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Everything posted by HalcyonDays

  1. Happy Thanksgiving to Everyone! May your pants stay loose, your plates overflow and your glasses never empty!! No snow here, but last week there was half a foot and minus 20. By the weekend, no snow, rain and plus 1. Tuesday was plus 20 and like spring!! Now it's cold again. Welcome to the messed up weather of Southern Ontario.
  2. Oh man, that looks really good. It sounds good. I know they hype of these things of course, but tying up the loose ends and answering questions - finally. #5 Makes me so giddy happy. Just let the bloody mess end. And make it permanent. #8 Makes me very worried. #9 Is a LONG time coming and l'm looking very much to this. Very much! Maybe this show isn't lost completely (yeah right)
  3. And I think that Beth already had a cut there, and at the end of the Beth-centric episode, Dawn clocked her good, reopening the wound. And who knows if the Doctor stitched her wound properly. Personally, I'd like to see Beth give Dawn some scars of her own. Maybe next week in the mid-season finale.
  4. So then, the show DID stay true to Washington Irving's source material. *grin* She has no agency or real identity (or personality). She is only important as an object (Abe calls her a treasure, to Ichabod, she is Wife with a captial W). Spoiled ("Only my opinion matters") Flirt (we saw her flirt with Ichabod multiple times, and with Abe this season to manipulate them) Played off her suitors (well, they are fighting against each other over her) Making Ichabod jealous (that Quince tea comment, chatting with Abe.) Good one, DearEvette!!
  5. Emissary +++ Duet +++ Dramatis Personae +++ Dax --- Vortex --- Move Along Home --- Bye bye, Move Along Home....*grin*
  6. In the first draft of the pilot, she was simply a ghost, communicating info to Ichabod. Then after rewrites they made the (wrong) decision to extend it to the end of the season and then made the (even wronger) decision to continue on with her. *grumble* Will the end of season 2 finally be it (pretty please....)
  7. Ha! Appropriate since Crane/Mison with long hair looks like Jesus! Love it. It's a deliberate thing, the hand thing. Mison has said it's a deliberate choice. The most uncomfortable Crane is, the more twitchy Crane's hands get. But he's also very demonstrative with the hands.
  8. Reese and marceline, the promos and articles you've linked belong in the SH Media thread, so I've moved them over there. Talk about the spoilers here, but media goes there. Thanks!
  9. That's why I think I and others have been so irritated with Crane this season - his lack of compassion for Abraham, yet if it has to do with his wife and son, let the world burn, as long as they can be saved. I really hate that. And it really wasn't Abraham's choice. He got mad, dueled Crane, got shot by Hessians, who then converted him to Death. He lay dying, probably angry as hell, but I am sure his thoughts weren't "I want to be the Horseman of Death." His thoughts were more like "I will bloody well kill you, Ichabod, you traitorous bastard." It's why I hope Ichabod gets some serious consequences against him. He chose to put his wife and child ahead of basic humanity. He chose to ignore his wife's lies and shady behaviour. He chose to believe that he has no free will. (well in this case, he life was quite directed, I admit, but he made the final decisions). Hee. I love this! The shades over Goffman's eyes are quite thick, because he claims that Katrina is a "Powerful witch and excellent spy." In what alternate universe? It really is quite amazing how one can be so adamant that 1 + 1 = 3, when logic and pure factual evidence tell you otherwise (I hope that made sense)
  10. *sigh*. Can't they just EXPAND Jenny and Irving's stories, and get rid of Katrina. Why ANOTHER hiring of some character who'll be here today and gone tomorrow. Though Navy SEAL /phototog sounds cool. At least can they show Abbie spending time with this guy on an actual date, walking along that boardwalk, being intimate, something please...? As much as I want a love interest for Abbie, Hawley, Orion and now this guy's writeups ALL stated the same thing - potential love interest. Just the show screwing with us again. And of course someone/think who puts more of a wedge between Ichabbie, because you know the whole "Ichabod is jealous" nonsense will be mentioned soon. ..................... ETA: Episode 2.11 - The Akeda - Mid Season Finale Movie Trailer.
