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Everything posted by HalcyonDays

  1. ghoulina - because this thread is specifically tagged as NO SPOILER, you should not reveal anything that was said on the Talking Dead here in this particular thread, to respect those who really, really have willpower and don't want to read spoilers. But lo and behold, you CAN talk about it here: WD Spoilers and Speculation Thread or in the Talking Dead thread.
  2. Hahahaha! Looks like the Giants team that I wanted showed up! 27 to a big 'ol goose egg. Wow. And now we have Dallas AND the Eagles at 5-1. Who'd of thought??
  3. Oh god, this show. Show...you are just amazing. What a brilliant premiere. The scene in the kill room - just horrific. So disturbing. The callousness of the Termites in simply dispatching their future dinner would make me vegetarian in no time (until I start starving...yikes but reality). Tyrese - thankfully you smartened up at the end, because I just wanted to slap you for being so trusting and naive. Trust No One. Michonne needs to be reunited with her katana. Honestly, the best weapon in the zombie apocalypse, hands down. Carol - oh Carol. You are my new favourite. Just like we saw in the previous season, she was the only one who was making the right decisions. SMART decisions. So stealthy, smart, perfect. Her shooting crazy Mary (or whatever her name was) in the leg was perfect. Even her being told by Mary to drop her weapons, and she basically spins around and shoots Crazy Tasha Yar. Perfection. I love how Carol has grown and become the smartest badass in the bunch. Again, trust no one. Oh, Daryl running and hugging Carol - my heart, my feels! I love those two together. And seeing the entire gang together was amazing. Just an absolutely fantastic premiere. Well done, WD.
  4. Cannot believe Dallas won. And they played well. If it wasn't for a couple of stupid mistakes by Dallas, Seattle would only get like 6 points. Where the heck did this Dallas team come from? Hopefully the one that will lose to the Eagles. Throw some interceptions, Eli. You know you want to!
  5. Apparently Dave loves the Foo Fighters! Foo Fighters to have weeklong residency on The Late Show With David Letterman
  6. This one!! I always loved this comment from Darlene. If others agree, I can change the title. I know he was described as Eddie Munster at one point.
  7. Are the television stations or the NFL itself paying some of these teams to deliberately lose? Because once again - a completely lopsided score. WTH!
  8. Oh wow, awesome. Didn't think it would be renewed, since the final episode really wrapped things up. I guess there will be more Offspring hunting. Reason why it was renewed:
  9. It was confirmed by the show runners in an interview after the end of last season. Also, the DVD of Sleepy Hollow has a deleted scene that confirms the status of Morales: What we don't know is if they are going to finalize those story lines or drop them all together. I'll spoiler just in case they do continue with it.
  10. I love this show to death! The talent from these sugar artists, carvers and the like is truly amazing! The small scare was okay - yes, that one troll looked like a teddy bear. How on earth did that lady think she could pour and solidy the sugar bench slats, then assemble it in only 45 minutes flat. No way. My favourite of the Farm challenge was the scarecrow and the pumpkin mowing the field. The poor animals in the mouth - loved that one the best! Didn't get the chicken either. Even when they were hashing out the concept, I was like..."A chicken". Chickens are played for jokes, not creepy scary. Just not good.
  11. I guess my point was that the show has Crane mention many times these now famous historical figures that he knew, and many people think it sounds odd or convenient that he knew these people, but I think in some cases, it isn't. I was in Philiadelphia for a couple of days this summer (I'm not an American) and in walking the few blocks around the historical district, I viewed the ruins of Washington's house, went into Betsy's Ross's house, viewed the ruins of Benjamin Franklins house, saw that grave of Franklin, went into Independence Hall, into the room where the founding father's all sat together to draw up their independence documents, etc. So for me, it's not a stretch to say that if Crane himself just happened to be in Philiadelphia for a certain period of time, he would probably have come across these people (since he was Washington's darling). Washington and Ross both belonged to the same congregation (Christ Church), so of course would have met. So again, it's not a stretch for me to imagine the show writing the scenario like this: Washington, accompanyed by some other people, including Crane, go visit Betsy Ross, the most talented seamstress in town and ask her to sew a flag. Crane and Ross's eyes meet and boom, they are attracted to each other, therefore explaining Crane saying he knew/dated her. Anyway, many of them did interact at various times, so having Crane knowing them as an extension of that surprisingly isn't that farfetched, but to us it might seem to be. green, are you a historian or just someone who loves history? I've read that also about Arnold. Also that his arrogance and demand for being recognized and promoted angered him and pushed him to the other side. Too much pride I guess. I wonder if the show is going to eventually reveal that Sleepy Hollow is some sort of pinpoint/coming together point for all evil. Like the Hellmouth in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Everything evil seems to happen around the town. Also, when are angels going to make an appearance. Someone else mentioned that angels from the Bible tend to cause bad things to happen also, so it will be interesting to see SH's take on it.
