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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. Thanks to the posters here, I was handy with my remote to fast forward the moment the WWI scenes appeared. I cried so hard during War Horse that I made myself ill. Despite the sorrowful content, I enjoyed this episode because ANIMALS and THE DALES. That scenery never gets old. And the two old geezers arguing was hilarious. I can never get enough of the Yorkshire dialect. My client's employee is from there, and whenever she joins a conference call I am happy.
  2. Has anyone figured out a way to watch from the US? If I understand correctly, we cannot access BBC One or the player. But I read an old-ish article suggesting that using a VPN to bypass a US geographic location would work. Anyone tried this?
  3. Her wording and facial expression seemed to be hinting she was criticizing Coach for his actions...as if she thought he shared some of the blame or threw Jen under the judicial bus. I had the sense she was still supporting Jen even though she acknowledged that Jen was guilty. It was a brief weird scene.
  4. I'm from southwest Louisiana and I thought the same thing. Faint echos of how some people talk down there. Mixed with south Mississippi. But it's inconsistent and disappears entirely in some parts of the episodes.
  5. The episode implies that our fearless hunters discovered the Nazis in HSV. My Dad worked for NASA in Huntsville in the 70s (pronounced locally as HUNTSvul) and everybody in HSV knew that the US recruited Nazis and German scientists who worked for the Third Reich. Von Braun was a local hero. (We marveled that he had artificial turf for grass at his home.) Here is an article that describes why/how he became a Nazi: https://www.al.com/news/2017/10/was_wernher_von_braun_really_a.html
  6. I feel the same way. We see a kind of sprawled out small town on the show, and I have always envisioned a small-ish village circle or square with the three pines surrounded by the bistro, book store, B&B, and some characters' homes. Everyone can pop back and forth throughout the day.
  7. I guess they are deciding to abandon their professional careers in order to ride the Bravo train, much like the Southern Charm group. It appears many of them can fall back on their parents financially. I worry about Nicholas being a house husband the same way I worry about women who don't work. It's an admirable choice to be a fulltime parent if one can afford it (as are choices to work), but it's risky to abandon professional growth, not to mention a retirement account and Social Security contributions. My close friend in her 60s is facing these consequences now because of a divorce.
  8. My ancestor and his brothers served in Confederate forces. All of them came and went but were not punished. I was told that some officers allowed the men to go home and take care of family business; the officers looked the other way. It was not formal leave. Apparently my ancestor became very ill while serving and succumbed to the illness months later, at home. His brother simply walked away from the Army and they didn't bother hunting him. They are documented as deserters however. When I researched their regiments, I received a very stern reprimand from a modern volunteer who stopped just short of calling my relatives cowards. That was the least of my worries - I was still reeling from learning that I had Confederate soldier ancestors.
  9. Coach has played a clever long game in looking after his own ass.
  10. I appreciate Reuters verifying that family and friends were recipients of the ill-gotten gains. I've figured that all along.
  11. I appreciate the portrayal of Will's accent because it's Modern Southern. In many big southern cities like Atlanta one doesn't hear a lot of the traditional heavy southern accent in younger folks. (To me, Will is young.) That's due in part to folks moving in and out from all over the country. And I like that his accent is subtle, rather than the exaggerated cornpone we often get on TV. I thought this episode was a bit chaotic. Not as smooth and integrated as the previous two.
  12. Bravo is trying hard to rehabilitate her, especially since Lee is having health problems and his days on the show may be limited. Alissa is extremely immature, and production stress and lack of sleep don't help her state of mind. Alissa's drunken antics were embarrassing. Camille is playing the Bravo drama game better than Alissa, even if she gets fired. By that I mean Camille is doing exactly what the production crew tells her to do - throw tantrums, aggravate Alissa, break the rules...she's probably ready to leave the boat and have some me-time while she pursues her next TV gig. I laughed when the deckie was soothing Camille's ruffled feathers. He'll say anything to get more nookie. (He's practically invisible so I don't recall his name.) ETA: kudos to TexasGal for the nostalgic episode title!
