is still alive. At least she is okay!
  24. What went wrong with Sleepy Hollow? Mark Goffman and Katrina Crane. That is all... I feel the same as I did after the episode Deliverance....
  25. I hate quoting this (and myself!!) and being right. You vile bloody show.
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