  12. HalcyonDays

    NHL Thread

    Ever see the people sitting in the stands at a Leafs game? Half are wearing suits and fiddling with their Blackberry's or iPhones looking bored. The true fans either manage to get seats in the 500 section, or the few scalped tickets and can go to a game. There is an area close to the ACC (Air Canada Centre) and has a large screen TV broadcasting the games - that's where the true fans gather and cheer and have a good time. Most of the seats are sold as corporate seats. I mean, can you blame MLSE? If a company is willing to pay over $500+ per seat and guarantee to have most of the seats sold right at the the beginning of the season, then why not? Doesn't mean I don't hate them for it.
  13. Okay, I see what you mean. She did wait till the end of the party, because she told Ichabod that she was "ending the engagement tonight". But when she told Ichabod she loved him, I didn't see it as her immediately getting a new fiance, just that she was interested in a future relationship with him. Which then raises the question - when did she spend enough time to fall in love with Ichabod? How much time did they spend together before the Abraham dumping. Or will it be sold as love at first sight? It's why my original theory/thought from season one was that she was manipulating Ichabod's heartstrings to deliberate get him onto the path to Witness. By marrying him, she could keep him on a "short leash", so he would be "coaxed" into doing the things that got him to where he is now. Now I'm not so sure, but we'll see.
  14. My apologies, Snookums (and fantique). Too much reading too fast and copying and pasting too fast, not enough paying attention. My post edited to give credit for your excellent comment, where credit is due!
  15. Exactly. I wasn't sure who had the cash. If it was Gloria, then did she not want to give up half of her empire to the hubby? But let's face it, she's rich. She could hire the right lawyers and people to make the hubby go away (not murder!) with a settlement and his silence. She would also retain custody of the kid(s). If the money was the hubby's, then by divorcing either she could get half, or a small settlement, since she cheated (and there would have to be proof). But Isn't the old romantic trope - love triumphs over money? If one is truly in love, living a simply 'poor' life is all one needs? If this was the case, then she choose money over love so I don't feel as sorry for her as the show tells me I should. Like I said, cold dead heart.
  16. I do like this show alot. It's delightfully light, somewhat cheestastic but still have nice chemistry between the mains. Henry is a funny character, quirky and adorable at the same time. His immediate conclusions to things sometimes ring false (how does he figure that out so fast), but then I watch another show with the same issue, so it can pass. I like his interactions with Detective Jo. This is meant to be a light fun show. It really reminds me of Castle in it's early days, but that is all good. His face when the son wouldn't accept his apology was great, as was how the other detectives seem to tolerate him during the interrogations. I like the relationship between Jo and Henry- nice friendship and boding moments, and they are obviously going to go for more. Lukas - the assistant ME. Still makes me feel for him. So awkward and insecure and everything. He really needs someone to boost his confidence, but he's good in the role. Sweet story with Gloria, and I like how everyone naturally assumed little old rich lady = miserable old lady, only to find it was because she was denied her love. Was actually horrified when Henry was detailing her injuries (I was like, wow, they are showing an old lady that battered up - good makeup job), and then finding out she dragged herself to the painting - my god, what other drugs was she on to do that. Horrific. The scene with the powder, finding the shoe prints rang a bit false. It's a museum - there would be shoe prints everywhere, especially after that farewell gala, including Jo and Henry's who was stomping all around the area. Yeah, it looked like a high heeled show, but there were other woman there with the same type of shoes. The story was sweet, but it didn't do anything for my cold dead heart. Gloria's affair was discovered and she couldn't leave her husband? Why? Was it the money? Who had the money in the relationship? Because if she truly loved the painter, she could simply have divorced the hubby, taken half of the money (or a settlement), and moved on with her life with the painter. It just felt like she chose money over love.
  17. This is a tough one, and I'm actually going to defend Katrina. Abraham gave her the necklace at the little party thing. You could see on her face she wasn't happy, but propriety and appearances must be kept up. They are in a room full of people. She really couldn't turn him down there - it would be the height of embarassment for a nobleman such as Abraham. She gave it back later when she dumped him. And do we really know Katrina and Ichabod hooked up before? That's never been mentioned. They were friends, that's it. Except this season is going to expand on that relationship, so maybe they did. I'm going to bet not, only because of Ichabod being so (usually) honourable. I would guess some fooling around happened in some shadowy corridor. I have the same impression of Quakers that many do. They are supposed to be humble and reserved and not about displays of ostentatious wealth, but upon a little research, this is not true. William Penn was the richest Quarker in the colonies and there were other Quakers that worked to make lots of money and showed it off. I think our perception of that is wrong. On top of that, Abraham is not a Quaker, but a nobleman. He would want to outfit his future bride in exquisite finery. What other choice did Katrina have? That witchy (but cool looking) 200 year old dress. Not everyone can be a stubborn Ichabod!! Snookums, this is a great point. Maybe she is a better spy. It doesn't help that Henry and Abraham are having loud conversations right outside the room where she is. Did you not see those wide gaps within the wooden slat of the walls? There is no sound-proofing there. Voices will carry, espesically deep bartones like Henry/Jeremy. This. All of this. From day one it's been like that, which really is amazing. I wonder if it is the Witness bond. I do think the show is doing this deliberately, just like they showed right away in the show, how open and honest these two were with each other, though they barely knew each other (and Abbie is quite guarded). Reinforces the bond. And of course the only person that kills that bond --> Katrina. *sigh* I really hope all of this is deliberate, to the point that Ichabod finally realizes how Katrina weakens him and the Witnesses and changes his behaviour. I do think he will. Character growth. The season, the trust issue is the main theme. What in the lives of Abbie and Ichabod tend to damage the trust between the Witnesses. This season, Ichabod repeats the word "trust" a lot. Last season, it was "consequences." So the whole season is the back and forth of "Can I trust you".
