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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. This ruined the show for me. I couldn't get over how stupid the vicar was. The wife's death was a TV trope. But because of Tucci and Tennant, I kept watching. Also, ABRTV (anything but reality TV). After the first episode I ran to IMDB to learn more about the talented Atkins Estimond (Dillon). All the actors were excellent. Thanks buttersister for explaining the senator's payments. I was confounded by that twist and just didn't care to rewind to figure it all out. I figured the scriptwriter was simply trying to insert twists, this one laboring to bring several of the characters together in the middle of nowhere. I was distracted by US election news coverage. Where is the wife's head? Why did her husband cut it off?
  2. I enjoyed The Murmuring. It held my attention and was quite moving at times. Who else thought of Lois? (You know who you are.) Andrew Lincoln can dance!
  3. Her affect is often very odd. Surely Bravo can find another female captain. Or perhaps the good ones won't be associated with this show.
  4. Thank the heavens. Let's leave Sandy to just driving the boat.
  5. I heard Lestat pronounce "New Orleans" the modern way - New OR-lins. When I lived there as a child, there were varied pronunciations. Many said "New OR-lee-ans," pronouncing four syllables. My grandmother told me it was the correct, french pronunciation. New Or-LEENZ was also common, and one would also hear New OR-lins. Now everyone insists the latter is the only correct pronunciation, which is not true. Lestat would have used the french style. "
  6. Think of how many kids there are like this. I watched it with a sibling and then a niece. No cops or violence, just shifted around schools , ignored by teachers, bullied by kids. For most, their promise is never fulfilled, and they have lonely lives because they are different. Charter schools remind me of the "academies" in my day in the South. Integration = thundering white flight = private white academies = crumbling public school infrastructure. A cousin who teaches in a rural southern public school actually apologized to me because she could no longer afford to send her child to a private academy. I'm wildly protective of our Janine. Not many characters like her in TV land. I love this show so much I'm already worrying about how many seasons we will have.
  7. Not to mention derivative (American Sniper). I saw it comin'.
  8. Yeah, during the second season the parents were already showing signs of pandering to the camera too much, and now we have this mess.
  9. I think you nailed it. Production pulled two stories out of that set-up: visiting Candiace and looking for a new home. In-laws had a home by the Shenandoah River near Bluemont, and I was just there to ramble around the fall foliage. That part of Virginia is where some deep pockets live. It's charming and I'd live there but it's not practical. These planned fight clubs are so tired and boring. Robyn didn't even bother - just stalked out to the bus. What ever happened to the Atlanta restaurant Jamal promised the girls? I'd love Candiace's hair but she can't stop running her hands through it. One of my top pet peeves - hands constantly in the hair.
  10. How funny that your excellent recap completely ignored the gratuitous nudity at the end. We are jaded to the camera whores' desperation.
  11. Too many side stories in the script. The show has lost focus.
  12. According to various books/reports, Rick H. was not handed a business. The reporting claims that he was given a small amount of funding (inheritance? gift?) and of course he had the Hilton name. I loathe the Hiltons, but it must be said that Paris makes a fortune as a DJ. When she first began to find success, I read a lengthy magazine or newspaper story explaining that her parents were not as wealthy as everyone assumed - in fact were struggling - and that Paris was supporting her family. Also, I can never ignore the fact that Rick and Kathy helped broker Paris' sex tape. Instead of guiding her in a different direction, they supported that sleazy escapade. And I believe took a fee. Mauricio originally struck me as very well-mannered and charming, which goes a long way for a realtor's success. But the greedy deal that got him in trouble, his lashing out at Kim in the long-ago limo ride, and now his endless appearances as a stoned idiot, have caused me to revise my opinion. I won't be watching him and his vapid, entitled daughters.
  13. I watched Grint's episode. The story is based in Massachusetts, but we have a Navajo calling him a bilagaana (Navajo, or Dine, for white person) and giving him the magic elixir. What is a Navajo doing in Massachusetts? Did the writers just not care and insert any old Indian into the story? Native people consider this kind of behavior a microaggression.
