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Everything posted by HalcyonDays

  1. Tigershark, I was so rooting for you, so I was very happy that you have tons of cash - no one could catch you! Excellent. I didn't get FJ either - I was racking my brain thinking of car or gun manufacturers. The moment Alex said the word "peace", I was like *sigh - of course, dynamite and Nobel* The date is what threw me off. I forget how early Nobel was around. Thought you did wonderful and smiled when you almost ran the theatre category. I'll be cheering for you tomorrow.
  2. Okay, I guess I'll start, simply because I've rewatched the Pilot numerous times, it's that good. I should preface though that I didn't even know that this show was premiering, had not seen any previews for it, and had no idea what it was about. Hubby said "Hey, there a new show starting, it looks interesting, we should watch." I was like, okay, not expecting much. All it took was the opening battle scene. One WORD of dialogue (Crane's name), awesome fighting, a Headless Horseman and Crane chopping off his head with a sword and I'm like "OMG - I AM IN." Just blew me away. Then the amazingly done resurrection scene and I was like. "I love this!". That was all it took to hook me into this show. Just those few minutes. I loved the introduction of Abbie, with her and Corbin in the diner. Again, just a simple short scene, nothing special, but set up so much and you could SEE the close father-daughter type relationship right away. Just amazingly done and I was even more hooked. There is a lot to write about the pilot and I don't want to make this post too long, so I'll just quickly overview them (because I could write pages), but you could see the chemistry between Crane/Abbie right away (I'm not talking romantic). They bounce off each other so well. The scenes in the jail cell, and when Abbie is taking him to the police car, I love the snark from Crane and the irritation from Abbie. The little bits of humour and the small bits of wonder from Crane - they didn't go overboard with it, just highlighted it, which was smart. The nice sweet scene between them when Abbie tells Crane about her sister when they are in Tarrytown. A nice little bonding scene. The final scene is where I went "Holy Cow - these two have amazing chemistry!" They both walk out into the street, look at each other and BOOM! The Ichabbie shipdom was born. Because for me, that was the moment it cemented itself. That was also the moment where I was like - I HAVE to watch this show each week. And the final scene with the demon in the mirror - freaked me out that I actually jumped. Very scary. Well done, show. Critcisms: Lighting continuity. Because they are filming in Wilmington and outside, they obviously couldn't control the sunrise, so you can see huge diferences in lighting because of the time it took to film. One shot, Abbie and Brooks are in the dark. Next shot at the same time, it's bright outside. Next shot, it's dark again. Very noticable especially in the standoff with Headless, but noticable elsewhere too in the show. The fact that Abbie is going to stay in Sleepy Hollow after some weird dressed semi-crazy British guy tells her it is her destiny. Unless it was one of those religious experiences where a voice told her to, any sane, logical person would hightail it out of SH. There was nothing of evidence - to me - that really flat out confirmed that they were to be partnered as Witnesses and the Apocalypse was to unleash. I mean really. Quantico and Career or Crazy Brit and Demons. Which would you pick?
  3. Link here: http://www.fox.com/watch/50452035814?cmpid=tsm:twt:-FOX-Sleepy_SB14LFV_Wk1_001 Should the rewatch start earlier (like now), due to the online episodes being available for a fixed time? First 5 episodes expire in 4 days.
  4. Well, the article says that the show gets about 2 million viewers, so I guess as a Walking Dead/Summer replacement show, AMC is happy with that. I agree - Moar Spy! and --> more John Andre, more Ben Tallmadge, more Simcoe, more Hewett, more Brewster, more Abigail and even more Selah! Just less of the love-quadangle/romantic angst, etc. We get it - Abe you're torn. I do think they will move away from it, since it's been mostly established now, the conflict with Abe.
  5. Well, FOX is definately making the effort in all entertainment areas for Sleepy Hollow. Wow. There are tons of behind the scenes photo's being posted on: https://twitter.com/SleepyHollowFOX FOX starting putting up season 1 episodes to watch online. http://www.fox.com/watch/50452035814?cmpid=tsm:twt:-FOX-Sleepy_SB14LFV_Wk1_001 DVD is supposed to be released either August or September but no offifical announcement. A comic book!! http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=article&id=53626 Two novels: http://www.sleepyreads.com/ And useless trivia of the day (because it is interesting to me). Tom Mison says he auditioned for a role in AMC's TURN but obviously didn't get it - they "went in another direction." I would love to know what role he went for but it obviously (DUH!) worked out 1000% for the better for him, the show and those who love Sleepy Hollow. (I say this as someone who really likes TURN). When the show runners say they "struck lightening in a bottle", did they ever.
