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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. And some US southerners call lunch "dinner," and dinner "supper."
  2. I just binged the first season. What an absolute delight. My brother is a public school teacher - English as Second Language - for elementary age kids at a school in a historically Black neighborhood. This show really resonates for him, and I love the children. We especially appreciate the two male teachers, and Tyler James Williams' voice is to die for. I could listen to Sheryl Lee Ralph read the phone book, but only as Mrs. Howard! All of the actors are note perfect. Way too many great moments to recount. My religious family members feel comfortable letting little ones watch the show, an increasingly rare occurrence. Huge kudos to Quinta Brunson for pulling this off. Looking forward to Season 2.
  3. If Bravo cameras catch housewife activity, the editors can use it, per housewife contracts. But if Kathy's behavior was not captured by a Bravo camera and therefore outside the purview of her Bravo contract, her attorneys can intervene. Unfortunately for Kathy, Rinna is trying to smear Kathy regarding an event that was not recorded by Bravo; falsely promote an upcoming episode (Aspen); and use it to keep her (Rinna's) position on the show. As others have posted many times, there is often more truly real drama outside of production, and this appears to be one of those cases.
  4. FITSNews, which promotes itself as an extremely conservative site, has been championing Kathryn since her college days, suggesting she could have a career in politics. I think one of the writers is in love with her. If you follow the breadcrumbs in the link you can see this comment: When Kathryn first appeared on the reality TV scene, I went looking for her background and read all of Will's tongue baths. If Kathryn simply had an injection reaction, she wouldn't have had a tear-filled discussion inside of a car with producers. Sounds like she had a skirmish.
  5. Playing in the back of my mind as I watch - the doctor is wearing the same clothes (including underwear) day after day. Elias could only sit in one place as he awaited his fate, hands tied, not even the freedom to use the "facilities" that were provided to the doc. Also, has Sam brought all of the wallets' owners back to his mother's home, murdered, and disposed of them? Assuming she has been aware of this violence, perhaps she crazily thought that the doc's presence would hold off further violence. Well, the ball's back in her court to do something. The performances are good, but I'm not completely engaged. I think it's the weekly episode pacing vs. a movie.
  6. Smart business people aggregate data to help make profitable decisions, and that includes forums and social media. I believe Bravo is monitoring sites such as this one to discern how the viewing public is reacting to the housewives shows, and making production decisions accordingly. They will never ax an asshole if the asshole is pulling in viewers; they understand that Erika and Rinna are a draw to viewers who hate them. There are exceptions, such as Vicki Gunvalson. RHoNY is being refreshed only because the ratings tanked. To Dixie Sugarbaker's point, the viewers are pushing the show's direction. Notice how Rinna's, Erike's, Diana's, etc. social media follow a Bravo script as well as what they read here. I suspect Bravo will continue to fan the flames of group divides, perhaps mixing up the groups to keep them "fresh" and keep the Rinnas and Erikas as long as they generate ratings.
  7. She seems to be making some bad decisions, probably due to lack of experience as she tries to grow her business.
  8. I've been curious about ratings. I found this data. The ratings are up slightly thanks to how Bravo is handling Erika. But there has been a sharp drop in the past week or so. https://ustvdb.com/networks/bravo/shows/real-housewives-beverly-hills/
  9. Glad the show is back. I always appreciate the battle scenes because I know how hard production has to work to pull them off. Minor nit is that I thought Clay's actions after that devastating leg injury (and blood loss) were unrealistic (the dragging around, the shooting, etc.). Not to mention morphine. I had that injury after a motorcycle accident and was essentially immobile while EMTs worked. But I'm not a tough young SEAL. And adrenaline is powerful. Also, on my giant new TV, I'm noticing some toupees. I too hope we're done with the downtime shenanigans. I'm mostly bored by the home dramas. Wish we had more of the tall, dark-haired one.
  10. I've chosen to not watch the last three episodes, relying on this forum for updates and the snark. If this latest episode failed to reveal details that were hinted, then Bravo will 1) slowly roll them out via texts, social media and the reunion or 2) reveal nothing because Kathy's attorneys intervened. Kathy's on the show for promotional purposes. Her ditziness is exaggerated for the cameras. Sometimes "slippers in the airport" is a snob's disdain for society's polite rules. I do think she is medicated.
  11. I think I read that Bravo paid her $600,000 the season after the scandal became public. That's not an annual figure - it's for one season. There were bitter jokes about how Andy gave her a raise for being a criminal.
