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Everything posted by HalcyonDays

  1. It's ridiculous how excited I am for this. Only one week and I get my dynamic duo back on screen.
  2. I had two thoughts when I was actually watching the game. 1) If the Redskins win, RGIII needs time to recover before next week so he needs to sit. 2) Man, the offensive line sucks, RGIII's knee is already weak, and why the hell is Shanahan putting a limping QB in there? He's so going to get hurt." Next play, there goes his knee. Yes, Shanahan wanted to win that game, and for all we know, RGIII was arguing that he wanted to play too - the thing is, it's a gamble. If you make it to the next round you need a healthy(er) quarterback who can hopefully win the game. In that wildcard matchup, the Redskins were terrible and were going to lose badly, so to risk RGIII for what seemed like nothing, when he was already hobbling around on a reinjured knee (earlier in the game) seemed to be incredibly foolish. On top of that, the backup QB was Kurt Cousins, who was playing really well at the time. It was just a poor decision by Shanahan, but we can only really get angry with him now because of the severity of the injury. If the Redskins still lost, but RGIII didn't have the torn ACL/LCL, no one would have said a thing, or mumbled a little but moved on. I even remember the commentators (I think it was Cris Collingsworth) questioning the decision big time. It was just a combination of incredibly back luck and bad decision making. Sometimes a coach needs to put ego aside and look at the bigger picture - i.e. the future, not just today. Just my thinking at the time/now. Also, there was a lot of debate at the time about players being adamant about playing while badly injured - it's just who they are - but who should make the final decision. The doctors? The coach or the player who think he feels fine. I would always go with the doctor - only because they be the most unbiased of the lot (that's not saying much).
  3. Watched this yesterday - nice slow episode but a good one. Jamie just cannot win, the poor guy. He's literally stuck in a rock and a hard place and has little options for what he can do. He has to stay at Castle Leoch because he is a wanted man, yet he is a threat to those very people who run the Castle (Dougal namely). He has to tread so carefully and it's interesting that he always seems so playful and more laid back about stuff. He's smart - fully understands the politics of the situation and knows how to play the game, but doesn't let it take away his natural humour and love of life. Claire gave up a bit easily on her escape in my opinion - Yes, she tripped over Jamie and he know what she was doing, but she pretty much gave up after telling him her plan. And WHY did she tell him the plan. Strange. She vacillates too much, I think. Rupert and Angus - they remind me so much of Merry and Pippin from Lord of the Rings - pure comedic goofballs. They are hilarious. As I'm learning names, I finally know who Murtagh is and love this guy too - loved seeing him translate for Claire. Considering she is suspected of being a spy and is English, the Scots treat her pretty good overall. As others have said - Dougal is a very complex and interesting person. The actor who plays him is amazing. Again, good casting.
  4. It really is remarkable how those two can look so different in character. Messy/Long hair, beard/scruff, period clothing, kick-ass accent, charming behaviour. *Boom and Swoon* I really am loving Jamie as a character - such a sweetheart yet so nuanced. Heughan is perfect for the role - they cast well.
  5. Well, it is media - they love to whip up the drama. For me, it's like ever since RGIII blew out his knee during KneeGate, he's a different player. He seems so much more hesitant and reserved. I figure he is absolutely terrified of getting another very bad injury that could potentially derail is career and it's mentally affecting him. I really feel bad for the guy and hated Shanahan with 1000 suns for putting RGIII in during that Wildcard game. There was no need to risk it, especially for a really good quarterback with a bright future. That's me, though, thinking long term. If he's really out for 2 months, his confidence isn't going to get any better and once again he loses out on experience. Then there is the implications if Cousins can continue play amazing. That said, the right coach can do wonders for a team. RGIII maybe just needs the right coach around him (see: Andy Reid and KC Chiefs). And to not get injured anymore.