  14. It was the brilliance of his psychopathy. I think he knew that if he did everything but penetrate, excuses would be made. After all, when this story happened, we weren't too far removed from a time when young brides were a routine thing. In the 70s my cousin was 15 when she married a 16-year-old, with both parents' permission. (A baby was on the way.) Jerry Lee Lewis (RIP) married a 14-year-old, with her parents' permission. Also, a friend from a different culture than mine said that anal sex is used by teenagers so that the girl can say she is a virgin when she marries. The LDS did not necessarily frown upon very young brides. The church and its community would look for a way to make excuses. In a bizarre coincidence, I am remembering a kind of urban legend that swept my middle school during the time Jan's story happened. It was said that aliens were going to land, kidnap teenage girls, and take them back to their planets for breeding. I kid not. Clusters of teenage girls were obsessed with this rumor for weeks and discussed it non-stop. Half kind of believed it and were kind of excited it was going to happen. Alien boyfriends!
  15. Or titillate the sick creeps who watch and enjoy the images.
  16. And poor Jasper, a child dragged along to support his father's loathsome schemes and being used as forced child labor in the "fun place." How he must have suffered. Agree that Lacey is an excellent actor. They all are, although I'm finding Hanks' and Pacquin's performances weak. Perhaps it's the passive ineffectual parents they play. I do feel a brush of whitewash - Jan (and her mother?) giving the story some spins to make Jan's parents appear better than they were. Even as sheltered as I was at 12 - 14 in the dark ages, at some point I would have questioned the entire alien construct. Jan and her family seem a bit dim. I guess she feared for her younger sisters and was protecting them.
  17. If I recall correctly, there was a settlement, presumably by Mauricio, whose details were not revealed. In other words, Mauricio was found to be at fault
  18. The South is way behind on its residents accepting spaying, adoptions, enforcing anti-cruelty laws and so on. Unwanted dogs are shipped to other parts of the US on a regular basis. There was a reality show about 15 years ago about a Mississippi woman - I think she was a realtor - who had organized a system to deliver huge truckloads of unwanted dogs to the north and midwest. I have noticed the southern animal shelter system has improved a bit over the past 10 years. I had to drive through two rural counties once just to get a stray injured dog to an emergency vet on a Sunday.
  19. Erin has also been featured in "Southern Living" magazine four times, the most recent of which is about their new country home.
  20. I'll watch this space to learn whether they are continuing their trend toward renovating big expensive houses, then decide whether to spring for a streaming subscription. 😁
  21. She was doing true restoration of old houses, which I loved despite her sometimes-obnoxious personality. I was able to track down some rare kitchen cabinet hinges based on a brief comment she made during one episode.
  22. Based on my experience growing up in conservative (fundamentalist Christian) communities. status is one of the reasons things go awry in those communities. Priests, preachers, deacons, bishops, etc. (and their spouses) are mini-gods and rarely challenged. If a church member challenges that authority, throw 'em out, or shame 'em publicly. Reward group mind-think and the sheep mentality with praise, inclusion, and singular special treatment. The environment is bona fide cult-like, according to professional definitions of cults. It's traumatic for many. Predators and abusers thrive in this environment. I know several men whose parents were flattered that their boys were singled out for solo camping trips with church members who had status - sexual predators who masqueraded as youth pastors, Sunday school teachers, or choir leaders. My relative complained to her pastor that her husband - a deacon - was beating her regularly, and the pastor told her to "stop making him mad." I can barely watch this series because of Jan's parents' willful determination to make excuses for Brother B and failure to act successfully to protect her from him. It still goes on - witness the Duggars' protection of their sexual predator son.
  23. The penthouse is in Arlington, VA, not DC. When I checked the county's property database, Ashley's name was on the title. Virginia is an equitable division state, not a community property state.
  24. Kathryn Dennis' child support (Southern Charm} was held to the minimum required by state guidelines. She had two kids with a very wealthy man, and there was no long-term pattern of living in luxury. Her greedy strategy to live off of child support backfired.
  25. I liked the first episode, and I loved the second one. I'm way in! Great acting by all, true suspense, and a twist (that I spotted in advance). This is the kind of TV I have been missing.
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