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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. My family member was diagnosed with COVID three weeks after being fully vaccinated (breakthough infection). We both had to quarantine, but the length was based on the estimated date of infection, not the date of the test/diagnosis. I loved Leah's dress. That poor little dog, being dragged into loud chaos so that Leah could try to grab the camera's attention. Sometimes Leah and her sister get caught looking for the camera. I would give anything to read Billy Stritch's thought bubbles as he deals with these vain idiots. I wonder if Bravo is footing the bill for his and others' time, since Bravo shares in the proceeds of Lu's "products." I keep thinking Billy can do so much better, but perhaps he wants the exposure. To keep her tummy in and boobs out, Ramona walks like she has a stick up her ass, all while she's scarfing down salty, bloaty caviar.
  2. My post doesn't say Garcelle knew she would get such a dramatic reaction. My point is that Garcelle likes to poke the bear. She wasn't trying to "help" Erika - she was pretending to be sympathetic while shading Erika. Garcelle has seen through Erika since the beginning of this mess. And for the love of gawd, what was Garcelle wearing on her head? The old Spencer Davis lyrics "wig hat" come to mind. I suspect Garcelle doesn't pay for constant styling like some of the other women do. Did she look in a mirror before she wore that thing in public?
  3. What I noticed about the franchise location Mia visited was its discount approach. There was a big sign that said something like "$29 Special." If I were getting my spine adjusted, that would give me pause.
  4. That's it. She's all pretense. And fillers. Great call back. My friend was in the first stage production of this show. (Without Gizelle, hee.)
  5. Memo to Mia: moving some brochures around a table top does not make you a boss. Gizelle: is there some reason you keep humiliating your children on TV? Also: "I'm not good at providing emotional support." WTF Gizelle. Ashley must have delivered at Virginia Hospital Center. I recognized the route Michael was driving through Arlington. Regarding Michael's finances, my understanding is that the condo market is soft in Arlington right now, but the market for individual family homes is through the roof.
  6. Genius. Wouldn't it be a hoot if they keep Bershan and dump Eboni? Hey Eboni, you're not invited to the next season of RHOBH. I like Bershan. Also, the attempted raciness and shock talk is just Beavis & Butthead, wrapped in dowdy fashion.
  7. There is something really off about Heidi and Spencer. Always has been. Spencer seems to be a mentally ill Svengali who Stockholm Syndromed Heidi long ago, turned her into a hypersexualized, plasticized robot, and spent all of their money on crap. Just because he makes jokes of fake self-awareness doesn't mean he isn't a selfish asshole. The robot has two scripts: 1) I'm the savvy financial manager (usually said while wearing a skimpy bra over bolt-ons; and 2) Woohoo I'm drunk turn it up. How does Heidi reconcile her supposed devout Christianity with swindling people out of their money for tacky crystals that have fake powers? I worry for Gunnar's long term security.
  8. I never thought Jamal and Gizelle were back together as a romantic couple. I always thought it was transactional. This may be one reason why. Is the asshole (that would be Jamal) paying child support for those three beautiful smart daughters he and Gizelle tried to pimp out last season (the restaurant idea)?
  9. When I heard about the bee attack I immediately imagined this: Kyle spots large bee swarm. Kyle checks that security cameras are working. Kyle throws herself at bees.
  10. I've suspected a wig since I returned to the franchise during the pandemic. There are brief scenes where her coiffure looks off. Her hair may be thinning due to age. One of the consequences of not getting enough nutrition over decades is thinning hair and nails and also brittle bones. A Baggie of supplements doesn't overcome starving oneself.
  11. Unless it's transactional or part of her ambition. If Erika and Armie had a fling, it would be because he has deep pockets and she was trying to draw him in.
  12. I wonder if Patricia's tchotchkes are manufactured by cheap, foreign labor. Or cheap US labor, for that matter. Her home is grand, of course, but its decor is fussy and hopelessly outdated. I much preferred Thomas' elegant, more historical furnishings in his old homes.
  13. I can't sing worth a tinker's damn but I'm joining the chorus: Jean Smart is a goddess. Between this and Mare, I'm thrilled to see so much of her. I can't stand Ava's idiot behavior and FFed through all of her scenes. Epic fail of character design. Why would Deborah keep her around? Why not find a better young, talented writer? I think Marcus, Kayla, the blackjack dealer, and the smarmy manager are best in small doses. They are all quite good. Has anyone mentioned Jean's gams while she wore the knee-length black dress and wide-brimmed hat? Holy smokes. Kendall Jenner and your Photoshopped "Barbie" legs, take a seat. Jean's still got 'em.
  14. Lexie is profoundly disturbed. I also think she knows her obnoxious behavior pleases production and that she won't be sent home. I am watching this season because Bravo adjusted its casting strategy. We have a wonderful group of deckhands, a great chief stew, very little Sandy...well that's it but I'll take it. Courtney seems a bit dim but kind. I can't figure out why everyone is seeing episodes that I am not being offered by my cable service. I appear to be one episode behind everyone else. Last night I watched Roy Jr.'s and Matt's departures. ETA: thank you dleighg for the explanation for the "early" episodes.
  15. I peeked at an episode and regretted it: Reza's instant, fake tear-filled voice. Reza, take that to the nearest dinner theater production. Destiny confusing "I love you" with a greeting or conversation. I wondered why Destiny began screeching "allooo" all the time. It was previews for her new "brand." The relentlessly encouaging life coach, whatever her name is. The "bras" mutual admiration society. Mike's assumption that his girlfriend would like twins. I could go on but I think we're all in agreement. This show is wretched.
  16. I believe Bravo receives a significant portion of the profits of any product that the housewives dream up and market on the show.' Robyn has always seemed weirdly lazy and entitled to me. That comment that the boys would be fine getting up three minutes before class time was disturbing. Kids everywhere suffered from pandemic isolation, even with the best of parents and structure.
  17. Didn't they discuss this during Wendy's first season? They said Eddie's family refused to accept her, and that as a result Eddie is estranged from his parents.
  18. During the pandemic I've watched more reality TV than I normally do, and I've noticed the overuse of loud vapid interstitial music from nameless, faceless "singers" who all sound the same. It's the equivalent of cheesy visual effects that are pulled from "101 Effects for $29.99" video editing software packages. Mute and closed captioning ON, fast forward engaged.
  19. As has been said, this series is now less about fashion and more about the Amazon brand (Make That Money) and also dumbing down the episodes to loud music and meaningless sound bites. At least Heidi has quenched that insufferable thirst of last season. I want to hear Tim give the designers lots of advice. And I think Gary is the only designer with notable skills. He clearly was extremely nervous in front of the cameras, and also he is desperate to save his career and brand. It's hard to recover when one has had significant success (CFDA!) and then suffers setbacks. It's as if he feels this is his last chance to continue working as a profitable designer. As I watched Jeremy Scott, whom I know is very successful, his look and his affect just shouted "Look at me."
  20. Did Eboni spend her first Bravo paycheck on significant plastic surgery?
  21. That is a very long list of shenanigans. They clearly are robbing Peter to pay Paul as fast as they can. Satisfying one lien or complaint only to incur another. It appears that Dorit purchased their current home as an investment, in that she's trying to sell it only one year later at an inflated value. She gambled on the real estate market and is losing.
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