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Everything posted by HalcyonDays

  1. Sitting on a oceanfront beach, full moon high in the night sky, the ocean waves gently crashing ashore, completely stoned and giggling his ass off. *grin*
  2. Good one too. Raiders also? Maybe the NFL can do a brother swap. A Gruden for a Harbaugh. Black Monday is going to be very interesting...
  3. A visit to Ben Franklin's grave, Independence Hall and The City Tavern in Philiadelphia (he probably was already there and the City Tavern (though rebuilt in late 1800s) looks exactly the same as it did during the 18th century and serves food and beers brewed straight from original founding father recipes.) Washington DC. Especially the Smithsonian's American History museum. Key West during New Years Eve... :') Top down drive along the California coastal highway NHL hockey game On one of those insane high speed rollercoasters.
  4. Basil and Oregano. I know, staple spices of Italian food - and I love Italian food - but if a prepared tomato sauce has oregano in it - yuk. If I make sauce, marjoram enhances tomatos really nicely. Same with basil. Love caprese salad, but without the basil. Blech. Indian curry. Whatever the Americanized version of that powder - the smell makes me ill. Thai curry (red or green), love it. Have made coconut curry dishes that are fabulous, but something about commercialized Indian curry powder. Maybe it's one or two specific spices in that blend that doesn't appear in Thai curry blends, but either way, just no.
  5. Wow. A bit surprised about this, TBH. Jay Gruden is returning as Head Coach of the Washington Redskins. I would've expected him to be on the Black Monday chopping block. That confirms to me that RGIII is definately going to be heading somewhere else. Browns maybe? Jacksonville? Jets?
  6. TV Guide's Matt Roush Ask Matt Column. No spoilers here so I won't tag. It's all vague information, but still made me laugh. Published Dec 15th. Some really good information about other TV shows too. Note how the question does not specifically refer to the name Katrina, yet the response..... I think at this point I'm just enjoying the schadenfreude of the whole Katrina fallout.
  7. Reading a lot of commentary on Manziel today. Of course lots of criticism and people saying duh, of course he sucks. Hindsight, you know. If he did well, the media would be praising him and patting themselves on the back for their brilliance...but anyway....the one common comment from both sports writers and commenters is that Manziel didn't bother working on the craft. He made little effort to learn the Browns playbook, little effort to really learn and put in the effort to go from College to NFL calibre player. He thought he could just come into the NFL and wing it, and would naturally be a winner. Then you have other players (I think Russell Wilson is one) who is first into the locker room, last to leave, studies tape, learns and adapts and makes the effort. Manziel is not making the effort it seems. The other prediction - he'll be out of the league (and probably playing in the CFL maybe) in two years. Just repeating what I've read. Also, he looks A LOT shorter than he is. He's 6 feet but looks tiny. He'll start the rest of the season though, because why not - Browns are out anyway. Feel bad for Hoyer.
  8. I just want Crane to sing something from an English band - preferably NOT a recent band (no One Direction or whatever they are please). Give me some classic Brit bands, just something good. For a song that Crane should sing to Abbie, as he needs beg her forgiveness for being him and making poor decisions... Adam Ant's "Wonderful" An awesome yet mournful song to sing to Abbie - The Cure's "Plainsong". Always thought that the lyrics of Duran Duran's "Ordinary World" match perfectly with Crane's situation. Velvet Undergrounds "Pale Blue Eyes" - which would be Abbie to Crane, the lyrics are perfect.
  9. Honestly, I think these press announcements about Abbie + Love Interest is the same as those little scenes the show throws in to appease Ichabbie shippers. They are pandering to the audience, without actually producing anything of substance. Orion was/is supposed to be either a love interest or someone who connects with Abbie deeply. There was/is a character named David - love interest. Calvin now, Hawley before and god knows who else they will throw in. It's pandering and also ensuring that Abbie and Ichabod stay apart and probably gives Goffman and co and excuse to push more Katrina. Cause you know, we gotta balance Abbie's vast and all encompassing relationships with Katrina. /sarcasm
  10. Me too!! My problem with him is that whole stupid *show me the money* symbol. Is that supposed to mean he's saying "Look! I'm an amazing Quarterback, give me a big contract, NFL!" Because if it does, he needs to actually play like an NFLer and EARN it. He played terribly and even the coach of the Browns slammed him. I have little sympathy for him and don't care if he's a rookie, or has little experience, if he's going to be doing those stupid greedy gestures. I also get a sense of arrogance in him, not sure why. So when the Browns players were taunting him with that money gesture - good on them. Try some Humble Pie, Johnny Football. However, if I am wrong about what that gesture is supposed to mean and being too curmudgeonly, please, anyone correct me.
