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Everything posted by HalcyonDays

  1. Absolutely not. But in my foolish blinded mentality, apparently every team that I thought would decimate their opponents this weekend failed.....miserably. There are no more undefeated teams now. But that's okay. Because the best have to lose every once in a while....ONLY once in a while...*crossed fingers*
  2. Hello show - you are back. And how I love thee. This is the Sleepy Hollow that I know and love. Excellent episode. Truly. Loved the Mills sisters, Jenny getting royally pissed (and rightfully so) over finding out Reyes put their mother into Tarrytown. It didn't end well, but I expected the decision made sense at the time. Their arguments are so realistic, exactly how you would expect them. Lyndie Greenwood is amazing in the role. Liked the little "standoff" between Ichabod and Henry. You can just see the pure joy Henry gets out of manipulating the masses, and actually, for the first time, I enjoyed it. Once he became "evil", Henry has been a bit cartoonish in his evil moustache twirling glee. Tonight, it was more understated sinister, and was very welcome and very convincing. And may I say, dammit, Mison and Noble play off each other so well, it's ridiculous. Both utterly fantastic actors. And the confession scene- oh Ichabod, poor baby, you speak the truth... Oh, and must mention this - Ichabod obviously highly respects Miss Jenny. When she entered the Archives, he ensured he greeted her, when she stormed out after her fight with Abbie, he made sure to acknowledge her. Huge! He still tried to side, or at least comfort Abbie, but he likes and respects Jenny, as he should. Love that....cause you know, important for a future sister-in-law..... Even the Katrina scenes were tolerable this week. And Abbie obviously has no love for Mrs Crane (don't blame her). She suspects the shadiness, and is so dead on. I love that she is challenging Crane on his wife, and Crane has no response to it. Love this to death. Abbie Mills --> the voice of reason. Loved the humour in this episode also. So nice to see SH get its fun back. I love the switch from Ichabod being serious, to being irritated to being goofy. Mison really does this so well - he is so good at all aspects of this. And the new guy - Hawley - okay, I like him. Alot. Crane and Hawley interacting together - pure gold. Those two play off each other so well, it's brilliant. I want more scenes. Now here is a nice contrast between the two. Hawley is about 6 feet 1 inch, blond (shaggy hair), a full beard (I note this, because previous pictures showed scruff only) and appears in light coloured pants and a WHITE shirt. Crane is 6 feet 1 inch , dark shaggy hair, dark beard, and is wearing dark pants and a dark shirt. A complete colour contrast. The light versus the dark. I wonder if the costume designer did this deliberately (I bet she did). I love that both men are the complete opposite of each other, both in attitude and morals and in dress and appearance. It's definately not a fluke. Glad Crane got ID. I thought for sure it would be Jenny who got it for him, but liked that Hawley did. Awesome. However, Ichabod does NOT look 21 years old. He looks his age. No waitress would deny him a beer because he doesn't look that young. But was funny nonetheless. God, Abbie and Crane need to go drinking together in a bar. Just saying.
  3. Based on some comments I have read elsewhere, I am wondering if Reyes is going to be Abbie's Guardian Angel. Angels haven't appeared on the show yet. We have demons, need some angels. If Reyes is trying to block out any negative influences to Abbie (Jenny, Crane, whoever), then it would make sense if she's the Guardian Angel. She DID say she helped out the Mill's family when Abbie was a kid. I would like this and it would make sense. The first two are intimately connected to the Crane's. Once they delve into Abbie and Jenny's backstory, then the next two Horseman should be connected to Abbie. We've just haven't seen the characters yet, I suspect.
  4. How about, no matter what type of job you have - whether it's an office job, a cop job, hospital job or whatever - you are free to come and go from your place of employment as you please. There is no 8-4 or 9-5 (okay, detective work is a bit different), or dictated lunch hours or whatever. But if one needs to leave work to deal with some personal issue, the character just....leaves. No repercussions, no having to ask, no bosses complaining, etc. It's like the work place is where the character goes to for an hour or two a day, to break up the drama occuring in their personal life.
  5. I totally agree. The moment a dish appears with the signature colour combination (his plating is always beautiful), and if a some Mexican pepper appears somewhere somehow, I immediately thing - Yup, a Flay dish. Also, sometimes the contestants make obvious faces, so the judges can figure out who the dish belongs to. Flay is actually good at the poker face.
