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Everything posted by HalcyonDays

  1. So do I, BizBuzz, so do I. Maybe we can clone him - one for each of us. *swoon*. The unbuttoning of Jamie's shirt and collar - *drops dead on floor* That said, man Jamie and Claire have amazing chemistry together. The way he looks at her - so expressive and so seemingly in love/infatuation. And Claire too. I know some have commented on the inappropriateness but I don't really see it. First, she is used to having soldiers around her and is obviously at ease. Second, Jamie gives her a sense of security and companionship. She is alone in the 18th century and Jamie is nice and protective of her. Third, she is married but not dead. Who wouldn't be flattered by the attention of a sexy sexy man. Fourth, it's gives us a nice contrast between how the 18th century people "behave" and a more modern woman behaves. Fast episode - enjoyed it. That priest, how I wanted to smack him. And yes, he will be a problem for Claire. How convenient that it's always God's will for the priest, but when he is personally slighted, of course it's the devil. Prideful evil man. Claire's meddling is going to backfire on her very soon though. She needs to stay out of things, remain unseen, plan her escape covertly. My stomach literally turned when that poor boy had his ear nailed. God, I couldn't watch that. At least he kept his hand. Geillis being nonchalant I can see, but Claire calmly sipping brandy whilst the poor boy was suffering - that was out of character to me. Jamie and Claire do work together really well. I really like his character actually. They both are really good together. Looking forward to the next episode.
  2. *Raises hands in defeat*. Alright, alright you guys win. Sometimes they show it, but not always realistically. :')
  3. I find ICA has become too gimicky. I miss the old pre-bowtie Alton Brown dispensing information about the secret ingredient. Now he just seems mean and tired and so over it. Even Kevin Brauch is so done with it. I hate the "Culinary Curveball". What a waste of time. I do laugh because I can tell Bobby Flay hates it too. There are too many Iron Chefs now and the judges are meh. So many of them are non-culinary people, and seen so out of place. I actually miss Jeffery Steingarten? What the heck? Also, at this point, the appeal for challenging chefs seems to have faded. I think they are having a hard time finding challengers. On Food Network Canada, for some reason they only air sporadic episodes. It happened about two or so years ago, they stopped showing the entire season. So unless it's a ICA special or the challenger is a Canadian chef, no new episodes. So sad.
  4. How about the flip side to this - shows don't ever focus on birth control, except for plot purposes or to have the man fumble ackwardly with a condom (which never breaks, is always in a wallet, not expired and willing to be used be said man). For example, women on TV seem to not take the Pill, or have an IUD, or use birth control properly, because they always get accidently pregnant. How else to show womanly drama. Or if birth control IS shown, it's usually because the the lady mistook the birth control, had a wild night of sex and of course the condom broke. Also, whenever a woman is stranded somewhere for weeks, or takes a unexpected trip, they never seem to be on their periods. No one is ever half-way through their cycle, or needs "period protection" or even starts their period. Because when stranded (say on a tropical island), the uterus shuts down. Who knew?
  5. Hell yeah! the more the merrier! In honour of the very first airing of the Pilot, September 10th is the day that was decided to start the rewatch - Yeah! For everyone, as you can probably see, there are some nice new episode threads for your dedicated consumption. Go Forth and Discuss!
  6. Episode synopsis: Mulder and Scully track a legendary creature that has roamed the New Jersey countryside for over forty years. Written by: Chris Carter. Directed by: Joe Napolitano.
  7. Vodka poured into Frozen Concentrated OJ for everyone!! So September 10th is the rewatch day for the pilot. Excellent. So have you guys determined the final list of episodes to watch? If so, post it please!! Thank you! :')
  8. So as we all know, TURN has been renewed for a second season, for another 10 episodes. The show will come back sometimes Spring 2015 (so long...) Right now, AMC is reairing the season on Saturdays at 10:00 pm, for those who want to watch again or get caught up. (well, at least in Canada, anyway) I thought that was interesting but also at the same time, it's the name of the book the series is based on. I'm reading it right now. Actually, the book is called "Washington's Spies: The Story of America's First Spy Ring" - by Alexander Rose. Interesting book actually, really delves into Tallmadge, Woodhull and Washington's frustration with the whole spy enterprise. Things I found amusing is that Anna and Selah Strong are barely talked about, as is John Graves Simcoe. Also, one paragraph of text in the book was expanded into a complete episode of the show - on two separate occasions. I thought that amusing. It's a very good book though - I highly recommend. For those history buffs: This site actually expands and "corrects" the history presented in TURN. TURN to a Historian
  9. SEATTLE WINS! Yeah baby - 36-16. Okay, so my team pick is good, but my score was off. Ah well... You know, I love the underdog, so to know that Russell Wilson - 3rd round pick in 2012 (when RGIII was #2 and Andrew Luck was #1) warms the cockles of my cold dark heart! May the underdog so win!!!