  11. ....floats in A cool breeze follows.... The click of buttons is heard...The lights on the jukebox flicker.... Sympathy for the Devil begins to play.... Everyone feels ice cold shivers run along their neck. ....floats out
  12. From what I've read, Schaech's character is a warlock from the Salem Witch trial period. Katia Winter appears also, in blonde wig, playing her ancester Helena van Tassel (because Goffman hasn't put enough Katia on my screen *rolls.eyes*). Not a love interest for Abbie. The latest is the casting of Sharif Atkins who will play a photojournalist and grew up in SH resident, who comes back into town. He's the latest "love interest".
  13. Perfect. Thanks! And that's exactly what I would have done too - cause I'm lazy too! :')
  14. Hey RiddleyWalker - do you mind creating a post in the Speculation thread and pasting the below there? This portion belong there and will give me and the others a chance to respond and have a little light hearted discussion on this! Much appreciated!
  15. I long have dismissed the whole 18th inappropriateness that Ichabod and Katrina have. SH isn't going to be an accurate historical reenactment at all. Half of the stuff would never happen. Case in point. Ichabod would never appear in public, or in Abbie's presence without his great coat on. A proper 18th century nobleman never would. Same with the fact that his shirts are always gaping open. Would never happen. Katrina with her hair loose, an upper class woman in a pub like that would be frowned upon. But hey, it's a TV show and it's fun, so whatever!! I'm not picky. You know, just realized one interesting thing about that bar introduce scene - Abraham trusted Ichabod and Katrina so much that he has no qualms introducing them. He trusts that his friend will not betray him, and that his fiance is loyal. Then look what happened. Both betrayed him. Now I feel even more sorry for Abraham. Redeem him!!
  16. Yeah, looks like FOX or someone got him to 'remember' who his leads are. Same with Raven Metzner - after his twitter meltdown, he suddenly tweets something like 'Thank you to the fans who criticize us and therefore keep us on our toes.' Yeah, sure dude. Your feet were flat on the ground for two weeks and you were completely a dismissive ass when the fans were giving you a hard time re: Deliverance and the #AbbieMillsDeservesBetter tag fallout. The stupid thing is that I remember in the summer, articles talking about how this season would focus more on Abbie's and Jenny's backstory, so the original intention was there, so then what happened? That's what confuses me (amongst so many things with this show...) They were saying it then, but then Katrina happened, then the backlash, and now Goffman is saying it again. But again, devoting the last two episodes of the season to Abbie (plus Mama) out of a total 15?? Very dicey and suspicious. If the show was better this year, then I would've been of the mindset that they would resolve the whole Henry/Katrina thing, kill both of them off, then embark on new adventures in season 3 where Abbie was the focus. Off topic, but I do remember not as much focus on Scully family drama, and lots of Mulder and his whole sister/father drama (episodes I skip on rewatch, incidently). In a way, SH is just like the X-Files, in that Abbie assists Ichabod, as Scully assists Mulder on personal family mysteries. We already know that 2B is a lot more Katrina. We're going to be getting Katrina starting up a coven again or something, as per Goffman's recent podcast on Nerdist. *sigh*. More on Katrina again? Bore-ing. Again, reminds me of the Samantha and Diana Fowley mess, except in the X-Files, these irritating episodes and irritating characters were limited in screen appearance. On SH, they instead are pushing these irritants to the forefront.
  17. Thank you for the screen caps, Netfoot!!. That's what I thought I saw - the 'serrations' was the Hamon line. Never knew that with blades so I learned something. Thank you so much!!
