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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. I don't think Tom is butt-hurt that Shiv doesn't love him; I don't think he has ever loved her. Tom is a smooth operator, but not a business genius. He understands he needs the Shivs and Gregs of the world to latch onto for power and money (Shiv) and use to do his dirty work (Greg). If Shiv is a SAHM, he loses. Any hurt we think we see is Tom feeling despair over being shamed for his background. For being encouraged to think he is Shiv's equal partner in their relationship and business. "You are servile" indeed.
  2. I noticed Aleeza's wig in her first scene. I can almost always spot a wig, even expensive ones on celebrities. The hairline is almost always too obvious, and the hair just doesn't look natural - too shiny or perfectly curled, for example. On men, the hair at the back of the neck lifts up instead of being attached to the skin. So many women are wearing wigs now that the odds are that some will be badly placed and noticeable. I'm not saying that is the case with Aleeza's. Beyond religious reasons, wigs are a handy option for busy women, or in some cases a necessity. I finished the series and really enjoyed it. Although I'm sure some of the participants did it for camera time, the series felt less manufactured than other reality shows. Aleeza seems like a kind soul.
  3. I'm enjoying this. Aleeza is very charismatic and she looks a little like Julia Louis-Dreyfus. I wondered why she love-bombed the vapid unicorn who just wants orgasms. Also, her talking heads are in front of a background that looks like a game show. Perhaps it's an art piece? The dating conversations are quite realistic. I suspect he also wants big boobs but had enough sense not to say it on TV. He wants a Jewish Pamela Anderson.
  4. I have a 100-year-old Craftsman and the upstairs wood floors are not the same quality as those downstairs. My contractor is an expert on old houses (his lifelong passion) and he knows all kinds of odd facts. He told me that when my house was built, it was common to spend less money on the "upstairs" because only family would see it. So I have skinny pine floors upstairs and oak downstairs. People sometimes cover these floors with carpet rather than refinish, repair or replace them. Or maybe they just love carpet under their tootsies on a cold winter morning!
  5. In the early 90s, one of the plumbers carried on a (probably brief) flirtation with my colleague's teenage daughter. I don't remember how they were acquainted, but the daughter ended up in our office one day and amused herself by photocopying and then faxing images of body parts to him. He responded in kind. My colleague just kind of laughed it off.
  6. I think the actress played a Scottish queen (Mary, Margaret?) in one of the many historical series on one of the many streaming channels. The huge eyes and dopey face made me notice her.
  7. It's obvious that the crew barely bother to do their jobs because they know they are on a TV production set. We're seeing some of that in Gary now. Some of them aren't skilled enough to be called yachties. "I rode in a boat once. I'm a yachtie." Gary looks dirty sometimes. Greasy unkempt hair, wrinkled clothes, and you know he has smokers' breath. He's got a paunch now and he's trying to lean in to Fabio territory. The hot tub is nasty. A little alcohol sure loosened up the chef. I'm enjoying the lack of Fake Drama and too much toxic bro-ville. Laughed at Glenn rummaging the boat for snacks and stuffing his pockets.
  8. I hated this episode because it was dimly lit and I didn't understand half of what was going on. Perhaps the loud twin intends to clone a baby using the tissue samples, and the hooker was hired to collect and deliver them? Also, the loud sister yammering on and on in the car on the way to the dinner pitch made me want to smack her.
  9. I hope Kathryn is not allowed to drive with the children in a car. There was a video showing multiple incidents of her smacking into other cars in parking lots. And the court refused to assign her obscene amounts of child support, so those kids had less value in her eyes. She won't get anything now because Thomas has sole custody. At least the children won't be living in squalor and they will receive great educations. I'm hoping Thomas' siblings give them lots of love and attention.
  10. Ugh, the last few minutes ruined the episode for me. Please don't do that again show. It's not funny nor entertaining.
  11. Illegal female circumcision happens in the US and it's extremely hard to prevent because many parents are actively complicit and it happens very fast (the surgery) to little girls (before they enter school) who are powerless and ignorant of what's happening. People do the surgery in their homes. The international aid organizations try to educate against it, hide/shelter vulnerable women, help them get visas and sanctuary. My neighbor is one of these people. I read a very good book whose name I've forgotten that describes how hard it is to prevent. ETA the book is "Something to Hide" by Elizabeth George and takes place in London. Not sure if it matters who tries to prevent it - feminists, religious leaders, social workers, teachers, parents... And, at least in my community, it has been addressed in local and national media and in the local Muslim community.