  10. With regards to Michael Sam, it is very reminiscent of the whole Tim Tebow thing. Too much media focus on an aspect of someone's personal life that has no bearing on the actual game. Who cares. Feel bad for Pam Oliver - actually thought she was a great commentator. Erin Andrews I don't mind either, but hiring only young blond pretty woman....*sigh NFL* Yes! Start of the season tonight!! Seahawks to win, 28-24 final score.
  11. Good one. Didn't catch that. He was looking down at that goo suspiciously (smart man), but I didn't make the connection it was the goo in the test tube. And I've never seen "honey" like that before. That was NOT honey, unless its futuristic there are no more bees so we synthesize it honey substitute. Or something. I wouldn't eat it simply because I wouldn't know what it was (and would think it was poisoned anyway).
  12. With Molly, I'm opposite. I like seeing her not being a stereotypical hysterical character and I like that. She seems more thoughtful, logical and not so emotionally messed up. The only time she IS, is the whole "Must get to baby.' It actually seems a bit out of character for her to do that, actually. Goran is wasted actually. I agree with that. They have made his character very weak at times. Also, I found it weird that he was like, "Molly, thank god your okay. Now, I'm outta here to get to Ethan." I don't know, just rubbed me the wrong way. Forgot to comment on Odin - very slick man. I have a feeling he wants to blow up the lab. However, I have a suspiscion that Ethan will detect this "foreign" matter in his body and shut it down, as a self-preservation means.
  13. Bad Blood for sure, one of my favourites and so rewatchable. I too loved the dual perspectives. The best. Mulder (lying on floor, half-drugged) They say this cat Shaft is a bad mother SHUT YOUR MOUTH! I'm talkin' 'bout Shaft.
  14. Hee at the little girl - I just thought it was a creative way to film narration, but make the kid have to say the dialogue. Your explanation is better! I did right away think though that the kid was a alien projection. All the shuttle would have to do was to precisely match the rotation speed of the Seraphim before maneouvering to dock with the docking hatches. That can be easily done. In our own space program, the Shuttle would dock with the ISS, which orbits over 26000 km/h. For the Seraphim, it would also take rotating the shuttle to match the rotation speed - basically an additional directional plane. I thought so too, that it was supposed to have back to back episodes, but when I went to set up the DVR - nope, one. So I guess they are extending the season a bit. The phone technology was cool too actually, and it is something I can see John being able to program easily (or already had done). For the fingerprints, I am going to guess that it's something like reading the age of the dead skin cells or some other decay process. The finger leaves a print and whatever is in it - skin cells, oils, sweat, etc - would start to degrade. If a program can read accurately enough, you can read the "timestamp" on when the prints were made and how much has decayed, and figure out the order they were place - oldest to newest. You can also figure out the layers of prints too - if a number was punched twice. Yes, I am tired of "My baby, my baby" but I will say that this show does talk logic. I mean, how many other shows so you have a character flat out say, "The being could be messing with us." Not many. And then, having Molly immediately go, "yeah, you're probably right." That's nice. But really, Molly. You carries the kid for a few weeks - you really cannot have that much of an attachment - unless something with the alien DNA is forcing it. I thought the same about Yasumoto - that's it? That's why. His actions have literally killed fifty or more people, and for what? Just so your lazy death-fearing self gets a few more weeks? I think though he also had an alternate plan for eternal life for humanity - or maybe just those he deems fit. That goo also could make him LOTS of money. Imagine having the goo and offering this life-saving "medicine" to the masses. You know it would garner top dollar, so maybe it's a greed + cheat death scheme. But at the end - did I get this right? The baby finally used what it could out of the Sparkses, and basically knocked out (or killed) Lady Sparks, then basically wandered off into the great void (i,e, earth?). My first thought - the aliens are planning an Earth colonization/takeover plan and they are testing the best way they can do it - interbreed with the humans so they can (for whatever reason) be able to live on earth. For some reason, my theory is like a big mashup of X-files episodes and some other sci-fi I can't place....oh well.
  15. Oh, no no no....*vigourously shakes head* Way to corporate looking for me. He doesn't even look like the same guy, especially in the second picture. No, I'll take the curly and messy redheaded version any day.
  16. New Promo - Hope, Courage, Destiny. Also, TVLine spoilers - Fall Season. ETA: Extended Episode Synopsis for the season premiere - This is War. Be warned - DO NOT read unless you want some huge major spoilers - This one gives a LOT away and answers half of the questions that were left at the end of the season, along with some of the cryptic comments heard recently. A lot is now starting to make sense. Extended Episode Synopsis - This is War. ...so excited....
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