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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. Rinna throwing shade at producers over the Jax harassment: it's entirely possible that Bravo engineered those bot attacks.
  2. I think Bravo will pull something like this once Erika can no longer appear on the series (if that ever happens). Once they can't use her for ratings, production will engineer a pile-on. When Rinna was on WWHL, angrily sputtering and thrashing around, Andy made a dig at her abuse of social media. She sputtered and thrashed some more, making excuses, but I wonder if it was a warning.
  3. I watched it when I had cable, and last night I streamed a free episode. In the earlier season, the emphasis was more on restoration, albeit for paying customers/homeowners. I love old farmhouses and appreciate Jonathan's knowledge of the New England ones. But Season 2 episode 1 seemed more like a flip, with many modern details in the design. Perhaps a previous owner had already done a lot of updates? I presume the CA homeowners approved the design and staging. I also hate the crafts, including ones I did in Girl Scouts at age 10. And the wife was very camera-hungry. How many times have we heard a homeowner on these shows exclaim "This is not my house?" They appear to have dumbed down the show for HGTV.
  4. This series is almost unbearable to watch because they are prolonging the suffering. They could have told the story in four episodes. I don't need to see nurses shuffling like zombies in 20 scenes, endlessly fanning patients, having cryptic conversations about "nobody suffering" to understand how horrible the situation was. It must have felt like years to everyone who endured it, but it's annoying to watch. I wonder if the 5pm deadline was a real thing. It's very bizarre. Why was it imperative that everyone be out by 5pm, if more could have been saved, or allowed to die later with their loved ones? I recall stories of a nursing home where many patients were abandoned and died. Is LifeCare meant to be a composite story? My NOLA family got out by shoving stuff into trucks, driving inland, and camping out on a relative's property. One group of them drove from town to town, trying to find a hotel with available rooms., and they ended up in Arkansas. Days after the storm there was no gasoline for sale and the ATMs were empty of cash. We had to actually FEDEX cash to them.
  5. They showed Heidi Klum Productions.
  6. This sounds as if Rinna's publicist hired Summers (Sommers?) specifically to generate negative attention/posts towards Jax, and Sommers subcontracted to a third-party offshore company to create the actual bots/campaign. It sounds as if the offshore company went hog wild, and Sommers is trying to claim he did not know the campaign would be racially offensive. So Sommers admitted to knowingly and purposefully generating a negative campaign against a minor. I think the Youtube poster is also saying Diana has used the same publicist? And remember that when Erika's grifter story first broke, and people wondered why Rinna was supporting her, it was said they share an agent (publicist too?). Haven't we seen that using the Internet to harrass minors is illegal, at least in the US? (Maybe the reason for offshore company) Isn't Jax the victim of a hate crime, which is subject to investigation by the FBI? Watch everyone tap dance to try absolve themselves of responsibility for this foul mess.
  7. I agree. There was some of that in the first season. I believe it was during a pairing competition - the older Italian designer Sabato Russo, whose simple elegant designs I loved. I seem to recall him refusing to beg and exiting with dignity.
  8. How are we supposed to take this show seriously with Jeremy Scott as a judge? He's like someone out of "Zoolander." Poor Nicole having to wear that horrific outfit that presumably he designed. (Weren't the clothes from his line?) It's like we were being punked. And he's a caricature of the snooty, pissy fashion "expert." At least Heidi has calmed down from her manic first season. But the ridiculous time limits continue to irk. I want to see beautiful design - supposedly the designers are very talented - but instead we never see what they can really do. Tim does this for the paycheck and the continued exposure. I'd give my vintage Norma Kamali dress to know what he really thinks about some of the crap that this show shoves out.
  9. I assume this is the Native American guy. I was tickled to see him. Looks like a Navajo or pueblo elder. Or maybe Hopi. Thanks for posting the list Vermicious Kind! Matt Berry nailed this one. My eyes kept sneaking back to his contemporary outfits because they were so startling. As someone who has a love/hate relationship with renovation shows, this episode fascinated me. It eerily copied the cheesy vibe of those shows. At times it seemed real.
  10. That poor goat. It was doomed from the start. I bet it wasn't taken to a vet in a timely fashion. The one with bad wigs and sleepy eyes is clearly living in an altered state. I agree. Trauma-for-dollars. It's all the rage on reality TV. The only thing I enjoyed was the visuals of the swirling lighted skirts. I can only imagine what the local men thought about these drunk, sloppy idiots.
  11. Absolutely. I've been to conferences for IHS, grantwriting, utilities, Head Start, etc. and the huge National Congress of American Indians. There was partying but not at the scale we saw in this episode. Some reservations are still dry, as well as very isolated, so Indians look forward to getting away and having fun. But the pressure to maintain traditional native women's behaviors is still very strong (think conservative). One of the characters alluded to this. I recall a lot of tsk-tsk-ing at native women who wore flashy clothing and heavy makeup, imbibed, stumbled around and danced the night away at conferences. This episode's writing was so brilliant and fast-moving I had a hard time keeping up with it long enough to admire it. It said A LOT about contemporary native womens' issues. One of the executive producers is a Harjo. This family has been notable in native circles for decades. Jo Harjo was the United States Poet Laureate. Epi faves: the always-droll Beverly; the impromptu drumming in the parking lot; the edibles-induced fantasy dancing (I roared at that).