  12. I know there are people who talk this way in a kind of code that a small group understands. One sees it in fashion media. It's annoying as all get out to hear and watch. Meanwhile, Kendall's crowd speech was pure boosterism, the kind of stuff one hears at political rallies, shareholder meetings, high school election speeches. It dresses up whatever appeals to a particular audience and spoon feeds it to them. In this case it's how to lessen the real fears of getting old and dying, which are inevitable and unavoidable (excepting early death). I'm sensitive to it because I deal with critical care and assisted living for several family members - the marketing can be bizarre and, at least due to COVID, full of false promises.
  13. I thought Kendall displayed increasing levels of mania, with his rapidly evolving ideas and hyper streams of patter. I also laughed (darkly) at the description of retirement communities' cynical design to bleed wallets dry, because it's true. I thought Shiv was weeping because her brothers had cut her out of the strategy decisions. But the scheduled-grief makes more sense for tough-as-nails Shiv. And Roman firing skilled managers right and left just because they pissed him off. It's hilarious that Jeri and Karl just barreled on despite being fired and ugly confrontations with the co-CEOs. There they doggedly sat in the nosebleed seats.
  14. I figured Weisz would not do hokey, but this is better produced and directed than I expected. They are showing a tiny bit of the twins' folie a deux in this first episode ("I can get her for you"). Ehle has come a long way since her Elizabeth Bennett. It's always good to see her.
  15. Didn't hold my attention because I've already seen Candy. However I kept wondering if we were seeing Plemons' real hair. In this series it resembles a hairy gourd. (I like his work in other productions.)
  16. All the rapid, intense talking and dashing about is so Washington, although of course there are also seemingly endless meetings where everyone drones on. I've been wondering how much Hal is using Kate, and I assumed he would try for secretary of state. But as EtheltoTillie says, nothing is as it seems. Great series and I'm disappointed there wasn't more in this first season. I eagerly await season 2.
  17. One of my grandmothers was Scandinavian, and she did death-cleaning late in her life. As her executor my father experienced a very orderly process of fulfilling her wishes and dealing with her estate because she did all of the work. So I was excited to watch the first episode...for five minutes. That loud-mouthed jerk screeching about sex was too much and I switched to another show. I'd give anything to know what the Swedes really thought about her.
  18. I thought the same of MA, who seemed to wear a lot of a blue/green fabric and also would appear in the same dress multiple times. I wanted to see her in yellow, pink and lavender. Perhaps production penny-pinching. I believe the courtiers had to have permission from the king to leave court. I watched a series that said kings had to be ill, or die, publicly. They were meant to put the best possible face on things - stoicism, grand surroundings, etc. - even as they suffered and died. I've always had the sense that royalty had minimal privacy.
  19. Yes. The transcribers type as they watch the show. I've seen some real humdinger errors over the years. There are a couple of captioning companies that provide the service, and it's usually paid for by the network.
  20. Amanda's outfits are fabulous! I noticed this too. I think Sonja Sohn did the same thing on The Wire.
  21. I'm pretty sure her latest rumored sugar daddy is sponsoring her residency in his casino. Is she wearing rhinestone-encrusted orthodontia in that poster?
  22. He was agitated because he missed early production and another dude kissed Daisy. They had their first bacchanal without him. Man-bun is a man-baby. But he's a damn fine sailor. I'm enjoying the chef, and she really met this challenge head-on. I never fail to laugh at drunken pratfalls. Modern Three Stooges. The sailing was beautiful. I can understand a person's desire to make a living on beautiful big sailing yachts, spending off-season in cool little European beach towns.
  23. I wonder if Simone's observations about her love for Jesus are what many people feel. A mixture of faith and earthly love. I have to read the explanations here to understand what is happening. Same deal with Station 19, Preacher, and others of this ilk. Loved the piano quest - we are restoring our old family piano, bit by bit, because it meant so much to my mother. Nobody plays, but we can't bear to consign it to the trash heap (nobody wants free pianos anymore).
  24. I wonder if some of the dinner scene was improvised. Joel's discomfort at "look at my boobs - whose are best?" and then the bottle hilarity seemed spontaneous. Bittersweet moments as Sam cleaned out the barn, thinking of how hard her dad worked and how little his wife and kids appreciated it all those years he slogged on. Sam and Joel might be the best chemistry I've seen in my years of watching TV. Fabulous first episode.
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