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Everything posted by Moose135

  1. It certainly helped the Mets!
  2. Damned autocorrect!
  3. Moose135

    MLB Thread

    But seriously, how many "normal" fans really look at performance when voting, rather than simply vote for the popular players on their favorite team?
  4. Thanks for that, Gary - I see the line was a "mallard with a cold..." He probably should have disappointed Grandpa and skipped the impression.
  5. I couldn't believe Gomer Pyle was a $2,000 clue in the Military TV category, and was heartbroken when it was a TS... I got Havana right away - New York City almost would have been the right answer, but part of it (The Bronx) is on the mainland. It was actually "What's the difference between you and a man with a cold..." but he didn't really have a punch line.
  6. Really? In Italian, it's a soft g, pronounced like the letter "J" when followed by an E or I.
  7. Moose135

    NHL Thread

    I'm down in Charlotte now, but I've followed the Islanders from a distance - I wish I could have gotten to one more game at the Old Barn. A coworker lived in the DC area for a number of years, and she and the family are Caps fans. Yesterday, she asked me if the Islanders were going to change their name, since they are moving to Brooklyn. I told her that despite what Brooklynites might tell you, Brooklyn is on Long Island, so no name change.
  8. "Living like we're renegades" - it's a commercial for the Jeep Renegade...
  9. "Re-gyn-a" is the city in Canada, and is also the correct pronunciation of the Latin word for "Queen".
  10. Moose135

    MLB Thread

    I think it's great when Harvey is pitching... ;-)
  11. Hey, I live in Charlotte, and I always use the fog lights on my Hummer... No, not really - I do live in Charlotte, but I have a Durango, and I've only use the fog lights up on the Blue Ridge Parkway, when it wasn't so much foggy, more like the mountains were in the clouds. I hate people that run with on them all the time.
  12. Moose135

    MLB Thread

    Being it's in Texas, I always call it The Grassy Knoll...
  13. Part of the problem is there are 8,742 24/7 TV and radio stations devoted to sports. It's no different to the way news shows beat a subject into submission. Have to fill all that air time somehow.
  14. I think that was a selfie someone (Rodgers, maybe) tweeted, I don't think it was an official announcement.
  15. And he got himself a new red shirt and everything! As a former Air Force pilot myself, I was glad to see Todd win, I hope he has a long run!
  16. I've seen that a few times over the weekend, kassa, and still don't know what it is for.
  17. As a Giant fan, I'm OK with that QB line up for the Eagles.
  18. He pretty much was, but he was speaking at the UN, and it would have been a major issue if we prevented him from coming to NY for it. I actually photographed his plane arriving at JFK on that cloudy, damp afternoon, so I remembered him coming here. I also remember The West Wing pilot, when Leo McGarry tells his assistant: Please call the editor of the New York Times crossword and tell him that 'Khaddafi' is spelled with an h, and two d's, and isn't a seven letter word for anything.
  19. No, cars aren't normally supposed to go sideways, and it is very hard on the tires. It's just a way of showing off, that has led to organized exhibitions and competitions usually referred to as Drifting
  20. Looking forward to seeing NdGT - he spoke at a conference I attended last year, and was outstanding.
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