  6. Excellent News! TURN renewed for Season 2 - 10 episodes in total. http://www.tvfanatic.com/2014/06/amc-renews-turn-for-season-2/ Season 2 will air Spring 2015. (ugh, so far away...I guess they have to write and film them. Also I think it will once again take over for The Walking Dead).
  7. I liked it actually. For a summer show it was decent and held my attention. Yes, some glaring flaws but what can you do. I'm not looking for perfection - just something that I can enjoy watching, and apocalypse type shows are good (if done well). Is it wrong that when the Russians were attacking the scientists, that I was yelling for them to "Save the Dog!" The last fuse part - I agree. On that ENTIRE ship, they only have ONE fuse. That is just so wrong. There is no way. Ships like that should have tons of spare parts. I did like the refueling from the Italian ship - to me realistic. Speaking of the Italian ship - I swear those scenes were filmed on the Queen Mary. The interior shots for sure. Been there, it's a hotel/restaurants/museum now docked in Long Beach, CA. And yes, lots of Canada Goose - because the coats are amazing. Even saw a Canadian flag in the background! Woohoo. Some of the production costs I think come from the British Columbia film board. They probably filmed some of it in Vancouver. Overall, not bad and something to watch in the summer.
  8. It's supposed to be a bounty hunter that Jenny knows. The actor cast is Matt Barr. http://www.spoilertv.com/2014/05/sleepy-hollow-season-2-casting-news_27.html Scroll up to one of my previous posts. Timestamp: Jun 11 2014. 12:41 pm There are links/information there.
  9. Well, i really don't think it will be a mermaid. Mary is supposed to be Ichabod's former flame, therefore this will be a flashback to the 18th century. The jealousy is most likely going to be Mary jealous of Katrina. Water? Maybe Crane and Mary going swimming or something in a pond. Prothestics? Maybe some witchy spell in cast and there is some sort of physical manifestion of said spell. However, to inject a little Harry Potter into the mix: Grindylows -These water demons were first mentioned in British folktales in the county of Yorkshire. Parents told their children stories of grindylows to prevent them from getting in the cold water in the area. Grindylows supposedly had long fingers that would drag children into the deep. However, there is THIS: Water nymphs (Naiads) Nymphs are female nature entities that are bound to a particular location or land form. Naiads are water nymphs, and inhabit fountains, wells, springs, brooks, rivers, marshes, ponds and lagoons. The essence of a naiad was bound to the water body she inhabited. If a spring dried, the naiad within it died. In some stories naiads are depicted as dangerous creatures, because they could take men underwater when fascinated by their beauty, and these men were never to be seen again. Naiads were known by their jealous nature. A naiad that was once cheated by her husband is said to have blinded him in revenge. In Greek mythology naiads were friendly creatures that helped sailors fight perilous storms. They also had the power of foresight, and were said to make prophecies. It's really got to be a connection between the Bible/Revelation and something or someone who is either evil or good.
  10. I know. I read that today and was like, What the hell? I really cannot predict anything about what is going to show up in season 2. The castings and the spoilers are - to quote opinions on the show - batshit crazy. It will be an interesting season 2...
  11. But you know what? Enero is dead on when she/he posted this above... The day of interviews at that LA upfronts thing/whatever, Tom Mison is quoted as saying "There is lots of Ichabbie Shippers in season 2." Now is he just messing with the media (most likely yes), but I was very surprised to hear that, actually. This is also the same guy who said that Crane and Henry would have a "father/son" relationship so there you are. I'm laughing over the Jerry Springer thing though - but honestly, more power to Abbie and Jenny. Why not have some fun with a hot guy?
