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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. As Melmont waited for the final showdown, he was shown poking the tops of his booted feet with his cane, and then moments later doing a little hop off of the platform instead of walking down the steps. I wonder if these quick images were meant to signal advancing syphilis. Years ago an MD friend spotted a man walking oddly and commented that he appeared to have the "syphilis shuffle." And yes, what happened to Melmont's pronounced accent, which dominated so many of his earlier scenes?
  2. I liked the first episode. I love Shannon but I'm having a hard time accepting him as George, physically. Long-time country music fans will remember that when George was forbidden to drive - due to uncontrollable drinking - he took to driving a lawn mower instead of a car or truck.
  3. I've noticed a big change in Heather's behavior and affect this season. I was wondering about a failed romantic fling (she strikes me a bit of a stalker) or business problems. I figure her for a drinker, but you may be right.
  4. I wasn't pulling your coat, honest. I thought your post was hilarious.
  5. Thirsty Nicholas isn't wasting any time inserting himself into the drama. He couldn't wait to inform Monica about the cheating. His head-in-hands display was a bit much. I don't believe that Rishi and Monica have a relationship; I think it's solely a showmance. There's no chemistry there.
  6. Made me laugh. I don't like verbal attacks on people's bodies, but damn eXiled you have a way with words. Candiace always makes fun of other housewives' bodies. That's a decidedly childish behavior and indicates lack of intellect. And class. Ashley is clearly advertising her mommy makeover body for a new wallet. That bodysuit get-up is worse than any of Gizelle's infamously horrible looks. Does anyone else think production was making fun of the women who got stuffed onto that broke-ass paddle boat with the gas station sammiches? Maybe the same crew that catered Robyn's family fun day? Karen clearly no longer drives a car. Maybe Blue Eyes is her driver in Potomac. Through breaks in the fourth wall, we peek at real reality: Robyn and Juan are faking the wedding stuff, and Juan has a girlfriend; Karen's fooling around: Ashley and Michael may be up to financial shenanigans. The housewives shows feel like college interns are producing them. There's a distinct lack of production polish - the timing, scripting, locations and editing are way off, and the housewives machinations are clumsy and not landing.
  7. The fake economy and modesty are annoying because it insults long-time viewers. Perhaps their businesses took a small hit during COVID, but Ben and Erin are wealthy, hanging out with country music stars, sought after by the media, and so on. They haven't been small town, small-house flippers for several years. I will say one thing for them - I believe that they donate sizable amounts of money to charity. (Not that stupid HGTV show where designers "help revitalize dying small towns in 48 hours.")
  8. The Napiers are headed toward Magnolia territory. Southern Living has featured Erin and/or Ben in five issues and I'm over the aggressive push for fame and fortune.
  9. And we have the added insult of a thirsty real housewife coming aboard in the next episode (Heather from RHofSLC).
  10. The new series Three Pines on Amazon Prime is also covering MMIW (Canadian First Nations), although in the books there is no reference to it. They've done a pretty good job of weaving MMIW into the original story. Would have ABC have wanted to avoid competing against Three Pines?
  11. What were the words on the dead spy's phone?
  12. I'll just keep talking to myself here, since very few others seem to be watching. 😁 I'm gonna miss this series when it's gone. Maybe hope for a second season with Eli traveling to his 160 acres? I want to see more of this character. Many people don't realize the massive slaughter of bison wasn't simply insane mayhem - it was part of a strategy to starve Indians and manipulate them to settle on their 160 acre allotments and become farmers. This series does a great job of explaining real history via dialogue. The scene with Eli and Touching Ground shouting their celebration of killing bad guys, knowing she would be killed in the next moment, was very powerful. I'm glad Eli gave her that comfort and unity. What was Cornelia rubbing on her body? I understand it was a cleansing metaphor, but the shiny imprint of her body made me wonder if it was silica or gypsum, which are sometimes found in deserts. Only one more episode. Sob.
  13. Heather and others will be appearing on Below Deck Adventure (Norway) next week. Is there no escape from this useless idiot?
  14. 1960s/70s Washington DC. Viet Nam war, civil rights, women's rights...We even had farmers who drove their tractors to DC, snarled traffic for days, tore up the National Mall with their big tires and they protested for quite a while. They were seeking parity during President Carter's administration.
  15. The housewives aren't afraid of Jen. Bravo has insisted they support her. Bravo needs its crooks for ratings.
  16. You're missing my original point, which I probably did not make clear - sorry. Another poster pondered why Jon and Kate pursued reality TV. I tied that to their early claims of poverty. requesting public assistance after they had eight kids. I'm saying that had they avoided reality TV and its big bucks they still could have had great careers and afforded a decent lifestyle. Jon has pursued all kinds of dead-end jobs, and he has monetized himself and the kids, when he could have been climbing the financial ladder in IT all of this time, providing security, benefits and preparing for retirement.
  17. I know Jon is in IT now, but for years he chased an entertainment career. I doubt he is a top IT guy at Amazon - their IT department is one of my clients and I've never heard of him. ETA: LinkedIn says he's an IT support associate - that's relatively low- to mid-level position. My criticism is that he and Kate could have had great careers and made decent incomes if they had stayed away from too many kids and reality TV. Nurses and IT folks have been in demand all these years.
  18. Is Lee Jewish? Because I cannot fathom any other situation where comments like this are acceptable. How could she see anything through that atrocious tangle of hair? Rachel reminds me of Beavis and Butthead with her "humor." Lee trots out the painful jokes, Rachel trots out non-stop profanity. Her profanity is forced and clumsy. Neither are funny. I think his journey includes stops at Attention Town.. She dated Ole Miss' football quarterback. In southern college and social circles, that is a big deal. She is correct that grown men lose their minds over teenage quarterbacks - they are god-like during their college football careers. (At one time Joe Namath's old dorm room was enshrined at BAMA long after he left.)
  19. Is there any doubt that Lee has been a propped-up figurehead for several seasons? He's not medically fit to captain a large vessel.
  20. As some additional perspective, when this series first appeared there were reports that 1) Kate pursued having this many children when she didn't need medical intervention to have children (and she already had the two older girls) and 2) she had her hand out very early on, asking for public assistance. There were links to articles about her arguing/appealing decisions that denied the family public assistance (pre-TV show). When she and Jon traveled the Christian circuit, my family member attended a church service where a collection was taken up for Jon and Kate. That grifting happened over a period of several months or weeks down South. The IT world exploded the past 20 years, and if he had steadily pursued an IT career, getting extra education and certifications, Jon could be making well into six figures now. Well before COVID, many IT staff worked remotely. A lot of my clients cannot find enough of these senior IT people to meet the need and they command top salaries. I always wondered if Kate singled out Colin because he reminds her of Jon.
  21. Colin's only hope is to avoid the entertainment world and pursue a regular, private life. I hope he has a qualified therapist's support for many years, because his trauma is enduring. He needs to jettison his barnacle father too.
  22. Perhaps his many creditors will wait in line for any proceeds.
  23. Yes, she may never find out. I suspect her attorneys and IT consultants have already explained this to her - how bots work and Internet privacy are very common knowledge. She's just virtue-signaling.
  24. Sounds like the perpetrator used the very common virtual private network (VPN) tool. The user is offered choices as to where his/her Internet traffic travels in order to reach its destination. The user's actual location is masked. Many federal agencies require their employees to use VPN on agency computers because VPN helps prevent SPAM and malware. Bots hide behind these false locations. Internet privacy is protected so Diana is limited in what she can uncover. Unless she employs a skilled hacker, or a law enforcement agency gets involved.
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