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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. But it's OK to be a smug mean girl, get blackout drunk, cavort half-naked on TV, and lie about how you got a shiner. And presumably trash your family in a money-grabbing book. All righty then. And Meredith hated Jen for how she mocked Brooks in social media. What happened to those feelings? Let's crown Meredith and Heather Twin Queens Hypocrisy and Disingenuous. Jen is a coward and bully who needs sycophants to function. I still think Bravo asked Meredith and Heather to kiss Jen's ass so that Jen would show up and cooperate with production. If she pitched a fit and flounced out during a scene, her sycophants could keep it going with their inane "she's going through so much" and "she's innocent until proved guilty" blather. Which they dutifully did, only to have Andy turn on them and grill them about their behavior at the reunion. They were both clearly surprised and their usual gaslighting skills failed them as they struggled to respond. Heather's real tears at the end were distress and embarrassment that she had squandered her once-favored position on the show. She got called out by the boss on TV and had nowhere to hide.
  2. Nah, I despite them both. Agree with aghst that Jess' final snit was producer-driven. The staff barely batted an eyelash. That whispered speech Faith made to Seth was one of the most delusional I've heard on reality TV. The word "vain" was invented for the Fayes of the world.
  3. I wonder if this was blown out of proportion solely for ratings. It's the Bravo way these days. I think I read that the two women left on the last day of production, and that the harassing footage would be shown in an episode.
  4. I've assumed all the sex sounds were fake. Video editors have a wide range of subscription services to pull music and all kinds of sounds, even sexual ones, and edit them in on a second or third audio track. I'm pretty sure I've heard crew members talk about being whisked off the boat and onto a plane home. Presumably they kept Camille for a day or so in order for her to waltz into and out of that scene. Very similar vibes to the tortured goodbye scene between the lazy stew and a guest (I forget his name and which boat he was working on).
  5. I love the whimsy in the opening graphics - a dog's tail wagging, a farmer having a smoke, Jess waiting by the veterinary front door. Here's a funny comment from Masterpiece's interview with Callum Woodhouse: Were there any particularly challenging animal moments for you this season? Callum Woodhouse: Yeah, the scenes with the cats. It’s impossible to fill a dog up—you never show a dog a treat, and the dog’s like, “I’m good, actually. Thanks.” They always want the treat. They’re always hungry. Whereas cats get full very, very quick, and once they’re full, they’re not doing a single thing for you. I think there was a day where maybe the cat got full, and we just did not have the shot at all, and it was just so hard, because this cat was just like, “Leave me alone.”
  6. There's no media thread for Family Karma, so I am putting this info about Anisha's future in spoiler tags:
  7. It will be interesting to see how this plays out legally and contractually. Robyn has often believed she could outsmart the powers that be (IRS, twice; and the investment fiasco) and I doubt Bravo will tolerate this, unless Robyn found a contractual loophole. She just bragged about making more money than Juan. Maybe she's using the final season episodes + social media to test whether she can afford to leave Bravo and rely solely on social media and hats for income. It seems incredibly stupid to me, but Robyn is not very bright.
  8. Something similar happened on RHoBH, where much of the action, and discussion, took place on social media instead of on the show. It's also happening on Family Karma. Andy has alluded to it. Surely Bravo is weighing how to handle this going forward.
  9. The entire point of ADA is "no excuses." People with disabilities deserve to be able to go anywhere public the rest of daily society goes. There have been quite a few lawsuits over the past 30 years or so, because sometimes that's the only way to effect timely change. (I personally would hesitate to threaten a small business, unless I needed its services regularly.) Even the federal government gets sued these days over Section 508 compliance, which requires that computer use/information must be accessible to people with disabilities.
  10. I think Nicholas lasted approximately two minutes before he inserted his tortured martyr snowflake comment to the pundit and Amrit's parents. Maybe Anisha didn't bring the previous boyfriend home because she knew he would be criticized and gossiped about. Perhaps it was his race, socioeconomic standing, lack of a job, heck even drugs or alcohol. Perhaps he never fit into her standards, which are based on her community and its pressures. I noticed when she was looking at dating profiles, one of the images (blurred) was of a guy with tousled long-ish curly hair. They showed that same image later when she was describing her new AZ boyfriend. Was she looking only at Indian profiles on the dating site, or perhaps the new boyfriend is Hispanic or Native American? No doubt production wants her to spill the goods, and she's trying to keep both sides happy (her Bravo job and her boyfriend's privacy). And hold out for her own Anisha-centric season. I hope production realizes the Monica engagement episodes are completely unappealing. I laughed when Bali's mother undeniably told Bali to move out. That's a weird situation there, although Bali is perhaps worried she would not be welcome in the conservative South. She's got the best of two worlds - doting parents who help her out financially and a supportive boyfriend who may do the same. Vishal seemed joyous and carefree at finally getting married. Perhaps he felt too much pressure during the long wedding-prep season. I notice that during confrontations the men do not disrepsect or dominate the women. They are accustomed to communicating respectfully with opinionated strong indian women.
  11. Given my understanding of how tough the music business is, and always has been, I don't think Candiace's music career will last. Initially the business/start-up costs gobble most of the sales. and there's too much competition for her to be a stand-out. I do think she may have a short, modest TV/movie career. But again the odds of having a long-term hit show -- say six seasons - and being a lead on that show are slim. She still needs this show financially. Chris is very attention-seeking with his sulking and big talk and stomping out of rooms. He's a petulant child. He's chosen to be on a reality TV show ABOUT HOUSEWIVES. The format is well known and Bravo ain't gonna protect a husband from mud-slinging. The constant talk about sex and vaginas and now we have strippers - ironically, a show based around the concept of ultra-snooty Potomac is just trash. If we listen/watch carefully, all that talk was vague, complete with hand gestures and Mia's patented mugging. The others dutifully repeated it. I suspect surgery-obsessed Wendy was interested in Mia's own surgeries, and there were brief drunken peeks and silly leg-flashing. The producers' decision to feature so much of Mia is a mistake.