  12. Thanks for the update on the spoiler tags - I wasn't sure and tagged just to be safe. As for the info on Mama Mills - the show did mention a few months ago that they would delve into the Mills backstory in season 2, so excellent news. But Mama Mills is dead? Really? I thought the story was that the mother ended up in a psychiatric hospital and the father up and left. Hmm...maybe the writers changed their minds. As for the guy in question - Heather Kadin said elsewhere that the guy was a "friends with benefits" of Jenny, and that he'll hook up with Abbie also. The actor is Matt Barr and he's supposed to be a bountry hunter helping out the cause, and will appear in quite a few episodes. http://ca.eonline.com/news/549688/sleepy-hollow-first-look-tom-mison-bemoans-the-addition-of-the-far-too-attractive-matt-barr-watch http://www1.pictures.zimbio.com/gi/Matt+Barr+Premiere+History+Channel+Hatfields+WW1BdMMcCVdl.jpg The show had done a fair amount of casting other roles, and I'm wondering how it's all going to come together. For example, Orlando Jones' Frank Irving could so easily be sidelined and forgotten. And I really hope NOT, because I really enjoy the interactions between the four - Abbie/Ichabod/Jenny and Irving. They've casted Sakina Jaffery to replace Irving as Captain, etc. I do remember from last season that they would announce someone cast in a role, and that person would literally appear on screen for like one minute and then *poof* they were gone.
  13. I actually liked this episode! Lots of action and really made me like some of the characters even more. Major Hewett - you know, I felt for him. He's trying hard to keep the town together, trying to do things somewhat peacefully and Capt. Simcoe just blows it to shreds. Felt bad for him, actually. Actor does a great job with him. It's like Hewett is in a rock and a hard place. Favourite character Ben Tallmadge - love him, love the actor. Same with the character of John Andre - he was only in a bit, but him messing with Rogers was perfect. Want to see more of his machinations. Mary, Mary, Mary. I knew from the opening scene that she would burn the code book. And the stupid woman later did. Seriously, what an idiot character and just annoying as heck. Deserves to be married to Abe. Abe, Abe, Abe. Worst spy in history. I like Jamie Bell, think he's a good actor, but his character is unlikable. WHY are you telling your wife any more secrets. She cannot be trusted. The less she knows the better. She will single handedly bring down the Rebels simply for being nosy and irritating and making poor decisions. NO! Not Baker! I loved that lovable Brit. So cute and sweet and why did he have to die!! He was so awesome. Anna, Anna, Anna. Here is a lesson in Spying 101. When you are trying to keep your relationship (romantic or otherwise) secret, leaping out of a boat and swimming into the arms of your spymate/lover in front of your husband and half of the British Army is NOT the way to do it. Covert, you are not. Poor Selah - again, deserves a much better wife. Anna, Mary and Abe need to move to some deserted island and let the real spies and proper decisions makers do their thing, because you three are just making a mockery of the war and spying and well...everything. Captain Simcoe - or rechristened Crazy Capt Simcoe. Guy has gone off the rails, and technically Hewett should be arresting him, throwing him in the stocks or court-marshaling him for insubordination. I swear my history lesson is going to be that Simcoe goes insane, and in his obviously insanity, he eventually heads up North and in a fit of crazy, decides to establish my great nation of Canada. Because otherwise, in the real world, he would have been shot or thrown in prison already. But the actor is awesome and Simcoe does make a great villian! Though I am complaining, I did like the episode and WILL watch if the show gets renewed - which I hope it does.
  14. Yes and no. It's all how they do it. I know that we are going to get flashbacks of these things: Crane and his interactions with Benjamin Franklin and hopefully more as to why he is a Witness. Abbie's ancestors - going all the way back to the Underground railroad and why Abbie is a Witness. Katrina, her witchy past, her parents apparently and her "romance" (yes, the show said that) with Abraham. Jenny's past and her relationship with friend with benefits (Matt Barr) - who apparently is going to become Abbie's friend with benefits and maybe more. If those flashbacks can answer questions, then I am good. What I don't want to see is more of Crane and Katrina's beloved "perfect" relationship nonsense. I know, I'm bad, but I would rather see Crane and Abbie doing anything other than that. They can literally spackle the cabin for all I care, just have those two interact and be in each other's presence. The depiction of that "perfect" romance rang so hollow and contrived to me, I just do not care about it. However, comments from the showrunners at that screening in LA actually (for once) gave me hope.