  6. Two more promo clips for Episode 3: Caught by Sherrif Reyes A Coin that Begets Treachery
  7. This was me from the very start. I was sure - SURE - Katrina was evil, because of the lies and deceit and the shadiness. And let's face it, it would be a hell of a interesting character to play. I also fanwanked that she was the daughter of Moloch, since her shadiness and being fine in Purgatory. Maybe my hopes can still come true!?! There is still time show - do it! I always thought this weird, because techically, she wouldn't have the strength to crush a grown man's throat. Also, to reach that high, or pull down an adult male and crush the throat. Also, if she were convicted, she would end up in juvenile jail, since she would be tried as a minor. Irving? Would be tried as an adult, has the strength and capacity to commit said murder and could get life in jail, or even the death penalty. My immediate thought was the daughter would be better off in jail, because Irving could stay free and fight demons and the like. I know, terrible. Maybe that's the true over-arcing theme of the show. If you live in Sleepy Hollow, you will make really stupid decisions concerning your family members, which in turn results in evil or bad consequences.
  8. Probably the best of the DS9 mirror episodes. Loved the beginning where Bashir is trying to hard to ingratiate himself to Kira, who's having none of it. Then the confusion of a second Kira and poor Bashir having to work the mines. Odo being an ass and O'Brien - so downtrodden and defeated. I also liked the contrast of the Bajorans being the aggressive and violent sugjegating race, Quark being a good guy and trying to help the Terrans and Sisko not caring. The characters in the mirror universe were like polar opposite to the proper DS9 universe, but with a hint of their opposite selves. By this, I mean that Sisko is a good guy in normal DS9, but a hint of the Mirror!Sisko is in him. Quark is a bit of a selfish baddie in normal DS9, but there is a hint of the helpful Quark from the mirror universe in him. Same with the reverse. Intendent Kira has a bit of real-time Kira in her, as do the others. Nicely done. And yes, I've read that Intendent Kira is more like Nana Visitor - can you blame Siddig El Fadil then? *grin* What scandal though? They secretly dated, she became pregnant and they eventually got married but it was a scandal? Just curious.
  9. That's how I felt too, Biz. When Frank said something like "It's understandable that in the circumstances one would stray" or whatever, when asking Claire about it, I was like, "yup, he cheated." What I thought was weird is that Claire never asked him if he cheated.
  10. Deleted scenes maybe. Even Abbie having a flashback possibility, but probably not. There are hints that the show changed some stuff, cut some stuff before the final airing, for whatever reason it may be. Certain things that were supposed to appear, that were shown in behind the scenes pictures, never popped up in the episode. So cuts were made, including how Abbie left the dollhouse. Honestly, I think the show has done this deliberately to show some eventual character growth for Ichabod. There is a nice parallel of Ichabod making poor decisions because of his single-mindedness about Katrina. The parallel is when Ichabod told Abraham about Katrina (in Necromancer when Abraham was turned into the Horseman), and Ichabod redrawing the map/Abbie in Purgatory, and the raising of the Kindred, to save Katrina. There has to be a reason that Ichabod told his "best friend" the DAY AFTER he was dumped. It's not what an honourable person would do and Ichabod is an honourable dutiful person. The fact that the writers has Ichabod actually say the words "The next day, Abraham and I set off on a mission" or whatever it was is telling to me, We know that the writers - who had little time - deliberately planted sentences and words into Henry's dialogue that had double-meanings. I think it's the same with Ichabod. Also with Katrina. At one point she says to Headless "that is not the plan for the Witnesses." Oh really? So what is the plan. And maybe you want to tell those Witnesses what the plan is to be. It was a very odd thing for her to say. So I think overall it is a deliberate attempt to show how Katrina affects Ichabod for the worst. This season, he's going to finally realize it and change for the better. Character growth. And he will be the better Witness and partner to Abbie for it.
  11. Let's do a little geeky look back at weeks 1-4 Thursday games: Week 1 - Green Bay @ Seattle. Final score: 36-16 Seahawks. Current records GB (2-2 (well, soon to be 3-2), Hawks 2-1 (bye last week). And lookie here - Tonight is Green Bay's second Thurs game. Week 2 - Pittsburgh @ Baltimore. Final score: 26-6 Ravens. Current Record: Ravens (3-1), Steelers (2-2) Week 3: Tampa Bay @ Atlanta. Final score: 56-14 Atlanta. Current Record: Atlanta (2-2), Tampa Bay (1-3) Week 4: NY Giants @ Washington. Final Score: 45-14 Giants. Current record: (2-2), Washington (1-3). Conclusion? It could look like the slightly better team will blow out the lesser team on Thursday's. Or something...
  12. The nurse was Abigail, his future wife. Again, I assumed they met in wartime and got together and then adopted/raised Abe. For some reason I was under the impression that Abe said this, because Abe can't say " my father", and then reversing roles (claiming Henry's the son, Abe's the father) is probably just weird for them.
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