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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. Maybe their many US misdeeds are closing in on them and they need to beat feet to the UK.
  2. I can understand guests being hungry and thirsty immediately after physical activity. Did their preference sheet mention potato chips? Perhaps Faye was trying to squeeze them in somewhere. But maybe power bars and a choice of drinks would have sufficed. Jess is a pill. I don't accept this nonsense about chefs always being temperamental. That's learned behavior and they should not be encouraged to be assholes. I fussed about long messy hair way back when Kate was chief stew. She specialized in the just-out-of-bedhead. And while I wear makeup, I would not appreciate anyone ordering me to wear a lot of it while I work hard. I think the only tolerable one in this gang is Kelsie. And Norway.
  3. Fraser's a horrible chief stew. Alissa is a bully-in-training. Although she was more tolerant of the obnoxious guests than I would be, especially if I'm already overworked. Maybe she kept telling herself that the behavior was producer-driven. Nor your personal audition space trying to catch producers' eyes. Camille is too exhausting to watch or post about.
  4. I'm a fan of the books so I'm going to give this a try. I too am glad it's not one-crime-each-week, which screams corporate TV. I've been spoiled by the very fine Under the Banner of Heaven and Black Bird, whose crimes required a season to solve. I'm glad to see Sonja Sohn again (The Wire) and I like Erika Christiansen's portrayal of the undercover cop.
  5. One factor in tracing native ancestry is the traditional resistance of many Native Americans to having their DNA collected. Also, their presence in what is now the US was so devastated - through slaughter, disease, starvation, freezing, children stolen and placed into adoption, etc. - that their numbers relative to other groups are minuscule.
  6. I also grew up listening to her (not my choice - I loved the Beatles and Motown). As a baby feminist I hated the lyrics to Stand By Your Man, but I adored the song because of the power and emotion of Tammy's fantastic voice. Plus, even feminists get their hearts broken by a no-good man. Despite my earlier doubts, Shannon really pulled this off. Chastain is a fantastic actress, but I've grown tired of seeing her in everything. And I'll never forgive her for that wretched, cartoonish performance as Celia in The Help.
  7. It may vary from state to state, but anyone can be put on a title without being a party to a mortgage. It's an advantage to the party who isn't on the mortgage - that's why Vishal and Richa keep joking about it. She's a property holder without making any financial commitments. I still think that since Vishal's family is in real estate, there's more to this story. We got the obligatory Nicholas having a dramatic moment, running out of the room. I can see where this storyline is headed.
  8. ...including exposure to Andy. I speculate that Andy allowed Brooks to design some of the horrible fashion we see on these women this season. Didn't Meredith wear one of his velvet and feathers monstrosities on the show last season?
  9. And there it was - the moment every season when Karen's cool grand dame persona slips and she's brawling with another housewife. Also, I laughed when she threw shade at Robyn's "fake engagement ring."
  10. I enjoyed the Pocahontas story - that is a remarkable discovery. Her tribe, and six others that have been in Virginia forever, fought for federal recognition for decades and finally received it about four years ago. When Native Americans began to protest their treatment in the 1960s, it became fashionable for White people to claim native ancestry. I recently attended a workshop led by a Lakota attorney. At one point she said "If any of you are telling people that you are descended from a Cherokee princess, please knock it off." The Cherokees and the other "Five Civilized Tribes" were marched along many routes from the southeastern US to Oklahoma and elsewhere. Due to somewhat sloppy tribal enrollment (many Indians were arbitrarily left off of the original tribal rolls) and land allotments that were given then taken away, reliable data on native heritage can be hard to find. Blood quantums are specific to each tribe. Add to that the fact that the five tribes owned slaves and had children with them (they were called "civilized" because they assimilated or adapted to European ways, including slavery). Many Black people do have true native ancestry. Now there are two legally separate Cherokee Nations.
  11. What happens if someone doesn't make progress on restitution in a federal conviction? Are there consequences?
  12. Happy Bravo Comeuppance Day. Rinna's gone, and Jen Shah (RHoSLC) is getting her ass handed to her in federal court as I write this.
