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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. I've watched three episodes and the series hasn't grabbed me.
  2. I also used to work in TV news. It made me aware of how much of reality TV (and news) is performative and not-real, because cameras make people weird. Acosta will always be remembered as the journalist who just would not let up on a certain former president. His White House credentials were removed as punishment, until attorneys intervened. Van jones has a certain charismatic spark. Good episode.
  3. That's an interesting observation because lots of people feel the pressure to keep up with the renovation Joneses and they borrow lots of money to pay for it, including expensive elements they don't need.
  4. I bet the dearth of participants is because Bravo wouldn't pay them.
  5. I've watched two episodes. It's quite grim, but I love gritty British TV. The acting is great and I'm enjoying it. I could not place Jack Farthing until IMDB reminded me he was the bad guy in Poldark.
  6. Laurel is convenient - close to NOLA, beaches and the larger cities of Hattiesburg and Jackson. Honestly, I think the charming, renovated "downtown" is a big draw for people who want pretty shops to socialize in.
  7. It occurred to me when they offered $10B that this was too much, they'd gotten caught up on "beating Dad." (As Logan seemed to indicate) I wonder if he will have the last word on this. I wonder if they will lose their shirts.
  8. Forget granite countertops and other falderal. We must have our priorities.
  9. Now that the three siblings are plotting together, we are treated to their patented rat-a-tat-tat dialogue, accompanied with facial ticks and truncated grunts, which is a bit wearisome to watch in long stretches. But it's realistic for this trio I guess. Logan's stamina for this brutal world is slipping. Shiv's late-night break-up with Tom was brilliant. She was exhausted, had her hair scraped back and lines on her face, her defenses were down, and she fought crumbling to pieces. Meanwhile Tom is mouthing words but there's no emotion behind them. He's a killer, that one, Logan's true heir apparent. Thank God for Greg's goofy comic relief.
  10. One of my all time favorite shows. I'm re-watching now, starting from the beginning. It holds up.
  11. I'm pretty sure coming out on camera was Tyler's price of admission to be allowed onto the show. Production hoped Tony would pout at not winning the body contest, but he blew it off. Good for him. Hayley is great but we gotta take up a collection to buy her some Scrunchies. That head of hair is awful and looks unclean.
  12. I know two families with small farms and modest herds of beef cattle. In addition to working the farms, all four adults have part- or full-time jobs. One couple has never been able to afford any home other than a very nice trailer, and they are in their 50s.
  13. Victoria is the weak character in the show. I joined the chorus of WHERE ARE THE GLOVES!? This episode was a bit better than previous ones, but I question the show's future. There are some truly wacky incidents in animal control in real life, but the difficulty is recreating them for TV.
  14. I think one reason the villages don't have armed police officers is the difficulty in recruiting and keeping fulltime officers in those remote locations. Or perhaps the small villages don't have the budget, which is true in small rural towns in the lower 48. Some municipalities share officers, and some have officers who have shifts like oil workers, where they cycle in and out. According to the gazillion Alaska shows I've watched, the Alaska State Troopers provide armed response to the villages, but of course that response is not immediate. The victimology map is devastating. So many killers are in the wind.
  15. Rachel essentially declared her retirement throughout this season. I won't miss her (or Lee who overstayed his welcome), but I hope she finds a gig she loves and continues to work on her self-care.
  16. Disappointed in the first episode. Attempting to portray a sheltered, wealthy 14-year-old girl resulted in lots of big-eyed gawping, a few clumsy pert remarks, and not much acting. The others were caricatures we've seen many times before. Not gonna pay for a PBS Passport just to watch this.
  17. I have personal experience with assisted living. Despite their fancy TV ads, and the promises they make to potential residents about services, many of them are barely functional. The staff are often unskilled and careless, or overworked and underpaid with lots of turnover, and corners are cut. Even the expensive dementia-care homes that cost $10,000 a month are lacking. I mention this because assisted living is most definitely not a great alternative for many families and communities, even with long-term care insurance.
  18. Those scenes ruined the last episode for me. Entirely gratuitous.
  19. That's a hall-of-famer right there.
  20. Not one intelligent thought or comment from any of the commentators. Occasionally Gigi would sound like she was paying a little bit of attention, but then all of them were back to the drivel. "Very fresh." "It slays." And the always popular "It's iconic." We tried counting how many times these witless gems were uttered and couldn't keep up. When five or six of them get on a roll together...
  21. I'm gonna guess that Robyn and Juan don't have a nest egg socked away. Will her parents save them?
  22. I'm normally right there with you. Perhaps it was the late hour, but I laughed so hard at Tyler's accidental prat fall and quiet little "Ow," the sound of Hayley's belly laughs, and Fraser's mumbling and staggering. The accidental three stooges. And the closed-captioning gave us "we" when Hayley said "that's wee," meaning pee on the floor. (Yuck)
  23. There were a lot of sexy cut-outs and stretch banded bodices at the Oscars. Occasionally I thought "Pnina Tornai!" as I watched Bao's designs. Her aesthetic isn't "fresh." I believe production picks the winner, perhaps even before the show, based on demographics and how cheaply it can be produced for the masses.
  24. I'm a fan of her cooking but only if she completes it on time. She's wrong for this show. Is production idiotic enough to believe they have to seed every season with someone they know will have pronounced time issues - you know, to bring the drama?
  25. In addition to three Grammys and other awards, Nettles has appeared on Dolly Parton's TV shows, plus Righteous Gemstones and Harriet; the Broadway cast of Chicago and the lead in Waitress; and a bunch of other stuff.
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