  13. Mrs. Hall's character is too different from the books. I enjoy tough, cranky, aging Yorkshire housekeepers and do not like having to listen to Mary Poppins solve everyone's problems each week. I guess the producers felt they had to pander to the audience with this character. On a lighter note, James sure has pep in his step now that he's enjoying conjugal relations. And his character is less overshadowed by Tristan and Sigfriend during this second season. I do feel there's too much human focus and not enough farming and animals, regardless of the reasons.
  14. Didn't we learn way back in season one that it was Anisha's father who provided the funds for her business? I think we heard the $400K number then. I thought her dress samples looked as if they were hastily produced.
  15. Isn't this what one of the Atlanta housewives did? Certainly other celebrities have done it.
  16. Charisse doesn't have the confidence nor charisma for a housewives show. She's self-conscious about her weight so she doesn't bother to try to dress well. And she's adenoidal. Essentially, Karen pulled a Kathryn Dennis. This story about Karen throwing herself at the show's producers is so illuminating because she's extremely narcissistic, delusional and desperate. She's the least self-aware of all of the housewives.
  17. Coach may be waiting for the other shoe to drop. I think he will be nervous for at least several years.
  18. I think, like many couples, they stick together for financial reasons. Also, they cross-promote each other in a very visible business.
  19. Jen's mother Charlene Liu: https://www.nhpialliance.org/charlene-lui She is accomplished professionally.
  20. I agree. I remember in earlier episodes Jen hinted that her mother should help Jen financially, and in the final episode didn't Jen say something like "you offered to share your retirement accounts"? I didn't hear "you gave me money from your retirement accounts," but I may have misunderstood. Either way, in that earlier episode I thought Jen was trying to shame her mother into helping her financially because Jen had given her mother a lot of money over the years. Some social media claim that Charlene did indeed give Jen $1M from her retirement account. I've posted a link about Charlene's professional life in the media thread.
  21. I became distracted by Jeff Daniels' odd attempts at commentary. He seemed to be struggling to think of things to say. Maybe a good indicator of the need to refresh the show's format. The subjects' responses are formulaic.
  22. Sigh. How long before she's a yachtie, and I don't mean Below Deck.
  23. They will try to resurrect the carcass at least one more time. They will engineer a lot of fake conflict between the women, supplanted by occasional drunken outbursts from the lazy frat boys, with Whitney wafting in and out like a wraith. Patricia will be propped up for a few stilted appearances.
  24. Many years ago a friend's cousin was in the Moonie cult. Her father traveled to CA to try to rescue her, and he was there for weeks due to her brainwashed suspicions and paranoia. He would drive each day and sit near a little footbridge that bordered the Moonies' private property/compound. Eventually she would come stand near the bridge and listen to him try to reason with her. Finally one day she bolted across the bridge, and he scooped her into a rental car and drove her to a deprogrammer. The chaos around Jen's arrest was confusing, but I remember having a clear impression that Coach was on the phone telling Jen what to do as she sat in the car with the other women. I think we're missing half of the story - Coach's involvement. Did he go along for years, enjoying the fruits of Jen's felonious labor? Or did he let her play with the money so she was distracted while he led his own life? Once she was busted, did they have an agreement to protect his reputation so he could keep earning a healthy living and be there for the boys? Did he provide information to the feds in order to protect himself, but not tell Jen that he was talking to them? Also, it seems her income was shared with family and some friends. I guess they weren't criminally implicated. Heather seemed to be trying to put together the pieces, with suspicions about Coach. Even if he was "innocent," he manipulated Jen to control her until the legal process played out. Meredith probably knows a lot too. Bravo will never share, but perhaps we will see more in social media. Crying about Jen's sons...if she's as unstable at home as we've seen on the show, they may be relieved she's going away. We saw brief images of some of the women, half-naked, bouncing around on a bed, and someone drunkenly shouting "suck her titties!" What the hell? I will never get used to the idea that these women are willing to sink to such gutter depths, on-camera.
  25. Maybe their many US misdeeds are closing in on them and they need to beat feet to the UK.
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