  15. FOX just announced the premiere date for the first episode of season 2 --> Monday, September 22, 2014. http://www.spoilertv.com/2014/06/sleepy-hollow-season-2-premiere-date.html For anyone second-guessing who the two show leads are --> FOX has started their "For you Consideration" EMMY campaigns for Outstanding Lead Actor and Actress in a Drama Series for Tom Mison and Nicole Beharie. Both on the cover of EMMY magazine looking fine and (to me) very shades of X-Files... http://www.emmys.com/sites/default/files/styles/magazine_marquee/public/emmymag-cover-June-no4-sleepy-hollow-600x785.jpg?itok=THZk71Es Couple of shots of Mison/Beharie looking ridiculously James Bond and Bond Girl. http://tommisonfans.tumblr.com/image/87684720250
  16. Wow, fantique, that is one hell of a post(s). Nicely done! Love your observations. Concerning how the others are going to get out of their situations, based on behind the scenes photo's I've seen recently, my speculations have slightly changed. We all know that Ichabod and Abbie of course will survive and the question is what about Jenny. Well, it would be a waste of a character (who is now a regular) to "kill her" - no way she's dead. Everyone also thinks that if Ichabod rescues Abbie, that he enters once and they come both out somehow. I don't think so. My speculation: Ichabod somehow gets himself out of the coffin - whether he can dig himself out or Henry/Jeremy frees him, Ichabod is out first. He enters Purgatory, tells Abbie what happened. They formulate a plan. They might argue on who stays (one entered, so only one can leave), she stays, and Ichabod sets out on foot to find Jenny. He does, finds Jenny on the road and gets her help (call am ambulance, or maybe she's not that badly hurt, just knocked out). They know that either a body swap OR true forgiveness can free Abbie. They go back into Purgatory, Jenny does the true forgiveness and Abbie walks out. I'm thinking that they can technically come and go through Purgatory, as opposed to us thinking Ichabod will enter only one more time before taking Abbie out. And I still think (and hope) and Katrina finds a way to rescue herself, because she should be able to, with her powers.
  17. It would be nice if they would do a marathon or reair all of the episodes or something before the new season starts. My DVR is half filled with saved SH episodes. I had to pick and choose which ones to keep, due to lack of space. *sigh*. Apparently the DVD is coming out late August. A rewatch though! Awesome idea!
  18. That poor horse! Poor thing! Okay, now that was evil. And can I say, I really felt for poor Major Hewett. But watch your back, Simcoe, because if Hewett figures out what you've done - there will be hell to pay. Again, another good episode. Really engaging and good stories. And yes, even the Anna/Abe thing was okay. But I agree about Abe's character. He neglects his wife (and now his son), is banging the hot chick and barely doing spy things. However, he is playing the others now, which I like. I thought the court scene, and him as a magistrate was brilliant. The bullet not fitting and Simcoe's reaction - awesome. In a way, he's the Patriots Simcoe. Messing with the heads of the other side, which is good. I felt bad for Mary this episode. Totally dismissed her before but it seemed like she actually loves Abe. Is it wrong that I want her to get it on with the hottie British Soldier (Baker) staying at her house. He's a sweetie also. Won't happen unless they really want to mess with history. I think this was mentioned in another of the TURN episode threads, but Simcoe is John Graves Simcoe, who was the first Lieutenant Governor of Upper Canada (Modern day Province of Ontario). He's responsible for creating Canada (Upper and Lower Canada (Quebec) to provide lands that United Empire Loyalists lost in the civil war. He also created our (I'm Canadian) initial court system and also abolished slavery here, before England did. The man was a good guy in real life. The town of Simcoe, Simcoe Country and Lake Simcoe are all named after him (I live a short drive away). There is a nice statue right in downtown Toronto of Simcoe. Our Civic holiday (First weekend in August) is to honour Simcoe. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Graves_Simcoe And I did not know this but he sent the very first Valentine's day letter (on record) in America. Very cool. So much for the portrayal of a sleazy guy on the show. But I will say that Samuel Roukin plays a villianous Simcoe really well.
  19. Episodes are getting better and better every week. Really enjoyed this one. I finally know who all the characters are so that's good. The British drinking party was hilarious and well done - was that seriously a funnel I saw? 18th century Frat Boys Party. Though it was very risky for Anna to go to the frat party. How could she be so sure that Abe would be able to protect her. I totally agree about the long looks - if the Brits were so wasted, they would easily have seen the goo-goo eyes those two were making. Not very spy like. Favourite character is still Ben Tallmadge - I think the actor is amazing and the character too. If this show gets renewed - and I hope it does - there better not be any baby story lines. That was all I could think about at the end scene between Anna and Abe - this won't end well, or she's going to be pawning off her kid as Selah's. Not sure about renewal - the show averages in the very low 1 million viewers and the demo is not good. Considering it is in the same time slot as The Walking Dead, that's kind of low. However, it's time slot is doing it no favours. It's on at the same time as Game of Thrones, Cosmos, Hockey Playoffs, Basketball playoffs and other miscellaneous sports. I think give it a second season and put it on another day (except Monday) and it would do better.