  12. I'm with you NoWhammies. I stopped watching long ago, then resumed a few of the cities (NY, BH, Potomac) during the pandemic. Watching now to see Erika and Jen Shah get their comeuppance, but I realize Bravo is going to support them, not hold them accountable. The shows are depressing because of the stupidity and the bullying and the embarrassing drunken antics. Better shows have returned to the airwaves. So I will be out after this season.
  13. Another cryptic blind item. It appears to be calling out Dorit and PK for their most recent display of wealth (photo of her closet) and saying she hasn't learned anything after the "burglary." The blind implies that the burglary thief was PK's friend. It also suggests that Dorit buys her "couture" from a known counterfeit entity called DHGate. This organization offers opportunities to buy luxury goods for less cost, and has been cited as a proven resource for counterfeit sales. http://www.agcwebpages.com/BLINDITEMS/2022/AUGUST.html
  14. There has always been an elitist-to-racist thread running through the housewives shows. Elitist (wealthy, privileged, powerful, insulated, protected from consequences) often goes hand-in-hand with racism as well as looking down on the poor, the "chubs," the "bums," and so on. It has gotten worse at Bravo in recent years, and Bravo has encouraged it in exchange for views. Because, unfortunately, outraged viewers tune in to be outraged. In these cases (RHoBH, RHoD, RHoNY) Bravo is reacting just enough to avoid being sued. (Rumor is NeNe settled her racism lawsuit against Bravo in exchange for her own show.) The bots may be someone else's doing, but the Bravo editors chose to INCLUDE Erika's nasty profanity-laden attack against Garcelle's child. I think someone close to the RHoBH housewives started the nasty campaign, and bots and others multiplied it. That's how viral social media goes. I don't think Garcelle will leave; she still needs the money as she resurrects her career. (The cost of home renovation is exorbitant these days.) She won't want to back down in the face of bullying. However, I'll repeat that minor children should not be on these shows. Think about the crap they endure offlline - at school, with their friends, and with the friends' parents.
  15. Random thoughts after binging this series this past week: Forced to do so by COVID, I just spent a lot of time working with a huge research corporation (albeit virtually), and over the years I have been inside many large corporations. The show absolutely nailed the vibe. The stupid "rewards" (fancy nameplates, bagels, atta-boy plaques) as if employees are dogs. The robotic managers. The soulless work spaces. The repression of personality and original thoughts and ideas. So, going back to the first scene, with Helly laying on a conference room table: was outtie Helen forced into being severed, and that's why she tried so hard to escape? Lumon makes me think of LuluLemon, whose customers can be fanatics. Adam Scott's innie makeiup was really heavy - was that by design, or unintended? Sharpie eyebrows and packed-on foundation. His makeup suffers from atrocious florescent lighting, just like the rest of us. Helly wore her version of a corporate uniform, presumably purchased from one designer. She wore the nude heels for much of the series, then switched to black toward the end! Burt and Irving broke my heart. Masterful acting by these two talents. I understand the Emmy nominations now.
  16. Especially if she is leaving the show, or has been booted. With the insularity that wealth provides, she doesn't care what anyone thinks about her. Erika doesn't care about anyone's kids, but she does care about keeping her position on the show (for the income and as a PR mouthpiece).
  17. We should start the clock ticking when Jen steps foot into the prison, waiting to see how long before she gets her first beat-down due to her temper and poor impulse control. I have a feeling a few guards and inmates are waiting for the chance to knock her down a peg or two.
  18. If for no other reason than she poops in hotel rooms and doesn't clean it up herself, I'm glad she's gone. Not to mention how she treats staff everywhere she goes. I hope to never hear of her again.
  19. According to the post, Bravo has fired all of the NY housewives, with some but not all going to the "legacy" (tired old broads) show. I did not know they had all been fired from RHoNYC>
  20. The contents of the Girardis' Pasadena home is up for auction on Sept. 21. Proceeds go to Tom's bankruptcy. Biggest ticket item is a grand piano valued at $40K. I believe they already found a buyer for the property, originally listed at $16M and sold for $8M I think. They may have taken a loss on the home if they poured millions into renovations over time.
  21. Tasha gave a master class in manipulation and gaslighting when she was speaking privately to Dave. I did not remember that Courtney is such a skilled deck hand. Is she more experienced than Storm? I'm embarrassed for Kyle, acting like an unprofessional idiot over the guest. I cannot understand a word that comes out of Natalya's mouth, as least when she's yelling or speaking rapidly. She's weird. I think the texting on these shows is completely fake, images and content. I somehow seem to recall that a young Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip were posted to Malta - before she was queen - and loved it. I can see why.
  22. I thought Lupe and Jess were more interesting characters than Carson and Greta. Every time Carson opened her mouth, I heard Broad City).
  23. Shep's true character emerged in that short verbal spat with Craig, where he reminded Craig on camera that Craig felt insecure about his position in Charleston society during the first couple of seasons. Shep, Thomas, and Whitney kind of circled around Craig, reminding him of his lower societal place, in those early seasons. That's old, privileged, white Charleston for you. A very nasty low blow for Shep to raise that issue again. But, then again, that's all Shep has going for him. Shep, you and your family are one of many average minions in Charleston society. Thomas is the only one with the true snob cred. Take a seat.
  24. Those breast creams have been around forever. I used to see them in the back of my grandmother's ladies magazines (1960s). Don't know about Erika's, but at one point the FDA got after the manufacturers for making false promises (larger and firmer breasts).
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