  18. That is utterly terrible, to reduce such a serious statement/concern down to something so trivial. It's a character on a TV show. I get worked up over stupid story lines, but the person is not REAL. I know that some celebrities want to maintain their privacy, which I heartily support them for, but maybe this would be an opportune moment for Kinney to tweet something in support of that Carol charity helping victims of domestic abuse and ask fans to donate to that worthy cause. She can even add extra emoji's and hearts and kissy faces to enhance her request. It would be a positive PR move for her, if anything. Showing my age, but this song/these lyrics seem so appropriate right now, just as they were back in 1993...
  19. Yeah, you are absolutely right - those tight skinny jeans and clingy shirt look way too uncomfortable, to be honest (too tight), but yes, it would tend to undermine her authority. However, we rarely see Abbie interrogate anyone these days. I think though looser clothing might overwhelm(??) her tiny frame..maybe...though a button down shirt would be nice. She does wear much shorter heels than Beckett, which is good, but the only reason she wears heels is the Mison-height factor. But there are many scenes with her wearing flat proper boots, so that is good. And I totally agree with this --> "Aunjanue Ellis's portrayal of Mama was a bit OTT." So another UO - I thought The Weeping Lady was a better episode than Mama. Not sure why either. I thought Mama was really well done and Lyndie and Nicole did amazing work but I think I enjoyed WL more overall. *shrugs* Sorry. Oooohhh....I could so live with that! Hell yes!
  20. "It's hard to gauge tone from printed comments." Exactly. Which is why I've edited a couple posts to remove stuff that snarks a little bit too much against others, before someone complains about it and gives me more work to do. Watch how you word things, people - in written form, certain "joking" lines can come off as more bitchy or attacking than maybe intended. It's just the nature of this type of communication. Carry on.
  21. Ah crap, you are right. The bowie knife was used on victim #2 - the poor autopsy guy. I think I was waiting for Henry to point out the cabbie's knife wounds showed indications of serrations, but they didn't say that, and maybe Henry might have said a smooth blade was used. The weapon that Clark had was not serrated though. Forgot about the second guy - and shame on me, because his death was quite horrific.
  22. Well, considering it's New York and there is so much crime (well, everywhere, tbh), the partition between passenger and driver is going to pretty secure. I've seen cabs with metal screens between the front and back. Also, "Adam" engaged the child lock, so that Henry couldn't escape. Probably another thing cabbies frequently utilize in case someone runs off without paying. Just saying. So Henry was pretty much screwed from the get go. I *think* this is a nitpick, but I haven't rewatched the episode yet. The knife that we see Adam pull out of the sheath and stab the cabbie through the seat with, had large serrations on the blade edge. At least it looked like it. And the blade was very slender. The bowie knife/murder weapon that we see later on that was used and belonged to Henry was straight edge and much wider. I was actually waiting for Henry to mention the serrations during the autopsy but he never did. Maybe I didn't see it right?
  23. I agree too - I like the actor Neil Jackson in the role, and thought the flashbacks were really good. He and Mison bounce off each other well and you can see the close friendship they had. And I completely agree about the redemption (one thing some of us complain about). Abraham deserves redemption far more than Henry does. And I hope he gets it. There was nothing he did per-say that was wrong - just being a lovesick fool and letting his anger (and frankly being betrayed) get the best of him at a really bad time. I would like to see more Ichabod and Abraham (only) flashbacks. Unpopular opinion: Though John Noble can be a really good actor, I'm not a fan. I find that he chews scenary way too much and his portrayal of Henry is too over the top. I could easily live without his character and the actor on the show. Not needed nor wanted. (I also never watched Fringe). I just don't see what the fuss is about yet so many people are like *OMG!, It's John Noble*. Meh...
  24. .....floats in... "Oh my God, you killed TJtrack99?? You Bastards!!" (Cartman from South Park) .....floats out....
  25. Oh. My. Gawd. I just watched it now. The shade....the shade of it all...And he is so dead on. *flips hand* Black, now white, now black. I can do better magic than Katrina." Holy cow. And he broke my heart when he said that the others "forgot about Irving" in Tarrytown. Oh man. Well, I guess Orlando ain't coming back, because that is some serious (but truthful) shade. I doubt he would say this much if he were. Makes me laugh, but makes me really sad and angry. Jones, you deserved better.
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