  20. Very sloppy editing - I am surprised they didn't use say, Siddig's stand-in or something to further "hide" his identity. Bashir was always one of my favorite characters (though yes, was obnoxious season 1+), and I think he is a really excellent actor, but in this episode...eh, not so much. This one is not one of my rewatchables. I think the end needed to be a bit more action packed. Simply having a slow-moving/talking Bashir on the bridge of the ship was very anti-climatic. A phaser-fight in the promenade as he tries to escape may have been more entertaining, since they cannot kill Bashir, but he's trying to kill them.
  21. With Abe, Crazy Red/Blue coat flat out says "I'm a Rebel." Okay. But, he could be lying...Abe takes him at his word. I know men were more honorable back then, but seriously? People do lie. I would not have believed CrazyGuy at all. But that's me. You know, whenever I think that Abe might be manipulating the people around him to get information, or hide the fact he is a spy, he does something like this. At this point, what you see is what you get. He's too open, IMO. And will be easily manipulated if any danger may appear to his son. Not a good person for the job. Caleb, Ben and the others are all better at this. Hmm..interesting. I do the switcheroo with my cutlery and my parents came over from Europe. It's just more comfortable for me. I swear I recently read some article (like last week) saying that the switcheroo style is not proper, and "proper" usage should be left hand holding fork at all times. Maybe I am wrong. So is John Andre going to be a benevolent "master" for Abigail, or should we be worried. Abigail in the last episode said she would spy for Anna and company; If Andre treats her well, then she may not want to be such a willing participant.
  22. I guess I am in the minority in that I'm glad there are 18 episodes. I love the show, so the more the better. Since the show knows for sure how many episodes to cover, they can plan the entire season properly, just like they did with season 1, knowing there would only be 13 episodes. The filler episodes? Well, it all depends on what the story will be. I think it will give the show time to explore the backgrounds of the Mills sisters, along with more Crane background (as we know will be seen, with the casting of Benjamin Franklin). So they are going to do 18 episodes, and will air them all in a row (except maybe one World Series game) with no breaks. Wow. Seems Fox has learned from their season 1 mistakes and complaints. Excellent!
  23. I really enjoyed this episode. Thought the pace was good and was fully engaged. Love Tallmadge - he's my absolute favourite character now, though Evil Capt. Simcoe is a close second. Two complaints though. When Washington is envisioning Scenario 37, and is like, won't work because Redcoat will demand eggs, and the secret will be found out. I'm like, well....if Abraham simply handed over one of the raw eggs himself, took the money graciously, the Redcoat would never have been suspicious, Abe would have seemed to be on the "right" side, and he could go on his merry way. Unless the basket was required to have a set number of eggs. But yeah, that scenario would have worked. Complaint two: Abraham, you make a terrible spy. The moment you are caught, slightly roughed up (but not really), you openly tell Crazy Redcoat/ReallyaBlueCoat that you are a spy against the British AND give up Ben Tallmadge's name. Terrible, terrible spy. Liked Washington realizing that Ben spoke logically and truthfully about the spying situation, however it went against the "proper" way of doing things. Awesome. Really like his character a lot. John Andre, actually, like him also. Was confused about how he was teaching Abigail to eat - isn't that the "wrong" way to properly use cutlery? I thought Andre was actually messing with her. Overall, good episode. ETA: I KNEW that was Stephen Root playing Nathaniel Sackett! Awesome!
  24. I've read this too actually. But I read it as this - that originally, the British spoke more with what we now know as an American accent - more specifically what a West coaster would sound like (or actually even a Canadian). Not like a Brooklyn or Jersey or East Coast accent, though. And that the modern "English" accent developed as a way to differentiate themselves from the lower classes. Which is why the US (and Canadian) accents are one way, and the British are another. I know Jamie Bell is English, but when he speaks, I hear a bit of an Irish lilt to his words, to be honest. But I know he's English so that's strange. Must be regional then. Yeah, the accents are all over the place but I'm fine with that. I just want the pronunciations to be clear so that I know what they are saying!
  25. Good point about the fisherman part - in fact there are nice shots of the coast at the edge of Setauket in the show. Do you (or anyone) know where the show is actually filmed? Or is it greenscreen? Would a fisherman wear a leather jacket like Abraham though? It obviously had to be something that was waterproof (for the most part), windproof and sturdy. I guess leather would be it. Maybe it's the missing collar (which wouldn't a fisherman want to have) and trendy modern look styling that throws me!
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