  12. My understanding is this is the premise of the show. I'm not sure making fun or comedy out of patients' suffering is gonna work in this series. I think Segel is the weak link in trying to pull this off. He's such a ham. Second episode was better than the first, with the rapport between characters developing. Good acting chemistry. I assume they wrote Ford's shaky hands into the dialogue. I'm distracted by Christa Miller's presumed fillers and Botox. Occasionally she slurs her words. I wish tv shows would stop excessive use of the F word. It's not offensive; it's lazy, juvenile writing.
  13. Here's the link to an old interview where Karen admits to being arrested for DUI: https://bossip.com/1278388/bossip-exclusive-rhops-karen-huger-talks-dui-arrest/
  14. I'll drive. Meredith and Coach are attorneys. Don't they have access to lots of databases with info? Perhaps it's unethical for attorneys to use these resources to be nosy about someone's finances, taxes, criminal records, and so on.
  15. I liked it. I enjoyed the supporting cast more than Jason Segel. I loved him in Sarah Marshall, and he is multi-talented, but I feel his acting range is limited to schlumpy sad sacks. I'm especially enjoying the veteran with PTSD, who seems less sitcom-y than the other characters.
  16. I liked the first episode very much. The show has thought and polish. I could not get into Russian Doll, but maybe I'll try it again. We laugh because Natasha's signature is always big, dry, frizzy hair. I'm glad she is thriving. I've noticed Dascha Polanco (Natalie who got killed) for years. She pops up now and then on my TV screen. The ability to detect lying is an interesting twist and a challenge for the scriptwriters to stay on top off. It would certainly complicate one's day. If they'd shown one sight or sound of kiddie porn, I'd be outta here. I refuse to watch that kind of thing because they do it to maximize ratings. I'm not crazy about women being tortured either.
  17. I just realized that Rossi Sutherland (Jean Guy) is Donald Sutherland's son. He has lived in France.
  18. I don't believe Heather blacked out. Meredith even pointed out how little anyone was actually drinking, and there was no black eye at 4am when they were shown entering Heather's room. Either Heather is lying because she mishandled this and pissed off production (that smug interview with her producer, Andy grilling her). or she's protecting Jen. Heather should leave off with the Mormon guilt theatrics. But I guess it is the basis for her book. The dresses were such ugly colors. Harsh and unattractive. Jen gossiping about Heather's business - I've wondered who is financing it. I've assumed Heather's ex-husband. She seems oddly detached from it, beyond the occasional brag. Maybe her business partner does all of the work.
  19. Nothing about Heather's defense of Jen makes sense, going back to season one. So I think production assigns fight/friend partners with the demand that the housewives fulfill those assignments no matter their real feelings. A similar dynamic has been playing out over Erika and the RHoBH. This scenario keeps viewers agitated and angry, but also engaged, tuning in over the seasons in case a villain finally earns her comeuppance. (Which she never really does, at least not on-camera)
  20. Maybe Robyn is pissed that Bravo wouldn't spring for a big wedding, so she decided to do a secret marriage out of spite. All that "not even my parents will be there" talk on the episodes sounds like pot shots at Bravo.
  21. I think the "other captain" was simply a production member reading lines to Sandy. Or if union rules don't allow literal scripting, then he was winging it.
  22. How can it be a shakeup if four of the originals remain? Is the "insider's" comment meant to intimidate the remaining four during contract negotiations?
  23. I forgot to post that I noticed that. I don't think it was a mistake. It would explain Richa's militancy against alcohol for Vishal. But she still drinks.
  24. Perhaps because of his childhood, he's quick to play the victim. It's annoying. And gay men are not the only ones, of course, who struggle with fertility. Low sperm count happens to straight men, too. Wouldn't the fertility doc have already inquired about supplements? All my docs ask about prescriptions and supplements at a first visit and thereafter. So for these two, the choice may be muscles or babies. Did these two nincompoops do any research before that fertility visit? They seemed shocked at costs and timeline. If they want to adopt, that will probably be another thing to endlessly quibble about. Monica: "I want to be an actress." Sigh. Of course you do. Good luck with that. Too late to tell you to keep your day gig. I think Anisha knew she would be engaged, and the Cinco de Mayo deadline was for the show. Lopa is such an unpleasant person. If her daughter abandoned her family of origin for many years, Lopa is traumatized and untreated trauma can turn to anger. On a related note, Richa and Vishal are often so awkward together. There's a lot more to this family and story. I love the ceremonies.
  25. If Karen wants people to treat her like royalty, she needs to learn how to stop her wigs from shifting. Her long blonde one scooched a bit every time she flailed around. The cartoon sketch was a dead ringer for old Disney witch sketches. Can we please stop with the "he hugged me too tight, he was in my room, he smiled at me" silliness. You are grown women. Nobody is looking to jump your bones. Perhaps the rumored Juan girlfriend lives in Georgetown. He is furious every time Robyn tries to shine a light on their private business. A rarity for me in terms of housewives - I feel sorry for Jacqueline, as I think she thought she and Mia would tag-team, like Robyn and Gizelle, and instead she was savaged by a supposedly good friend. Has she received financial gifts from Mia and her creepy husband? Because that puts her in a bind if she depends on those gifts
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