  11. cynic, I love this idea. This is wonderful. How much better would the show have been with this type of complex scenario. To reduce all of this angst, hatred and evilness down to merely being rejected by a woman is sad. I guess I have a cold heart, because I just don't see it as being enough to turn so evil. Grab a pint of ice cream, drink a mickey of vodka and get over it. If that were enough to turn people evil, half of the world would be Horsemen of Death. The reasoning is incredibly flimsy and is quite sexist actually, if you think about it. That a man cannot control his emotions, has no agency, no ability to think straight because of a woman. It's why we have idiots saying that woman need to cover themselves up in summer, because otherwise a man is too distracted and cannot think. With regards to Abraham/Death taking orders, same thing happened last season too, during Necromancer, when Death was just about to run Crane through with the sword, then Andy jumped up and said that Crane had to live. Another retcon on this show. In Necromancer, Abraham was shown to be the better swordsman. In this one, Crane was the better swordman. The only way I can explain was that while Crane was too busy letting his brain cells being slowly killed off due to mooning over Katrina, Abraham was practising swordfighting more, therefore got better. Or just show just forgot (they forgot). They really need to review their own show, write down notes as to what happened. He did the same thing last season in Sanctuary, but Abbie's like, "yeah, no - you go first". And then he descended the steps first.
  12. Read the comments - they are made of win. There are some comments I'm Abbie-Mills-Eye-Rolling big time, but most are good ones that really hit the nail on the head of what's wrong - pretty much everything everyone here says. And how can I "trust" a showrunner who destroyed my favourite show in a few episodes? And he promises more Katrina...*sigh* Final Adjusted ratings for Monday. No adjustments for Sleepy, but this week is different due to the Grand Jury / Michael Brown decision. I suspect lots of DVRing and DVR+7 numbers will be really high this week, since some of your feeds were cut off, interrupted, etc.
  13. lisaloopner, you can just hit the slanted red pencil button to edit your original post. It's the third button from the left, at the right bottom. Not over Goffman's dead body. I put my money on Hawley and I have a feeling Orlando's lack of enthusiasm this season is telling. And if it's Jenny or Irving, I'm done. What would be cool (but not sure how it would work). Abraham redeemed somehow, and Ichabod's soul switching with Abraham or something. Like, Ichabod becomes the Horseman of Death for a short while, and Abraham inhabits Ichabod's body. Even this messed up idea is better than the current incarnation of CFD. Yes they did. Yes they do.
  14. Saunters into bar, Ouija board on hand. Places board on bar top. "Barkeep! A pint of your best cider." Planchette moves. Has nice conversation with CP and caprice....
  15. Yeah, and apparently on this show, you don't need a passport to get into Canada, nor would the Canadian border patrol be notified that a "fugitive" could cross their border. And since Irving probably had no ID, I'm sure Jenny could sweet talk her way across. The hell? If not, the three main border crossings closest to New York state are around Buffalo and Niagara Falls, and therfore would require one to swim across a river/body of water, so I hope Irving can swim. It's also a 7 or 8 hour drive, so where ever Irving bailed, he's going to have a long walk back.
