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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. Yeah, Kyle should never try to best Garcelle in a discussion. No contest. Kyle lost the thread in her own discussion. I guess we finally know why Diana is on this show. Erika's trauma is that she did not outlive Tom and inherit immense wealth. She's well on her way to trashy drunk. Nice to see Garcelle in that chrome yellow dress without her engineered boobs hanging out. She looks divine in that dress. I could see PK's grifter peeking through as he tried to convince Dorit he lied to her in order to protect her. She saw right through it.
  2. June was a horrible mother to Alana on Toddlers & Tiaras. She treated Alana like a commodity. There was one scene where Alana was practicing on a stage, grew tired and frustrated (remember she was a young child), and June pushed her to continue in a very mean way. I dimly recall some threats were made. That scene made me take notice of their relationship. June did a lot of posturing on that show. She thought she was bad ass, ordering everyone around. She thought she was doing the T&T version of Big Boss.
  3. Yeah, I'm convinced he knew. He's an attorney, for gawd's sake. He can do the money math.
  4. Isn't Kyle going to be in a real estate show with her family? Maybe she's leaving RHoBH by choice. ETA: the three sisters are trying to maximize their opportunities by shuffling in and out of series and specials.
  5. The prison riot reminded me of Natural Born Killers. Larry carefully manipulating Jimmy toward talking about fantasizing about butchering women, and Jimmy carefully manipulating Larry in the same direction, was very well done.
  6. I had the impression that Gage was the business operations manager, and he was the true engine behind the paint line and I think also a collaboration with a furniture company? If I recall correctly, Jeff's behaviors sabotaged the furniture collaboration (I dimly recall he and the staff making fun of one of the managers.). I think when Gage left, all of that visioning and the structure to support growth vanished. ETA: same thing with Ryan.
  7. I was taken aback when they introduced the project. It seemed like something any designer, or even a homeowner, could do. Jeff also seemed a bit embarrassed. Such a big change from his earlier days of constantly flipping huge houses and making loads of money as a designer. I have really enjoyed Fortune. I have not heard of her before, so her PR move is working!
  8. Diana's black sequined dress screamed Bea Arthur. I'm a little confused about JLC's charity. She shouted out the URL, which was something something dot com. Dot com in a URL denotes a for-profit business. Dot org is used for non-profits/charities. When I was on the board of my local animal welfare league, a non-profit, we received a stern letter saying we could not state that every penny went to help the animals. I mean, they pay postage to ship that branded crap to whoever buys it. I think JLC needs to brush up on the financial process. Erika appeared to be trying to ask innocent questions - to convey concern and a desire to learn about ED - when in fact her "questions" could have been lifted from one of those pro-ED websites that share weight loss tips. I've said before that she fails totally when trying to act like a normal person. She has no idea how to talk to people, and the booze doesn't help. I'm not sure I agree with Crystal outing her ED on a housewives show (for camera time and sympathy). She should be dealing with it privately and in treatment, at least until she begins to recover and get healthy. I would think watching the episode would distress her and trigger ED episodes. I continue to be curious about the Hiltons' finances. They were building their "dream home," then Kathy said the recession + COVID forced them to try to sell it. Are they now living in the dream home, or are they living in a different home? Whoever said the Christmas decorating looked like Home Depot was spot on. In fact, I suspect Bravo did the (cheap) decorating. It has that rushed Christmas-in-a-box look.
  9. At best she should go to Duke's weight loss program, or the Mayo Clinic's, if they both still exist during COVID. Perhaps she could go when school is out and she is of age. I have friends who went and sustained long-term success. My hairdresser was on his way to 400 pounds, and his wife would bring him 10 sandwiches for lunch each day. He would eat them over the afternoon. He had gastic surgery long ago and lost a lot of weight. But he eventually returned to eating copious amounts of food and gained back too much weight. He died in his 50s.
  10. Venita is indeed very thirsty, but she's also insecure. I think she had a lot of career hope after being selected for the show, but the Madisons, Naomies, and Kathryns just mow everyone else down. There's something painful in watching Venita be disappointed, and unlike the other losers on this show, I feel sad for her. And the race optics push my buttons.
  11. Moved from the fentanyl thread: In the latest episode, a military veteran/COVID ICU nurse suffers terribly from PTSD and alcoholism. The effect of severe alcoholism on the body, especially the loss of the ability to function physically, is clearly demonstrated. I was expecting to see Jordan's body shut down completely followed by death. His turnaround was remarkable. I know that being surrounded by other vets in recovery helped him. I hope he thrives.
  12. Someone commented that these "luxury yacht" experiences are really more like cruises. The tacky theme parties and so on. I have to agree.
  13. The title of this topic is funny because certain old-time, coastal Virginians and Marylanders have what some have called an Elizabethan accent. Not sure about the Elizabethan part, but instead of "a-bout" they say "a-boat."
  14. I am very late to this party. I confused this series with something else and didn't watch, then realized my mistake last week. I've binged through the end of Season 2. What a gift! Especially since we've had to settle for so much dreck during COVID. I've never been to Italy and feel like I've been immersed virtually. Usually so many characters run together in my mind, but I have vivid images and memories of each one. Some of the faces are remarkable - for example, Alessio Gallo is a combination of menace and odd beauty. What a stand-out achievement for the director(s). I can't wait to dig in to Season 3.
  15. Reminded me instantly of the scene in Goodfellas where Karen and Henry walked through a nightclub, going in a side door, through the kitchen and hallways, and over to their table next to the stage. (Rest in peace Ray Liotta.) Lots of talk about Scorsese pulling off this single-take tracking shot when the movie premiered.
  16. This series has become so repetitive. It's especially formulaic.
  17. I've always assumed the experts have access to vast, precious old resources that none of us ever discover on our own. My brothers and I have trekked to a couple of tiny, vanishing southern towns to look at land records. I work with tribes so I really enjoyed hearing about the Mohawk connection. The Mohawks are fierce to this day. Last time I was there one had to have a passport to visit their nation, especially if you represented the federal government - not sure if this is still true.
  18. Alana is getting gastric sleeve surgery, or whatever it's called. Her boyfriend is also getting some kind of surgery. Who is paying for his surgery? Sigh.
  19. Possibly fibroids, which can cause long-term bleeding until they are removed. They can hang around quietly and then run amuck during menopause.
  20. Having enjoyed the streamed Below Deck Down Under, I cautiously approached this version. It's a freakin' messy nightmare (again). Since I can't stand Sandy, I'm out.
  21. Moved to the new Jordan thread. Thanks TV Bitch for creating it.
  22. Many of the housewives view tragedy as a competition. They are resentful when someone garners sympathy and attention and they move immediately to stomp it out.
  23. I am shocked at Madison's appearance on WWHL, although I only saw a few minutes. She was blessed with a very pretty face, some would say she is a natural beauty. She has glorious hair - she's a hairdresser - and on WWHL her hair was scraped back in a careless greasy mess. Her pretty face is recently surgically altered I think, and it's not an improvement. The mouth/veneers are a tragedy. These young women lose their minds as soon as they can afford the procedures.
  24. I think the Hamlins are hard up for money. I don't think they have the income to support a lifestyle they are used to living and are having to quietly adjust.
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