  6. I'm exactly the same. Sleepy Hollow is the first time I've ever pre-purchased a season before it's actually been released. I didn't even do that with the Harry Potter books (but still got them the day they were released).. Stupid show...my love for you is ridiculous - and I am dying to see the blooper reel!
  7. I'm waiting for my DVDs to come in - September 16th - for my rewatch. I still have episodes on my DVR, so after nine months, I can finally delete them.
  8. I'm all for the "underdog' so really glad that Kurt Cousins decimated the Jags (of course I picked the Jags in my pool...*sigh*) I feel really bad for RGIII though - he is constantly getting injured. They say its a dislocated ankle, and he could be out for two months. I have a feeling he's going to be a player that will have to retire early in his career due to injuries. And the commentary is that Cousins looked more comfortable today, then RGIII ever has. Oh, and the Cowboys won. Boo. And the Browns beat the Saints...The heck...
  9. HalcyonDays

    NHL Thread

    I heartily agree. I live in Toronto and my love for the Leafs is long gone. The problem is that they are all about the profit, and none about the fans. Yes, I know, all teams want to make money, but with the Leafs, its like their sole focus. Toronto is always the most profitable team in the NHL, so MLSE makes no effort to draft a winning team. Why would they? - they make tons of money and don't have to. I don't want a team here because I don't want a ton of suits to infest these games with their lack of enthusiasm. The true fans of the Leafs can barely afford to buy tickets. Instead, they get sold to boring corporate suits, who may go to the game, but do not cheer, do not behave like awesome fans should. It's boring. It's the same reason I don't want an NFL team here. I've seen how fans in the US are for their football teams. Insane but awesome. I want that here, but we just don't seem to do that...
  10. Because baby pigs grow so fast, 48 pigs were used during filming for the role of Babe. - IMDB
  11. So depressed...I cannot believe that the Raven's won. And won decisively. I guess they felt they had something to prove. Or maybe the Steelers felt they didn't have to "show up" to win.
  12. Regarding the time jump, my prediction is that time in Purgatory runs at a different speed then time in the real world. Abbie and Ichabod will be in Purgatory for a short while, that may seem like a day or two to them (and to us viewers). When they get back into the real world though, it will actually be weeks or months that have passed. Show, oh show...why must you trifle with my fragile Ichabbie feels...stop it... Ichabbie in Purgatory. My logical mind says nothing shall come of this, it's just a play and false tease for the viewers to draw them in. Bastards.
  13. Whoever wrote the episode must hate the French, because they slammed that nation a lot in this and the previous episode. Also, what kind of detection equipment did they have - that French station, the ISEA didn't even know it was there in space? Hell, we know exactly where the tiny space debris particles that orbit the Earth are now! It was small but there. A reddish slightly gaping slash on her lower belly. Really not that disgusting actually and quite small. Did NOT catch the 6 canisters of full oxygen - good one, Actionimage. I was confused as to why Ethan locked the door then threw the thing at the window, but it may have been to break Molly out of her trance and scare the alien away at the same time, before the alien could get in the house (door locking first). I'll give him a break, technically he's a kid, might have made sense his actions. Very - For some reason, I am under the impression that they are here to get all of the human blood. Like Alien Vampires. They are here to feed on human blood, but at the same time, will use suitable females to breed and continue their population, I think. Now it's starting to be like the show V plus some vampire action- instead of the aliens snacking on human flesh, they'll be drinking our blood.