  16. Ah man, I guess I am in the minority. I really like this episode overall. Loved Ichabod and Abraham flashback fencing scenes. See, Mison even have more chemistry fencing with Neil Jackson than with the wife. Sheesh. Loved the gorgon - creepy as hell and liked how they used headless to take out the Gorgon. The scene selecting the sword was good too, as was Abraham confronting Ichabod in that room. Again, I felt sorry for Abraham - he deserves better than Katrina as his bride and Ichabod is not much of a friend, but I guess that's his character now. I would like to see him redeemed to be honest - at least his soul move on, and someone else can inhabit headless. Even the way Abe was trying to convince Ichabod during the fencing scene - see he seems like a good friend, NOT Ichabod. Seriously, Katrina and Ichabod deserve each other because Crane just becomes a terrible person in her presence. I know someone up thread said why didn't they use a mirror? Because the Gorgon would attack them and it would be hard to fight off a gorgon looking through the mirror. Headless had to fight it off too, until he chopped off the gorgon's head. Loved Henry basically telling Katrina about what an idiot she is overall and makes very poor decisions. *applause* The irritating parts - wait, so now Abraham was the reason that Ichabod came to America and switched sides. I thought he was already here as a British soldier. I though the 'weight of his conscience" caused him to turncoat, NOT a friend. I don't know man - can Crane think for himself? He seems....lost and directionless. Him 'seeing' Katrina in the pub. Dear god, her moony eyes wouldn't make me fall in love. There is nothing there at all. Nothing. Also, Crane says to Abbie something about how his destiny was to face Abraham now (as Headless). But dude, you already faced Abraham as headless in 1781, when you chopped his head off and he "killed" you. It was Abraham back then too? Did the show forget this (most likely yes). And just as Abbie rolled her eye - no it's not destiny Crane, it's just bad luck and circumstance. This show really needs to figure out their mythology and world. And show...show show, always shipper baiting. "I see myself clearly through your (Abbie's) eyes." Yes, we know. EVERYONE knows, except you, because you are still stuck and swooning over a useless weepy person. Abbie makes you a better person, idiot. It really should be a love spell over Ichabod, but the writers are clueless.
  17. Damage control article that tells you nothing, except more Katrina not being a damsel in distress AND being a powerful witch and good spy. *sigh* See, told you. Goffman's Muse.
  18. *hugs* The Crazed Spruce. Shows him the upmost awesome Canadian affection (I'm Canadian, if you didn't know). *Love*
  19. Really? Really? That's it, I'm changing my name...*sips strong vodka shot*
  20. I'm almost on team Abraham. Almost. Katrina alone puts me there, but my scant faith in Ichabod swings me slightly back. Slightly. Because you are a dick, sir (Ichabod). "Know thyself". Learn from Abigail Mills. See yourself through Abigail Mills. Divest yourself of one Ms. Van Tassel and embrace your most positive and delightful future. Abbie's voice breaking when she was talking about her ancestors' sacrifice? Broke my heart.
  21. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Indy had to pick the Cup of Christ, in a room full of cups. Nice twist that the wrong selection turned to snakes, but that's what I first thought. Did Henry just spout everything that we've been saying about Katrina? Wow, writers, maybe they may slightly get it. Shocker. Honestly, feel really sorry for Abraham. I really do. Poor thing. Had little choice on becoming a baddie, and when he did, is still stupid about Katrina. Like Ichabod. This better mean something in the near future. "It is through your eyes that I see myself most clearly." Are these writers reading our friggin posts? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ And let's try not to go too much off topic with Ferguson in this thread please, thought I know we want to but this is not the place. Sorry. Completely understandable, but sorry. But the lack of indictment? Disgusting.
  22. Wow - Alfred, we hardly knew ya! What a kick ass butler. Thought he was amazing and if they are going to go with how Bruce got some of his training, I'm all for it. Thought him awesome. Would love to see a movie that reflects this relationship. Like Bruce and Selina together - those kids have some acting skills - same with Ivy. Wow. Liked their interactions, but both being so short, jumping talls buildings in a single bound? Yeah, not gonna happen. Didn't like that touchy vibe that Fence/whatever guy had with Selena, but it's realistic I would think in this dark world. What I thought was awesome is that the kids didn't wait to be saved - no they took care of themselves and figured it out. Loved that. Poor Gordon - I admire him for fighting against basically everyone. He knows it's wrong and in his own way will make eventual change. I'm going to be interested in seeing what happens in Arkham. And Harvey, you are awesome. That is all.
  23. Entering first commercial - oh god show, you can't even have Katrina contact the Witnesses without getting caught and screwing it all up. I'm alternating between shaking my head and laughing. *le sigh* I just don't understand....
  24. The hair is her own, and she's had to go to a wig, because of damage to her hair. Not surprising. The red suits big time, and it obvious a nod to witches of the past, where a red-headed woman could be accused of being a witch, solely because of hair colour. Yeah, I always liked this dress too - very goth/witch. Apparently it's one of a kind, made with some 100 year old rare fabric sourced from France. They are very careful with the dress, because it can't really be replaced.
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