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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. Amongst the youngsters, he's my favorite. But that could change. 😁 This episode was very realistic. Friends and neighbors dropping off little food gifts - iced beverages, Wonder Bread - as the vigil proceeded. The traveling songs and blessings delivered over the dying loved one. The many hands making fry bread, posole, etc. The spirit plate. It was like a little love letter to the community. So much talent in this group of actors. It's is extremely rare for me to watch any TV episode twice, but I'm doing so for this series.
  2. I wouldn't be surprised if Paris has approached Bravo about being a BH housewife. Bravo may love to set her and Kathy against Smug Kyle.
  3. So once again they spend all day in hair, makeup and putting on fancy clothes just to entertain each other. They sho ain't entertaining me. I feel vaguely depressed after watching an episode. Any episode. They are so jaded and lackluster. Rinna can't muster anything more than Performance Grief and baring her fangs. Erika, the one who is supposed to be the scandalous draw, is too stupid to do anything more than play discount blow-up sex doll. Take away the expensive 24/7 glam squad (and plastic surgeon), and there's nothing to see. Kyle is unbelievably predictable and tiresome. Diana is reptilian. I can't overlook that Dorit and PK are grifters. If I never see Kyle, Rinna or Erika again, I wouldn't even notice.
  4. Thanks to the wretched AMC+ I missed a lot of the episode. Can someone clarify: When/why were Saul and Walter together in a jail cell, or whatever that room was? Was it an allegory for Hell? When were Saul and Mike running around in the desert with $7 million? Why was that scene shown in the finale? I thought the last-cigarette and Saul-disappearing scenes were divine. Gave me the feels.
  5. Absolutely. She doesn't really want to be friends with any of those losers.
  6. Throughout the series some of the characters, such as Clance (whom I love), do that modern snarky patter while another character is speaking or doing something. "So we're doing this now..." "Are you really going to..." "I guess you decided..."And each comment trails off. It's meaningless side commentary that's supposed to be cheeky and funny, but it's just annoying. I do like that the baseball players resemble real women, although I often remark that I've rarely seen an unattractive photo of a women from the 40s. So many of them took care with their hair and lipstick, even while wearing housedresses to clean house or riveting bombers in a factory, and they looked fabulous.
  7. Well, Jeff did get his start (along with Jenny) working in a casting agency.
  8. Craig really relishes telling Naomie off. I imagine him lying in bed at night, planning perfectly articulated, nasty things to say. Maybe he makes notes.
  9. So, basically, Jeff gets paid through his Amazon FreeTV contract, and the "clients" get free materials and labor. I wonder if Jeff's minions also got paid, or if many of them worked "for the exposure."
  10. Shep wanted a housekeeper, cook, sex partner, etc. (a traditional southern wife without the marriage) when COVID kept him from getting those things. He also knew that having a girlfriend would lend him an air of stability. But you can read his feckless lifestyle all over his face.
  11. I'm assuming this relationship is purely transactional, like so many in the entertainment and social media worlds. Caroline crawled out of bed long enough to realize she needs a financial game plan (she's aging, current child support is disappearing) and Sergio wants attention that will advance his ambitions. (Spin-off? Influencer?) Which one of them wants custody and child support? Can Sergio's family afford keeping Caroline in the manner she expects? I'm bothered by the idea of this couple having a child. Sergio seems to have a singular focus (himself) and the wits of a box of hair, and Caroline is not maternal and simply shoves her kids into boarding schools.
  12. So disappointed in the first couple of episodes. Very ham-handed scriptwriting and production. Some of the gags were Broad City-flavor and laborious (the extended crab search). Greta came off as weird, jammed into many scenes and making mysterious pronouncements. I did enjoy the interactions between Max and her friend (whose name I didn't catch) and their families and friends. That part of the story seems more organic and authentic. Speaking of, I don't think women of this period threw around the eff word so readily. I always say: shoddy scriptwriting.
  13. Craig and Shep look horrible. Since this series started, they've always flirted with addiction; both admitted it. They claim to have sobered up but I doubt it. Along with Kathryn, they are headed for a bad end.
  14. I think I spotted at least four during her conversation with Asher. My interest in this show is waning. I no longer watch it as soon as it's available. PK is oily and unctuous. The name-dropping is embarrassing. He's essentially Maurio's Designated Sycophant. Maurio probably tolerates PK because of good weed. Maurio can barely hide his contempt for the show. Rinna finally got her big grief moment. Preceded by her rage moment. How classy of her to steal attention away from the charity. She is gutter trash.
  15. The hat thing also hides thinning hair. I think Rinna really started relying on hats and wigs the past few years due to hair loss.
  16. Brings to mind "box office poison." Perhaps we'll see some real estate go on the market.
  17. Maybe the regulations require they get sleep after working a long shift? I recall similar schedules for long-distance bus and other drivers/pilots. It's very specific and there are severe penalties. I guess it's too expensive to have staff who work only night shifts and sleep during the day - plus where would you put them?
  18. CDAN says that "This quiet West Coast Housewife is hiding a boyfriend because of his views and doesn't want the rest of the cast piling on her more than they already do." Most guesses are that it's Sutton.
  19. Especially since Bethanny and Carole pulled this nonsense with Jules. They were relentless in trying to hound her to reveal it and discuss it. There was no pretense of concern - it was actually vicious competitiveness. Jules was "skinniest" so they had to take her down. I pretty much stopped watching RHoNY after that nastiness.
  20. This exact thing happened to millions of people not too long ago. Credit was cheap and easy to get (such as equity lines of credit) and people went crazy borrowing. Then the recession hit, people lost jobs, and many just walked away from their homes. As Lisa and Harry continue to age and work dries up, they may need to sell that home and downsize, as many retirees do. Only the two of them won't have any equity to fund their retirements.
  21. This is like "I did not have sex with that woman." I'm convinced they were each other's booty call and sleeping partners on the previous boat. Some people split hairs about that kind of thing.
  22. Having a huge loan explains a lot. I've speculated that the family is living beyond its means. They are desperate for money and their public behaviors show this. I don't know the LA real estate market, but with that huge back yard I would think the house's appraisal would be more than $4M. Perhaps a lot of deferred maintenance?
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