  18. I still think she's Abbie's Guardian Angel. She quickly shot and killed the woman who was pointing a gun at Abbie. She (most likely) thinks Jenny is a bad influence, and Crane for that matter, since she "fired' him from his consulting duties. Yet she didn't discipline Abbie for breaking into her files (quite the no no and security breach) and she slipped Abbie the classified file about Mama Mills. Guardian Angel - calling it now.
  19. Honestly, I think the show is just taking the well-known aspects of Christianity, and twisting it to suit their plot. Like the cursed beads buried with Reverend Knapp, or that fact that I read elsewhere that apparently witches are condemned in the Bible. Something like that. So to have the character of Katrina (apparently) and her Coven working to destroy evil, goes completely against what the actual belief is. I like that they are taking bits and pieces and just messing with it to death. At the same time, they research their history. I mean, I've had to look up half of the stuff the show mentions, because I know little about the Revolutionary War (this show and TURN made me interested). I know we like to laugh at how Crane seems to know everyone and name drops like crazy, but it's not really that strange to me. People like Benedict Arnold, Von Steuben, Benjamin Franklin, Washington of course, Sam Addams, Paul Revere interacted together a lot. They are the founding fathers. They sat in a particular room at Independence Hall (in Philly) together and wrote the Declaration of Independence. For various battles during the Rev War, these eventual famous figures came together in the same place and personally interacted. Crane being there, or somehow involved is not strange. For example, this episode, Crane name dropped Baron Von Steuben, and said he trained under him. Well, this makes sense. Crane was at Valley Forge. The entire regiment wintered at Valley Forge. Washington was there at the same time, as he was leading the army. Baron Von Steuben was also there at the same time. Doing what you ask? This: "During the winter of 1778–1779, Steuben prepared Regulations for the Order and Discipline of the Troops of the United States, commonly known as the "Blue Book". Its basis was the training plan he had devised at Valley Forge." So three different well-known historical people and/or events that are name dropped at different times by Crane. It seems overkill and too much at times, but the connection makes perfect sense. It's like playing Six Degrees of Ichabod Crane.
  20. legaleagle53 and Maverick - you are absolutely correct. The show has been off the air for over 15 years so it would make sense to simply tag this entire thread as containing spoilers. I'll discuss with the Lead moderator (Chip) and we'll let you know. ETA: Okay, so this entire thread will contain spoilers - i.e. please no spoiler tags in here. The show has been long over. Anyone who doesn't want to know about what happens in the Mirror Universe should stay outta here! Also, no special rules for posting here, except the usual ones that apply all over the place.
  21. Yeah, that is a good point. And the drinking age in the US is 21, so the bar is set higher (it's 19 where I live). Now that you mention DC, I was in Washington recently and went into a bar that carded everyone. They had a bouncer at the door checking the ID of people who were clearly in their 50's. At the time I thought that the place must have been busted for underage drinking, so decided the best solution was to card everyone. As for the complaints about Ichabod not having money. Well, of course he doesn't. A) he doesn't have a job because he's too busy fighting off the Apocalypse. I did expect that he would be paid as a consultant through the police department, but that would have to get approval. Also, for all we know, Abbie keeps all of his consulting fees to offset expenses. We don't know because it's never been mentioned. B) Up until this episode, Ichabod did not have a SIN number nor any identification. This is strange, I admit. I figured Abbie should have faked something for him already but whatever. Now he has the passport. BUT to get legitimately paid, one has to be a legitimate citizen with a SIN number. SO, he didn't have one, therefore can't get paid even if he were to work somewhere. His option right now is to do something and get paid under the table. But guess what --> Apocalypse. You know, I would love to see this - Ichabod and Abbie returns to the house where he grew up and finds some artifacts from his days growing up there. Maybe a pocket watch? Maybe some old colonial furniture. A painting, perhaps or an old vase. They go onto Antiques Roadshow, get it appraised and find out it's worth over $100,000. (Anyone who's watched the show knows what I mean). I've seen vases that sometimes are a quarter of a million, and paintings - well we know what they can be worth. Boom, Crane is rich and Abbie gets a piece of the pie. And maybe then everyone will stop whining about the money. Because truly - it's really not important in the grand scheme of things. Because again --> End of Days, Apocalypse and all of that.... Also, I notice that no one has ever mentioned how Abbie can afford a house/condo/apartment (whatever it is), an SUV and $1000 dollar leather jackets on a cop's salary. i.e. it's a television show and sometimes things don't make sense. Also, Jenny is living with Abbie and also doesn't have a job. Do a quick Google search and you get this:
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