  12. I discovered this series late Friday night and have been binging. I love Rylance and am appreciating the other performances. Pegg is all grown up since his zombie-chasing days. The series is so timely, even as we hear about US courts being packed with extremist judges. I think everyone is wondering how Russia and cyber manipulations will affect the mid-term elections. I am learning a lot about some of the cyber tactics that the US and Russia deploy, especially bots, which one hears thrown about all of the time and one does not really understand. 😁 I could watch more than six episodes, but appreciate the economy of story telling so that events move along. The portrayal of the unfriendly geniuses doing critical, secret stuff is note perfect. During my career I've encountered some of these folks and the combination of pressure and genius wears them down to robots essentially. A lot of them flame out early. And many of them do not like "girls in the tree house."
  13. Craig's behavior was a reminder of how atrociously he behaved during one of the reunions. He became so enraged while loaded that Andy told him to cool it.
  14. Mina is in way over her head. She's trying to grow too fast and personally control too much. Interest rates are going up and some markets are cooling, so perhaps with a load of unsold properties she will be forced to slow down and think more carefully about her business.
  15. I believe that in some cases there's no trauma - it's a matter of years of being coddled due to money and power. Those two things feed and enable a selfish person's ego and convince her over time that she's beyond reproach. We see it all the time in the media with Hollywood producers and actors, DC politicians, billionaire business people, and so on. They cross the extreme asshole line and never look back. Erika's a great example of how these people behave when they lose it all. She doesn't have the character to behave generously or graciously. I can't decide if Bravo's direction that she be coddled is adding to her delusions, or if she is canny enough to know what's going on with the understanding that Bravo will turn on her when it suits them.
  16. Tom may have long-term care insurance. It's also possible his family members are chipping in to pay the fees. In the DC area, the nicer facilities charge around $8000+ monthly, which Medicare does not cover. I agree there is money stashed somewhere. I don't watch RHoBH regularly, or I FF through much of it, but I swear that right before this scandal hit, Erika made a joke in a talking head about storing money offshore. I think she made the comment in response to something else. They had a lot of time to stash it where the feds cannot reach it.
  17. How funny that Amazon is hedging its bets, essentially choosing two winners. I'm glad for both of them. I think Yannick appeals to Amazon because he's creative yet sensible, focused, and has a head for business. Georgia is already successful, and her aesthetic is limited to how it can be repurposed into mass sales. (She was probably contestant fodder.) Rafael seems like many other designers we've already seen - makes beautiful clothes very well, but nothing notable and he skews towards evening wear. We all know they will dumb down Yannick's more whacky looks. I can see young people liking his aesthetic, but can they afford it? As for the series, I didn't enjoy it until they got away from the frantic, useless design competitions. I breathed a sigh of relief when they released the designers to their own apartments (a level playing field), a month to produce a show, some peace and quiet, hopefully a food stipend, and finally the results. No Tim dashing about to visit the designers, no family interviews. I don't need all that. I suppose all of the designers had already strategized their collections - buying fabrics and notions, sketching, etc. - before they arrived in LA. I appreciated the harmony between most of the designers, and a minimum of sob stories. I laughed when Tim and Heidi held big ol' microphones in order to talk to four people sitting eight feet away, for 90 seconds. We have a new Tim record for wearing jeans - was it twice this season?
  18. Not only has this series jumped the shark, the shark is dead and rotting. Its as if everyone is fatigued, high or hungover, uninterested, apathetic, etc. in every scene. They can't be bothered, despite earning fat paychecks. Spoiled entitled brats. Patricia's dinner was like a third-rate farce, with a confused chef, aging drunken frat boys in mismatched clothing, and a crabby Blanche Dubois wafting about in her caftans. All it was missing was an errant escargot sailing across the dining room. Taylor's babbling about Jesus was bizarre and disingenuous.
  19. There is a great Youtube series called "Farmhouse Vernacular." A couple are slowly restoring a farmhouse themselves, trying to retain its originality. For example, the wife talks about how old kitchens employed movable infrastructure rather than today's built-ins, and her kitchen is painted marigold. She's big on thrift shopping. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkx82bdlBc68Ty4EfDeCn1Q
  20. Andy seemed checked out and going through the motions. Also, on my TV screen, he looked pasty and tired.
  21. She's just flailing about now, desperately trying to save her ass.
  22. I'm just gonna say it: When Stanbury moved to Dubai, my eyebrows went up.
  23. Also many text messages between Magda and her boyfriend on BD Down Under. I think a BD production intern has glommed onto this trick, as if text arguments will add drama to the show.
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