  13. I loved Miss Barbara's "Bible Club!". She's got her priorities. I wish we could hear more from her. Like others, my favorite characters are these adorable kids. Does anyone remember in the olden days there were color-coded reading groups? I think the colors represented reading proficiency, and of course schools would not do this today.
  14. I thought David's fortune was decimated (he's a time-share maven) during the recession, not to mention the pandemic.
  15. From Blind Gossip: https://blindgossip.com/drunk-and-junk-housewife/
  16. As children my brothers had white PJs with NASA logos just like Brooks' tracksuits. It's remarkable. It's like a pod person took over her body. One that drinks too much. I agree with this. It's what all the best angry mean girls do. I continue to dislike Meredith's family using her nephew's mental illness for camera time. Also, we do not need another "charity" that will rapidly disappear. Will the sister receive an "executive director's" income from that charity? Another common scam. Hilarious and very apt. Bravo should drag all of the thirsty has-been housewives and dump them into a very special episode - where are they now. (Running from bill collectors, selling knock-off designer duds on eBay, hosting a tired desperate podcast) Meredith's lovely black sequined pantsuit almost made up for her red wonky nipple dress.
  17. I can never forget that the family allowed some caged pets to die because the family couldn't be bothered to remember to feed them.
  18. Perhaps Jess is an introvert. She loves the challenge of cooking great food, but she hates being surrounded by people and the inevitable chaos of a small work area. I'm enjoying the episodes when the guests are pleasant folks. This gang was very appreciative and friendly. The jellyfish victim was notably calm. The chief stew seems like a lightweight compared to some other BD stews. Perhaps that's why "nobody respects her." That, and her preoccupation with her appearance (the real reason she doesn't want to get wet). The helpless "Ooh I'm scared" crap during the canyoning event was cringe worthy. I noticed how there were no strapping men rushing in to rescue her. Just one quiet "you can do this." And how many times did she call attention to her bolt-ons?
  19. When he apologized the next morning, I thought that production made him do it. They chose to allow the behavior to happen, and included it in the edited episode, then carefully had him apologize on camera. They are trying to cause drama while covering their liability asses.
  20. I think Camille is being coached by production, playing the villain, but she thinks that production thinks she's sassy and clever. It's just dawning on Camille that she's being set up to get tossed off the boat, and she will lose her camera exposure. That's all she cares about.
  21. I wonder if the scenario is fake. Vishal's family is in real estate.
  22. And costs have soared due to pandemic supply and labor issues. I had a few boards replaced on my porch and I was shocked at the cost of materials.
  23. It will be interesting to see how the women talk about Jen once she's in the slammer. What will be best for ratings? More "poor Jen" or will they do a hatchet job? Or maybe even never mention her, as if the whole thing never happened.
  24. Of course they have. But based on my viewing, there was no proof and, again, this is production hijinks. I truly think the general public - the minor few that were aware - did not take it seriously; it was a tiny blip on the radar. Chris and Eddie don't seem the type. Also, people are rarely ostracized for simple flirting. It happens millions of times a day. In fact, where I come from, a little light flirting is welcomed and acceptable. It's part of social discourse. Nobody runs around saying "don't smile at my man!" Well, maybe teenagers.
  25. They are trying to turn the mothers into snarling Real Housewives. Too bad, because the parents were once the best part of this series. Meanwhile, all of the younger folks need to grow up and cut the proverbial apron strings. (And parental credit cards) I suspect Brian's parents are paying the rent in the new place (unless it's a production set). I laughed at Anisha's mother, shutting down her daughter's endless whining. Anisha was building up a good head of Poor Me steam and her mother smoothly told her to knock it off. Why would anyone put a non-spouse on the title to a home? I'd like to know what kind of title Richa signed. Also, will she be contributing to the mortgage payments? If not, this continues to seem like the establishment of a old-fashioned "mom and kids keep the house after a divorce," only the two are supposedly not married yet. When will the editors show them as married?
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