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Everything posted by bijoux

  1. List is Australian and British. It's ride in the US.
  2. He didn't, the Sand Snakes killed him.
  3. Sheep shift. 😁 Ah, the innocent days. Which is why if there is any sexual healing in store for Sansa there is only one logical candidate.
  4. Jon didn't kill Ygritte. Olly shot an arrow through her.
  5. Ohh hell, it's spreading. I've been noticing the subjective I being used in place of the objective me for a while and it's insane. Now this too? 😥
  6. My friend had a non-TV version of that happen to her a couple of months back. Hit an oily spot as she was rounding a bend in the road (knowing her, going too fast), the car rolled multiple times and landed on the roof, no chasing bad guys before or after the flipping though. She crawled out through a broken window, uninjured apart from some bruises. Didn't even call an ambulance, her husband came to pick her up and then took her to the ER after the car was towed. The human body is the weirdest thing. Back in eight grade I walked through a glass wall. Not a scratch. Meanwhile, I bump into a desk and the bruise takes a week to fade
  7. I am truly and deeply disappointed that Gary didn’t think to put the tampons vertically in 18 years. Tsk, Gary. Tsk.
  8. Thanks, @topanga. I was mulling over whether to watch it or not because I wasn't sold based on the trailers. I guess I'll use those 90 minutes some other way. Meanwhile, I am super bummed that Dumplin'still hasn't been added to my Netflix. I actually am interested in that one. Usually, the original lroductions are added simultaneously to the US release. I don't get what the hold up here is.
  9. I thought that particular hat was meant to be worn that way. I think she screwed him after screwing him. You know Dan would have gotten too big for his britches during the campaign trail after they screwed. So I imagine Selina just curtailed that promptly.
  10. Even more hilarious than vapid Barbie Amy was Dan getting unceremoniously fired at the end.
  11. KA has such a weird sense of... well, not humor, but something. That joking around about him being an arsonist and killer reads even weirder than his perpetual hard on for DDDiaz killing Felicity.
  12. I'm waiting to binge the show after the season ends so I had no idea about this.
  13. Another Groot/Paul Rudd combo. Though like @Sakura12, I don’t really think it describes me.
  14. It isn't even just Andrew, even if he's the worst, we've seen her falling for what Tom was feeding her once again as well. Selina's a complete mess when it comes to men.
  15. Has anyone figured out the point of the season 4 credits song? Because I've just finished the first seasons and I completely forgot about how that song paied off in a huge way in the season finale. It was brilliant. Has someone figured out something amazing about the season four song that's escaped me?
  16. I'm doing a rewatch after the series finale and I was surprised how much I enjoyed the love triangle stuff this time around. Maybe it's because now I know how it ends, but it's utterly hilarious. The sex dream had me in stitches. Oh, Nathaniel. - Oh, girl who works for me. And the creamer, good Lord, the creamer. Who knows, maybe when things settle for me, I'll even enjoy some things in season 4 I didn't the first time around.
  17. One, is that Oliver's happy times hoodie from the S4 premiere? Two, CL was there? Sara takes someone, Oliver or Felicity, on board the ship?
  18. She still says it's their last day of shooting S7, not hers. Do they get offed in the future? I hope Roy makes it, but I can't find it in me to feel sorry about the other two's potential demise.
  19. Is the photo with JM from the season premiere or do they actually bring kid Will back for the finale?
  20. She was 26-ish when the show started (the camp she and Josh were at at 16 was in 2005, and she says to Mrs Chan it was 10 or so years ago when they first meet), and there were those two biggish time jumps - during Heather's pregnancy and now the year in the finale. So my guess would be 31-32.
  21. I think her mother was out of town and apparently her father couldn’t take care of himself for a few days.
  22. https://tv.avclub.com/how-crazy-ex-girlfriend-got-to-eleven-o-clock-1833804512 It’s a good article with a video of the song coming together creatively, and some good pics. I especially enjoyed the one of Vella Lovell and David Hull practicing for the special. There’s also this fun misprint: 😅 Particularly fun because George actually was in the background of the shot where Rebecca talked about maybe finding love in the room and I did think maybe his lustrous pony would enchant her. I couldn’t help myself, I watched the special again. What’s a woman? Panty liners in Period Sex, dropping the lift from Let’s Have Intercourse and Scott pulling on Rachel’s hair all had me in stitches. I just love it so much. And props to the cast on the tap dancing and the coordination during I’m So Good At Yoga.
  23. I’d really appreciate a pic of OTA with the next generation.
  24. Agreed. It really stood out to me during Vincent's solo. I remember I've Got My Head In The Clouds being weaker on the show than what he gave in the special.
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