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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. Here is the recent story about accusations about Bravo's behavior: https://pagesix.com/2023/08/04/reality-stars-battling-bravo-nbc-over-depraved-treatment/ Also, I swear I saw a post months ago that claimed someone on a Bravo show was raped during production; names weren't disclosed. But I cannot find it now. I did just spot two sexual assault charges against two former Bravo participants I've never heard of. Both physicians. I think the incidents occurred outside of/after production.
  2. Or because they knew something like this was bound to happen, planned for it - even subtly encouraged it - then planned to make Jason a hero with his response.
  3. Those Sharpie eyebrows are this generation's white lipstick.
  4. The choice to show the predatory behavior is interesting timing, because some reality TV participants are claiming that Bravo's shows are unsafe, and some want to be included in a union. Also, I think production chose to show the predation, and the response, because it's trying to fix its image problem. As others have mentioned, we've seen a lot of extremely disturbing behavior on Bravo shows. And the production team is always there, including line producers. So they've stood by all these years without intervening.
  5. She mentioned in the first episode that she has either a learning or reading disability and I think that's what we are seeing. That environment is probably very difficult for her.
  6. Binged while waiting for more terrible weather to arrive (it didn't). I'm in the camp that questions whether Ronald remained unspoiled the entire time. But the genius of the show is that his going along can be explained by his belief that he was in a documentary and he conformed accordingly, including the always-nice-guy persona. His reaction upon learning the reality seemed a bit too glib - many people do not like being fooled and I expected him to show at least a little consternation. The biggest hint that this was not real was the courthouse staff allowing the "chants" through security and into a judge's courtroom. Not gonna happen in these days of deadly crowd violence. I laughed hard at some of the jurors' reactions and facial expressions. Lonnie and Vanessa were hilarious, and we've all sat next to a sleepy Barbara in church, school, Zoom conferences...either watching in horror or trying not to laugh. I recognized quite a few actors almost immediately - Susan Berger, Kirk Fox, and I thought Ben Seaward was another actor I'd seen somewhere, but he wasn't. I recognized Rashida Olayiwola from the little-known South Side. Ronald's casting was very smart. He was so tall that viewers could easily spot him in every scene. Second season? Viewers of Intervention know that the "jury pool" figures it out after several seasons.
  7. I would have more to say, but I cannot see the damned TV screen half the time. Too dark. So I need an explanation please: how did June knock off the stalker boyfriend?
  8. Once again Erika reveals how stupid she is. Women GAIN weight after menopause, dumbass. Also, I'm reading health news stories that say some of these drugs seriously affect gastro systems in older patients.
  9. That was the 3rd time they had the actor carefully draped in an open robe and artfully placed to show the goods. It looks like someone took a dump in his drawers. Very bizarre and crass to frame him this way. His performance is a bit too snarly cartoonish for me. I do like the actress in the role. I've only seen Adelaide Clemens in fresh-faced, innocent roles (Rectify and Under the Banner of Heaven). Sandy takes some getting used to.
  10. That was probably scripted, as much of Gary's behavior on BD is also scripted. He's being promoted as a Lothario in order to create drama on BD. Anna went along with it.
  11. She's clearly there just to push her "leather" brand. She understands she probably won't win. I think she feels great contempt for the asinine judges. And the tackiness of it all.
  12. I liked the first episode. Gorgeous camera work, talented actors, good script, just enough suspense. Looking forward to the unfolding of the mystery. Did the dog survive the fire?
  13. I wonder if Laura knows she is destined to be fired, and doesn't give a rat's ass. The obnoxious chef from the previous season claimed post-show that he was only supposed to film for a few weeks and that he was supposed to be a baddie who was scripted to get fired. When they kept him longer he really leaned into being a bad guy.
  14. Production and crew aren't even trying to pretend this is a luxury environment that requires attention to detail, hard work, etc. Ironically, the supposedly scintillating drama of drunks and hooking up makes for boring TV. I'm FFing through most of it. One thing that interests me is that Aesha will probably not make the same mistake as the chief stew on BD Sailing Yacht - canoodling with two crew and having them plus captain treat her like crap while she drunkenly cries and rages in frustration. She walked right into production's trap. Aesha's learned to be smarter than that.
  15. As I watched I wondered if Meko was so frustrated with the reality-TV shenanigans that she willfully began to resist. Also, I guess she's an introvert and struggled to absorb the tsunami of criticism in a timely way. The critics' weirdly robotic comments sounded as if they were generated by AI. I lost respect for all of the producers for willingly setting up a women of color to fail publicly while they cashed big checks. I wonder what the rest of the community thinks about this.
  16. I'm pretty sure Chris is signaling animosity to Monique. Trying to upset her through social media and her sworn enemy. Perhaps he should reach out to his pastor and get a remedial course in Christian humility.
  17. I've heard of Continental American - refers to the continent of North America.
  18. With the end of the pandemic, maybe the great yachts are booked solid with real customers and don't need BD's money any more.
  19. There's a blast from the past. I know why production chose this old Japanese tanker. It won't matter if the inept crew destroys it. Their lack of experience is notable. I noticed green-screened images in these episodes. Has BD been doing this all along? Maybe I'm noticing because they are so obvious now. Aesha made a rare mistake in telling the guests "I would never put ice in a red." Don't correct the guests! I guess production's schtick for Aesha is at least one obnoxious crew member to torment her each season. The traditional can-can is extremely difficult - non-stop hopping, high kicks that reach a dancer's nose, and jump-splits at the end. All at a frantic pace. The chef is too try-hard with her continuous lecherous comments about Captain. Toothy Culver is tiresome. He's only there to perform and eat. I noticed as the deck crew was scrambling to handle lines, he darted about the deck, waving his arms, pretending to help. Like I used to do when they made me play basketball in middle school.
  20. It's what he angled for all along. It sure wasn't work ethic (the last time we saw him).
  21. I think you're right about this. It's expensive for production to shoot underwater.
  22. Perfect description. With the housewives shows struggling to survive, the BD franchise is Bravo's money-maker.
  23. She really is. Too many scriptwriters and actors are settling for flavor-of-the-week catch phrases and acting choices, and Buteau does it differently, and better. She has the benefit of being intimately familiar with the show, which helps, but she never misses those funny little beats and comedic timing.
  24. I do remember Jon saying that, but I believe he had other ways to identify Collin's location. For starters, he could have made a lot of noise on social media, gotten the word out, just pushed it until he put Kate in the spotlight and got some answers. I'm assuming he still had parental rights, which are different than custody rights. Why didn't he petition a court, contact child social services? I would never stop were that my child.
  25. Kara Saun's was ill-fitting and messy. Rami was robbed.
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