  14. Cree Peee episode. Okay, the first half was a bit muted. We had more John/Molly drama, but John finally spoke some sense. He finally puts it out there - Molly, we are not first in your life. I actually felt bad for him. I mean, it must be hard knowing that the love of your life (I'm assuming) is still stuck on a deceased boyfriend. I understand it, on Molly's side, but it's still sad. It doesn't matter what John does, Marcus will always cast a cold shadow on their relationship. Called it on Odin - knew he was going to blow up the lab. Giving Ethan the detonator - evil, evil Odin, or should I say Gavin. And of course old TV trope enployed. Why couldn't they have told and shown Ethan that he was "out" for over an hour. Then Ethan would have said, Odin changed my batteries, and no more drama. The "offspring boy" - Creepy eyes, man. They did a good job with, except is the actor wearing a wig? Also, any chance it's Halle Berry's son? The show vastly improved in the second half when Ethan sees John talking to --> nobody. Didn't see that one coming!! Good job. Knew something was shady about Katie last episode, and obvious we know it now - she's the "Offspring" of the original Katie. So does the mold contain energy and it in turn will infect the planet? Getting a mix of X-Files, Walking Dead (the eyes) Aliens and Star Trek now. Michael O'Neill - what an excellent actor, You can totally see how delusional he is with regards to the situation. He truly truly believes that his daughter is back, and him being so nonchalant about his wife "She will come back." Broke my heart and so well done. Good episode, but just a creepy second half.
  15. Nope. Not a chance. Hell, he isn't even in the peak of his career and he initially only got a two game suspension. *shakes head in disgust* As usual, money trumps all.
  16. I am always amazed at how this guy finds the time to do things. Now that NFL Football season has kicked off, he's one the FOX NFL Sunday panel. He is amazing on it, and really meshes well with the other guys and knows his stuff. But it airs Sunday, sometimes in LA and he is still reporting after the night games. There are times he has to catch a red-eye back to New York for Live with K and M. Granted, he's getting paid BIG dollars, but still - lots of commuting. At least he's not bored.
  17. I loved Mulder knowing exactly why Scully was there - keeping an eye on him and reporting him to the big bosses - yet he fully includes her in the investigations. No hestitation, no holding back info. He lays it out completely and allows her to judge for herself, and report as she sees fit. Love that. Also love that they just hit it off *boom!* right away. Such a kick out of big glasses Mulder and Scully - definitely a geeky contrast to the later polished agents. The show really holds up though. Yes, the clothes you can date, but it really doesn't take away from the overall quality and enjoyment of it. Scully in her underwear i.e. trying to grab male viewers. Actually, that scene was pretty hot and Mulder's face was priceless. Today, the comment would be "and now the Ship has set sail." But as "gratutious" as the scene is, it still establishes trust between the two. For letting Billy leave, I always thought that they either didn't care, or were told to turn a blind eye to it. The nasal cavity thing did look like the later neck implants later on. All in all, good Pilot!!
  18. I wonder if those younger looking babies are the ones who are the actual children of the actors or something. Like a female actor's own child, for example. It would make sense if she signs some consent form for the legalities. But, because she is the parent, she can ensure the safety of her child and also spend as much time with the kid. You know, film a scene, then the downtime between scenes her baby is there with her. I'm sure I've heard of some celebrities doing this.
  19. Interesting you said this, because just this week I read somewhere an article about this exactly. Apparently shows/movies cannot use newborns or babies below six months due to filming labour laws. Its just not allowed, therefore 'hello six month old baby.'
  20. A place to discuss particular episodes, arcs and moments from the show's run. Please remember this isn't a complete catch-all topic -- check out the forum for 'golden' quotes and a little bit of small talk. The fourth season for Bering Sea Gold premiered August 22, 2014.
  21. The device Odin implanted in Ethan looked like a small bomb-like device (that's what I thought, at least). For some reason, I figured he was going to detonate it when Ethan and the others are in the lab, thus destroying the lab, the other rebots, research, etc. Now I think he will try to detonate it when Ethan is in public somewhere, to show how "dangerous" and "deadly" Humanichs are. I understand being upset that he lost his arm in the first place, but it's like saying "I injured myself in a car crash, so all cars are now evil and must be destroyed...". HIs anger is focused on the wrong thing, I think.
  22. Eli, Eli...what are we going to do with you? And Romo too. Did NOT expect the Lions to destroy the Giants like this. Oh, and Matt Stafford is awesome! I picked the Lions to win too, actually, Bastet.
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