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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. When I saw the weird dance, I immediately thought of Joe Alwyn's weird dancing in "The Favorite."
  2. Perhaps Garcelle has better options than this show and she will choose to leave. She's smart and knows she has to leverage all of her opportunities while she can (the awful aging Hollywood woman dilemma). I think she'll stay if the money is big enough and that, along with using the show to promote herself, will be why she stays. It has really helped reinvigorate her career.
  3. I think Ashley was driving through a planned recent "build all at once" subdivision. Arlington's original subdivisions were mostly completed by the 1970s, and now the McMansions are replacing these old houses one by one. Indeed there are some Arlington subdivisions (now referred to officially by their civic association names) that have a lot of these replacement McMansions; about half of my 1920s - 1940s subdivision is now McMansions. There has also been a lot of condo/townhouse development in the transportation corridors. But the main thing that caught my eye about Ashley's drive-through was the relatively large lots and wide streets, which are rare in Arlington.
  4. Has Lisa ever observed a true psychosis? It's extremely different than a drunken, rambling, angry tirade. But Lisa is not known for her intelligence or education. Perhaps Harry pulled out his DSM to diagnose Kathy?
  5. Candiace isn't smart enough or mature enough to handle conflict. She behaves like a 13 year old.
  6. Yeah, the housewives shows have become gutter TV. I'm sure many watch in hopes it will change, or for the increasingly few light moments, but it's discouraging that there are enough fans of the gutter formula for Bravo to keep it. I think the ratings are up for RHoBH. Bravo and the housewives are now using social media drama to generate interest and drive viewers to the show. As so many have posted, there are the episodes, which are then extended by social media frenzy and lies.
  7. I did not watch much of this season (and was all the better for it), but I watched this episode to see any big reveals. Perhaps because I've avoided the season, and don't follow social media, my sense is that Kathy did do the stuff of which she's accused, but her attorneys are successfully quashing it. Everything I heard on this episode seemed to support this - Andy's efforts to confront some of the housewives (and pander to his critics), the references to HR, Rinna's and Erika's relatively quiet stance during Kathy's confrontation, Kathy given the latitude to march in and launch into a well-rehearsed script. Perhaps she and her attorneys are satisfied now. I had to laugh at Dorit, gamely making one last stab at camera time, forcing her attention onto the sobbing Kyle in a dressing room.
  8. Unless it's to look at her wonky booty. There was a brief camera shot in the latest episode where she appeared to be wearing Depends. Or perhaps her Spanx were traveling.
  9. Don't forget the freeloader(s).and nannies. Cash offer is what sellers want. Immediate payment with no hassles. To me there's no mystery about a new home for Ashley. She already explained that she will be a minority partner in an LLC. If Michael wants access to the children, she can't move too far away = traffic is murder 24/7. She's trying to leverage the situation (the divorce) to her advantage, but Michael has outfoxed her. I'm questioning whether the house that Ashley looked at is really in Arlington. Ashley appeared to be driving through a newish subdivision of cookie cutter McMansions, and I don't think there are any in Arlington. Arlington is infamous for lack of land to be developed Old houses get torn down, and replaced one at a time, or the foundations are kept to preserve the setbacks, but no one is building entire subdivisions. Unless it's below Crystal City, in Potomac Yard (the new Amazon 2nd HQ area)? It looked like Ashley was driving in Fairfax or Loudoun County.
  10. I'll add another literary reference: "Will no one rid us of this meddlesom pest?" "
  11. Great actors but maddening, endless twisty "story." With each twist I expected a character to heave a weary sigh. We FFed through quite a bit of the last episodes. But I was relieved at the relative lack of gore. I'm left with lingering envy for the staircase in the house. It was eerie to listen to same of the same rantings I hear in my aging neighborhood, almost to the word: saving old trees, the loss of neighborliness, "islands," wood countertops, property lines, etc.
  12. Too bad Mr. Masters Bachelors Degree HH wasn't smart enough to advise her to use a VPN.
  13. I assume Chris and Monique are trying to control the narrative about their troubles.
  14. Some of us don't have Instagram. What does the post say?
  15. I agree with this. I thought they were a bad fit all along. Chris is deeply conservative and Monique is not.
  16. Maybe Chris gave the story to PEOPLE. He and Monique were control freaks, so this would infuriate her. If it's true, it's somewhat puzzling because I would expect Chris to stay in the marriage for religious reasons (among others) and Monique for the money. Perhaps one of them found a better partner.
  17. As a writer, especially in newsrooms, I regularly listened to debates about commas, colons and semi-colons. Also placement of these inside or outside of parentheses. The Brits do it differently than Americans, I believe. And then there are all of the style guides.
  18. I've seen some incorrect statements about Candiace's parents online. Her mother is an LCSW affiliated with an Atlanta practice. Candiace's father was/is a military man who is either a psychologist or MD. Military folks don't make a lot of money, regardless of job title and rank. Candiace's parents are solid middle-class. Early on Candiace fronted that she is a trust fund baby, but several of us speculated that she was referring to the routine kind of trusts that many families create for long-term planning and security, such as revocable trusts. I think much of Candiace's wedding was comped by production.
  19. Catching up on my Washington Posts. The Sept.11 arts section has a story on Henry Regnault's painting Salome. Can you guess where we've seen her before? https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/437384
  20. Bingo. I'm not shocked at the lack of respect they show for their daughter's well-being because I was raised amongst greedy southern girls and their mamas. Landing a wallet was a very real goal, usually via getting pregnant. Of course, not all southerners are that way, and Taylor and her parents are a vanishing minority. After Taylor threw her self-absorbed, foul-mouthed, misogynistic tantrum, I have zero sympathy. She tried to spin this as "I'm trying to save you" when in fact it was "I want what I want." I am fascinated that the normally sloppy angry jerk that is Shep kept his cool and showed way more class than Taylor. Leva is turning into another Vanderpump clone. Madison and Naomie are already there.
  21. Now the show has engaged my attention. Louis is the intense, broody role, but I enjoyed seeing Lestat lose his cool. Reid has a beautiful face so it's important that he can show some range as well. My family lived in NOLA around this time period, so I'm enjoying fantasizing about their presence on the city's streets. A good telling of Storyville: https://www.myneworleans.com/last-days-of-storyville/
  22. I am waiting for one of the targets to pause after receiving an insult, then laugh hilariously, followed by a hand-wave and a "you are so stupid, go away."
  23. There are gossip items that suggest trouble in the PK/Dorit relationship. There are lots of reasons why this could be true, starting with they seem on edge with each other.
  24. I'm not watching but reading posts here. I think Andy has to switch gears in order to save the show. He knows it, just like he figured out that RHoNY had become unsalvageable trash.
  25. Didn't Juan support Robyn and the children for many years? Didn't Robyn fail to pay her taxes twice? Of course it's fine if she's the breadwinner. But stating it the way she did was meant to brag and to throw shade Juan's way. Most people don't utter these words in polite society, on national TV, limiting discussion to close family members. Or an accountant. Did she really mean the primary breadwinner? Perhaps Juan's salary has been reduced. I question whether he has no income at all, although it's possible. I've thought since RHoP began that Robyn is lazy and entitled.
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